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Slayers_Crazy Fanfic Page

Hello and welcome to the world of Slayers_Crazy. This is a page for fanfiction written by the wonderful RPG team of the Yahoo group Slayers_Crazy. This game picks up where try left off, and it has some of the most talented players on the net in it.

This page is for Fanfiction written by these players, dealing with both Slayers in General and Slayers_Crazy. In some of these fan fictions (Such as “Forever” and its companion piece “Angel”) you will meet characters who never actually existed in the Slayers series but have had full rich adventures in the game. These stories will be marked with an “*” and the background explained as much as possible for the reader.

Many things will come as a surprise. Things like Zelgadis and Tori (one of the created characters) being a couple rather than Amelia. (The introduction to "Forever" covers this a bit) Xellos and Lina being something of a couple. And the fact that Gourry and Amelia aren't in the game, and aren't in most of the in game fictions. This just reflects the way the game played out.

So sit back and enjoy the rich and wonderful world of “Slayers Crazy”. Because Slayers never die, they just move on to other restaurants!

Click to subscribe to slayers_crazy
And in case you're interested this is a link to the Slayers_Modern RPG: Most of the characters from Crazy are also in this one. This takes place in modern Japan at a highschool for magic weilding kids. (Sort of a slayers hogwarts I guess)

Click to subscribe to slayersmodern

Sign the guest book! Please please please!

The stories

The Lemon's Page
Slayers Dance
Lost Bird*
Foot Jerky*
Chimera Forever*
The Songfictions
My Name is Bird* (A poem)
The Gifts of Rashin*
Child of Earth, Child of Air*
