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Hiya, My name is Serene_Rin, and I am a 184 hour old Gelert. I have a fantastic owner called augi1992, who takes great care of me. I was named after Rin one of my mommmies favorite Inuyasha characters! If I'm in danger I have Drawn2Sess to protect me! here


Coming Soon!


Donated by Sabina235

Jhudora's Spell

Made by Augi1992

Strawberry Shortcake

Made by Augi1992

Double Glow

Made by Augi1992


Made by Augi1992

Electric Blue

Donated by Dqneo


Made by Augi1992

Sad Magic

Donated by Ktang009

Baby Pastels

Made by Augi1992

Rosey Double Glow

  • Luxury Bell - it was one of my first toys
  • Beach Ball
  • Gelert frisbee attack - Ha ha take that Pant Devil!
  • Maps of Neopia (a great book)
  • Cherry wish stick (great for playing fetch, plus brings good luck on adventures)
  • Being mistaken for Lupes
  • Unis, because they're vain and selfish
  • The Secret Lab: Ugh... stay away!
  • Crabulas: If one of these pesky pets has ever snuck up from behind and pinched you, then I'm sure you dislike 'em, too.

Well now you know all about me, why not NeoMessage augi1992
and tell my owner all about you. We love to meet new friends, maybe
we can have a friendly match in the Battledome some day?