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Amantis BF (5:04:32 PM): yo
Tweak974 (5:04:37 PM): hey
Amantis BF (5:04:43 PM): moo
Tweak974 (5:04:51 PM): mops
Amantis BF (5:04:59 PM): blops
Tweak974 (5:05:04 PM): crops
Amantis BF (5:05:16 PM): slops
Tweak974 (5:05:22 PM): trees?
Tweak974 (5:05:28 PM): >.<
Amantis BF (5:05:41 PM)
: uh...
Amantis BF (5:05:48 PM): puddles
Tweak974 (5:05:57 PM): hmmm
Tweak974 (5:06:08 PM): look! a rock!
Amantis BF (5:06:15 PM)
: it's Rock On!
Tweak974 (5:06:19 PM): where?
Amantis BF (5:06:24 PM): da rock...
Tweak974 (5:06:31 PM): behind the rock?
Amantis BF (5:06:46 PM): nah...he is *the* rock...
Tweak974 (5:06:55 PM): wresteling rock?
Amantis BF (5:07:37 PM): how about fountain pouring?
Tweak974 (5:07:54 PM): how bout cow tipping?
Amantis BF (5:08:24 PM): nah...
Amantis BF (5:08:27 PM): chicken feeding
Tweak974 (5:09:01 PM): donkey kicking?
Amantis BF (5:09:45 PM): c0rtamination?
Tweak974 (5:10:07 PM): 4mantification?
Tweak974 (5:10:11 PM): i wanna mod the void :D
Amantis BF (5:10:59 PM)
: hahaha
Amantis BF (5:11:04 PM): you wouldn't want to...
Tweak974 (5:11:08 PM): no?
Tweak974 (5:11:15 PM): is there too much spam to void?
Amantis BF (5:11:15 PM)
: too much corruption o_O
Amantis BF (5:11:21 PM): makes your eyes wanna cry...
Tweak974 (5:11:34 PM): stupid void needs some post editing
Amantis BF (5:12:28 PM): such as the posts 'Tw34k is g0d'?
Tweak974 (5:12:33 PM): lol
Amantis BF (5:12:36 PM): neva!
Tweak974 (5:12:45 PM): i had fun in the newb grounds
Tweak974 (5:12:50 PM): ongoing feuds with zaku
Tweak974 (5:12:53 PM)
: and raping the server :D
Amantis BF (5:12:56 PM)
: hahahaha
Tweak974 (5:13:11 PM): but then some n00bs came
Tweak974 (5:13:27 PM): oh well
Tweak974 (5:13:34 PM)
: theres some good announcements burried in there
Amantis BF (5:13:42 PM)
: true
Tweak974 (5:14:02 PM): DAMN
Tweak974 (5:14:07 PM): i ruined my cool post count
Amantis BF (5:14:13 PM)
: which was?
Tweak974 (5:14:16 PM): 3333
Amantis BF (5:14:21 PM): hahaha
Amantis BF (5:15:15 PM): on a side note
Amantis BF (5:15:36 PM): how much time have you got in your hands for the next few days?
Tweak974 (5:15:42 PM): hmm
Tweak974 (5:15:49 PM): well my cousins just got back from camp
Tweak974 (5:16:01 PM)
: so theres 4 little kids running around... tmo, I dont know what im doing
Tweak974 (5:16:04 PM)
: monday either
Tweak974 (5:16:09 PM)
: i might, i might not
Amantis BF (5:16:15 PM)
: hmm...
Tweak974 (5:16:38 PM): all depends
Tweak974 (5:16:47 PM): i have latenights all the time
Amantis BF (5:16:54 PM)
: would you be able to do forum research work then?
