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Weekly Animation

Welcome! This is my first webpage so I hope it goes well! I think it will because my motivation to do this is great! I think...ooh! Look a birdie!


March 19, 2003

I've finally started constructing this darn thing. >.<* Today is my mom's b-day so I'm really happy! I hope all you peoples out there are happy too. Than again you're not reading this right now...I hav't even uploaded my webpage. What am I thinking?!

April 1, 2003


July 8, 2003

I finally fixed the links to my RPG's. Sorry for the delay.

August 28, 2003

I finally updated the weekly animation that has been on there for months! Sorry! ^^' Also I got a guestbook and counter! Please be sure to sign! I'd greatly appriciate it!


Click this Louie and Lestat and Integra and Pip. It's a gift for you.

Click here to go to an Integra fansite!

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