From Lancegurl58 1.(Quatre hits Relena with a frying pan and she drops dead) Duo: Quatre,I think you killed her. Heero: Damn. And I didn't get to see! 2.Heero always has this voice in the back of his head: Screw peace, kill the bitch! 3.Duo:YAOI RULES! (For the record the editor almost swallowed his sake when he read the last entry) 4.Relena: Thanks for saving me again Heero! Now can we get married have sex? (Heero pulls the trigger of his gun and kills her) 5.Quatre: WHAT THE F***?! 6.Relena: If Heero doesn't try to kill me, then I'll have to try and kill him! 7.Dorothy: Oh, so this is what peace is like? 8.::Duo singing:: Follow me everything's alright. I'll be the 1 to tuck you in at night. 9. Duo: This really sucks. How come I'm not in Sailor Moon? I'm cute and adorable too!! 10. Wufei: Damn. Now I have to go to the underworld and bring Trieze back to life so we can have sex! 11.Duo:I would really like to know why Heero never killed Relena before Endless Waltz. I would've been able to kill her! 12.Wufei:I wonder what Mars looks like from here! 13.Quatre:Hey Look Trowa! There having a new Gundam Wing series on Toonami called Mobile Suit Gundam! Trowa: Quatre, actually, that has nothing to do with the Gundam Wing series. We weren't even born when that started. Quatre:Oh. Then I wonder why they call it Mobile Suit Gundam. 14.::Heero taking a shower:: Duo walks in on accident Heero:Duo!What the hell are you doing in here? Duo:Sorry Heero. I didn't know you didn't want me. I guess I'll go out with Quatre them. Heero:No Duo! I didn't mean it like that! Come back! 15.::Duo thinking::Maybe I should've let Hilde fight. 16.::Heero singing::I know you like this, Dirty Pop! 17.::Duo singing::My body's to bootylicous for you baby! 18.Relena:I'll kill you Heero. I know I will. 19.::Heero thinking::Hmm... Maybe Relena and I should get married. 20.Duo:I don't get it. I'm more cute than Quatre, but more women want him. Maybe I should cut this braid and start working at a strip club. I could get more pay for that! 21.Heero:I should have starting going out with Trowa a loooooong time ago. The cool thing about us is about were about the same. Inside and Out! 22.Relena:I wish Heero would stop wanting to kill me so much. I thought he love me! 23.Relena in therapy 24.Duo:You know it's a good thing that Relena need that therapy. Then maybe she would stop thinking that Heero would wanna kill her so much. 25.Heero:I wanna be like 'Nsync!!Justin's sooo hot! Duo:I wanna be Lance and spike my hair! 26.Wufei:I need to get married again. My first marriage sucked. I think I'm gonna marry Sally this time. 27.Trowa:Quatre, come here. Quatre:What is it Trowa? Trowa:I'm pregnant! (For the record, the editor almost spit his sake when he read this one.) 28.Duo:Yay! Now that this stupid war is over, Hilde and I can finally have sex! 29.Trowa:I'm getting married to Quatre in a month! 30.Quatre in a strip club 31.Trowa in a strip club 32.Heero working in a Gentlemen's club with naked women. 33:Women screaming at Heero:TAKE IT OFF SEXY MAN! Heero:Damn I beautiful::rips off shirt:: 34.Duo finally gets to be on Sailor Moon 35.Heero on Sailor Moon 36.Quatre:I wish I was like Shaggy so I can have sex with another woman and say it wasn't me! Trowa:Quatre,shut up. Shaggy is this famous singer,and you're a gundam pilots. Where do you get these stupid ideas? 37.Duo:Hey Heero,it doesn't really matter to me.Go ahead and marry that bitch Relena. I don't give a damn anymore!!::starts crying:: 38.Relena as Britney Spears 39.Noin as Christina Auiglera 40.Duo as Justin Timberlake 41.Quatre as Lance Bass 42.Heero as Joey Fatone 43.Wufei as Chris Kirkpatrick 44.Trowa as JC Chasez 45.Hilde as a striper 46.Trieze as Nick Carter 47.Zechs as AJ in Rehab! 48.:::Duo singing an LFO song::Then I think about the time that we broke up before the prom and you told everyone that I was gay. Ok. THIS SONG SUCKS! 49.Heero as Carson Daly! 50.Duo as a ballerina 51.Duo: I'm going go to Las Vegas and gamble like I'm 60 years old!! 52.Heero watching Jerry Springer 53.::Relena singing:: I love Heero, I love Heero, and I cannot shut up! 54.Trowa:50 most annoying things in your life. Hmmm... Well, Relena has to be one of them. Duo: I'll have to agree with you on that one. But Trieze is another one 55.::Duo singing:: I'm Slim Shady yes I'm the real Shady 56.Duo: Well, I guess I won't be playin' basketball anymore. Damn... 57.Heero:Duo is my kitty not my whore! 58.Trowa:I'm going to starting thinking about Heero just a little bit more. Last night was so much fun! 59:::Wufei writing in notebook:: Wearing: Well, do people really have to know that? I mean, it's usually the same thing everyday. 60.Duo:WHY IS THERE ALWAYS MAIL FOR QUATRE?! I THOUGHT I WAS CUTE!! Trowa: That's because he's little. Duo: What the hell? 61.::Relena singing::Baby I'm real... 62.Duo:If I had a time machine, which year would I go to? Hmmmmmmm....0079 I guess... 