Neurological effects of methylmercury on human and other mammalian species from the consumption of aquatic organisms

By: Jacqueline Epner, Amy Hanna, Melissa Simmons and Krisi White
University of California at Davis, 2004.


Mercury, a heavy metal element which is mostly only thought to be in thermometers, has many other uses. Mercury has very beneficial properties which make it versatile in the manufacturing of products and, therefore valuable to our economy. It is found in thermometers, in light bulbs, and even used by dentists. However, the toxicity of mercury in humans and other mammals can be quite serious. Every year thousands of people unknowingly exposed to mercury through inahlation of particulates as well as the consumption of fish and seafood. But how does mercury get into the fish in the first place? The main source of atmospheric mercury comes from the burning of coal for energy. There are many stages in the transfer of mercury, from combustion or other power plants, to the bioaccumulation in fish and finally ingested by wildlife and humans. The focus of this project is on methylmercury, a structurally and chemically different species of mercury which is poorly understood, but thought to be the most neurotoxic form of mercury. The transformation process from inorganic mercury to methylmercury occurs from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the sediments of waterways. Once in the water, the cycle of bioaccumulation in fish begins. These series of events are described here as they relate to risks of fish consumption. The effects of mercury toxins on the brain, and other areas of the central nervous system, are discussed in detail. As well as one of the first reports of mercury poisoning which occured in Minamata Bay, Japan.

Hg and the Food Chain

Mercury in Fish: What, When, Why, Where and How? 

By Amy Hanna

Mercury, what is it?  

Mercury, we have all heard of it; in high school chemistry, they show you some in a small bottle and tell you really bad things will happen if you touch it. This is especially horrific in the event that a thermometer breaks in the house (depending on your age, medical thermometers once contained mercury...AND, they were glass!!). Thermometer breakage would cause my mom to act as if there were a nuclear meltdown in the bathroom. "You kids stay out of here until I get this cleaned up, and don’t touch it”. I can still hear the panic in her voice. It always made me wonder, why is mercury so dangerous?

Mercury, abbreviated Hg on the Periodic Table of Elements, is the heaviest element in liquid state. Moreover, it is the only metal element that exists in liquid phase at ordinary temperatures. Interestingly, possessing a property comparable energy, mercury can neither be created nor destroyed (AE1).

When does Hg enter the atmosphere and waterways?

Hg is an element that is found naturally in the Earth's crust. Natural causes permit some mercury to enter into the environment, £ 25% (AE5), "e.g. volcanic eruptions, fires, surface emissions" (AE1). However, the majority, ≥75%, is from industries; much of which is due to man’s seemingly endless need for mass consumption. Sadly, it is this surrender to a "one-more-mall-won't-hurt” mentality that is leading the way down an environmental path of uncertainty. "Over a decade, mercury pollution has ballooned from an obscure concern into a pressing environmental problem” (AE4).

There are many uses for mercury in the manufacturing of products, from electronic parts to anti-fungal wood preservatives (AE5). Today, industrial wastes are the largest contributor of inorganic mercury that is released into the atmosphere. Mercury then returns to earth via precipitation, but is also deposited during dry conditions (AE1). Much of the mercury that returns to the Earth finds its’ way into the rivers, lakes, streams and the oceans. Mercury contamination levels of marine ecosystems are rising by 4.8% per year; and, fish would need half a century to recover (e.g. for Hg levels in the fish to drop) if the problem were annihilated today (AE5).

Why is it toxic?

Mercury exists in several different chemical forms. These different forms have a major impact on the levels of toxicity, which occur in various species. It is still unclear how mercury affects fish and animal tissue (A3). By identifying the form of mercury that exists in fish, we may advance our understanding of its toxic reactions. The species of mercury, which arises in fish, is aqueous methylmercury chloride, or CH3HgCl, is frequently represented incorrectly as CH3Hg+ (A3). Harris, et. al., indicates that since the H-Cl bond is extremely covalent, it does not disassociate in aqueous solution; thus, bioaccumulation occurs in “top-predator” fish. The toxicity of CH3HgCl seems to be linked to its hydrophobic characteristics that increase its affinity to cross the cell membrane, more than other forms of Hg (A3). However, more studies are required to determine conclusive evidence of  the effects of  mercury bioaccumulation in fish.