Tweak974 (5:17:00 PM): ican try
Amantis BF (5:17:22 PM): forum anniversary on thursday, need stuffs :-\
Tweak974 (5:17:36 PM): oh right
Amantis BF (5:17:55 PM): we've got info gathered from various members
Amantis BF (5:17:59 PM): all we need is the research
Tweak974 (5:18:44 PM): i can do my best
Amantis BF (5:19:02 PM): alrighty, here's stuffs:
Tweak974 (5:19:10 PM): k hold:
Tweak974 (5:19:12 PM): i got to reboot
Amantis BF (5:19:17 PM)
: okies
Tweak974 signed off at 5:19:28 PM.
Tweak974 signed on at 5:21:12 PM.
Tweak974 (5:21:27 PM): k
Amantis BF (5:21:31 PM): okies
Amantis BF (5:21:49 PM): here's what we've got so far:
Amantis BF (5:22:06 PM): a new forum (that's already set up but currently invisible to all eyes)
Amantis BF (5:22:20 PM): and in it
Amantis BF (5:22:29 PM): we dump in some kind of 'forum history'
Tweak974 (5:22:48 PM): hmm
Amantis BF (5:22:56 PM): here are a few suggestions:
Amantis BF (5:23:00 PM): - Set up some kind of timeline from 29th July 2002 - 29th July 2003 (including 'dates' of administrators, new forums, humour, funnies, ANYTHING!)
Tweak974 (5:23:13 PM): crap
Amantis BF (5:23:16 PM): - Create at least a closed sticky containing the most remembered posts (Be it funny or not. We could contact a few other members, or the GFX Team to help us with this, or even Battle Staff), if not a thread, heck a forum would be awesome.
Amantis BF (5:23:27 PM): (:-P, that's just the basics)
Amantis BF (5:23:41 PM): - That Hall of Fame has to be a separate from Chit-Chat, containing previous Admins and special members who left the Forum to pursue their life dreams.
Amantis BF (5:23:58 PM): - you could make kind of like a world record of the forums.
longest running thread, longest time here, youngest/oldest user

Amantis BF (5:24:12 PM): - user pics and bios for famous members
Tweak974 (5:24:13 PM): that one i could do
Amantis BF (5:24:25 PM): - famous avatars/sigs
Tweak974 (5:24:32 PM): (hunterkillers)
Amantis BF (5:24:35 PM): - user voted most liklely to.....
Amantis BF (5:24:44 PM): hahahahaha, known as the 'shaker'?
Tweak974 (5:24:47 PM): yep
Amantis BF (5:25:04 PM): - Past 'forum trends' and trend starters (e.g. pink bunny cult by Theroy/cort, kitty cult by sakhuta, domo-kun by Renzo)
Amantis BF (5:25:13 PM): - Original mods of certain forums (e.g. Raya Wolfsun and Cobalt Wolf for Philo back then)
Amantis BF (5:25:19 PM): - Forum in jokes
Amantis BF (5:25:31 PM): that's what we've got so far
Tweak974 (5:25:37 PM): hmm
Tweak974 (5:25:52 PM): hell of alot to do in 4 days
Amantis BF (5:25:56 PM)
: yup...
Tweak974 (5:26:36 PM): longest thread: in the void... me and summit
longest legit thread: the d2:assasin one i do believe

Amantis BF (5:26:39 PM): i still need a couple more 'slaves' to do a bit of work =_=;;;
Tweak974 (5:26:56 PM): slave whiteangel
Tweak974 (5:27:01 PM): i know hes good at research
Amantis BF (5:27:02 PM)
: (unless it's the 'VBad...newest forum retard' :-P)
Tweak974 (5:27:12 PM): stupid thread
Amantis BF (5:27:36 PM): yup...
Amantis BF (5:27:43 PM): don't recommend putting it up
Tweak974 (5:27:54 PM): *bumps it*
Amantis BF (5:28:35 PM): White Angel...
Tweak974 (5:29:10 PM): yea
Tweak974 (5:29:24 PM): oh no wonder i havent recieved any new pms
Tweak974 (5:29:28 PM)
: my box is full
Amantis BF (5:29:31 PM)
: hahahaha
Tweak974 (5:29:47 PM): its that damned sent messages folder!