63.Heero:I can't believe this! There isn't anything on! Duo:That's the problem.You have too many cable channels! 64.Trowa:If Justin Timberlake and I where in a singing competition, who do you think would win? (Just e-mail if you wanna poll for that one! But ya don't have to!) 65.Duo:I'm just waaaaaaaaaaaaay to cute for this s***!::Takes a hammer and completely rebuilds Deathscythe:: 66.Duo:Does Deathscythe make my ass look big? 67.Heero: I'm gettin' too horney for this Mobile Suit stuff. 68.Quatre: THERE'S TOO MANY 08TH MS TEAM S*** GOIN' ON! 69.Trowa:I love my life!! I wanna get married to Quatre and stop blowin' s*** up. It just ain't fair! 70.Relena singing to a Ricky Martin song 71.Heero:I think Relena got attached to me to soon. Duo:You got that right! 72.::Relena singing:: Hilde and Duo sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.. ::Duo takes out gun and shoots her to death:: 73.Heero:I LOVE YOU GUYS! 74.::Duo singing:: Feels just like I'm fallin' for the first time 75.Heero:HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE $20 AN HOUR BY WORKING FOR US? (Oh, please don't take that job!) 76.Duo:IT'S COLD IN HERE!! HELP ME! MY BUTT IS FREEZING!! 77.Noin:Anyone wanna go ride bikes with me? 78.Trieze and Wufei makin' out 79.Heero and Quatre makin' out 80.Trowa: Why is it that I have to be paired with JC from 'Nsync? I don't even know the son of a bitch! Quatre:Well excuse me! I have to be paired with Lance! Duo:Yeah, but Trowa doesn't have a HUGE fro. Trowa's hair is a lot better too! 81.Duo:Heero's a BIG FAT LOSER!:: Puts an L shape on the top of his forehead:: 82.Relena:My mom is actually Duo. I'm a crossover of Duo and Heero! 83.Noin:Why does everyone call me by my last name?! Duo: Because you like it better than your first. Noin:... 84.Relena:WILL YOU QUIT CALLING ME A BITCH DUO?! Duo: BITCH BITCH BITCH!!!! 85.Duo:WAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ^?! 86.Quatre as one of the Wazzzzzz^ guys 87.Trowa as a little teapot 88.Duo:I don't have a mommy bitch so shut the hell up! Relena: Fine, then I'll call her then! Duo: You are such an idiot bitch! 89.Heero:I never knew what life was like. I didn't really care. 90.Quatre:I'm gonna start working at a strip bar! 91.Duo:I'm to sexy for anyone you lowlife boys! 92.Trowa:No one cares about me!:: bawls:: 93.Duo:I AM THE CHAMPION! NO TIME FOR LOSERS CAUSE I AM THE CHAMPION! 94.Heero: NO I'M CUTER! Duo: NO I AM! HEERO: ME! Duo: NO ME! (pushes them away) 95.Quatre:Will you both shut up?! 96.Trowa:I LOVE WARS!! 97.Duo:I'm gonna make my own record company and I'm going to record with Nsync! (Oh, just wait until that happens!) 98.Duo:Oh,just wait until I'm old enough to drink! 99.Quatre:Come with me my children! Let's go to outerspace and make a new world! 100.I got 100!!!YAY!! Heero: How many are you going to have? Me: Heero, shut up. Heero:: Makes a puppy face:: And I thought you loved me too. Me: Oh, I'm sorry Heero. 101.Duo:I'm king of the world! 102.Quatre and Trowa get married 103.Duo and Heero get married 104.Duo and Heero have kids! 105.Wufei and Zechs get married have kids 106.Wufei and Zechs get divorced, and Wufei gets married to Trieze 107.Duo: Hey Heero, wanna play spin the bottle? Heero: There isn't anyone to play with Duo: That's the whole point! 108.Duo:My name is Duo and I'm 15 years old and I have no life 109.::Relena singing:: Don't need you to tell I'm pretty... 110.Zechs:My life sucked. I even had to go into rehab. 111.Duo:Hilde sucks. I'm going to marry Heero now!! YAY! 112.Quatre:You lookin' good 2nite Heero. 113.Trowa:I'm looking sexy once again. 114.Relena: Why is it that Heero and Duo have these stupid conversations, but won't let me? Noin: Because they're men. They have a secret life, and so do we. 115.Duo:I'M THE CUTE ONE HERE! NOT QUATRE!! STOP TELLING ME THAT HE'S THE CUTE ONE!!! GRRRRRRRRRR! 116.Heero:Noin is a fricken loser. I don't know why the hell I trusted her.:: Puts an L shape on top of his forehead:: 117.Quatre:It's time to watch Barney! 118.Duo:I'm the cute one! Quatre: I'm the cute one, you're the hot one. Duo: NO! I'M THE CUTE AND THE HOT ONE!! Trowa: Duo, will you shut up already? 119.Wufei:My body is waxed everyone 15 days! 120.::After Endless Waltz, Duo becomes a DJ:: Duo: That was 'Nsync with their new single Gone... 121.::Relena singing:: Money makes the world go 'round (This is actually a snipit from the broadway musical Caberat) 122.Wufei: YAY!! I GOT A NEW MONKEY! 123.::Duo singing:: When it's over that's the time I fall in love again... 124.Trowa:Why is it that there is only one person who got over 110 on this thing? It just isn't fair! WE NEED MORE PEOPLE!!! 