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Dodger Game
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About Me


September 16, 2003

yea mi padre just got a new car woot woot but he said it will be mine next year =\ gay yea its a red used 98 v6 xle camry, believe it or not it still looks brand new. i was hoping that it would be mine liek rite now but nooooooooooo they dont trust me drivin to school or anywhere just excpet for my coc class >_< wen igot home todai my dad made me wash both the accord and his new car.. damn it was freaken hott as hell, i thought washing yer car is not suppose to make u sweat =\ owellz. no i must go bak to estudiar mi espanol......
Posted by johnny on 7:36 PM. ()


September 7, 2003

[Friday] umm i got to meet conan obrien and got a pic with him, dude that guy is freaken effing tall!!! yea and i saw jane's addiction perfom on stage there alright. later on me michelle and carol go to eat at california pizza kitchen with these 4 other people, i tihnk they were michelles friends so yea they were so generous to pay for us. dude i notice that im always the person to finish up peoples food if they cannot finsh it >_< dude im not a damn human garbage desposal, hehhe jm but its sall good, i need to gain sum weight anywayz. so yea later on that day chris, michelle, pierre, alain, phong, carol, and me thought about havein a party at my house cuz our parents were out of town heheh ;D but yea we were all at del taco for like and hour deciding if we should but then we ended up not having one cuz i guess it was a last minute thing that u cant plan =\. so yea later on we did sum other stuff around burbank and cam home around 2 i think

[Saturday] today was my first day reffing the football games. hhehe it was fun except that it was SOOOO FREAKEN DAYMN HOTT AS HELL!!! i reffed about 5 games and when i got home i noticed that i had a MAJOR sock tan. hehheh dude it freaken looks like im wearin a sock heehe. so yea like around 3 i tihnk, val calls, >_< wtfreak, it was wierd cuz since that she never EVER calls me at all, not even once throughout the almost 9 months weve been together -_-;; yea kinda messed up aint it =\...but yea later on todai me chris and phil go to sea world cuz we had free tickets from my dads company. It was like a freaken 3 hour drive shiet but we managed to get there. yea the park was only opend to my dads company so itwas even crowded at all, and no line for any of the rides the only thing that we had to wait in line was to get food >_< yea that was the only thni crowded heheh. yea it was pretty fun. we took sum pics, as usual, so you could check them out at philip's site and o yea we saw these cute penguins and sum of them reminded us of our cuzin dweebs (duy) cuz it had hair like him with the "long bangs" goin on hahhaha so we called it "the duy penguin" heheh. i got saokin wet there also from the shipwreck rapids ride, hehhe that ride was awesome. we all got soaked from the waterfall that they tried to trick us with heheh o yea we also got to see SHAMUs hehehe there awesome. and o yea we went to go watch sum 3d show which was pretty gay/awesome but me and philip stole te glasses when were suppose to put it in the trashcans on our way out heheh oops forgot i guess ;D hehehe. hahah and o yea there was palce inside there called "beer school" ;D where you could test out beer for free n stuff so chris got sum beer, and it was pretty good, i think it was bicardi or sumthin, but the only thing that matters that it was FREE hehe so yea then we almost got lost goin bak home to the moreno valley house and that almost took 2 hours but we managed to get home so we got bak aorund 2 or 3 ish.

[Sunday] basically just did home work and o yea i got my sunglasses yesterday at val surf and now my parents are tellin me to return it now just becuase they think its not worth it >_< GAYNESS!!!!!!!
Posted by johnny on 10:39 PM. ()