Amantis BF (5:30:18 PM): hehehe
Tweak974 (5:30:29 PM): lol went from 185 to 37
Tweak974 (5:32:04 PM): wow there were alot of previous admins werent there?
Tweak974 (5:32:11 PM)
: an entire 2
Tweak974 (5:32:14 PM)
: :P
Amantis BF (5:32:19 PM)
: yup...cort and skuzz :-P
Amantis BF (5:32:24 PM): (and Place)
Tweak974 (5:32:32 PM): well 3 then
Tweak974 (5:32:35 PM): forgot bout place
Amantis BF (5:32:45 PM)
: Tempest Storm: geez, you keep changing admins like J-Lo changes husbands!
Tweak974 (5:32:51 PM): haha
Tweak974 (5:33:07 PM): 4th admin in a year of forums
Amantis BF (5:33:13 PM)
: yup
Amantis BF (5:33:17 PM): 4th group
Tweak974 (5:33:39 PM): it must reduce stress level a bit
Amantis BF (5:33:46 PM): yup
Tweak974 (5:33:48 PM): wonder what cort went through
Amantis BF (5:33:56 PM): cort wasn't talking as much near the end
Tweak974 (5:34:03 PM): i noticed
Amantis BF (5:34:13 PM): i think he's busy playing around
Tweak974 (5:34:16 PM): we knew it went downhill when the cortamination ceased
Amantis BF (5:34:32 PM): yup
Tweak974 (5:35:03 PM): i can think of 2 famous av/sigs since i came here:
Tweak974 (5:35:08 PM): korittkes chick sig
Tweak974 (5:35:10 PM)
: and hunters
Amantis BF (5:35:20 PM)
: hahaha
Amantis BF (5:35:26 PM): james dean?
Amantis BF (5:35:36 PM): bjornita's famous for her Lisa Simpsons
Tweak974 (5:35:40 PM): true
Tweak974 (5:36:05 PM): well i'll have to do some browsing
Amantis BF (5:36:20 PM)
: and cort for that avatar he's been using for a while
Tweak974 (5:36:34 PM): when he changed that i was like wtf
Amantis BF (5:36:40 PM): hehehehe
Tweak974 (5:36:51 PM): but it came back
Amantis BF (5:36:59 PM): well, we're used to it
Amantis BF (5:37:09 PM): shame that Renzo kept on changing his Auron :-(
Tweak974 (5:37:38 PM): yea
Amantis BF (5:37:40 PM): and it'll be funny if we made a comment about Tronga's old avvy that i've never seen...
Amantis BF (5:37:53 PM): (btw, do you have whiteangel's AIM?)
Tweak974 (5:37:57 PM): isheamal
Tweak974 (5:38:10 PM): ive never seen tronga with another signature
Amantis BF (5:38:25 PM)
: i've been told that he's used an ugly caveman once
Tweak974 (5:38:33 PM): lol
Tweak974 (5:39:19 PM): and your avatar
Tweak974 (5:39:23 PM)
: has been there forever
Amantis BF (5:39:36 PM)
: unless you've counted the times when i used guybrush threepwood...
Tweak974 (5:39:48 PM): dont think i saw that
Amantis BF (5:39:57 PM): (just to make fun of prodigous's post at one point :-D)
Amantis BF (5:40:11 PM): mave's been there for a while too
Tweak974 (5:40:20 PM): yea
Amantis BF (5:40:29 PM): and i'm wondering if punk's avatar was saved by somebody
Amantis BF (5:40:44 PM): i loved that stickman constantly tripping himself on that rock
Tweak974 (5:40:50 PM): haha
Amantis BF (5:41:07 PM): kami's berserk is well known too
Tweak974 (5:41:19 PM): yes
Tweak974 (5:41:29 PM): i change avs more than i can count
Amantis BF (5:41:32 PM)
: now whenever i see that image (at another forum), i keep on pointing at it and saying: 'Kamiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Amantis BF (5:41:42 PM): hehe
Amantis BF (5:42:02 PM): Kald has also changed too many times that i have no idea what his current avatar looks like
Tweak974 (5:42:03 PM): hah
Amantis BF (5:42:31 PM): kitty's old one was cute
Tweak974 (5:43:02 PM): which was that?
