Shmeilia rants about the ending of '02

Oh, boy, this is a subject I could go on and on and on about...This is just my personal opinion, mind you. If you don't want to hear it, I suggest you turn back now. This is Paradise related, really.

   I wasn't really going to finish Paradise at the time, because unfortunately I was running out of steam. But then the show decided to end '02 rather abruptly. I wouldn't have minded if they took an entire episode to finish it off, but no...They took like the last five minutes of a totally unrelated episode! It was as if they said to themselves, 'Okay, I'm bored with this now. Let's kill it off right and make them all grow up...' So it was like 'Twenty years later'...Urgh. After watching that I vowed to finish Paradise even if it takes ME twenty years!

My biggest problem was that in my predictions, I only got one thing right: TK became a writer. Matt married Sora (which totally blew me away, I thought she would have gotten togther with Tai) and became an astronaught of all things (totally wasting his musical career)! I'd had big plans for Matt, including him finally seeing good in June. And Yolei married Ken? But what about Cody? Sure he was only nine on the rest of the show, but twenty years had passed... Davis made me kinda happy, after all, he didn't have schizophrenia and I can see him being a chef. TK and Kari didn't get together, which was a bummer. But most of all, it just ended. No more conflict. It was over. Period. There was no explination as to why it was over, really. At least with my story they all end up in Paradise. The universe ended, for pity sake...The fact that they went to (basically) heaven to spend eternity in happiness makes SO MUCH MORE sense! Of course, that's Season 3, and I'm not even half way through Season 2...But yeah. I'll finish! I'll get there! I promise.



The Story

Season 1 Guide
A Bigger Threat
Season 2 Guide
Conquering Middle Ground


The Key
Garz and Zarg
The Mega- Digidestined
The Dark Digidestined


A Rant
Poor Davis
Paradise: The Place


Garz and Zarg
Fan Pics

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