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Facial Markings

The markings on the goddesses' foreheads contain programs defining their domains, powers, classes and categories. Goddesses maintain a constant link to Yggdrasil and if Yggdrasil goes haywire, so do the programs in the markings, which in turn affect the goddesses. In chapters 41 and 42, due to the malfunction of their markings, the goddesses went through physical changes in which Urd turned into a young girl around age 10, and Skuld into a girl in her 20s.

The demons' forehead markings don't work in quite the same way as the goddesses - they aren't linked to any "mainframe". Instead, all demons carry marking on their forehead, clearly indicating the fact that they're evil. They also show what class demon they are - for example, the "\ /" mark symbolizes First Class Demon. Valsper carries a different looking symbol, but I have no idea as to what exactly it symbolizes... I still have not actually read the chapters myself.

© Lauren Wagstaff/Ah! My Goddess/February 2 2003. Design by: Angel_Online. Found on: Day Dream Graphics .
Oh My Goddess is property of Fujishima Kousuke, and in the US is distributed by Animeigo (the anime), and Dark Horse (the manga).