Amantis BF (5:43:14 PM): the fuzzy kitten in that pink background
Tweak974 (5:43:43 PM): hmmmm dont think i can remember it
Tweak974 (5:44:09 PM): User with most accounts: Gaheadga?
Amantis BF (5:44:20 PM)
: try XenLiger...:-P
Tweak974 (5:44:26 PM): BATTLE!
Amantis BF (5:44:30 PM): (he's got 5!)
Tweak974 (5:44:36 PM): gaheadga lost a few accounts in the rollback i think
Amantis BF (5:44:43 PM): hmm...yeah it's possible
Tweak974 (5:44:49 PM): i know he had so many
Amantis BF (5:44:59 PM)
: doing IP check
Amantis BF (5:46:02 PM): nope, looks like he's only got 1 big IP with only one account using it for now
Amantis BF (5:46:09 PM): might ask cort about it
Tweak974 (5:46:21 PM): he used proxies
Amantis BF (5:46:26 PM): true
Tweak974 (5:46:27 PM): so ip checks wont work i think
Amantis BF (5:46:32 PM): yeah
Amantis BF (5:47:36 PM): oh yeah...Swooper and Crooked's avatars...
Tweak974 (5:47:41 PM): yea
Amantis BF (5:47:48 PM): fuzzy bear and dancing rat
Tweak974 (5:48:03 PM): search on gaheadga:
gaheadgas brother

Amantis BF (5:48:26 PM): i think he's also got v013d3d at one point
Tweak974 (5:48:47 PM): maybe
Amantis BF (5:49:00 PM): meh...dunno
Amantis BF (5:49:17 PM): but it's preferable if gahead's name went up rather than XenLiger's
Tweak974 (5:49:20 PM): member with most posts: guru/cvysa
Tweak974 (5:49:26 PM): yea
Amantis BF (5:49:29 PM)
: the general public doesn't need to know about the copyright business
Amantis BF (5:49:34 PM): hehehehe...
Amantis BF (5:49:40 PM): officially it's Maverick (i believe)
Tweak974 (5:49:42 PM): ill just stick mav
Tweak974 (5:49:48 PM): 4106 at the moment
Amantis BF (5:50:04 PM)
: hehehe...he used to flood the Chit-Chat forums back then
Tweak974 (5:50:30 PM): good old flooding
Tweak974 (5:50:36 PM): awesome way of spamming
Tweak974 (5:50:38 PM)
: :P
Amantis BF (5:50:47 PM)
: i used to do it too...:-(
Tweak974 (5:51:05 PM): we all did at one point
Amantis BF (5:51:10 PM): hehehe
Tweak974 (5:51:15 PM): who wasn't a spamming n00b at some point or another>
Amantis BF (5:51:23 PM): true
Tweak974 (5:51:29 PM): oldest active member would be:
Tweak974 (5:51:30 PM): ?
Amantis BF (5:51:36 PM)
: Pan or Tacitus
Amantis BF (5:51:40 PM): i'd say both
Tweak974 (5:51:43 PM): hold on...
Amantis BF (5:51:53 PM): (to prevent dispute =_=;;; )
Tweak974 (5:52:09 PM): im doing it by date joined
Amantis BF (5:52:13 PM): ah
Amantis BF (5:52:29 PM): how about 'top 5 active forum oldies'?
Tweak974 (5:52:55 PM): ok
Tweak974 (5:53:11 PM): interesting...
Amantis BF (5:53:20 PM)
: hmm...?
