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My Blog!!!!!!!

Say Hello to Mah Little Fledgling Blog! My name is Aaron.....I <3 WWE and Anime and Manga! I am an MF'er! In case you don't know what that is, it stands for MATTITUDE FOLLOWER.......So anyways, welcome to my site, I'm under a lil' Construction now, but soon I will be up with MORE features! Thanks to Jyu for showing me the marry-a-bishujo site. Well Ne-Wayz, welcome to my site, Mihoshi can you show them around?

Oh I forgot ^_^;; This is Mihoshi my future wife, I love her very much even though is a clumsy klutz sometimes it's still cool..... Well I will update with stuff like my Favorite Animes/Stuff About Them/and other stuff! You should go to the Bishujo Realm and marry your own Bishujo! Cheers! ---Aaron