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Thursday, 10 June 2004
Well..abt yesterday..hehe..i managed to talk to GENESIS and worked thingz out though i still really think that she should say sori to me in person..cuz what she did was terribly affected one of our teacherz in the youth church as i have mentioned..I just duntnoe y would GENESIS would do that..she herself has to discipline herself if she noez her mum's not disciplining her..the thing is..without discipline..there wouldn't be any good that she will do..though i noe she's a christian..she's not acting like one..she readz sms during worship..doesn't she noe that she's doing it in the house of God..she has to be ashamed of herself if she realised what she has done..and to those christianz out there pls pray for this person cuz she needs to change her actionz towardz being a christian..if she could not change..then never's God's will anyway..but if she could change..i would like to thank everyone who prayed for her..hmmz..i should talk to her mum at one of these dayz cuz she needz to know what her daughter's been doing in church and that she herself will realise that she hasn't been disciplining her child the right way..and i should know..cuz ive been observing GENESIS since she came to youth and her attitude reali changed..well that reali dependz on her..cuz it's her life not mine..but still i reali want to pray for her cuz as a friend to her,i dunt want her to turn away from God..cuz her destiny is with God,Her FUTURE dependz on her but God noez what she will become..and if she makez the rite choices..God will be happy cuz he could continue His planz for her life..Dat's all fer now..byee!!.

Posted by anime5/anc at 10:26 AM JST
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Wednesday, 9 June 2004
I went to lucky plaza todae and gosh i was cheated to buy bread that did not taste good at all..well newaiz..i bought it n' ate it in order not to waste money..gosh..i regreted buying it though..then,i went to buy what my mum asked me to buy cuz' we had no least i could repay my mum for what she has done to me..and sacrifices that she made to from now on..i wouldn't dare answer back to my mum even when im tempted to and never smash thingz infront of her[cuz whenever i do that..she gets upset and thinkz that im angry with her} and that showz i have no some one person in church scoldz her mum instead of her mum scolding her for what she had done..i dunt want to mention wat she did cuz it's despicable..people who believe her must be blind cuz they haven't seen the real GENESIS..there i mentioned her name..hope you feel ashamed for what you've done..anymore lies abt me?..cuz she'll never get away with it..she has to face the YOUTH teacherz and me..she's is darn..SO big trouble..i blocked her in msn cuz she wunt tell da i was sayin'..she's a spoilt brat..she alwayz wantz to be right and nemesis alwayz on the wrong side..that's y she wunt admit that she lied..wait til' she sees me moving to another church..she might not regret..but the teacherz will alwayz be in my side cuz they noe that i did not lie.

Posted by anime5/anc at 1:33 PM JST
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Tuesday, 8 June 2004
~ Yo PpLe ~
Hi..just sharing this to all of you there who are free thinkerz..there is a God up there who carez for you and is watching over i advice you..if you know how to pray..then pray this prayer im gonna have to give you..if you do not want to be a christian it's ok with me but for those who are christianz and willing to be christianz..pray this with me..

Dear Lord Jesus,

I've been given the chance to know about you and now
Lord God..Im willing to confess my sins to you and i ask for your forgiveness and healing that this sins won't be able to reach me ever again..Im willing to accept you as my Lord and Saviour because you died in the cross of calvary to pay for our sins..your spriti is always within us and I know Lord that you wouldnt leave me in the hands of devil as Im your Child..Heal me Lord as Im weak to face enemies though I need to face them as friends..Give me the strenght Lord..Im in Great need of You Lord God..That's my prayer to you,In the power of your Holy name,In Jesus'name,Amen.

Posted by anime5/anc at 3:49 PM JST
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WelLz..there's no change..tHat person who betrayed me still has the lie spread to her mum..who is believing her..i mean..who wouldn't be so upset of what she did to me..that heinous thing tHat she did to me is that she gossiped abt it to loadz of pple..and now i dunt noe wat to do cuz i dunt noe the pple she told the lie to..she's a spoilt brat..that's fer sure..and btwz,any of you here have friendster or hi5 or maybe xanga??..if you hav hi5 or friendster..pls add me in this to those who have commentz on my xanga much..Im desperately looking for christianz and those who are reali devoted..those who love anime is also included to the dat's all fer now,Kkz??..bye.

Posted by anime5/anc at 12:29 PM JST
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Monday, 7 June 2004
A friend of mine betrayed me ..i just found out dat it's been going on since Youth Camp..that would be last week..I thought dat everything was fine..but it turned out dat it wasnt..she's a fraud in a way dat she gossiped it to Alot of pple..then it came to the point dat i had to confront her but i had no courage..i was weaker than her..she consider herself as popular but actuali she's not..i could just laugh at wat she did before..but for wat she did to's no joke..she in deep trouble cuz all our teacherz noez wat she it's quite hard for her to face us now..and she does not even admit that she's in the wrong and she that she lied to me..and i cant believe dat she's a's her turn to be's pay back time!.


Posted by anime5/anc at 7:15 PM JST
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