Tweak974 (5:53:21 PM): Crookedfoot 08-06-2002 544
Amantis BF (5:53:28 PM): yup...
Tweak974 (5:53:38 PM): pan: 08-08
Amantis BF (5:53:53 PM): hehehe...and he keeps bragging about it...:-D
Amantis BF (5:54:28 PM): Pan's anime avatar might also hit the charts
Tweak974 (5:54:31 PM): is l33t counted as active still?
Amantis BF (5:54:34 PM): dunno
Tweak974 (5:54:52 PM): tacitus: 08-02
Tweak974 (5:58:49 PM): so its:
Tacitus 08-02-02
Crookedfoot 08-06-02
Pan 08-08-02
SmashBros.Pro 09-05-02
Swooper 09-08-2002

Amantis BF (5:59:00 PM)
: hmm...
Amantis BF (5:59:07 PM): add l33t's name to it
Amantis BF (5:59:29 PM): because he could be turning up anytime
Tweak974 (5:59:41 PM): true
Tweak974 (6:00:04 PM): avatar held the longest: requires research
Amantis BF (6:00:19 PM)
: i'm sure Swooper wouldn't mind if he was taken off the list :-D
Tweak974 (6:00:28 PM): lol i bumped his ass off :P
Amantis BF (6:00:36 PM): hehehe
Tweak974 (6:01:10 PM): oldest active mod?
Amantis BF (6:01:22 PM): good question
Tweak974 (6:01:33 PM): depends when people were modded
Amantis BF (6:01:40 PM): yeah..
Amantis BF (6:02:14 PM): <---speediest member to admin (and cort) :-P
Tweak974 (6:02:28 PM): i think you were
Tweak974 (6:02:39 PM): cort in september... skuzzy left in febuary?
Amantis BF (6:02:44 PM)
: yeah
Tweak974 (6:02:58 PM): 4 montsh to the beginning of febuary
Tweak974 (6:03:05 PM): you became admin last month...?
Amantis BF (6:03:11 PM)
: chrisuk doesn't count though
Amantis BF (6:03:14 PM): yeah
Tweak974 (6:03:14 PM): i know
Tweak974 (6:03:17 PM): DAMN
Tweak974 (6:03:19 PM)
: i need dates
Tweak974 (6:03:23 PM)
: both are 4 months
Amantis BF (6:03:28 PM)
: <----first female mod/staff/admin :-P
Tweak974 (6:03:32 PM): when was skuzzys leave date?
Amantis BF (6:03:35 PM): can't remember
Tweak974 (6:03:38 PM): poop
Amantis BF (6:03:44 PM): it got caught in the roll back
Tweak974 (6:03:49 PM): ouch
Tweak974 (6:03:54 PM): i was wondering where it was
Tweak974 (6:04:01 PM)
: thought it got shoved in the archived forum
Amantis BF (6:04:07 PM)
: it must have been beginning of march
Amantis BF (6:04:29 PM): date of roll back is easy
Tweak974 (6:04:36 PM): that would make cort = 5 months around
Amantis BF (6:04:40 PM): just check the gap ;-)
Amantis BF (6:04:41 PM): yup
Tweak974 (6:05:31 PM): youngest mod: kittiekitty?
Amantis BF (6:05:40 PM): think so
Amantis BF (6:05:47 PM): oldest: Crooked
Amantis BF (6:05:50 PM): (hehehehe)
Tweak974 (6:05:52 PM): of course
Tweak974 (6:06:30 PM): the favorites would require a mass voting thread in chitchat
Amantis BF (6:06:41 PM)
: favourite in 4 days?
Tweak974 (6:06:49 PM): doubt it could be done
Amantis BF (6:06:51 PM): too much trouble for now
Amantis BF (6:07:00 PM): we've probably got something set up for the forum awards
Tweak974 (6:07:12 PM): Longest post by a user: ?
Amantis BF (6:07:21 PM): hmm...