August 30, 2003

hahah today was a fun day it all started out weni went to go race chris hahah my car stalled rite wen i was about to launch and so he beat me ther and da second i beat him. heheh he was using his old ass van tho hehhe so later on we go to the airsoft store wit tim to see if we could have our guns fixed but dey couldnt fix it =\ o wells so yea we had no idea wtf to fer like and hour so we chilled at tims house and in jeffs backyard eventho he wasnt even home >_< so then we go bak to my house to dropp off my car cuz i wasnt really suppose to be takin the car out heheh opps shhhhhh dont telll NOBODY, but sadly my dad was home and i think i might get another lecture tom. =\ so then we go to random peopls houses cuz we were that bored hehhe uhh we went to chris house den i tihnk vals house and den ashleys house. hehhe it was funny there. but dont wanna type much about it cuz too lazy. so then we decide to go to the model houses down more on copper hill so i could show chris and tim how my other house looks like in riverside. then later we head up to joannes house but i think she wasnt home er sumthin but we see these computers just on the streets. so we picked it up and put it in the trunk so we could bash them all up with a bat heheh that was soooo awesome!!!! i notice that right after u hit sumthin as hard as u can with a bat, it feels so damn good, it relieves stress hehhe. but it was crazy tho cuz we left all the pieces of the comp all over bouquet park. hehehe shhhhh we didnt do it honestly so then we go get sum boba in balboa. after that we went go get a birthday card for tims mom hehehehh doode we gave like the best birthday card EVER!!! i dont think anyones could compare. dude we got a card with lke WWF peeps on it lookin all hardcore and shiet and da card said "FROM all OF US" so yea we go bak to chris's house to go print out pictures of our faces and glue it on the head of those wrestlers. dude its looks soooooo real man!!!we all looked buff n shiet hahah my face was on THE ROCK tims was on sum unknown guy and chris's face was on sum black guy HAHHAHAH good times good times. so we gave tims mom the card and she starts laughin hard. hehehhe cmon who wouldnt, its like the best birthday card ever. dood u just hafta see it its da bomb yoh. so then we go pick up raine and den bash up the computers n stuff then we go to yamabes house to see if he gots any supplies such as food stuff so we could put it all over sumones yard hehhehe shhhhh i kno were bad...first we try to get this person house (im not gonna say who) but thins guy outta nowhere and says, "wat are u boys thinks yer doin" OMG that scared the shiet outta me so then we decide to get another person house (and not ognna say who) and did a lil stuff to that persons house, but it wasnt that bad >_< couldve been better. o wells
yea its kinda late and im blogging at 2 am and i gotta wake up early tom for my referring training =\
Posted by johnny on 2:02 AM. ()


August 25, 2003

hmmm well the first week of school went by really quick. i think i have learned that school its just long and hard and fulll of seamen hehe jm, dude wat are u thinkin ;D so yea getting out at lunch is pretty cool, almost the whole ive been goin over to stevens cuzins house jsut to play sum ping pong and ride go peds hehheh yea when the ping pong intermurals come up i tihnk imma play in that shiet lol. yea on frieday there was the "MORP" dance at our school. hehhe it was pretty awesome. hehe and o yea i was about to go drive there myself, and so i was in the car and my dad starts yelling " WHAT THE HELL DO U THINK YUR DOIN, GET OUT OF THE CAR" I WAS JUST LIKE WHOA DUDE CALM DOWN, i thought i was able to drive myself cuz my mom said i could, but owellz watevers =\. so then we go to pick up patrick and then go to the dance, then we both walk around to go look for the others, and then we see val and sharokina and then later on sum other peeps. the dance was fun especially cuz i got to dance with val the whole time ^_^

