From: MimaHotisha 1. Qautre: A beer? Sure, I'll have a beer... 2. Dou to Quatre: why do I get the feeling that we're the only sane ones here? 3. Quatre: Hello, I'd like a one-way ticket to French Guinia, please. Flight person: Sorry, sir, all of our flights have been postponed because of a viscous fight by four of the gundams that destroyed all of our planes. Quatre (to himself) : They did this on puprose, I just know it.... 5. All four other plus all the Doctors to Qautre....... : YOU WEAKLING!!! KILL! KILL! KILL! THAT'S WHAT GUNDAM PILOTS DO! AND PUT THAT STUPID PEACCRAFT MANUAL DOWN! WE'll BLOWN THAT PLACE SKY HIGH, TOO, IF WE NEED TO! Herro: Yeah, me too. And close your mouth, your're drooling. 6. Relina to Herro: I've decided that you gundam pilots only promote war by strirring everyone up right when we finally come down to an aggrement. (pulls out an uzi) I guess I'm going to have to kill you first! (blam blam blam blam) 7. Herro: Anyone guess how far I can stick these french fries up my nose? 8. Herro: WingZero Star Power!! I am pretty uniformed solider Sailor WingZero! And in the name of L1, I shall punish you! 9. Herro to Trowa: How can the rest of them be gundam pilots when they don't have a personality disoder??? 10. Herro to Gohan: For the last time, kid, I AM NOT YOUR FATHER! 11. Trowa: When do we get to eat? 12. Trowa to Qautre: Stop clinging to me like I'm your older brother. It's creepy! Qautre: But Trowa, that's the way I feel about you. (hug) Trowa: can't.......bleath........(faint) Quatre: Trowi-chan? Are you okay? 13. Trowa: Anyone wanna see my snail farm? 14. Trowa to Doctor J: This is one ugly suit. Can we have it redone Santa Fe style? 15. Dou: I......Am....Not....A...Girl!!!!!! 16. Dou to Herro: I tryed squinting. You hair still doesn't look moss green. 17. Dou to Wufie: NO, I DON'T SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON SHAMPOO!! 18. Dou: I can't see the moon from earth. Why's that? Trowa: uhh......'cause it's day? Dou: I need a nap.... 19. Wufie: Okay, let's get something straight here..........I AM NOT A FAN OF TENCHI MUYO, AND I DID NOT MODEL MY HAIR AFTER HIS!!! Dou: Oh, sure, like we're going to beleive that. Now, let's go the mall, I saw this really cool Magical Girl Pretty Sasamii tee-shirt yestarday... Wufie: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! 20. Trowa to Wufie: Stop stealing my spinning moves! Wufie: What spinning moves? Ya mean when I jumped into Trieze's house? That was only once? 21. Wufie: I feel pretty, oh so pretty... Dou: (wacks him over the head) Someone already used that, you fool! (Publishers note: The first one to use this parody of "West Side Story" was theresa_aka_tj) 22. Treize: For the LAST time, my name is not "Tushrenamda"! 23. Dorothy about Quatre: What a idot.....He can't even point a fork at someone without feeling guilty about it! 24. All four Gundam pilots to Herro: Stop hogging the end credits! Relina: What are you four talking about? I don't get any time on the end credits! 25. Relena PeaceCroft: Stupid butler! ::shots Pegin:: 26. Zechs: I'm Magical Fighter Pretty Zechs! 27. Lady Une: Tell Trieze I'm very busy now and can't answer his phone call. (goes back to rearranging her sock collection)