Amantis BF (6:07:37 PM): 'longest essay'
Amantis BF (6:07:53 PM): hehehe *remembers those arguments the AS mods used to have with Rage in Staff Forums*
Tweak974 (6:08:01 PM): nope
Tweak974 (6:08:05 PM): im a recent mod
Amantis BF (6:08:24 PM)
: there were *essays* as to how people wanted the AS forum to be
Amantis BF (6:08:41 PM): Raya and Cobalt vs Rage
Amantis BF (6:09:01 PM): kinda funny, coming to think about it
Tweak974 (6:09:03 PM): Starcraft: Ghost? why not Diablo: Assassin? - 707 posts
Amantis BF (6:09:19 PM): how many pages?
Amantis BF (6:09:30 PM): 25+ i think?
Tweak974 (6:09:30 PM): forum default:
Tweak974 (6:09:46 PM): 29 pages with forum default
Amantis BF (6:09:55 PM)
: woo...
Tweak974 (6:10:08 PM): think of any other large threads?
Tweak974 (6:10:19 PM): 10 deep questions was 499 posts
Amantis BF (6:10:21 PM)
: the 'rate the person above you'
Amantis BF (6:10:26 PM): (got lost too)
Tweak974 (6:10:34 PM): oh
Tweak974 (6:10:55 PM): Vbadgirl - Newest forum Retard - 578 posts
Amantis BF (6:11:23 PM)
: yup...and Slice must have had fun
Tweak974 (6:11:26 PM): lol
Amantis BF (6:11:30 PM): with VB
Tweak974 (6:11:35 PM): yea
Amantis BF (6:11:38 PM): hehehe
Amantis BF (6:11:55 PM): the funny thing that i've noticed was that the more she got flamed, the happier she became
Tweak974 (6:12:02 PM): yea
Tweak974 (6:12:08 PM): well i got my own slice thread
Tweak974 (6:12:09 PM)
: Tweak - Poser Stoner Sgt.Slice The Asylum 126
Amantis BF (6:12:11 PM)
: strange concept, but oh well
Amantis BF (6:12:20 PM): hehehe
Tweak974 (6:13:26 PM): still trying to find largest thread...
Amantis BF (6:14:08 PM): i'm thinking of names of mods who left
Amantis BF (6:14:40 PM): Flaming Cows, Unregistered, Aris and Judge Dee (and maybe a few more) for the D2 forums
Amantis BF (6:14:56 PM): then there were Raya Wolfsun and Cobalt Wolf for the old AS
Tweak974 (6:15:03 PM): i dont know who modded back then
Amantis BF (6:15:18 PM): precisely the reason why i also want DK to do some research
Amantis BF (6:16:56 PM): i also need a couple of good 'writers' who'll be able to slave away with some humour for the posts made
Amantis BF (6:17:01 PM): or rather
Amantis BF (6:17:17 PM): for the posts to be made for all this brainstorming
Tweak974 (6:17:24 PM): Moderator that mods most forums: Tronga, with 7... Savage mods 8 but he staffs all of d2
Amantis BF (6:17:27 PM): something like a 'museum'
Amantis BF (6:17:31 PM): yup
Tweak974 (6:17:42 PM): would it be savage or tronga?
Amantis BF (6:17:47 PM): i'd say Tronga
Amantis BF (6:18:08 PM): the gaming forums are easier compared to the general forums
Tweak974 (6:18:17 PM): yea
Tweak974 (6:18:23 PM): well not d2hacking
Amantis BF (6:18:24 PM)
: i don't see Kitty posting in D2 anymore :-(
Amantis BF (6:18:31 PM): yeah, that's the exception
Tweak974 (6:18:40 PM): didnt even know kitty played d2
Amantis BF (6:18:51 PM): she's a D2 player
Amantis BF (6:19:02 PM): i don't see Bjornita in D2 anymore too
Amantis BF (6:19:47 PM): and hehehe...people like Jaden and Lilu only come for the general forums
Tweak974 (6:19:59 PM): does mav go on nething else?
