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Stuff by Stevey

Artwork/Text/Webstuff by Stevey Turner

Friday, July 04, 2003

i feel a bit silly really cos i should be spending the 'depression' time more constructively... you know... creating.. being productive.....

i guess i am just crazy or something......

i am trying to get into creating interactive fiction.... you know. text adventures.....?
well it sounds like a plan anyway... maybe put the results on here and all that.......

trying to get back into the net after a long hiatus.. is it me or doesn't it feel the same as it once did??????

might be just me..........

.: posted by Steve 11:34 PM

i have been busy with work and all that so not much at all for updates.... enjoy whats what.......

i must say i have been quite depressed recently... maybe this might inspire me to create........

we'll have to see........

see you!

.: posted by Steve 11:27 PM

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

hello again... i have included 3 new walls so go get them.... you'll see them when you get there..... thanks....

i have been taking a bit of a rest and playing games at the moment. so not many real updates.. i plan on adding to my faq section.. soon...soon... yeah i keep saying that.. i should get it together really.. but they are hard work.... i want to make one for morrowind.. but that game is amazingly big... almost too big i might say.. we will see anyway........have a good one later..........

.: posted by Steve 12:23 AM

Sunday, February 16, 2003

simple, plain and simple... yeah that'll do! WOOHOO!!

.: posted by Steve 4:19 AM

i must point out that this place is merely a place to see what i am capable of, no frills style... hence the 'numb' bg and static text..

basically navigation is plain (links along the top).. if you wanna mail me with thoughts, job opps, or anything else then do so by clicking on my tag at the bottom of this page... many thanks!

.: posted by Steve 3:58 AM

so here in the text bit.. i will be putting script and other stuff by me... if i think its worthy(or i get told by YOU that it is) then i will add to the words section which is due ever so soon......

.: posted by Steve 3:55 AM

I am adding new artwork and concepts by me. this place shows my talents(or lack of....)

expect scriptures soon.....

.: posted by Steve 2:20 AM

woohoo! this is the new look site by me!!
check it out!

.: posted by Steve 2:14 AM