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* InuYasha *
-Romance Zone-
Cherokey Fics
Aiko-chan Fanfics
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Cherokey Fanfics
WM Comments (=Akane Comments): These are probably the best fics I've ever read in my life. They have everything one might like. ^__^
Go read them! and send Chero-oneechan your comments and reviews. NO FLAMES! or you wont deal with her but with me. 

Aiko-chan Fanfics
Great Fics of InuYasha from Aiko-chan! Go read them. Send Aiko-chan your Reviews!!

 Great fics of AnglPup7! Send her reviews. ^_^


All of you out there! Send me your fics and I'll put them here. You just have to e-mail me telling me what is your Fanfic about ( I mean, it has to be related to InuYasha, of course -_-;;) and I'll gladly put them up.
So PLEASE send me your fics, ok? Thank you everyone! *bows* ^__^  E-MAIL ME