What ARE those things?

   Garz            Zarg

Who are those weird THINGS that have taken over this website? What in the good Digi-World do they have to do with Digimon? Well, my Digimon fan fic gave birth to them...They just POPPED out of nowhere, and took over! They started off as demons, but quickly evolved beyond that. Now...They are just innocent, cute little monsters. Well, maybe not so innocent; they can morph into big, creepy monsters!

Why is this website called 'Toaster Happy'? Is that something Garz and Zarg related? Why, yes, it is! They eat metal. I think I got the idea from Muzzy. (Muzzy ate clocks, at least in the french version...) Anyway, their favorite metal thing to eat is toasters. This site is called 'Toaster Happy!' because the little buggers ARE toaster-happy!!!

One day, I swear, Garz and Zarg will be on T-shirts, lunch boxes, stationary, and everything else you can think of! They will have their own cartoon that little kids watch religiously, and their own comics, and... I'm getting ahead of myself. That's okay, I can dream. But they WILL! They will take over the industry! Just thought I'd warn you. One day, you'll say to your kids or grandkids, 'I remember back when Garz and Zarg were some wacked-out idea on some strange fan fiction website! In those days, practically no one had even heard of them!' Just you wait!!!



The Story

Season 1 Guide
A Bigger Threat
Season 2 Guide
Conquering Middle Ground


The Key
Garz and Zarg
The Mega- Digidestined
The Dark Digidestined


A Rant
Poor Davis
Paradise: The Place


Garz and Zarg
Fan Pics

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