125.Quatre:If I had a time machine? I would like to travel back to when the 08th MS Team was popular. I would like to KILL THOSE PEOPLE FOR MAKING THOSE HORRIBLE GUNDAM SUITS!! THEY ALL SUCK!! 126.Duo:Well, now since Endless Waltz is over, I can now make my life more... usefull. Wufei:By doing what? Being a jerk? Duo:... 127:: Duo singing:: I feel in love with a girl at the rockshow! 128.Heero: I'm sick of all this singing! 129.Wufei:EVERYONE LOVES ME!! NOT QUATRE OR DUO!! I'M THE CUTE ONE! Duo: Wufei, shut the hell up and get out of my dresser. You're scaring everyone. 130.Quatre:Is it just me, or does Wufei actually think he's cutier than me? Duo: Yep. Quatre: KILL WUFEI! 131.Wufei dresses up as one of the pokemon for halloween. Heero comes in the room. Heero:AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! POKEMON!!! ::Takes out gun and kills Wufei:: Duo:Ummm...Heero,that was Wufei... 132.::Relena singing::The only thing I'm guilty of is given' you too much lovin' 133.Duo:Oh lord. 134.Wufei:HEY,YOU WANNA DIE?! 135.Heero:Praying wouldn't hurt. 136::Duo singing::I want my baby back baby back, CHILLI'S BABY BACK RIBS!! 137.Wufei:Well, I guess it's time to say: KILL BSB! 138.Duo: DAMN I'M HOT! 139.Heero: I have to find Relena, then kill the bitch! 140.Trowa: Hey Heero, let's go shopping for clothes! You need to new spandex anyways! 141.::Relena speaking as she watched Princess Mononoke:: Why can't men be more usefull? Especially Heero. Heero: I HEARD THAT! 142.Duo as an opera singer 143.Wufei: YAY!! I FINALLY GET TO GO TO A REAL CONCERT!!! YIPEEEEEE!! (Wufei is really starting to bug me. How would you say it?) 144.Duo: Leave me alone Hilde!! I don't wanna work with you anymore! 145.Trowa: Ooooh.I'm gonna throwup! 146.Hilde: Duo, quit sitting around and be a little bit more usefull. Duo: Uh oh. Someone's been watching Princess Mononoke waaaaaaay to much! 147.Quatre: Opps.I just farted! 148.Heero: Look at my cute puppy Miss Noin! It's he cute?? 149.Wufei: Why do I have to do all the work here? Duo: Because you're the one who wanted to freak everyone out. Wufei... 150.Oh my god. I just got 150!!! YAY!! I wonder if anyone can beat this? I AM WOMAN! 151.Heero: Is it just me, or does the editor need to update a little bit more often? ::I slap Heero:: Heero: HEY! WHATCHA DO THAT FOR?! Me: Because you should be nice to the editor. He works hard on this page! Give 'em a break Heero. Or I might have to give you one! 152.Relena: Well, that's it! I'm living in Mexico now! 153.Duo: KILL O-TOWN!! LONG LIVE 'NSYNC! 154.Hilde: Ooooooh boy. This is going to be one tough cookie. 156.Duo: HEY EVERYBODY!! WAZZZZZZZZZZ^?YOU READY FOR SOME SCREAMING????!!!!! 157.Heero: My ass hurts. 158.Quatre: Oh my. No wonder they say Mount Everest is so hard. The Gods probably made it! 159.Duo: You're stinky! 160.Relena: Better hurry up! I'm gonna be late for my ballet class! 161.Duo: Is it just me, or is this really the end? Me: What do you mean? Quatre: He means, wasn't 160 your last entry? Me: Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm done doing entries Quatre. I've just been at school so I haven't had time to do entries. Quatre: Oooooh.I see... 162.Quatre: Here kitty, kitty, kitty... 163.Heero: What would I be doing in 10 years? I would probably be-- Duo: ANOTHER GUNDAM PILOT! ::Heero slaps his face and Duo shuts up:: Heero: As I was saying... 164.Duo:Wow.I wonder who planted this tree. 165.Heero:Oooooooh boooy. I wonder how I'm gonna kill someone this time... 166.Chibi Heero: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! LOOK AT ME DUO!! I'M FLYING!! Duo: Oh great. He got my bat wings again. 167.Trowa: My wife... will be... oh man! This is soooo hard! 168.::Quatre throws tea on Relena: :That's what you get for being rude to my best friend! ::Relena runs out crying:: Quatre: Bitch! 169.Duo: Wow.I can't believe that Quatre actually called Relena a bitch. Wufei:It just goes to show you how smart he is. 170.::Heero reading a newspaper:: 171.Me:And if it wasn't for Heero,Duo,Quatre,Trowa,and Wufei,my life would pretty much suck. Duo:Yeah.And if we didn't have you,we would've never got on this website! 172.Trowa:You Da man Duo! 173.Duo:How much DBZ s*** do you have to watch just to get every line in your head? 174.Heero: I'm sooooooo gonna pee! Stop it Duo! 175.Duo:There isn't much left. I don't even know why people still like us. I mean, our show is like, gone. It's kinda freaky that we're still big. 176.::Heero get's hit by a bullet and starts crying:: 177.Heero: WHY IS THERE SINGING IN THE F****** WEBSITE?! Duo: CAUSE MAYBE PEOPLE LIKE IT!!! 176.Trowa:I can't believe that someone rated this animated movie R. Quatre: Akria? Duo: Yeah. It's rated R because of graphic violence and nudity. Quatre: Then it's a good thing we don't have that in our movie! 178.Heero: I'm quiting to work at a carpenter's shop. YIPPEE!! 