Asahi Sakura
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Shinta's Journal
Shinta's Xanga
Chibi Club
Art Gallery
Photo Gallery

-Updated- June 9, 2004 FNORD

I finally got my photo album up from A-kon 15. I didn't take many pictures but i think i got a few good shots, especially the one of Nami! X3

June 2, 2004 Changing up the layout a little. ^^; My new theme is Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin. I love the anime series as i did one year ago and since its summer i have more time on my hands to webmaster. However the midi is "star" from Fushigi Yuugi. I guess I'm more in an anime mood because A-kon 15 is this weekend (June 4-6). If any of you are going I will dressed up part of the time as Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew and the other half of the time as Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin.
I also decided that Asahi Sakura's theme as a whole will be dedicated to cosplay. ^_^ As of now I am learning how to sew and hoping one day i will get good at it. When i am able to sew things together more like a professional I plan to open this site to sell costumes. Until then i will post many cosplay pictures from variouse conventions. ^_^

May 1, 2004 I made my Profile all nice looking. The picture is a pic of Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill vol. 1, Shes like a role model to me. ^_^ I wish i had a master to serve to the death, heh. I think i should darken the text up. >.>; eh might do that another time, you'll just have to suffer until then. I think i might add a fanart gallery and a photo gallery soon. Sounds like fun, ne?-Shinta

April 14, 2004-So another day of working on the website. So far i've added a few links. I've linked to my two journals, my anime club and I just added a forum so go sign up with that. Its just for some fun, talk about anime, games you like, or just whatever. A good thing to just talk to all of us and have fun with.-Shinta

April 13, 2004 Hey everyone! Incase you didn't already know my name is Shinta (some perfer Sarah) but this is my new website home. ^_^ Eventually it will be full of gaming stuff, anime, and a lot more. I chose my theme as Final Fantasy right now because i got FFX-2 recently and its the first FF game i've ever gotten to play. So far i really like it and I hope to get FFXI soon. Anyway, I'll be adding links soon to some of my other sits such as my live journal and xanga and hopefully a forum asap. ^^; Well I hope you will get to like the site soon (when there is more to see). Thanks for stopping by!-Shinta


Name: Sara/Shinta
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Hieght: 5'1-2''
Likes: anime, samurai, Japanese pop culture, movies, art, music, sword fighting, martial arts, cosplay, hentai, DDR, Gunbound, pocky, computers, sushi, almost all asian cultures, myths
Dislikes: Steriotypes, hypocrites (sp), Obnoxiouse people, rap, country music, lots of noise, war, most sports, social activities (school wise), other stuff..
Movie: Kill Bill (thats where the pic above comes from) and The Last Samurai
Food: Pocky
Holiday: Halloween
Type of Music: Techno, Jpop, Jrock
Genre: Romance, Action, Mystery

Background Copyrighted FF characters, and other official anime characters are all copyrighted by their own producer. Shinta and many other unofficial characters are copyrighted Sarah Terpstra.