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Anime Overdrive, THE SEQUAL!

Saiyan Heat

Content 8/10
Design 10/10
Information 8/10
Media 8/10
Overall 9/10

Title: Version 2.0 Coming Soon!
Date: 2/24/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

I'm Gohan LoL! Hey well anyway I have some news for everyone. In my quest to find a new domain I have also found a new layout. I will be closing down the site for a while and uploading the layout and new links. Also I'm gettin closer to the domain thing I think i might of found one. Ok so this'll be my last update for a while but i'll be back and better then ever which Anime Overdrive 2.0!
Title: Site of the Month
Date: 2/23/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Hey Everyone Ok updating again just so you know I'm not dead. I have updated a few things I got the Movie review page up and got a review on Old School. Check that out if you have the time. I am still working on everything else its not easy ya know ^.^ I also put a site of the month up which is Saiyan Heat. I thought he deserved that because it takes a lotta guts to get back up after all his sites been though. Since I still don't have a host I'll Try and get some Info up probly mostly DBZ tonight I'll see what I can do. See ya anime fans!
Title: New Affiliates
Date: 2/21/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Hey Everyone Updating is getting hard. I have a lot going on So updating everyday isn't always easy. I'll try and make something more out of it but at the moment I am just reporting something small. We have a new aff Saiyan Oblivion its own by a good friend of mine and it will be opening soon So check it out. I am still looking for a host. I got in contact with Saiyan heats owner James (Gohandog) and he gave me a good site for domains and I thank him very much for that. I will keep you updated with the latest. at the moment I am going to eat see ya and Wish me luck with the hosting searches
Title: Snowed In!
Date: 2/18/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Whats up everyone, Sorry for the big lack of update recently. I have been busy this weekend went down to snowboard with my youth group (Young Life) and got snowed in. I didn't get back til today and Delaware is snowed in. Worst i've seen delaware in a while. So at the moment I am snowed in and goin nowhere fast. Saiyan Heat has reopen so check that out its still goin strong. I am really tired and hurting from falling down so I am gonna sleep tonight and I'll see what I can do with the site tomarrow. See ya and Good night!
Title: New Hosting Needed!
Date: 2/11/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Sorry people for not updating yesterday but I was busy. Between trying to find a new host and managaing school I didn't have time. I Did however get something done today The Halo review is up And angelfire is reaching it peak in no more space. I need to find a new host soon. I have found better offers stuff that you have to pay for but I can do it ^.^ So maybe you'll see Anime Overdrive hit the big times. Ok check out the Halo review and of what little space I have left i'll try to post more!
Title: New Hosting Needed!
Date: 2/11/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Alright Got a little grim news. I just got done uploading 20 new pics which are now up in the dbz section and found out that I am running out of space! well what can you expect from angelfire. I am now faced with the problem I had at my last site but I might have a solution. I am going to write to a site that says it can give free hosting that comes with 100 mb of free space and that'll have to do for now. I really don't want to give up on this site because I love it ^.^ plus I got into 2 new topsites today be sure to vote for me!
Title: Can't Stop the Sexiness!
Date: 2/10/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Hello! Great new to report. I just got 1 video clip up its dbz a fight against cooler I am very happy in one day i've managed to get up what i couldn't in the last site I suppose I will do Info stuff last since it boring to do and more people want images and clips up ok now i'm going to work on more dbz clips i'm hoping to get another page of dbz pics up thats 30 pics a page 60 pics ^.^ I am on my way to the big times. Sorry no more video clips tonight but I'll post more tomarrow enjoy the one I have now its 50 seconds long anyway ^.^
Title: Images Online!
Date: 2/10/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Hello everyone! I am happy today I got two new links up and they are both pics currently 10 DBZ pics and 8 Trigun pics ^.^ all ready for your viewing pleasure also we have been accepted to So Please vote for us we are now at place 326 ^.^ Well anyway I'll continue to get some more pics up and maybe we can see some dbz video clips heading your way The skys the limit! See Ya anime fans
Title: LINKS UP!
Date: 2/9/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Hey everyone Sorry There was no links up last night sister kicked me off at last moment. But I worked my ass off and got 2 links up today. The Game review link is up and inside that the Devil May Cry 2 Review is up and ready to be read I might do some pics or video clips today for everyones viewing pleasure but we do have school tommarrow >:P so there probably won't be to much yet. I am happy today ^.^ we'll see what happens because of my happiness.
Title: Arg! Site Problems 3rd Day!
Date: 2/8/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Hey People, sorry for the slight delay in update if you came to my site recently you'd saw a blank page. My site screwed up a lil I dunno why Hoping I don't make the mistake again. Anyway I now it back up and backed up incase problems happen again cause that was a dimelma anyway Good news To come your way. 1 I am working on the links as soon as I'm done typing this. Right now I am gonna work on the Game Reviews and Reviews Devil May Cry 2 and The Getaway as soon as I can. Also Saiyan Heat is going to reopen soon sometime this week maybe. Make sure to go check them out they were the ones who inspired me to make my first website ^.^ Well Thats all I have to update it is late so don't expect much on links tonight. One more thing I am in Anime100 topsites Please Vote for us!!! we need the reconition and maybe this site will get somewhere thanks! I promise more Content later ^.^
Title: Snow Day!
Date: 2/6/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Whats up! I just got back from sledding damn that was kick ass! Went off a ramp flew into the air and landed straight on my ass. Well anyway I got new graphics up there which are deffinatly mine made em myself Alright I'll see what I can do tonight Linkwise but me and some friends are going to watch a movie and drink some hot choclate, so I can't guarentee anything I also can't spell.... Ok well see Ya
Title: Anime Overdrive on the Way!
Date: 2/6/03
Posed By: Mystic Gohan

Hello Everyone! I am Now working on my new site Anime Overdrive. Since my old site Anime Mystics didn't work out as I planed I moved and work on doing pics and info for more then just Dragon Ball Z. Expect a lot more content coming soon! Also I'll Try and get my old friends to help me out with this site...Its Hard doing a site alone. Oh yeah since I mention it If you want To sign up to work on the site It'd be a big help. Just e-mail me at and tell me what ya can do and maybe i'll give ya a shot. See Ya Anime Fans!

¤Links to us

¤Video Clips

¤Trigun Info
¤Dragon Ball Z Info
¤Cowboy Bebop Info
¤Inyuyasha Info
¤Gundam Wing Info
¤G Gundam Info
¤Basterd Info

¤Akira Info
¤Spriggan Info
¤Dragon Ball Z Movie Info

¤Anime Review
¤Game Review
¤Movie Review