179.Quatre: I wish people who JUST GET THEIR FREAK ON! 180.Duo: Hey,did anyone see the MTV VMA's Thursday night? Wufei: Yeah! Michael Jackson sucks! He probably hasn't danced in like, the last 40 years! 181.Heero: I'M IN LOVE WITH CHRISTINA AUIGLERA NOT RELENA!!! 182.::Wufei has Hannibal:: Hello Clarice... 183.Trowa: YOU WANT THE TRUTH, WELL YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH! 184.Quatre: I see dead people! 185.Duo: I wish I could see Akria and see people get killed!! 186.Quatre: Trowa,you know what I think would be cool?!!! Trowa: What Quatre? Quatre: TO SEE AMERICAN PIE 2!! 187.Heero: BE VERY VERY CAREFUL! THIS COULD GET REALLY REALLY DANGEROUS! 189.Relena: Oh ewwww!! I can't watch this Akria sh*t anymore! 190.Heero: Hey, how many more until 200? Me: 10 Heero. 191.Duo:Time to make another gundam.Maybe I shouldn't call it Deathscythe this time. Maybe I should call it Pinky! 192.Heero:I can't stand green.I like Blue 193.Trowa:I GET TO SEE MATCHBOX 20 TOMORROW!!YAY! 194.Heero:Wouldn't it be sad if someone put DBZ on this website. Goku:HEY! Heero:See what I mean? 195.Duo:Heero needs to shut up and stop saying rude things about DBZ!! Goku's my friend goddammit! 196.Heero:All the AM Radio stations have the wierdest things going on! Duo:What is it? Heero:To much static! 197.Gohan to Heero:Daddy? Heero:Ummm...No.Your daddy is over there::Pointing to Goku:: 198.Duo:Ok,now this is just bs.Why does this kid from DBZ think that Heero is his father?Heero doesn't look anything like Goku! Trowa:Maybe it's the hair ::Heero puts a gun to Trowa's head:: Trowa:And then again...maybe not! 199.Duo::yawn::There isn't anything to do since our show got kicked off! 200.Relena:Heero! Heero:What? Relena:I'm not in love with you anymore!I'm getting married to TROWA! Heero:WHAT?! 201.Duo:Would it be cool if I started selling dope? 202.Wufei:DON'T DO DRUGS! 203.Duo:Sheesh.219 entries.That's a lot! 204.Heero:Yeah,but 220 is better! 205.::Relena singing::Turn off the light... 206.::Dorothy singing::SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW!THAT'S WHERE HEERO YUY WILL DIE! ::Heero takes his gun and kills her, laughing:: 207.Heero:Hmmm..I wonder if we could get any Akira entries on this website? 208.Relena:I LOVE YOU TROWA! 209.Me:I wish school was over! Heero:Yeah.But it won't be over of another 8 months! 210.Wufei:Damn!That woman looks hot! 211.Duo:I wish I had a little brother and sister! 212.Heero:If only Quatre and I were married... 213.::Wufei thinking::I wonder what my mother was like... 214.Duo:I've thought of 2 plans, but is there any other way that we can kill Spears? 215.::Relena singing::I keep on fallin' in and out of love with you.. 216.Heero:Why does Relena have to sing?! Duo:Because maybe she wants to Heero! 217.Duo:If I were something other than a gundam pilot?Hmm...I dunno. It's a toughie. 218.Heero:The thing I hate the most?Well,that has to be easy. Relena with all her bitchy screaming::Imitates Relena::HEEEERO!!COME AND GET ME!! Isn't that stupid? 219.::Duo watching DBZ::GO GOKU!!KICK CELL'S ASS! 220.Heero:And I wonder how many other 'Nsync website I can find. 221.Heero:You know,I wonder what it would look like if they had a TV show when all us gundam pilots were like,100 years old! Duo:Heero,you'd probably be dead... 222.Trowa:I'm getting a Kia Sophia car!!! 223.Chibi Heero:This is my puppy.His name is Paul and he's a great dane. 224.Trowa:Ya know,I'd probably be trying to kill myself if Quatre hadn't showed up in my life. 225.Quatre as Chris Kattan:Ya guys want some cookies? 226.Trowa:I'M SHAGGY BABY!!!AND IT WASN'T ME! Duo:Oh god. 227.Heero:Zero,please help me figure out who's going to win the football game.Chiefs or the NY Giants? 228.Trowa as Mike Myers:My name is Simon and I like to do drawings... 229.Heero:I took me 5 years,but I'm finally on SNL!!YAY!! 230.Duo:God only put on this world so I could have sex! 231.::Duo singing::Sick cycle carousel... 232.::Heero singing::Cause I wanna be a cowboy baby! 233.Quatre:I wonder what it would take to get into 'Nsync! 234.Heero:DUO IS MY MAMA! 235.Duo:THESE PEOPLE LIE SO MUCH! THE LAST 3 EPISODES OF GW ARE ALREADY---ummm...nevermind.Forget I said anything. 236.Heero singing to Endless Love(Endless Waltz song that they don't ever show. You have to download it) 237.Duo singing to Mariah Carey's song Lover Boy. 238.Trowa:Ya know,if I had one quote to give to anyone who wantes to be a gundam pilot, I would say:KILL!Even if it's your best friend! 239.Chibi Quatre:I think Trowa's gone kookoo!! 240.Heero:I live to serve only the Jedi King. 241.Heero watching Endless Waltz:Could this really be the end? Duo:Heero,you've watched this movie over 250 times!You should know the answer by now! 242.Duo:DAMN THIS COMPUTER!IT'S TO F***ING SLOW! Quatre:Duo!You know not to say that four letter word! 243.Wufei:Is it just me,or has my shirt gotten smaller? 