What changes mercury into methylmercury?

The problem begins in the sediment of waterways. The mercury settles into the sediment where sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) transform it into methylmercury (CH3HgCl). From the many different genera of SRB, it is those that possess the ability to utilize acetate that methylate mercury faster than SRB that lack acetate utilization (A5). It then is released from the sediment into the water.


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picture from

Where does bioaccumulation occur?

Phytoplankton and other bacteria and small organisms become contaminated with mercury. As mercury travels throughout the food chain, it builds up in the tissues of fish that are predators of other, smaller fish.  This is the reason that public health warnings, regarding fish consumption, refer to larger fish, especially the sport-fish such as salmon, swordfish and tuna.


How does it get into humans?

By ingesting fish that contain mercury, we are exposing ourselves to potential health risks. The Food and Drug Administration FDA has issued warnings regarding the amount of fish that is safe to eat and the frequency of eating fish in relation to one’s body weight (AE14). Although mercury can harm to the environment and all species that live in it, the FDA has set those warning levels at extremely low amounts. Fish is still considered safe to eat in moderation. However, countries where fish is a staple diet food, people experience much higher health risks (AE7).


What Hg does to the Mammalian Body

By Jacqueline Epner

Organic mercury’s most obvious effect is on the central nervous system, the brain specifically. Yet how does it get there and what does it do? And why are prenatal young at such a higher risk?


Fetal Danger

Organic mercury, unlike inorganic mercury, can cross the placental barrier in some mammals and is easily placed in eggs in reptiles and birds. The placental barriers it can cross are those of discoid placentas, such as with humans and rodents (J1). Once in the smaller environment the fetus offers, the mercury causes the biggest problems. This is not as much because it is any more toxic, but more that it cannot be excreted. The fetus has a poor waste system compared to its mother, with most of the waste staying in the environment the fetus lives in. This allows the mercury to stay in higher concentrations and circulate more, increasing the toxicological effects and allowing more to enter the blood (J2).


Entering the Brain

Once mercury is in the blood, it can be carried to the brain. Organic mercury easily crosses the blood brain barrier to truly reach the mass of neurons. To cross the blood brain barrier, it is hypothesized that it mimics methionine and is then carried across the barrier (J3,J4). There it can be demethylated (J2) into inorganic mercuric Hg. In the brain, the visual cortex and cerebral granular cells are particularly sensitive to MeHg (J5). Once there, it is unknown what truly causes the many symptoms of mercury toxicity, but many of mercury’s effects are suspected.


Effected Cells

In the cerebral granular cells, mercury has some devastating results. It increases membrane lipoperoxidation (result of oxidative stress) and causes a rapid decline in glutathione (GSH) levels up to 71% J6. GSH acts as an antioxidant and detoxifying agent as well as aiding in storage and transport of cysteine (J7). Mercury can easily attach to the thiol residues of compounds such as cysteine and GSH (J8), often times blocking the pathways needed by cells and altering cell-surface recognition (J7). With all its effects, it can cause cell death in 91% of the cells it comes in contact with (J6). As well as effecting GSH and their associated cells, mercury collects in astrocytes and can inhibit glutamic acid uptake as well as cause its release from the astrocyte (J9). This increases the acidic pH of the intercellular fluids and leads to a more destructive environment.

In the visual cortex, mercury has been found to reduce the number of neurons from the second to fourth layers of the calcarine cortex (J10). This is thought to be the main reason for most of visually related problems mercury poisoning. There is also some evidence that it effects the levels of some hormones in adult animals, including seratonin and noradrenaline activities, with the full results unknown (J11).


Edible prevention

Preliminary studies are being conducted as to the effect diet might have on reducing the effects of mercury poisoning. Calcium and melatonin have both been found to reduce the damage mercury can cause (J12). This has been hypothesized since these vitamins and minerals tie up the mercury and facilitate further breakdown. Calcium is also tied up by mercury, causing a slight deficiency that an increase in intake can overcome (J13).

