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Ruruoni Kenshin Planet

Ruruoni Kenshin Planet
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Ruruoni Kenshin Planet
The Ultimate Kenshin site

The Content

Ruruoni Kenshin Art
Ruruoni Kenshin Information
Humor Dark Ages Comic My Art Fanfic Section Links








Hey I have made a new layout!

7-16-04 Posted By: Dark One:I finally updated the layout as promised yesterday. I also got the new domain name! It's (yeah another .tk domain lol but this time I'm going to keep it because I'm not going to forget to update.

Well thats pretty much all for today. Im taking some screenshots for images and I will probably post them on monday. I'm also still working on making a layout for the background of these posts... the plain blackness sucks lol.

That is all

Sorry guys now I am realy back asnd so is alex!

7-15-04 Posted By: Dark One:Its been a very busy time guys I am sorry it's been so long I've just been looking for ideas for the site! I now have a new layout im working on with a little help from Alex (she is a pretty smart girl). And well not only that but im planning on aking a multimedia section for the site with clips and stuff. I have been watching episodes of RK including the sad final episodes where kenshin yes kenshin dies. I will have a page especially for that movie oh lest say tommorow. I have also been watching Samurai X (the story of kenshin as Battousai). And I have a lot more knowledge of RK so I can finally continue updating the site! Speaking of updates Ive added an all new episode to the RK Humor Stories section of the site. Check that out in the RK humor stories section under anime humor stories under humnor stories in the Humor Section *phew a lot of directions)

I'm sorry for the long wait and false restarts of the site but now im back for real. This site has had a strange history and we have lost our .tk domaign name but im getting a new one ill keep you guys posted and of course welcome to all you new comers!

WE ARE BACK!!!! and I have a new staff member!

4-6-04 Posted By: Dark One:

Damn...its been much too long! I am back guys and no im not dead yet and I bare gifts...again. First off! my Yu Yu Hakusho site that was under consruction didnt fall through as planned...sorry guys I just can't do it...tooo hard (im the only experienced webmaster I know who can do that so well.....ya I can't do it alone). Second! I have a new staff member...its name is alex (sorry alex you know im kidding I mean her name is alex!). She will be handling ummm fan stuff so ya! And third off! I have a new section up its the fanfics section. E-MAIL US SOME FANFICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our e-mail is the same SO PLEASE PLEASE SEND EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WILL POST THEM SO SEND THEM (for those unknowing a fanfic is a fictional story based on an anime or something and is just what the writter would like to happen in that anime/other this case its ruruoni kenshin and its written in play script style or short story style). Also finally, this site is now ust RK/SX...all my stuff that wasnt RK/SX is gunna be removed unless its humor! If it's humor I still keep it and update it but ya other than that no....I alsop plan to make music videos for the site! O Yeah! And a new background music since the other one was getting old (yes I know).

Well that is all and I promise I will post more often okay!

The Secret Suprise is out

8-21-03 Posted By: Dark One: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Hi, the suprise is out, as you probably have seen. yu Yu Hakusho Planet has been added to my site archive. Its still unsder cuonstruction so well ya. That is part II of the big suprise only 2 more parts to go!

Well with that said Part 3 is underway, I let you in on it I'm highering a staff member (since this site is free he agreed to work with me). Hes a newbie in the web community so i just have to show him the basic ropes he did wiork for a Dragon Ball site once as thir Video Clip maker. Hes good really good. He'll be here as soon as I get him up to speed on some stuff. Matbe well finally be able to upgrade to premium and he can hgelp me pay the fee. Hmmmm finally some help 'round here. Things are looking up for Ruruoni Kenshin Planet! (NOTE: Ruruoni Kenshin Planet will be the main site. It will get most of our attention. So please understand this site will still go under the name Ruruoni Kenshin Planet, as you prbably saw at the main page)

Muahahahahaha I did it a new info sections up muahahahaha!

8-19-03 Posted By: Dark One: Muahahahahaha I have finally gotten up an all new info section. Its the swird styles section of my info page heeheehee I am working on it a lot but still go check it out. And well lol I am still not sure whats going arouund down here anumnore. I am trying to get in touch with someone (who is part of the big suprise hopefully). You will like the big suprise but....

Thats all for now bye!

Its been a while......again

8-18-03 Posted by: Dark One:Well as the title suggests its been a long time. Indeed i have been busy with site stuff and well all kindsa stuff ;) But now im back so you should expect a lot. School starts soon and well......sorry but the big susprise has been pushed back till October (which means it'll be biigger than expected). Im planning on actually doing home work this year lol. 9th grade im going into so lol well ya.