234.Heero:My name is Heero...Heero Yu...Oh dammit!I can't even say my last name! 245.Quatre:I had a dream last night than me and Wufei got married! (As if!) 246.Wufei watching a Cowboy Bebop trailor:Damn that movie looks good! 247.Duo:I like my women hot and spicy! 248.Heero:WHO WANTS TO GO TO WENDY'S?! 249.::Heero and Guko trying to kill eachother:: 250.:Me:OH MY GOD!!I FINALLY GOT 250 ENTRIES!!!!I'M SOOOOOO HAPPY!! Duo:Yeah,and so am I.This means you can get your homework done, and then get your entries done. Me:... 251.Duo:My braid is the symbol that all kids should treat their hair perfectly! 252.Relena:I don't wanna have sex Heero! I wanna stay a virgin! 253.Duo:I counted about 450 radio stations. How about you Heero? 254.Heero:What's the worst thing on this website?When they thought I was Gohan's dad. 255.Duo to Relena:DON'T YOU GO HAVE SEX WITH MY BOYFRIEND YOU F***ING BITCH! Relena:AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK! 256.Quatre:Dexter is my friend! 257.Trowa:Oh boy. Another boring episode of DBZ...Why is that they have to show new episodes of them and not us?! 258.Heero:My life sucks now because I'm married to Relena. Duo:Well,you chose that. You could've married me and then you would've been happy! 259.Hilde:Duo really sucks! Every night I have to make is dinner, do his laundry,etc. And what do I get for it? NOTTHING! I married the wrong person. 260.Relena:Well,I guess it's time for me to change. I'm gonna become a pimp! 261 & 262 are currently being looked at. 263.Quatre:So,Duo thinks he's Mr.Perfect and Pretty does he? WELL,I'LL SHOW HIM WHO'S MR.PERFECT AND PRETTY!! 264.Wufei:BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCHHHHHHHHH!!! Sally:Wufei,how many times must a tell you:ONLY 3 CANS OF DIET COKE A DAY! 265.Dorothy:How come I'm the only one who has the fewest entries in the website? Relena:Because you're a bitch!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! 266.Heero singing:Feels just like I'm fallin' for the first time. 267.Trowa to Wufei:How is your relationship with Trieze going? Wufei:Not bad.He took me out to the movies last night,and after that...well,maybe I shouldn't got there. 268.Heero:Things to do tonight:Nothing.NOTHING?Well,I must go talk to Zero about that! 269.Duo looking at one of my fanfics:Damn!And I was about to start one like that too!How come all my ideas get stolen?! 270.Trowa:I should't've taken that job at the circus.I'M REALLY AFRAID OF THE LIONS!! 271.Duo:WILL THAT DAMN CAT PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP?!!!! 272.Heero as a cheerleader. 273.Trowa:U-G-L-Y You ain't got no aliby you ugly! 274.Wufei:Oh crap!Maybe I should've drank on 3 cans of diet coke today. I have to pee every 25 minutes!!This sucks! 275.Heero to Me:Only 5 more!Only 5 more! Me:I knew it.I should't've given him those cookies.I forgot how hyperactive he can get sometimes. 276.Duo singing one of the Two-Mix songs in the shower. 277.Quatre singing"Cry For the Dream"in the Shower. 278.Trowa singing"I'm you're friend"all day long! 279.Heero:Hey,why is Quatre singin' my song? Wufei:Maybe because he likes it! Heero:Maybe... 281.Heero:I wonder what's in a wonderbra... 282.Duo:Hey Heero,can you come an help me with my damn profile?I don't know how to color it! 283.Hilde:Damn the Lance boy is hot!! 284.Relena:Did any tell me that I was actually a chick from Star Trek? 285.Quatre:Hey,6 more days until On the Line comes out.YIPPPEEE!! 286.Heero to Duo:Can you tell me how much that Noin kittie is? Duo:That'll be $15. 287.Trowa:I knew it.I should've quit the circus so that damn bitch Catherine would stop hitting me so much! 288.Heero:DON'T LOOK DOWN!!DON'T LOOK DOWN!! 289.::Heero singing "Ready to Fall"by Meredith Edwards::Cause I'm ready to fall in love tonight... 290.Duo:I'm glad Toonami is back on Saturday. Quatre:Yeah,but the bad thing was that our show was never on the weekends. Duo:So?At least they showed us 5 times a week! 291.::Trowa listening to Al Green:: *** November 23, 2001 *** 292.Heero:Wow.I can't believe that I'm actually going to college! 293.Duo:Now how much make-up should I use? 294.Trowa:I'm soooooooooooooo NOT READY TO PILOT A GUNDAM ANYMORE! 295.Wufei to me:Do you have a boyfriend?::slaps him::I guess that's a no! 296.Quatre:I'm still thinking of killing myself 297.Hilde:DUO, GET YOUR F***ING ASS OVER HERE OR I MIGHT AS WELL JUST KICK IT TO THE NEXT YEAR DAMMIT! 298.Duo:Whoa! That girl knows how to shake her azz! YEAH BABY! 299.Wufei:Oh sh*t! I got a germ on me! 300.Me:OH MY GOD!!I MADE 300 ENTRIES!!!!I AM THE CHAMPION! Heero:Ok, now who was saying that I'm hyperactive? Me:... 301.Wufei:Why did Trieze say that I understood him?Hell I can't even stand to look at that bastard's face! 302.Duo:Why am I the one who always gets in trouble?Why can't it be Heero or Trowa?I'm always with the one with the big mouth!!! 