From WING088JAS 1. heero-my real name is relena 2. heero presses the button on the betacapsule duo puts on glasses and yells DUA! trowa and quatre yell ULTRA TOUCH as they slam their rings together wufei puts on a ring and yells LLEEEOOOO!!!!!!!(this was for all the old ultraman fans) 3. Heero smiling for more than a second. 4. Heero laughing for more than a second. 5. Heero smiling. 6. Heero laughing. 7. Wufei-"Nataku? No idea what you're talking about. Now, let me get back to rigging next year's presidential elections." 8. Heero-"RELEEEEEEEEEEEEEENA!!!!!!!!!" 10. Relena-"HHEEEEEEERRRRRROOOOOOO!......... I BOUGHT A NEW PUPPY FOR YOU!!!" 11. Quatre-"GGRR!! I hate you Rasid!!!" 12. Rasid-"Master Quatre...why do i even call you master?" 13. Quatre-"!@#$&%*&$(@$#)(*$)&$*&$(*^@#!!!!!" 14. Mariemaya-" Do not make me repeat my self Miss Relena!!!" Relena- echoing in mariemaya's voice--"Miss Relena, Miss Relena, Miss Relena, Miss Relena, Miss Relena!" Mariemaya gives a confused look to relena, who smiles. 15. any pilot in a gundam-"Does this suit make my butt look big?" 16. duo-singing "Because I got high" by afroman 17.In the episode "And It's Name is Epyon": Heero-(about Epyon) Do you think you built a god or something? Treize-Yes. Heero- Really? Treize- Nah, I'm just playing. 18. Sai Sici-(about Shen-long)(to Wufei)HEY!!! You copied off of me! 19. Treize(to George de Sand)Nice gundam. George-Thanks. But what's so good about it? Treize-Well, the roses are a nice touch... 20. Dorothy(about Nobel gundam)Now that's my kind of gundam! 21. Duo(to Chibodee)-Hey! A fellow American gundam pilot! Wait a minute... America or Neo-America? Chibodee-Well, if I'm in the Gundam Fight for my colony, what do you think? Duo-...(NOTE-the writer has no idea which one Chibodee's from, but he tried anyway.) 22. Relena and Rain switch places for a day. 23. Domon- You know Rain you get so mad about me breaking gundam, right? Rain-Right..Why?? Domon-Well, let me introduce you to my good friend, Heero! Rain-Well, no one can come close to annoying me as much as you do when it comes to breaking gundam! (a week later) Rain-HEERO!! IF YOU SELF DETONATE ONE MORE TIME I'M GONNA MAKE YOU REBUILD IT YOURSELF!!! Domon-What's wrong, Rain? Rain-What's wrong?WhAT's WRONG??? ::Boom:: Rain-EERGGGH......HEEEEEERRRRRROOOOOOOO!!!!! 24. Domon:...GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY SOBA, HEERO! Heero: Relax! It's cup o' noodles! 25. Dr. J and Master Asia switch places for a day. 26. For reasons unknown, Duo steals the Rising Gundam. 27. Quatre : (singing) There's a place in this world for the angry young man, with his working class ties and his radical plans! 28. While Quatre is singing, Trowa unplugs the karaoke machine and Quatre tries desparately to make up lyrics to the rest of the song. 29. Treize: Dang, Milliardo, we ain't good at this war thing, are we, dawg?! Milliardo: You rite, dawg! Treize: I ain't too good at no fighting with no M.S., neither, man. Milliardo: We also ain't good at speakin no proper english Treize: Yea, dawg! Yo that Wufei kid be askin for it, for REAL, man! Milliardo: Rite, dawg! Hey...ain't you dead, man? Treize: O yea! Man, dawg, must have slipped my mind! Actually... Milliardo: What you sayin? Treize: I ain't exactly dead, man. Milliardo: What you say, dawg?! Treize: I'm just playin, man! 30. Somehow, Duke Dermail and Pargan join the "conversation," which comes to an end when they all decide to go back to school. 31. Principal: (Before the actual Sanc Kingdom battles) I wonder where all the students ran off to. 32. During one of the many M.S. battles in Gundam Wing, Escaflowne suddenly appears out of nowhere and begins to fight OZ for no apparent reason. 33. Amuro and Heero fight with their Gundams. 34. Relena joins the fight...(...?) 35. Meanwhile, Treize, Milliardo, Pargan, and Dermail have returned to school... Treize: Yo, thank God it's lunch time! (For a brief moment, Duo appears at the window of the school. No one really knows why.) Milliardo: Yeah, dawg! 2nd grade is just way too hard to understand, here! Pargan: Yo I couldn't see half the blackboard! Dermail: Hey, dawg, what's 2+2 again? I keep forgeting. Treize: Easy! That's 36. Dermail: Thanks, dawg! (Completes the math test he was supposed to hand in 10 minutes ago.) Pargan: ! Look, somebody stole ma limo, dawg! Milliardo: We can't get home, dawg!! All: AHH!! Soon after, Mariemaya walks into the lunch room... Treize: Who daughter that? Who daughter that is? Milliardo: That's yo daughter, dawg! Treize: For real? When? Mariemaya: (Screams because of seeing Treize) Treize:? What, baby girl? Pargan: She's 8, dawg. Millairdo: Treize, don't you remember? You been dead, dawg! Treize: O yea, dawg! Why I keep forgeting? Meanwhile, Mariemaya ran out of the school... Later that day Treize: Man, History better be easy, dawg. Teacher: Quiet, Treize! Well, students, here we have a relic of the past: Treize Khushrenada! Treize:.....O! That me, ain't it, dawg? Teacher: Treize..What did I tell you about that? Treize: Uh..I mean...That is me, is it not, dawg? Teacher: Ahem... Treize: That is me, is it now, dog? Teacher: Forget it. 36. 2+2=4 37. Heero: I'm tired. 38. Trowa goes for an eye exam... (NOTE: For this to work, Trowa will have had his hair parted over only his left eye through the course of the series. Observant people will note that his hair changes where it is parted throughout an episode.) Doctor:(walks in) Well, now, Trowa. Let's see what could be the problemhere. Anything... unusual with your vision: Trowa: (Gives an uneasy stare, which breaks into a smile, when he realizes he has a coupon for the appointment) I can't aim. Doctor: Excuse me? By cause of a remote, Heavyarms appears at the front window and ducks down to look at the doctor. Doctor: oh..! Trowa: See? Doctor: Well, let's see what we can do. (Thinking) If he is the pilot of this mobile suit, he's probably well trained, meaning that this exam just might be meaningless. Trowa: Where do we get started? Doctor: right...HERE. The doctor takes a pair of scissors and cuts off Trowa's precious bangs.!H!!!!!!NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Doctor: Relax! Here, this is a hair growth treatment for bald people. You don't have to pay for it. I think you paid enough, already...Well, now. Can you see better-AH! Trowa:(stares at doctor with his one eye!) That's why I grew out my bangs. However, if you have a glass eye, i'd really like that. Doctor: Here, lets just dry your...eye. A machine is wheeled over to Trowa, who stares into the pipe at a red dot. Trowa: What--(Ducks as a shot of air blasts out of the machine) Doctor:Relax, it won't hurt- Trowa: NO! I can dry my own eye! (Begins to do what looks like reverse crying as his watery eye drys just enough for the doctor to do his work.) Later... Doctor: And...finished! Trowa:(Stares with his two eyes, one a glass ball that helps his vision.) Thanks! As he walks out the door, Trowa slams into a wall and falls unconcious. Waking up later at the hospitol, he sues the doctor for everything he has.