From WeichiChang1 1. Heero: I can't say 'omae o korusu.' Think of the children. 2. Trowa: I hate Quatre 3. Duo: Trowa's erie silence dosn't bug me at all 4. Duo: I wish I were more like Heero... 5. Wu-fei: Duo is my best friend... he's the best 6. Lady Une: I'm really in love with Zechs 7. Relena: I'm a guy 8. Trowa: I thought Quatre was a girl 9. Heero: Violence! Whadda ya mean I have to kill !0. Traize: I refuse to fight a kid 11. Hilde: Trowa's butt is cute 12. Duo: HE'S A WHAT! HEERO CAN'T BE A GIRL!!!!! 13. Trowa: *does a cartwheel* FEEL THE ENERGY RUSH!! 14. Wu-fei: Heero's butty is so warm....ain'tnobuttylikea Heero yuy butty! 15. Heero: selfdetonating device didn't work Duo: MINE DID!