304.Heero:OH MY GOD!YOU HAIR IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO UGLY!WHAT DO YOU SHAMPOO IT WITH?! 305.Trowa:My name is Justin and we're here to say we gona rock your the Secret Santa commercial on MTV) 306.Trieze as...Zechs? 307.Me:Why does Lady Une have this stupid split personality? Trowa:Simple.Because she wanted Trieze to like her I guess. Me:... 308.Heero:My life wouldn't be so turned around if it wasn't for Relena. 309.Relena:Why do I like pasafism? 310.Trowa:I'M AN IDIOT! Echos:YOU'RE AN IDIOT! 311.Quatre:So I'm just supposed to say things like:Bling-bling and "THAT IS WACKED!" 312.::Duo singing::Jeanie's gotta gun. ::All the gundam pilots run out of the room:: 313.Trieze:Wow.Being dead ain't so bad.They still treat me like a God. 314.Chibi Duo(kinda acting like Cartman.)yelling at Chibi Heero:I'M THE CUTEST AND YOU KNOW IT DAMMIT! 315.Heero:YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUHORITY!!! 316.Duo(looking at a picture of Chibi Duo):Damn.Is it just me,or does this pic actually make me look smaller? 317.Trowa as...Quatre? 318.Heero to me:Hey,I thought you said at 300 entries that you wouldn't do anymore. Me:I didn't say that I wasn't doing anymore entries Heero. I said that if I had time that I would do some more. So,I have time now. Heero:Oooooooooooooh.That makes sense. 319.Duo:You aren't supposed to act your age,but your shoe size! 320.Heero:Merry Christmas! 321.Quatre:What am I going to get Trowa for christmas? 322.Trowa:I hope Quatre like this custom model of Sandrock from Endless Waltz.I got it for only half price! 323.Wufei:People are weak! Director:Cut!Great job Wufei! Wufei:Thanks! 324.Heero:Hey,look at my brand new car! 325.::Duo singing::I feel so alive,for the very first time! 326.Trowa:Why didn't any tell me my real name wasn't Trowa? 327.Quatre gives Catherine a bitch slap after she yells at him 328.Duo takes off in Deathscythe,but for some reason,the gundam won't move! Duo:Damn.What the hell happened this time? 329.::Relena singing::Grandma got ran over by a reindeer,walking home from our house Christmas day(he he he he!!)!! 330.::Quatre singing::Walkin' 'round in women's underwear! 331.All of the gundam boys are singing Christmas Carols in front of someone's house. The gundam boys:We wish you a Merry Christmas,we wish a Merry Christmas,we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy- Duo:2000 and 2! Wufei,Heero,Quatre,and Trowa:DUO! Duo:Opps.Sorry! 332.Duo:Forget it Hilde!My new girlfriend is Noin! 333.Heero:These Japanese songs just don't make any sense!I've gotta change some of these stupid songs! 334.Wufei:Why is Duo so happy?(That's something the Gundam pilots will never figure out!) 335.Trowa as...Heero? Could it be done? 336.Wufei as...Trowa? 337.Duo yelling at Heero: OW!!WhAT THE F**K DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!YOU F**KIN' MANIAC! 338.Wufei:I've gotta stop swordfighting for a while. I just threw my back out fighting with Trieze.Damn that hurts! 339.Duo:Does Heero think I'm fat? 340.Quatre(as Cartman!):I'M GONNA KICK YOU IN THE NUTS!!! 341.Duo:I could watch J.Lo shake her ass all night long!! 342.Heero:Now I know what I'm gonna do for New Years!I'm gonna get all the gundam pilots together and we'll think of some way to decorate the gundams! Duo(who was listening to him from the other side of the room):Bad idea Heero. Heero:Why? Duo:WE DESTROYED THEM A LOOOOOOOOOONG TIME AGO! 343.Trowa(looking at himself on one of the Gundam Wing Movies):Wow!I look about 2 feet smaller in this picture! 344.Quatre:C'mon Wufei!Let's sword fight! Wufei(thinking):Did this guy NOT read entry #338? 345.Trowa:Majin Buu?Does that relate to the song Biddy,Boddity,Buu in Cinderella (something like that!)? 346.Wufei:I AM THE SUPREME MASTER!NO ONE CAN BEAT ME!(Heero hits him in the head and gives everyone the peace/victory sign) 347.Heero(looking at the comics of Gundam Wing):WHOA!Hang on a sec!Did Dorothy actually like me?Now that's just sick! 348.Quatre(who is also looking at the comics of Gundam Wing):Well,at least Dorothy and I didn't sword fight in the end of this comic! 349.Trowa:You wanna know why I'm the tallest of all the GW pilots? Duo:Why? Trowa:Actually...I have no idea why! (Duo falls flat on the floor in disgust) 350.Me:YES!I MADE 350 ENTRIES!!! Duo:Yeah,and thank god you did it before 2002. (Takes a hammer and hits Duo in the head) 351.Heero(listening to the Blind Target CD):Wow.My japanese voice is awesome! 352.Duo:OW! Quatre:What happened Duo? Duo:The damn light shocked me. 353.Wufei(yelling at Heero after he almost cut Wufei's head off!):Hey watch it! I just got that trimmed this morning! 354.Trowa:So Catherine's my sister?Crap.She would've been a great girlfriend(?). 355.Quatre:Duo and me are like two pees in a pod! 356.Duo:Whoa!Great BMW Heero! 357.Heero:Do these glasses make me look wierd? 358.Trowa:My brother is Wufei! 