The Constitution of the West Hills Japanese Animation Club ARTICLE I NAME OF ORGANIZATION The name of the organization shall be known as the West Hills Japanese Animation Club (WHJAC). The club may also be known as the Anime club or the Gaming club. ARTICLE II PURPOSE OF ORGANIZATION The purpose of the West Hills Japanese Animation Club is to bring together those who are into Japanese Animation (Anime) so that we may promote Anime and its’ genre within the school; as well as to help those who are interested in the industry. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP DeVry students, staff, faculty and outside guests will be allowed to attend club meetings and participate with the club. Only currently enrolled Devry students may be members. All others may be guests of members. The club will not throw out anyone of the club meetings or events as long as they maintain a conduct that is required by the school code of conduct. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 4.01 POWERS: The authority within WHJAC shall be as follows, from highest to lowest, Advisor, Sempai, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Officers, Torch Bearers, Members, and Guests. Section 4.02.04 SELECTION (Vice President): The vice president can either be chosen by the running president or the club members if the elected president does not choose one. The current vice president wishes to retire they may choose a new vice president if they are asked. Section 4.02.05 SELECTION (Treasurer and Secretary): The treasurer and secretary are voted every trimester. They may run as many times as they like if necessary. ARTICLE V MEETINGS Screenings can be held every week as long as someone is willing to claim responsibility for the clubroom, as well as the equipment that is borrowed from the school or other club members. Business will be held at least every other week; however committee members must be able to contact each other and complete projects outside of meeting time. ARTICLE VI FINANCES To become an Official member, dues of $10 must be paid every Trimester to the Club. The club president can cancel the dues to all members. If the club is able to fundraise enough money anyone who is a torchbearer will be refunded their membership fee. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS Amendments to the constitution can be made whenever business is held. An amendment must be approved by 2/3 of the club members as well as the club advisor. Bylaws ARTICLE I MEMBERSHIP Section 1.01 ELIGIBLITY: any student going to West Hills Devry can become a member at any time. All eligible members must pay the current fee. Section 1.02.00 MEMBERSHIP TYPES: There are two types of Memberships regular members and touch bearers. Section 1.02.01 Regular members are those who just attend club meetings and events. All club members hold voting rights, the right to run for an office other than the president, and the right to run events approved by the club. Section 1.02.02 Torchbearers are members who actively participate in club meetings and as well as volunteer for club events. Club members who are torchbearers hold the same rights as regular members, but for those who are torchbearers for at least one trimester hold the right to run for president. All elected officials are automatically considered torchbearers and carry the responsibility of one as well. Section 1.03 TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Any member of the club can be removed from a meeting or event if their actions are intentionally break any of the codes of conduct set by the school or location that an event or meeting is held at. If a member breaks the code of conduct at any meeting or event, they are subject to having their membership revoked by the advisor, president, or ¼ of the club members. ARTICLE II OFFICERS Section 2.01.01 POSITIONS: The positions of WHJAC shall be Sensei (Advisor), Sempai, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee Officers and Official Members. Section 2.01.02 SELECTION: All officers (except for Advisor and Sempai) are elected by a majority vote of members. The club President chooses advisors and Sempais. Section 2.02.01 Sensei (Duties): Aside from approving the use of funds, the Advisor’s main duty is to lend advice to the club president or anyone else that may need it Section 2.02.02 Sensei (Length of Term): An advisor is chosen every time a new president is elected. More than two presidents can choose an advisor. Section 2.03.01 Sempai (Duties): A Sempai can be anyone other than the advisor that can give advice to a newly elected president. The title itself holds no power. Section 2.03.02 Sempai (Length of Term): A Sempai can only hold the title for the first trimester of a newly elected president. Section 2.04.01 President (Duties): Duties of the president include, calling meetings to order, approving of events, and making sure that club projects and events continue to move forward at a reasonable pace. If another officer resigns or is impeached, the President must take their role until a replacement is found. A president must also find a new officer unless a resigned officer chooses a successor. Section 2.04.02 President (Length of Term): A president term is only for three trimesters, and members are only allowed to run for one trimester. Section 2.05.01 Vice-President (Duties): The Vice President must serve as the Club President in the absence of the president. Section 2.05.02 Vice-President (Length of Term): A vice president can be in office as many times as they are elected. Section 2.06.01 Secretary (Duties): The Club Secretary is responsible for writing down club minutes as well as assist the president in any paperwork and mailing lists. Section 2.06.02 Secretary (Length of Term): The term for the Secretary is one trimester long. Section 2.07.01 Treasurer (Duties): The duties of the Treasurer include properly budgeting club events. Section 2.08.02 Treasurer (Length of Term): The term for the Treasurer is one trimester long. Section 2.09.01 Committee Officers (Duties): Committee officers are responsible for completing club projects that they are responsible for in a timely manner. Section 2.09.02 Committee Officers (Length of Term): Committee officers will remain in term until the projects are completed. Section 2.10 IMPEACHMENT: An impeachment election will be held when demanded by the majority (2/3) of the club votes for it. Possible impeachment will involve any officer involved in unruly acts or not fulfilling their duties. Also officers who have been impeached cannot be a Sempai. ARTICLE III ELECTIONS Section 3.01REQUIREMENTS. With the exception of the Advisor, Sempai and Committee officers, all officers will be voted in by a majority vote. Club Presidents must be a torchbearer for at least one trimester, and must be approved by the Advisor, and current club President. Section 3.02ELECTION DATE. Elections are held within the last two weeks of school (not including finals). An election can be postponed however until the Wednesday before the re-charter is due. Section 3.03.01 METHOD OF NOMITATING: A club officer can be nominated by any club member as long as they meet the requirements set by the club. Section 3.03.02Voting: Can either be secret ballot or by raise of hand. Any club member can ask for secret ballot. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS Section 4.01PRESIDING: At approximately 11:50 to 12:00 the club President will call the meeting to order for only twenty minutes. Section 4.02BUSINESS: Business will start by the president calling out committee officers to see how current club projects are doing. The president will then ask for any new business by the club members, followed by open discussion. The president will then conclude the meeting. Section 4.03MINUTES: The secretary if not the president take Club minutes ARTICLE V FINANCES Section 5.01RESPONSIBLITY: The responsibility of the club treasury is as follows from highest to lowest President, Treasurer. Section 5.02 POWER: Only the club President has the power to approve of the budget. ARTICLE VI AMENDMENTS The constitution can be amended by a majority vote greater than 50%. Amendments of The Constitution: I. The club constitution has been re-written by the club founder on August 1, 2001 II. The constitution must be looked at if not revised at least once a year by the club president and signed by the club officers. III. All club members have the right to look at the consitution whenever called upon. IV. The club now recognizes two different types of memberships. The first shall be known as the regular members and the second shall be known as the torchbearers. V. The club no longer recognizes Public relations officer as a title VI. The club now recognizes committee officers as a title. VII. The club now recognizes Sempai as a title. BYLAWS SIGNATURES: PRESIDENT: _____________________________ VICE PRESIDENT: ______________________________ FOUNDING OFFICER: ______________________________ SECRETARY: ______________________________ TREASURER: ______________________________ STUDENT ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: _____________________________ CLUB ADVISOR: _____________________________