Alright. About time I finally took the site down and everything. For those who really like this site or those who were looking forward to new updates... I'm sorry. Many people were still emailing me even though the site was announced dead and it got on my nerves. So yeah, I took it down and deleted all of the pages except for this one. You can remove this site from your bookmarks since it's pointless to keep it there.

Also! I really did have fun making this site with all of those pictures and other Yu-Gi-Oh related stuff. I thank everyone for visiting this place and I thank you for letting me know how much you liked this site. However I have lost interest in Yu-Gi-Oh. But you know what? This isn't the only Yu-Gi-Oh site anyway, there are tons of better sites out there that will serve you way better compared to what I could ever do. But once again, thank you. See ya! ~Chibi Riya

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