Im rambling again so now to get to buisness... Rurouni Kenshin (as you all may or may not know has returned as of maybe the 4th of August or the saturday before that) is now back as of a few saturdays ago. It now airs every saturday at 9:30 PM Eastern time zone on Cartoon Network. So look for it.

As far as updates go im doing some stuff for the site to make it better (im working on info now so its gunna be alot soon). I havent had much time to day so all i did was a new bio and some add-ons to some iof the old ones.

Thats all for now....seeya tommorow.

Somethin small, and some good news!

7-9-03 Posted By: Dark One: Well hmmmm as far as updates go I have a small one. I added new images to the top thingy (they are inverted color images). They are not in the art gallery yet but heh they will be. Also the new layout has been added to every page it should be on. I put a lot of work in it...tell me what ya think (its a little dull I know....but its a good start ^_^)

As far as news goes, I here RK is coming back! I hear it will either be moved to saturdays (which would suck because it would only be once a week) or back to toonami. The toonaim thing I heared from a good friend. I believe him. He said it should be back next week on toonami, what it will replace, i don't know heh *crooses fingers for JL*. Well that is reassuring news...the bad news is well heh if it comes on saturdays it will probably restart (do you guys smell a ratings drop?). Heh, well at least it will return.

Thats all, tommorow I'll work harder (I haven't worked hard today because I've been waiting for an AIM instant message....that hasn't come.......-_-. I whish she would hurry up and IM me.......

Nothing Much....Just a new layout!

7-8-03 Posted By: Dark One: Well I know the old layout was cool but I made my own today and well here it is mnice and gray. It won't be on any page after this until either tonight or tommorow so well just be patient.

In other news the big suprise may take longer than I thought. This layout is only part one of the suprise. So the whole thing may take till August but trust me, it's worth the wait ^_^.

Today I also have some real bad news..... incase you didn't know the awesome Ruruoni Kenshin was taken off air on Toonami. The new line-up is as follows:



5:00-Justice League

5:30-Dragonball Z

6:00-Cyborg 009

6:30-YuYu Hakusho

As you can plainly and sadly see RK was replaced by YuYu Hakusho. Although YYH is an awesome anime it doesn't compare to Ruruoni Kenshin. I really say they should take off Justice League....its not anime, it comes on enough anyways. It doesn't need to be on Toonami. :(. Well I think good ol' RK will be back soon enough. Wait awhile. When Cyborg 009 ends or when Toonami gets smart enuogh to realise Justice League is not in a good place on Toonami (and take it off air). We will have our awesome sword slashin' RK back. So just wait. I'll keep you guys posted. In the mean time check out this site for RK stuff. I have even started on something pertaining to this news of RK's removal. Something really sweet is being added to the suprise (parcially creating the setback). Trust me you'll like it and well heh it will hold you over till RK returns to Toonami.

That is all for now!

Nothing Much....

6-26-03 Posted By: Dark One: Well nothingf much today (as the title says) all I did was throw in 2 RK Images on the banner its the Battousai, click on it and you'll just return to this front page heh, so don't bother clicking on it.

Part One of The Big suprise complete

6-26-03 Posted By: Dark One: HAHAHAHAHA I DID IT! I have part one of my suprise up, an ALL NEW layout hahahahaha, bwahahahahahaha! I hope you all Like it.

This layout comes from, credit goes out to them, thank you

I will play with it and make it better and paste some RK Images here and there to banner thingy, so dun worry, it will be even better as time goes on.

I also have up one affiliate angelfire, the site that hosts this site. They are awesome for letting me make this awesome site. Thanks angelfire!

Something You Probably Suspected

6-25-03 Posted By: Dark One:Well I'd like to start off with some news, As the title states this site has now become Rurouni Kenshin Planet. It's main concern will be Ruruoni Kenshin and Samurai X. It still has the funny Dark Ages comics, all my quotes and my humuor stories (and yes i will update those) but heh other than that I'll throw some non-Kenshin related stuff to so you all be on the look-out. (There will be links in the Links section for you you to go to other anime/game/downloads sites out there)

Well as far as updates i have gotten 6 new Images up in my image gallery. That makes to pages. i can only hold 24 images per page so now I have 2 pags up (the second has 3 images on it right now). All you have to do to view a different page of the images is click on the page number you want to view. Heh, well I am also still working on the big suprise (it was about RK and SX from the get-go), and It will be yours to view soon enough.

That is all for now, enjoy the new Ruruoni Kenshin/Samurai X/And other stuff, website I have now created! ^_^

