From jbcholst 1. Quinze: *walks into bridge of Libra to see Darth Vader standing there* WHAT THE-- * 2. The camera pans over the R2D2 and C-3PO's escape pod racing towards Tatooine. Suddenly, the escape pod turns into Wing Gundam...* 3. *A Zeon soldier walks up to Vader* Sir! The White Base was seen're not Char, are you? 4. Zechs: This hair style sucks! I'm gonna do it like Washuu! 5. Zechs: *turns Super Saiyan* *Zechs' hair brings down a 747 and becomes entangled in a telephone wire* 6. Relena: My name is who? My name is what? My name is Relena Peacraft...what's yours? 7. *Quatre singing "Baby Got Back"* 8. *Trowa singing at all* 9. Duo: Heero, if the Earth spins at x2 speed and DHell is plummeting towards the stratosphere at y300 hours, then what's the probability of...? 10. Heero talking. 11. Every character openly expressing their feelings to their GIRLFRIENDS. 12. Wufei: Follow me, everything's all right...THIS SONG SUCKS!!!! 13. Sally, Lady Une, and Noin listening to Destiny's Child (and liking it. If they did I'd lose alot of respect for them...) 14. Quatre drinking alchohol. 15. Trowa getting drunk. 16. Treize: I want to be a loser! ...Madj'a look! 17. Treize: Inspirational speeches are boring. I hate writing them. 18. *Duo and Heero accidentally find themselves in the Zaibach Floating Fortress that Van was imprisoned in in episode 4* Duo: What the--? Heero: Dr. J said that they'd be in here...*opens door to find Van* Duo: *looks from Van to Heero and back at Van* Wow! Does your pillow do your hair too?! 19. Duo: I'm too tired to party! Good night, Hilde! 20. Duo: I love apples, Hilde! Keep buying them! 21. Hilde: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Duo: Great! So that means we won't have to pay medical bills for two years! 22. Relena: *singing* Something's rotten in the state of Denmark! (Unless you've seen "Hamletta" you won't get that...) 23. *All of the Gundam Wing cast to Treize* Supersonic dynamite! You rock the house and you rock it all night! You wrote the speeches that the whole world loves! So speak to us, speak to us pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase...speak to us, speak to uuuuuuuuusss...speech king! (Changed from 'sing' and 'hit king'...another "Hamletta" reference...) 24. Sally, Wufei, and Treize: We go together like rama-lama-lama... 25. Dr. J: Heero...I AM YOUR FATHER! ...oops, never mind... 26. Trowa (to Folken): BROTHER, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS??!!!!! (, Kirby Morrow *did* play Van as well...) 27. Treize: Je ne parle pas francais... 28. Duo: Ain't that America, for you and me? Ain't that America, for somethin' to see (baby!)? Ooh...ain't that America, home of the free! Aaaaaw...ain't that America...little pink houses, for you an' me... 29. Lt. Trent: I don't want to force the Gundam Pilots to test the Zero System for me! In fact, I don't want to use the Zero System at all! I don't want ANYTHING to do with it...I LIKE being a simple mechanic lieutenant.... November 14, 2001