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Navigation for AoD

Angel Santuary

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Fan of Final Fantasy? Visit here!

A good friend and awesome place to get MANGA SCANLATIONS! Excellent quality!


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Yes yes... it is true, nothing works well cause it's under construction! Sorry! And, euh, I will be adding pictures, so sorry if the site is a tad on the boring side ;p

Update - Added to Angels section!

Welcome to Angels of Darkness!

Welcome to my Angel Sanctuary dedication page!
Although AS is a manga in which it tackles dark themes and a lot of views that can be described as a bit distadteful in some religions, AS is none the less passionate and thouroughly fascinating!

This site is dedicated to the manga of AS since I am not able to get my hands on the movie at the moment *I will get you!*

Ok, reading the manga is slow because I do work! I have gotten through the first five novels in English *thanks to Branden's wonderul scanlations* so, I will be going through these in details. For those who only have a japanese version, there is something called the Omega Project online that is translating the series... and other mangas too >.<

I will be looking at the *funny* side of AS, since all the other pages are concentrating on the darker aspect of it, I will point out the parts that made me want to wet my pants from laughter! I love it!

So, check out the navigation and have fun! You can send me some feed back if you wish, I am always happy to improve this site...


Please know that this site is not intended to take away from the author of Angel Sanctuary and that all materials on this site are meant as entertainment. I have no intention to claim any of Yuri’s things as my own!

All images on this site are © of Angels of Darkness and © Angel Sanctuary

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