359.Quatre(singing):In the end,it doesn't even matter! 360.Trowa(looking at a Blind Target comic):Why does my hair look different? 361.Duo:Whoa!Nice PS2 Quatre! 362.Duo:Come and check out my new skateboard Quatre! 363.Heero:I'm falling!Catch me Duo! 364.Quatre:I'M THE BIGGEST FOOTBALL FAN IN THE WORLD!!!! 365.Duo:Why is there always a leap year?366 days a year just doesn't make any sense!(Then maybe it was a good thing we put this under entry #365!) 366.Trowa:Would I look better as snowman than a clown? 367.Duo:KILL WUFEI!HE IS THE ENEMY! Heero:Ummm...Duo...are you ok? 368.Trowa:My name is...Spot!(??????I think Doctor S screwed up his name!) 369.Duo(looking at the Thing's you'd never hear in GW Website and pointing at some entries):Typos,not real,stupid,doesn't need to be there.Man!Why the hell do people write this stuff?! 370.Trowa:Those who have laid eyes on a....wait a sec.He's already seen my gundam.So what's the point? 371.Heero(watching DBZ):What the hell is a namek? Piccollo comes in and the two start fighting. 372.Duo(watching Cowboy Bepop):Man!How come our gundams can't look as cool as those ships?! 373.Wufei(watching DBZ as Guko fights Vegeta):Now how come I can't be as strong as him? 374.Quatre(looking at a picture of Chi-chi):That's gonna be my wife! Guko comes in and hit Quatre on the head. 375.Duo(looking at my e-mails that I've sent):Man!Is this all you ever do when you're online? Me:Actually no Duo. Duo:When what the hell do you do online?It looks to me that all you ever do is send entries to this Thing's You'd never hear in GW website! Me:... 376.Relena(looking at the destroyed Sanc Kingdom and thinking):I wonder what this piece of crap used to be. 378.Heero trying to write a poem(that doesn't talk about killing people!) 379.Duo:My watch is just so....colorfull and....Hey Quatre,what color is this on my watch? Quatre:It looks red to me! Duo:How can you tell? (I guess that's what he gets for not going to school!) 380.Trowa wearing a t-shirt that's red instead of blue. 381.Quatre(looking a the CD cover of Operation #3):Is that my gundam? 382.Dorothy and Relena as college roomates. 383.Relena(talking to Dorothy,Hilde,Sally,and Noin):I was over at Heero's house last night and like,it was like,so not cool!There were like,guns and s*** everywhere! 384.Trowa:Would it make a really big difference in the series if they should me and Heero gettin' our groove thang on? 385:Duo(looking at the entries from WING088JAS):Whoa!That school thing with Trieze and Zechs is great!I wish Lancegurl58 could do something like that with her entries. Me(comes in the room and kick Duo's little ass!) Duo:Hey!Watch it!I wasn't trying to be mean!I was just trying to throw out some pointers!I thought you liked WING088JAS! (WING088JAS,I hope this doesn't make you angry!Cause you are really cool!) *For those of you that are wondering what she's talking about go to 386.Wufei(listening to Let Into Top):Whoa!That doesn't sound like me at all!I sing like a girl. Duo:Well I guess that shows you! 387.Heero(looking at a Memorex recordable CD):Whoa!I didn't know that CDs could have color on them! 388.Duo:I wonder who made the light bulb. 389.Thomas Eddison made the light bulb. 390.Quatre:Was I actually born in space? 391.Trowa:I don't like to cuss.I don't wanna go to Hell when I die.(?) 392.Heero(looking at Things you'd never hear in GW website):MAN I LOVE THIS WEBSITE! Everything about it sooooooo true! 393.Wufei:It's a good thing I wasn't an orphan as a kid! Duo hits him with a frying pan. 394.Trowa:It's snowing!!! 395.Duo:I grew up near Venus.That's the reason why I like women. 396.Heero's holding a sign up that says:HOT BABES,COME TO ME!I WON'T KILL ANY SEXY GIRLS WHO LOOK LIKE PAMELA ANDERSON! 397.Quatre(to Trowa):Why is Heero holding up that sign? Trowa:I guess he got tired of Relena! 398.Wufei:I want Britney Spears to put a tatoo on my butt! 399.Quatre:Hey guys,wanna look at my Mustang?! Duo(hits Wufei):Pony no pony back! 400.Heero(to me):400 entires.Oh my god.I never thought you would get this fair. Damn And I still haven't been able to kill Relena! 401.Trowa slips on some ice and starts crying like a baby. Quatre:What's wrong Trowa?! Trowa(crying):I think I just broke my leg. Wufei:Oh my god!Call 9-1-1!He's gonna die! 402.Heero runs into a tree and finds himself in therapy telling Duo the whole story of his life.Except that he forgot to mention the other gundam pilots, even Duo who's sitting right next to him. Heero:Did I happen to forget anyone? Duo:Do you know who I am? Heero:No,but you look like you could be my girlfriend! Duo runs out of the room before Heero tries to kiss him. Duo:ALRIGHT!THAT'S IT!I'M GETTING MY HAIR CUT! 403.Trowa finally figures out who he really is. 404.Quatre:I've gotta restart my buddy list.I'm gonna start putting more Ramna 1/2 sites on there. 