[Saturday] well the begining of my weekend was boring, i tihnk saturday i woke up around 12 pm hehhehe cuz last nite i went to sleep around 2, so i kinda wasted half of my day there =\. so basically most of this whole day i did my hw woohho how fun =\. then around 8 er 9ish me and chris decided to go get sum boba cuz we were bored >_< and so chris asked his friend anna to go and also her lil 5 year old sis abby went too. yea i didnt think that she was suppose to be out of the house cuz her parents werent home =\ o ya hahahha abby is sooooooo cute and crazy. at first she was all quiet n shy and outta nowhere she starts yellin and sayin " A GIANT JELLY FISH" and started sayin all these other quotes that from the cartoons and tv shows she watched. GAWD she scared the hell outta me many freaken times geeeeeeeeeeeeeeees MAn i was stuck in the back seat with her the whole time >_< and then outta no where she starts tikkling me >_< shes crazy lol but yea anywayz as we got to the boba place, the store jsut closed...shiet =[...... so then we went to get sum ice cream at baskin robins dude that store jsut freaken closed on us also, so we tried to convince the workers to let us get sum icecream by showing abby wanted sum ice cream hehhehe and eventually the guy was kind enough to let us have sum ice cream ^_^ hahah rite after abby ate like a lil spoon of ice cream she goes even more CRAZY !!!! she starts running around the area and starts yellin like she was charging at sumthin heheh but it was sooo cute tho lol. then later on anna parents came home from where ever they went and picked her up from baskins robins. then me and chris went to brandons house and chilled there fer awhile with steven, brandon, and brandon.

[Sunday] todai started out by goin to church and then me and my mom went to sum korean market thats across the street from where the mann thers use to be. so while i was there all of a sudden i see annie. hahah i knew i would expect to see sum korean person that i knew hehehh. then later on todai my mom dropped me off at philips house becuz we were gonna go to the dodger game becuz my mom got us sum free tickets from her me and philip wait ahile till chris and alain to pick us up and go. we kinda arrive there late at the 5th inning but our seats were pretty close, they were closer than the seat we had last time. the baseball game was pretty boring becuase i dont really like baseball and its sucks ass, but i had free tickets so y no go ya kno =\ so yea we took some funny pics again hehhe so ill probably have those up later on when i get it from philip but that kinda got boring. ^_^ but anyways yea the dogers freaken SUCK becuase they lost to the freaken mets and they are in freakin last place >_< ghey. so as the game ended we went to alains house and chilled there till michelle got back. while we were waiting till michelle came me philip and amy watched saving silverman hahha that movie is sooo funny, just watchin jack black act just reminds me of paul hheheh. then michelle came bak, heheh i see that she had threw up on the streets cuz she had car sick from drinkin the ice coffee from lee's sandwich. hahha it was hella nasty lookin at it and then philip busted out his camera and took a picture of her barf >_< heheh so then we left and dropped off philip at his house and then tina. freaken right after we dropped of tina at her house we get into a freaken car acciddent...damn tina is all yer fault hehe jm well it wasnt that bad but me and michelle got sum wiplash but chris didnt but yea my neck kinda hurts a lil cuz we got hit from behind, 3 cars were involved and i tihnk the guy from the very behind was under the influence cuz i kinda smell the alcohol that he was drinkin. then i see tina, gina, diana, and my uncle come outside to see what had happend. yea the bumper is just pushed in a little but u cant even tell we got into an accident =\ o wellz. it was a good thing that i wasnt driving becuz i was thinkin about driving home and chris was gonna let me, but i said no, sall good... but yea i thot i kinda got lucky. but the important thing is that everyone was alrite..=\

so that was how my weekend went!!
Posted by johnny on 12:38 AM. ()


August 19, 2003

ok ummm first day of school was ok .... i think >_< just seemed like a normal day yea its kinda cool getting out at lunch heheh yesterday i went to stevens house after lunch den we went to pick up his cuzin at placerita den after that we went to play with his cuzins GO PEDS!!! heheheh those things kick ass, there soooooo much fun dude i wanna get my self one of dese, hehhe yea i almost fell on dat shit acouple times heheheh but i didnt lucky me eh? lol yea me and steven raced on those bad boyz and i freaken smoked him hard hehehhehe. but the race was kinda like i was the "little civic" vs "the big ass hummer" heheh yea then later on we went to sum korean supermarket and i got this awesome drink hehehh like the bottle uses a marble as cap fer it. yea sounds wierd but if u see it youll understand hehe. then he just took me home