Minamata Disease


By Krisi White

Minamata disease, also called fetal mercury poisoning, was one of the first noticed methyl mercury poisonings. In 1952, a chemical plant called Chisson Chemical Company dumped a massive amount of mercury in Minamata Harbor, Japan. 370 people of Minamata Harbor were affected. Of these 370 people, 68 died, including 22 unborn children. Along with the sickness of humans came the sickness of many marine lives, with the ingestion of the marine life in the contaminated bay the sickness spread to bird’s humans and even cats.

Victims of the methyl mercury poisoning were said to have had degeneration of their nervous systems (K1).


  • No warning symptoms
  • Numbness occurred in their limbs and lips
  • speech became slurred
  • vision constricted
  • some lapsed into unconsciousness
  • or suffered from involuntary movements
  • uncontrollably shout
  • Difficulty in hand movement
  • lack of co-ordination, sensory disturbance, weakness and tremor ( K2)
  • impaired hearing

These symptoms can cause paralysis, difficulty in swallowing, convulsions and even death.

Finally, in 1959 researchers from Kumamoto University declared that methyl mercury is the cause of Minamata disease.

What Animals Hg Affects

(Click on photos to connect with links)

The Reproductive Development of
Wildlife is Compromised Due
to Their Consumption of
Mercury Contaminated Food

By Melissa Simmons

  • Females have difficulty reproducing
  • There’s a decrease in testosterone levels in females
  • Their estrus cycle is delayed
  • The litter mortality rate is increased
  • Offspring have lower birth weights
  • Egg producing animals cannot physically deliver eggs
  • Males are unable to perform sexually
  • Male testes are reduced in size

For more information on Wildlife Reproductive Effects


Random Facts


--Hair bleaches once contained mercury (AE13).

--In 1996, researchers found four, hermaphroditic polar bears in Svalbard, Sweden.

Their condition was brought on by their consumption of mercury contaminated fish (M11).


References (J#) Jacqueline

J1.Merck Source, Pivalate-Planuria. 2002

J2. National Research Council. Toxicological Effects of MethylMercury. National Academy Press, Washington, Dc. 2000. p 43, 195-228

J3. Kerper L. E., Ballatori N. and Clarkson T. W. (1992) Methylmercury transport across the blood-brain barrier by an amino acid carrier. American Journal of Physiology.262, R761-R765

J4. Mokrzan E. M., Kerper L. E., Ballatori N. and Clarkson T. W. (1995) Methylmercury-thiol uptake into cultured brain capillary endothelial cells on amino acid system L. Journal of Pharmacology Experimental Theory272, 1277-1284

J5. Clarkson, Thomas, Magos Laszlo and Gary Myers. (2003). The Toxicology of Mercury- Current Exposures and Clinical Manifestations. New England Journal of Medicine. 349(18). October 30. 1731-1737

J6. Sarafian, T. and M. Anthony Verity. (1991) Oxidative Mechanisms Underlying Methyl Mercury Neurotoxicity. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 9(2). 147-154.

J7. Fonnum, F. and E. R. Lock. (2004). The contributions of excitotoxicity, glutathione depletion and DNA repair in chemically induced injury to neurons: exemplified with toxic effects on cerebellar granule cells. Journal of Neurochemistry, Vol 88 (3) February p 513

J8. Webb J. L. (1996) Enzyme and Metabolic Inhibitors, Vol 2, p 729-985. Academic Press, London

J9. Aschner M., Yao C. P., Allen J. W. and Tan K. H. (2000) Methylmercury alters glutamate transport in astrocytes. Neurochemical International.37, 199-206

J10. Castoldi, Anna, Teresa Coccini, Sandra Ceccatelli, and Luigi Manzo. (2001). Neurotoxicity and Molecular Effects of Methylmercury Brain Research Bulletin. 55(2). May 15 197-203

