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That's Me!!!!


Welcome to my lair. I am your webhost to this page, and my name is Andrew. Now, beware of dark corners, fore vampires are known to hide in the deep dark shadows of this realm. As a side note, this page is constantly under construction so watch out for any falling objects. Be they man or building materials, be careful.
Kevin and Kara Hoshi
Jan. 1, 2003
Happy New Year to all of you web surfers out there. Sorry I haven't updated this page in a while. Just been busy lately. I plan on updating at least once a week, so I'll be working dilligently on this page and all the other pages I have linked here. So, check back often. See ya!

Jan. 4, 2003
Well, I'm scanning a few drawings to the site. Haven't put them up yet, but I will. Um, the other parts of the site such as the numerous links I have to my fan pages are about as done as I plan to get them. All I can do is add more pictures to them as I get them. Well, constantly updating. So, check back often. See ya!

Well, it's been a long time since I've done something to this page. So, here we go. I just uploaded a drawing of mine. It's of a friend of mine. Check it out here. If you have an opinion on it, you can email me at a_arche@hotmail.com with your opinions or whatnot. Well, check back soon!

Wow, it's been about a month since I've updated this place. And even then, this update isn't even that big a deal. I'm only changing the backgrounds on a few of the pages. Well, here we go. Hope everything is cool. See ya!

Hey there, everybody. Just changed the backgrounds back to solid colors. Made it easier to read the text. Makes sense, no? I heard from a friend that it was hard to read the text. So, I reverted back to solid backgrounds. Well, enjoy the place. I'll add some pictures to all the galleries soon. See ya!

Hey there. Just updating here. I'm working on a How-To-Draw portion for the web space. Just to help people learn to draw. Be it, draw the way I do, or a different way. I just want to help people out. They can draw my way or not, so long as I can possibly inspire someone to draw. Well, that's all for now. I'll post that How-To section as soon as I finish it. Well, take care, everybody!

Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I added an update. Well, I just put up a web page for my visit to Fanime Con 2003. It's still under construction, but it's got some cool stuff right now. Check it out! I'm still working on a How-To section. But, I'll eventually get one up. So, later days!

Alright, it's been over a month since I last updated, so here we are. It's early August, and my How-To section is just now undergoing the first stages of development. I've been really busy with a lot, but today, I added the Fanime pictures. FINALLY!!! It sure was a lot of work, but I got them up and posted. I replaced the old drawings I had up there with the actual photos from the convention, but I left one drawing up. I'll post it next to the photo of the girl in that drawing. Miss Freya Yu, if you're out there looking at this site, thank you for being so cool and letting me draw you and signing the drawing for me! Many thanks! Also, took down any unneccssary pages from here. They're eating up precious space. Well, that's the news for now, so stay tuned for another update sometime later this month. Later days!

Okay. Well, updated the Fanime Memories Page. Changed all the thumbnails to normal text links. With thumbnails, it took way too long to load, even on my Cable connection. So, by making them text links, it'll load up much faster. Well, that's all the changes for now. When I get a chance, I'll get some more work done on the How-To section. It isn't up yet, still working on the html for it. But, it'll be up eventually. Well, that's it. Later days!

Dec. 9, 2004
Wow! It's been more than a year since I did anything to this place. Guess I should do some redecorating or something. We'll see what I can come up with. Anyhow, just updating a little bit. Nothing noticeable. Just little things. Take care. See you all someday!

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My Old Web Page
Fanime Con 2003
Check this quiz out!http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/spiderman.jpg To link it (the actual code):

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