Amantis BF (6:20:08 PM): he's an SC and CS
Tweak974 (6:20:14 PM): oh ok
Tweak974 (6:20:24 PM): im here for general,d2 and sometimes SC
Amantis BF (6:20:36 PM)
: i still suck in SC :-(
Tweak974 (6:20:44 PM): haha lol
Tweak974 (6:20:49 PM): i havent played for so long :-(
Tweak974 (6:20:53 PM): d2 just took over
Amantis BF (6:20:57 PM): hehehe
Amantis BF (6:21:04 PM): D2 becomes too repetitive over time
Tweak974 (6:21:08 PM): yea
Tweak974 (6:21:16 PM): longest active female member: ?
Amantis BF (6:21:23 PM)
: uh...
Amantis BF (6:21:28 PM): Bjornita?
Amantis BF (6:21:31 PM): Cobalt?
Tweak974 (6:21:34 PM): hmm
Tweak974 (6:21:40 PM): is cobalt active/
Amantis BF (6:21:40 PM)
: no wait, Cobalt's hardly on anymore
Tweak974 (6:21:44 PM): yea
Amantis BF (6:21:59 PM): she's been having too much to do IRL
Tweak974 (6:22:09 PM): IRL?
Amantis BF (6:22:15 PM): in real life
Tweak974 (6:22:19 PM): ohh
Amantis BF (6:22:22 PM): hehe
Tweak974 (6:22:24 PM): something im not familiar with
Amantis BF (6:22:51 PM): and i still have no idea as to what gg means
Tweak974 (6:22:56 PM): good game
Amantis BF (6:22:59 PM): ah
Tweak974 (6:23:05 PM): general sc talk:
Tweak974 (6:23:11 PM): gl hf ka dd
Amantis BF (6:23:18 PM)
: good luck...
Amantis BF (6:23:22 PM): something something....
Tweak974 (6:23:23 PM): have fun
Amantis BF (6:23:24 PM): uh....
Tweak974 (6:23:25 PM): kick ass
Amantis BF (6:23:26 PM): ah
Tweak974 (6:23:27 PM): dont die
Amantis BF (6:23:31 PM): haha
Tweak974 (6:23:39 PM): used for UMS
Tweak974 (6:23:50 PM): all the matrix d's
Amantis BF (6:23:54 PM)
: i see
Tweak974 (6:23:59 PM): god i havent played in so long :-(
Tweak974 (6:24:05 PM): LODLSM
Amantis BF (6:24:14 PM): i still haven't redo that Norad quest
Tweak974 (6:24:41 PM): i beat the single player campaigns :D
Tweak974 (6:24:45 PM): black sheep wall
Tweak974 (6:24:48 PM)
: show me the money
Tweak974 (6:24:51 PM)
: power overwhelming
Tweak974 (6:24:53 PM)
: *cough*
Amantis BF (6:24:54 PM)
: hahahaha
Amantis BF (6:24:56 PM): yup
Amantis BF (6:25:02 PM): but i wanna play *without* the cheats
Amantis BF (6:25:12 PM): (i did that just to get the story over and done with!)