J11. Lakshmana, Madepalli K., Turaga Desiraju, Trichur Raju, (1993). Mercuric chloride-induced alterations of levels of noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine esterase activity in different regions of rat brain during postnatal development. Archives of Toxicology. 67(6). 1993. 422-27

J12. Sener, Goksel, A Ozer Sehirli, Gul Ayanoglu-Dulger. (2003) Melatonin protects against mercury(II)-induced oxidative tissue damage in rats. Pharmacology & Toxicology. 93(6). December 2003. 290-296

J13. Peraza, Marjorie, Ayala-Fierro, Barber, Casarez, and Rael. (1997) Effects of Micronutrients on Metal Toxicity. Environmental health perspectives. 1997


p1. Bearden, Joe and John Fuquay. Applied Animal Reproduction 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992 p14  

p2. National Research Council. Toxicological Effects of MethylMercury. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 2000. p 47

p3. Matthews, Gary. Neurobiology: Molecules, Cells and Systems 2nd ed. Blackwell Science Inc. Malden, Mass, 2001 p101  

References (M#)













References (A#)

 A1 ..Berntssen, Marc H.G.; Aatland, Aase; Handy, Richard D. 2003. Chronic dietary mercury exposure causes oxidative stress, brain lesions, and altered behavior in Atlanticsalmon (Salmo salar) parr. Aquatic Toxicology, Volume 65, Issue 1, Pages 55-72 (8 October)

A2. Easton, M.D.L., Luszniak, D., Von der Geest, E. 2002. Preliminary examination of contaminant loadings in farmed salmon, wild salmon and commercial salmon feed. Chemosphere. Vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 1053-1074. Feb.

A3. Harris, Hugh H., Pickering, Ingrid J., George, Graham N. 2003. The chemical form of mercury in fish. Science. p. 1203. Aug.

A4. Hrabik, T. R., Watras, C. J. 2002. Recent declines in mercury concentration in a freshwater fishery: isolating the effects of de-acidification and decreased atmospheric mercury deposition in little Rock Lake. Science for the Total Environment. 297; 229-237.

A5. King, J.K., Kostka, J.E.*, Frischer, M.E., Saunders, F.M. 2000. Sulfate-reducing bacteria methylate mercury at variable rates in pure culture and in marine sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 66, no. 6, 2430-2437. Jun.

A6. Morel, F.M.M., Kraepiel, A.M.L., Amyot, M. 1998. The chemical cycle and bioaccumulation of mercury. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. Vol. 29, 543-566.

A7. Langer, C.S., Fitzgerald, W.F., Visscher, P.T., Vandal, G.M. 2001. Biogeochemical cycling of methylmercury at Barn Island Salt Marsh. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 9: 295-310.

Electronic references (AE#) Amy

 AE1. EPA Mercury Research Strategy

AE2. PCBs in Sport Fish: Answers to Questions on Health Effects. Office of Environmental Health Hazards, California

AE3. Mercury White Paper

AE4. ©2004, University of Wisconsin. Board of Regents.

AE5. Mercury’s Danger picture

AE6. EPA - Mercury Study Report to Congress: Overview.

AE7. Fish is not always "brain food". Study done by Univ. of MD on people affected by mercury contamination in Brazil.

AE8. EPA’s Mercury Homepage

AE9. Webpage regarding issues of seafood

AE10. Mercury in Fish: Here's the Facts

AE11. Aquaculture organizations

AE12. Fishery agencies: Federal, Regional, State and International

AE13 . - properties Why Is Mercury a Problem; Mercury Sources in the Environment

AE14 . http://www.fda. gov Food and Drug Administration

AE15. The National Toxicology Program (TNP), Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR)

AE16. National Institutes of Health

AE17. Consumer Advisory About the Risks of Mercury in Fish. March 2001.

AE18. Mercury. Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction.

AE19. Mercury Rising. Yale-New Haven Hospital.

AE20. USGS Water Resources. Mercury Loads to the Sacramento-San Joaquin.

AE21. Independent Media Center. 02.Oct.2002 23:51. Arctic pollution causing polar bears to change sex. Charles Arthur, Technology Editor.

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