405.Wufei:I wish I had Duo's hair. Duo:Fine.Go ahead and have it.Heero's trying to get me to be his girlfriend anyway. Wufei:Why? Duo:It's a loooooooooong story. 406.Wufei:Maybe OZ wasn't so bad after all. 407.Trowa finally gets all the Gundam movies(meaning ALL the gundam movies, even Turn A Gundam!). Trowa:Well,I guess it's time to start my DBZ collection. 408.Duo(after the 49th episode of GW):Apparently I think it would be a good time to say that the show is over. Heero:But the show isn't over idiot. Duo:WILL YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT! Heero snickers and walks off. 409.Quatre finds out that his father isn't really dead. 410.Heero finds out that he does have a family! 411.Quatre sits outside a hotel,waiting for Trowa to arrive.While he's waiting,he puts on his headphones and turns the CD player's volume up to REALLY LOUD!He starts singing to I'm your friend,and everyone starts staring at him. Trowa:What's with those people? Quatre:I don't think they like or understand Japanese music very much. (To the people who like Japanese music,please do not let this offend you.) 412.Heero finds out what AOL and spends endless time on it. 413.Heero:BSB! Duo:'Nsync! Heero:BSB! Me:Actually,I would go with Duo. Duo sticks his tounge out at Heero:HAH!I told you 'Nsync was better! 414.Duo(to me):Hey,since you've got over 400 entries,does that mean that you still love us? Me:Duo,I love all of you. Duo:Great!Then would you pleeeeeeeease go out with me???!!! Trowa takes a hammer and hits him on the head. Trowa:Sorry Duo,but she's mine. Duo:Damn! 415.Heero's watching DBZ,and soon gets sucked into the TV. Heero:Where the hell am I?! Vegeta:I don't know.But you're in the wrong story!And get out of the way!Kakorot and me are about to fight. Heero screams like a girl and runs for cover! 416.Duo singing:I'm not always there when you call,but I'm always on time... 417.Trowa thinking:How do you sign on a friend?Isn't your friend already signed on? 418.Relena gets AOL and now she can talk to Heero all the time! 419.Duo travels back to the 60s(the 1960s!) Duo:Whoa!I didn't know people lived like this! 420.Duo takes up football instead of basketball. 421.Relena tries to ski,and ends up getting a broken leg. 422.Heero:I DO NOT LIKE SPORTS!I ONLY PLAYED THAT ONE GAME OF BASKETBALL WITH DUO BECAUSE I HAD TO! 423.Trowa:Enough of the sports entries!We need more singing ones! Heero:I don't really care.But the singing ones are making me angry! (And we all know what happens when Heero gets angry!) 424.Duo singing:It's a beautiful day! 425.Dorothy tries to make the tennis team,but her eyebrows are a BIG TIME PROBLEM! 426.Quatre:What is mLife? Trowa:I dunno.Go to (Super Bowl commercial.Don't ask.) 427.Relena:IT'S ME AS A DOLL! 428.Heero:LET'S GET READY TO GOSPEL!!!!! Me:Heero,it's actually:LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 429.Duo:GOD BLESS AMERICA!MY HOME SWEET HOME! 430.Trowa:It's a good thing people never teased me. Duo:Why? Trowa:Because then I would've killed them. 431.Relena singing:Baby,I've got my boyfriend,is that your girlfriend... 432.Trowa passes Heero one of his scented makers. Heero:What the hell is this? Trowa:It's a marker.But I wouldn't smell it. Heero:Why not? Trowa:You might eat it! 433.Quatre:I WANT MORE SEX!!! 434.Heero:Trowa doesn't want me?!WAH!!! (He should've figured that out a loooooong time ago) 435.Trowa singing:But this train don't stop,this stop here anymore... 436.Quatre watching My Neighboor Totoro and wishes that the world was more like that movie. 437.Trowa:I'm actually a 65 year old man,but I just don't wanna show it! 438.Heero trying to learn Micheal Jackson moves. 439.Heero:Relena looks like Mariah Carey,that's why I hate her! 440.Trowa and Quatre:HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE! 441.Wufei listens to Jennifer Lopez and finally stops being a sexist. 442.Quatre takes a jazz class and doesn't stop dancing!!! 443.Trowa:This bibliography thing is too damn wierd! 444.Heero:I think it was a bad thing for Wufei to stop being a sexist. Duo:Why? Heero:Because more girls want to become gundam pilots. Duo:And why is that a bad thing? Heero:BECAUSE RELENA WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! 445.Quatre:Heero being paired with me is just not a good idea. 446.Wufei is in room,dancing to J.Lo,when Heero finally discovers his secret. Heero:Ooooh.So this is the reason why you've stopped being a sexiest. Wufei(in a girly type of tone):I can't help it!She's just soooooooooo PRETTY! 447.Trowa(to Heero:):So,how's the hunt for Relena coming along? Heero:It would've been much better if she was a deer. 448.Duo:Swimming is my favorite sport now!!!! 449.Heero:I WANT A KID SO BADLY! Wufei:Then take Duo then. Heero:If you don't shut up,I'm gonna blow you're f***ing head off. 450.Me:50 more entries and I've made the jackpot! Duo:50 more?!Jeez!You're good at this stuff!