From brickvillegang Ryoga: (Thinking) Oink, oink, oink, oink... Oink, oink, oink, oink, oink... (P-chan gets splashed with hot water) This is all Ranma's fault! Ryoga: (Thinking) Anything goes in the fashion industry... Ranma is a practiconer of the Anything-Goes Martial Arts Technique... This is all Ranma's fault! Ryoga: (Thinking) Pandas are an endangered species... Ranma has a father who turns into a panda... This is all Ranma's fault! Ryoga: (Thinking) Males lack tolerance and respect for females... Ranma turns into a female I don't tolerate or respect... This is all Ranma's fault! Ryoga: (Thinking) People in industrialized nations take food for granted... People are starving in Third Wolrd nations... Ranma doesn't appreciate anything Akane cooks him... This is all Ranma's fault!