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The Monthly Yu-Gi-Oh Fanart Challenge
Links...I guess.

The Monthly Harry Potter Fanart Challenge
This site gave me the idea to make this one. It's worth a peek if you're a Harry Potter fan like me.

My other website, Dragon's Heart
Currently under major reconstruction. Don't bother clicking here!

Rules for entries!!
All peoples who want to send in entries MUST read these rules!!!

get this gear!

The hompage for this hopefully new sensation in the Yu-Gi-Oh world

About the site

OK, before you start going, "What the hell?!", I'll just tell you what this site's about. Basically, the Monthly Yu-Gi-Oh Fanart Challenge is this. You see, each month, we'll present a different character, theme, or random idea for everyone to draw. The result is a gallery of lots of fanart for people to look at. Then the wonderful people like you out there in internet-land vote for them at the end of the month. The winner gets to choose the next month's topic! Cool-sounding, you ask? Well, wing it and give it a shot!! ^_^

11.2.02 For this month, I chose the category, and it's one of my favorite genres of fanfics: Romance. OK, I'm a hopeless romantic. I've never had a boyfriend (I have boys as friends, tho), and don't plan on having one anytime soon. Find out more about it by clicking on the two mystery people that are kissing. You won't know who they are coz I just drew the lips! Hee hee! I'm evil!

Disclaimer: All of Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. I'm just a 13-year-old tomboy that's obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh in part and in whole. I have, like, no money, so I suggest you steer clear from me, lawyers!!!!