today was and ok day also, chris took me home this time wit steven and we went to stevens cuzins house again even tho no one was home we jsut snuck in sorta hahah yea we started palyin sum "extreme ping pong" hahah we used like 2 ping pongs at one time man dat shiet its hella hard but fun ^_^ we didnt get to ride the go peds again tho o wellz =\ i wanted to smoke steven again hehhe o yea todai think i kept on buggin my parents if they would allow me drivin my car to school just until michelle and chris go bak to school. cua the car is just gonna be stayin at home so y not take it ya kno. but i asked my parents they got all CRAZY ON ME and started to yell n shiet and said "if u keep askin ill cuz off your insurance" =\ nooooo anything but that doode i got hella scared after they said that and then dey kept tellin me all this stuff about drivin blah blah blah i wasnt really listening but yea. at the end they told me they will think about it and see if they will let me drive for tthe next upcoming weeks till bro and sis go bak to schoo. but eventually deyll say no to sumthin like this >>>crosses fingers<<<< cuz normally im suppose to wait fer ken at 2 for a ride but i told them i dont want to wait that long in the "HOTT" sun and my dad hates it if i had to wait in the sun fer no reason and all that ish so yea immm outs laters
Posted by johnny on 10:26 PM. ()


August 17, 2003

ok my weekend was kinda boring didnt really do anything but yea and school starts tomorrow, dam its too early to go back to school!!?!?

[friday] ummm friday i was bored that day so i decided to go to vals house again and chill wit her. SO then around 6ish i had to go pick up my dad at the train station cuz the car had broken down and its in the shop rite now, SHIT so that means i cant drive to school for this week GAWD DAMMIT, i knew sumthin like this was gonna happen >:O and today i talked to vivian and she told me her story about philip and her were goin out hehehhe sorry dawg i wanted to kno about it and u dint really tell me ;D yea while we talked it seemed like we think alike cuz we kept on sayin da samething n stuff hehe it was like "is there an echo in this room, is there an echo in this room" hehhehe. later on that day me, jeff, mel, val, corry, derrick, and vanessa went to the mall, we were all suppose to go see a movie that day but i guess some of them didnt really want to >_< but o wells, it was kinda wierd cuz we like all split up n stuff. i went with val and vanessa to go buy shoes cuz i didnt wanna sit on that bench da whole time cuz it felt wierd. yea den we came bak to see if dey were still dere, but dey werent o wells and den after awhile all of a sudden i see sum chick giving me sum attitdue face n shit adn i was like "WTF BITCH u gotta problem" well i felt like saying that and then all of a sudden i noticed that it was my cuzin diana hahah and then i see carol, jackie, tina and michelle WHOA i didnt expect to see them here!!!! so yea they were all gonna go see a movie so i went with them and saw uptown gurls >_< not really my type of movie.. o yea hahah tina is soooo cheap wen payin fer movie tickets, so i told her bout the way to sneak in with the "application way" and so we did it and it werks as usual hehehe so yea i kinda thot that movie kinda sucked cuz that movie they were tryin to mix the humerous stuff wit seriuos stuff and i think movies like that jsut doesnt werk out..........

[saturday] i think i woke up around 12 this day and wen i woke up i felt like doin nuthin cuz im lazy like that and my parents ask me if i wanted to go to santa ana with them to go visit a priest er sumthin like that that came from vietnam n shiz, but i said no cuz i know i would be bored just goin there and my mom told us to go to the "5:30 mass" hmmmm ok mom "we went to church today" hehe. basically i did nuthin that day and den took like a 2 hour nap around 3 hehhe. later on that day i felt really bored so i decided to buy sum video games at GAMESTOP hehe wat n idea eh? i asked my bro chris if he wanted to go but i think he was sleepin wen i asked him, so watevers so i asked tim if he wanted to go wit me cuz he was sittin around doin nuthin at his house also, so i went go pick him up and i see his mom outside and i was thinkin "OH SHIET" cuz she would probably tell my mom that i took tim wit me in the car, but tim told me that she doesnt care she jsut wants to make sure we dont get caught er anything and if we did she wont bail out tim heheheh but i guess she cool liek that. so yea we went to game stop and i bought nba2k2 and world series 2k2 yea dreamcast games =\ buts sall good i still play dat shiet. den we went to starbucks cuz i had this coupon thing for a buy one get one free malt frap it was good. ass we leave all of a sudden we see the smallest black cat in the parkin lot so i go park sumwhere so we could go try and catch it heheheh ;D but then i think isnt bad luck to come across and black cat, and also WAT THE FAWK WOuLD WE DO IF WE CAUGHT A CAT >_<, but it looked sooooooo cute hehehe later on we went to best buy just to look around n shit cuz der was nuthin to do =\ we wernt dere fer a long time cuz i had to go home cuz i wasnt really suppose to take tha car out and i had to make shure i was home b4 my parents got home heheh cuz if they ask chris where i was he'll just but like "i dont kno..............-_-" and just get me in trouble like he always does heheh sall good. yea so i got home jsut in time hehhe. then season called me and we talked fer awhile.