Tweak974 (6:25:13 PM): i beat regular SC w/o cheats
Tweak974 (6:25:32 PM): terran = pain in the ass
Amantis BF (6:25:36 PM)
: i love the 30 minute quest where you need to survive for 30 mins
Tweak974 (6:25:40 PM): hah
Tweak974 (6:25:43 PM): i played that lots
Amantis BF (6:26:00 PM)
: really squishy :-D
Tweak974 (6:26:01 PM): i kept getting owned ... then i played online for 5 months straight
Tweak974 (6:26:03 PM): at laughed at it
Amantis BF (6:26:06 PM)
: haha
Tweak974 (6:26:18 PM): i was like WTF LOL N00BS STFU GTFO
Tweak974 (6:26:24 PM): >.<
Amantis BF (6:26:32 PM)
: haha
Tweak974 (6:26:58 PM): its been so long since ive played a money map or a turret defense :-(
Amantis BF (6:27:16 PM): aww
Tweak974 (6:27:47 PM): brings back old times
Tweak974 (6:27:58 PM): late friday nights playing dbz evolves
Amantis BF (6:28:02 PM)
: ah
Tweak974 (6:28:09 PM): HAH
Tweak974 (6:28:18 PM): thats what i was an xpert on! EVOLVEZ games
Amantis BF (6:28:24 PM)
: hahaha
Tweak974 (6:28:33 PM): twin tele+mass = pwn the n00bs
Amantis BF (6:28:40 PM): hehehe
Tweak974 (6:28:49 PM): wow look what you made me do
Tweak974 (6:28:51 PM): its 3:30
Tweak974 (6:28:54 PM)
: and i wanna play SC
Tweak974 (6:28:58 PM)
: but i cant and i need sleep
Amantis BF (6:29:01 PM)
: hahaha
Tweak974 (6:29:09 PM): and you make me go on BF :O
Amantis BF (6:29:12 PM): hold off the search if you need to
Tweak974 (6:29:16 PM): <>:o
Amantis BF (6:29:20 PM): :-P
Amantis BF (6:29:23 PM): O:-)
Tweak974 (6:29:24 PM): lol i'll do some more tmo when i get achance
Tweak974 (6:29:31 PM): but, i need slleeeep
Tweak974 (6:29:42 PM)
: i know ill be waken up at 8 newayz
Tweak974 (6:29:44 PM)
: silly little kids
Amantis BF (6:29:46 PM)
: apart from WhiteAngel and DK, who else would you recommend for some funky posts?
Amantis BF (6:29:49 PM): hahaha
Amantis BF (6:30:03 PM): (will need some kind of 'tour guide')
Tweak974 (6:30:03 PM): funky posts?
Amantis BF (6:30:09 PM): yeah
Tweak974 (6:30:24 PM): anybody that posted in the Come in here and give me a... thread
Tweak974 (6:30:30 PM): :p
Amantis BF (6:30:35 PM)
: eh?
Tweak974 (6:30:44 PM): that thread in the void/staff forums
Amantis BF (6:30:54 PM): Kami, Mave and company?
Tweak974 (6:30:58 PM): yea
Amantis BF (6:31:00 PM): :-P
Tweak974 (6:31:07 PM): they are funkee :-P
Amantis BF (6:31:13 PM): might try to get Mave to do some slave work when he returns in Tuesday :-P
Amantis BF (6:31:19 PM): *on Tuesday
Tweak974 (6:31:22 PM): slave his ass!
Tweak974 (6:31:29 PM): make him your personal monkee!
Amantis BF (6:31:38 PM)
: he's already my personal baboon :-D
Tweak974 (6:31:52 PM): make him your personal primate then
Amantis BF (6:31:59 PM): hahaha
Tweak974 (6:32:28 PM): *battleforums zoo*
To your right you will see Amantis's personal baboon... Avert your eyes!

Amantis BF (6:32:36 PM): hahahaha!
Amantis BF (6:32:39 PM): good one ;-)
Tweak974 (6:32:47 PM): :O i made a funny
Amantis BF (6:32:51 PM): yeah, i'll need something like that...
Tweak974 (6:32:53 PM): that means im overly tired
Amantis BF (6:32:59 PM): :-P
Tweak974 (6:33:07 PM): you stop making me talk!
Tweak974 (6:33:11 PM): AHH
Tweak974 signed off at 6:33:14 PM
Amantis BF (6:33:14 PM): :-D
Previous message was not received by Tweak974 because of error (6:33:16 PM): User Tweak974 is not available.

Session concluded at 06:35:56 ¤U¤È