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Advance Recipe Manager
Organize and browse your recipes with ease and analyse their nutrient contents.
Family Health
Life styles, bully control,health managers,antibiotic resistance?
Eating Disorders
10 Things Parents Can Do to Help Prevent Eating Disorders. Info. Page
Dine Out Smart
There's no doubt about it�Americans love to dine out! Over the past 10 years, we've been dining out more often, consuming an average of 4.2 commercially prepared meals each week, according to a survey by the National Restaurant Association.
Eight Keys to a Healthy Weight
Many think we need to look like the superfit models, actresses and athletes we see on TV or in the movies. And advertising messages reinforce the impression that thinness equals happiness. The truth is, we're all very different. Body weight and shape are influenced by factors we can't control, including genetics.
Free Medical Dictionary 1.0
The Free Medical Dictioanry is a searchable glossary of medical terms from almost all specialties and fields of medicine, including: general medical terminology, pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, health conditions, medical devices, medical abbreviations, and more. Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP


Health 3.0.251
Health is a software application designed for people with Diabetes and/or Hepertension (High Blood Pressure). Health records and graphs your Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure (Systolic, Diastolic, and Pulse), Weight, Temperature, A1c Test, Cholesterol, Supplements, Medications Schedule, Questions for the Doctor, Bowel Movement, Medical Team, Meal Plan, and Pain values. The latest addition to the software package is the 'Medical Team" module
Health Browser
Health Browser is a health themed web browser that delivers easy navigation to health related websites, world health news and information, health topics, and more
.Store all your Family's Medical info in this easy to use program. It's easy to setup and use. It doesn't have any "bells and whistles" of the larger, commercial programs but it's a good, simple program.
Natural Healing
Natural Healing Introduction lists and describes alternative medicine therapies such as: Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Autogenic training, Ayurveda, Biofeedback, Chiropractic treatment, Color therapy, Herbs, Herbal remedies, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, Hypnosis, Massage, Magnetic fields, Meditation, Nutrition, Sound therapy, Therapeutic touch, Tissue salts, Visualization, and Yoga. Included you will find pictures, samples and limitations. The program does not invite to diagnose or prescribe.
Web Med
Comprehensive health resources for consumers, physicians, nurses, and educators. Includes news, chat... leading source for trustworthy and timely health and medical news and information
Med Line
Drug ... News Health News from the past 30 days.over 600 topics on conditions, diseases and wellness.
Natural Healing
describes alternative medicine therapies such as: Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Autogenic Training, Ayurveda, Biofeedback, Chiropractic Treatment, Color Therapy, Herbs, Herbal Remedies, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, Hypnosis, Massage, Magnetic Fields, Meditation, Nutrition, Sound Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, Tissue Salts, Visualization, and Yoga. The opening page gives a quick overview of the available articles which can be opened by clicking on the corresponding button. 'Natural Healing Introduction' adds samples - like the Herbal First Aid Kit - and interactive pages - like the Tridosha Self-Test. Included with each page of this educational software are pictures and photos as well as listings of useful applications for each particular therapy.
Search for your item in more than 20 medical search engines arranged by type of search: health articles, medical words, medical abbreviations, Medical Images, Drugs, Laboratory Tests, Health News, and more. These medical search engines are specially designed for health consumers to save time and effort.
Recipe Master
RecipeMaster is the comprehensive recipe database system,4 health,weight watch.
Weight Loss Thoughts
Before reaching for your pocket to pay for magic pills or powders, patches, dieting programs etc., LEARN what's best for you.
The top 10 health concerns of 2003
What are the 10 most concerns..??? Check this out.
Calorie Control Council
If you're looking for information on cutting calories and fat in your diet, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, or your favorite low-calorie, reduced-fat foods and beverages (and the ingredients that make them possible)... you've come to the right place!
Eating Habits
Ten Simple Healthy Eating Habits to Prevent Weight Gain:What to eat,Where to eat,When to eat,How much to eat,Shopping & eating out,
Stretching and Flexibility
Stretching and Flexibility Everything you never wanted to know how to's and not to's get all your information here..
Walking Weight Control Toolbox
Print out free daily, weekly, or monthly walking logs,How far, how fast, how often to walk to achieve your weight control goals.A comprehensive fitness analysis and personalized advice for you in seconds
Exercise & Weight Information
Everybody seems to be interested in weight control. Some of us weigh just the right amount, others need to gain a few pounds. Most of us "battle the bulge" at some time in our life. Whatever our goals, we should understand and take advantage of the important role of exercise in keeping our weight under control.
Happy Women ?
Well it supposed to be for women,but do they think they only ones who have a (under weight or over weight) problem,go fiqure..check this site out..
Wellness and Natural Healing
Wellness and Natural Healing software, covers Free relief using Alternative Medicine Remote Energy Balance method to relief pain and discomfort, faster than any other method existing today, also included is Color Therapy treatments for several conditions, in total about 100 body locations and ailments are covered, which could translate into thousands of situations.
XTerm Medical Dictionary
XTerm Medical Dictionary is a quick reliable reference tool. The database contains a constantly changing number of classical and contemporary medical terms. The search engine allows to browse, get list by wildcards, look in definitions. The database of medical terms contains definitions, abbreviations, symbols, eponyms, mnemonics of medical conditions, anatomical structures, procedures, drug mechanisms, chemicals, medical associations, measure units etc. There is an update every 10-14 days. It is not necessary to download the install kit again; just push the Update button on XTerm Medical Dictionary's toolbar and follow the instructions.

Latest Health News

Smoke Away 7 Day smoke away herbal stop smoking pill click here to quit smoking!

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Cyber Kiss
Losing Weight Slowly and Steadily
Twenty Useful Tips To Help You Quit Smoking
Tips and Advice for Better Health
33 Tips For Successful Dieting
Walking for Exercise and Pleasure
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The ABC Of Good Health
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