[sunday] today was boring also. didnt do anything except just stay home =\ yes im very anti-social and too lazy. o yea and today is michelle's bday HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!! yea we were suppose to got sumwhere to eat fer her birthday i think but instead she went sumwhere wit bf kevin but yea today we had like a whole mess of filipino people come ova my house and pray the rosary cuz we have the mary statue at my house and goes to other peeps house and all dis other stuff but i dont wanna talk about it too lazy. but damn i almost fergot how to say the hail mary and our father hehehe cuz i had to say it and lead n stuff like that, yea youll understand if yu do this stuff, i havent said the our father and hail mary in like a year er 2 so i tried to memorize it as my mom lead the rosary b4 me, but i got it WOOT WOOT!!! TOOGOOD hhehhe ;D and after that jsut styed home and did nuthin =\ and i tihnk i got sum prank call from some one cuz the person was all like " hi, is this johnny, how are u doing, i have a friend that likes you" >_< eh??? hmmmmmmmmmmmm you KINDA KILLED IT THERE BUDDY!!! so i asked who it was and dey just hung up watevers........and ash told me that it was her cuzins.

hmmm my blog seems to look better now. i wanted to try to fix it but i didnt want to >_< but probably val fixed it fer me cuz shes talented like that. thanks val love ya
Posted by johnny on 6:26 PM. ()


August 13, 2003

ok my day today was retarded >_< my mom woke me up early around 9 ish she wanted me to go with her to go visit sum relatives dat came hea from vietnam at bac hoa's house in burbank. dude it feels like im always there. dayum i dint wanna go in the first place cuz i kno it was gonna be hella boring -_-. but yea today i basically drove my mom and her cousin places, i guess she wanted a chofer er sumthin. but yea wen we first got there i said hi to everyon then i decided to go play wit the dog. so i go outside adn pet the dog ferawhile and then i go look for a ball so i could play fetch with it. while i look for the ball, first i see the dog lickin it self and then lickin itself rite on its nutz er suthin like that and then all of a sudden i hear SLURPING NOISES >_< EWWWWW IS THAT EVEN NORMAL i didnt kno dogs can do that to themselves, that was the fuckin nastiest er watever thing ive ever seen >_< ewww >>>getting pictures in my head<<< but then i was thinkin "hmmmm this dog is almost like 45324523 years old er so, cuz i remembered that i one time put beer in this dogs bowl wen iwas 8 er so, but anywayz since its that old it probably hasnt gotten sum action fer awhile ;D" but still that was sick!!!!!MAJOR while i still lookin fer a ball, i see the dog throug up sum water, shit now that just grossed me out so i was like i give up on lookin fer a ball i dont feel like playin wit this dayum dog anymore >_< STUPID DOG

so yea later on we went to in and out to eat and den sum small ass mall, smaller than da valencia mall >_< and crappyer >_< (wow i seem to be confused or clueless all the time) but yea it was sumwhere near notre dame high school but yea did that stuff and cae home and did shiet
Posted by johnny on 10:31 PM. ()
