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Episode 103- Yomigaetta Shichinintai
The Seven Man Squad Revived

Amy Ishida
Review for Episode 103: The Revived Shichinintai

Version Reviewed: Japanese
Reviewed By: Amy Ishida

Opening: Grip! By Every Little Thing
Ending: Shinjitsu no Uta by Do As Infinity

Overhearing about villagers gossiping about being cursed by the ghosts of the Shichinin grave, Inuyasha and his companions stopped to ask about this matter. They found out that it was about seven soldiers ten year ago known for their cruel killing methods and was eventually captured and sentenced to death. The villagers feared a curse so they created a grave at the bottom of the mountain. The reason the rumour started was because recently the grave split into two without a logical explanation. After the story was told, they headed back on trail only to sense a single shikon shard. Kirara and Sango took off only to found Kohaku. Kohaku’s memory still hasn’t recovered and under Naraku’s control, he attack Sango but it was interrupted by poisoned mist filling the air. The power of Jakotsu is shown when he encounters a group of exterminators and killed them all with just two swings. The scent of blood only attracted attention to Inuyasha and his companions and met Jakotsu. As for Jakotsu, it was love at first sight towards both Inuyasha and Miroku. (Haha XD) They launched into a fight when Inuyasha questioned where Jakotsu obtained the shikon shard. Inuyasha had to put up with a difficult fight due to the fact Jakotsu’s sword can extend and bend with ease. Sango came to the rescue and reported that Jakotsu’s shikon shard is mostly likely related to Naraku due to Kohaku’s presence earlier on.

New characters:

New Attacks/Weapons:
Snake-Bone sword (Jakotsu)

This was a great episode. It was much more informing and entertaining to watch than the last episode. It described what the Shichinintai are, where they came from and what exactly happened. It has also occurred to Inuyasha and his group that Naraku is definitely involved with the resurrection of these seven soldiers. It had great character development for Jakotsu. You got to see what kind of person he was, how he’s powerful but at the same time very playful. Even during the serious moments of fighting action, he made it funny. It’s relieving to the viewers that once in a while not all the fights have to be dead serious. It’s much more entertaining to watch this way and gives you a variety. They even added a little bit of Sango and Kohaku moment just to update on their current situation. Even though the other members of the Shichinintai were not introduced fully, a glimpse of them and their ways of fighting was introduced during that brief moment of history. You got to experience what type of people they were and what to expect later on.

It was an episode full of action, suspense, drama and comedy. It keeps the viewers interested with the variety in type and hooked on with the cliffhanger ending.

Arashi Reviewing: Episode 103 (Japanese)

Summary: The day began just like every other day…No, really. The episode starts out with the usual stuff: traveling, scene with crazy old guy, etc. Anyway, the important part begins when the Inuyasha gang comes upon some elderly villagers gossiping. They stop to ask what’s going on, and are told the story of the Shichinintai. It turns out that the Shichinintai were a team of seven warriors (no, duh) who were not content in serving under a single daimyo, and therefore wandered the country, taking part in whatever battles they chose. Their killing methods were far too cruel, however, and the daimyo began to fear them. Many of the lords sent out men to destroy the Shichinintai. Many men were killed in their attempts to do this, but eventually the Shichinitai members were cornered, killed, and beheaded. Recently, the gravestone that was over their grave split in two, a sign that the Shichinintai are no longer present beneath it.
Shortly after this conversation, Sango finds and confronts Kohaku once again, but he still can’t remember anything but her face. The evil power Naraku exerts over Kohaku’s jewel shard takes over, and the siblings end up fighting, only to be separated by the need to escape the poison that is released by a mysterious figure nearby.
The scene changes again, and we’re following Jakotsu, who encounters a group of soldiers. Although he doesn’t understand the guns that are being used by the men, and gets shot several times, Jakotsu defeats them all with his unfolding, snakelike sword. The Inuyasha gang arrives, and before they can process the scene in front of them (A circle of mass carnage, with Jakotsu in the center, staring into one of the guns XD), Jakotsu starts on the first of his hitting-on-Inuyasha sprees. “Ka-kawaii! *sparkly sparkly*” and such. Heheh. The look on Inuyasha’s face is just priceless.^^ Sooo…the episode concludes with a fight scene between Inuyasha and Jakotsu, and another shot of the poison-user from earlier (who is Mukotsu, in case you didn’t know). Tune in next time for more Tessaiga vs. Jakotsutou! *dramatic music plays* XP

New Characters:

Hmmmm…the episode is pretty good, even though it’s fairly predictable. We get all of the info on the Shichinintai, and there are plenty of Jakotsu moments. Basically, the regular stuff. The Kohaku scene was better than usual, in terms of being well drawn and well paced. That doesn’t mean I understand why it needs to be in there, though. It’s like: “well, we’ve got all of the typical fighting, so we must add our obligatory Kohaku scene!” Keh.
Not much else to say, although I can add that the voice actors did an excellent job. From Sango’s feelings about Kohaku, Inuyasha being disturbed by certain comments made by Jakotsu, and Jakotsu’s generally odd manner of acting, I think that the voice actors were really into their parts in this one.

Rating: 9/10

Honestly, this episode is pretty normal for Inuyasha. The acting is good, the drawing is good, and the plot is good. There’s a lot of necessary information in this episode, and it’s fun to watch. My only problem is that it’s just so normal (which makes it way harder to review, believe it or not).* sigh* Well, I hope that someone understand what I mean by that.

Episode 103

The Shichinintai, Resurrected

Inuyasha- Opening 5 -Grip

InuYasha- Ending 5 - Shinjitsu No Uta

It all starts out when Jakotsu ask Kohaku if Inuyasha was handsome. I can tell Jakotsu wants Inuyasha so badly! Inuyasha and the gang were walking intill a man was talking about Shichinintai. Miroku wanted to learn more. Miroku starts talking to the man about Shichinintai. He said,"it happened over a decade ago, Tha Shichinintai is a mercenary seven of men. They didn't want to be bossed over by anyone, they wanted to do there own thing. Its said that they lived by going around everywhere to join wars. They killed one hundred men. Their way of war fighting is too cruel. They said it is just a hobby to them. The Kings started to become afraid of them. A crusade was sent against them. They escaped to the mountains, but later were caught by the gansters and they were beheaded. The town a made a grave to console their souls. Their grave site was broken in half and the souls escaped," Kirara transforms and Sango gets on her and flies off. She sees Naraku's bee's and spots Kohaku. She knows Kohaku is still under Naraku's spell. Jakotsu killed the marching army men, just with one swing of his snake sword. Inuyasha smells the fresh blood and goes to see whats going on. Jakotsu says, "you look good Inuyasha when you are angry." Jakotsu says in a lovey dovey way, "Inuyasha's face looks sooo attractive."(Jakotsu must be gay.) Sango comes and blocks the attack before it hit Inuyasha. Then Inuyasha and Jakotsu start fighting again intill they hear a voice. Mukotsu shows up at the top of the cliff and say,"You sure have not change a bit Jakotsu." To be continued on episode 104.

New Characters
Jakotsu-The Band of Seven
Mukotsu-The Band of Seven
The man
The Marching Army Men
Old Characters that were in this Episode

My Review
There are four new character's in this episode. This episode is really important because it talks about The Band of Seven. I have never seen a gay person in Inuyasha before, plus not even in a anime before, and that is realy new to me. This episode will show Kohaku if there is any Kohaku fans out there this is the episode to see Kohaku. What I did not realy like in this episode was that I could not tell if Jakotsu was a woman or a man because of his voice! My scale is 1-10 so take a look at My Rating.

My Rating
9/10 This episode was Great!

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