All you ever wanted to know about Paradise (I hope, anyway!)

What is Paradise?

          Ah, the eternal question. How deep should I go into this? Paradise is the Digimon version of heaven. Yes, I often need to hold back on the religious aspect of my story, so I don't push people away. But I decided about half way through '02 that I wanted to end Digimon by...well, by making the universe end. (This idea cemented when they ended '02. Read my rantings...)I thought to myself, 'Self, they need peace. That ending didn't cut it.' Yes, most characters will die. I know that sounds bad, but it's necessary. They will come back! The only character that won't die is Ken, because after all, he's the one that is going to create Paradise. If you read my story, you might find a few weird flaws with it in the Paradise department. That's 'cause when I started I had no true intention of making them all die and go to Paradise. It was just a neat sounding idea. I've tried to go back and fix it, but I bet it still sounds a bit strange.

Who are the Powers? Why does that sound so familiar?

          Okay the great Powers can be one of three things. I partially got the idea from hearing the term 'great powers protecting the Digital World'. I think that was in the first season. And partially, they came from the show Angel. (Yeah, so I borrowed the Powers That Be, please don't sue me!) And some remote corner of my mind likes to associate them with the Trinity. But that's just me. Assume whatever you like about them. I like leaving it vague and open to interpretation, it makes things funner (funner? Is that even a real word?) I know They like playing around with the Digidestined's lives. Now I don't consider this a bad thing, when I consider how things turned out when they took things in their own hands. (I really didn't like the ending of '02, can't you tell?)

What is the Power Orb? What is it's role in the creation of Paradise?

          I orginally had a dream, back in the day...Yes, I'm talking about the dream that sparked this series...Anyway, in this dream I think it was Joe who used the Power Orb to blow up half of the Digital World in order to get rid of the demons. Now that was way too drastic, and a lot of things have changed since then. For one thing, Ken is the only one of the Digidestined who can use it without blowing things up or having terrible reactions to it. The Powers themselves gave him this power. But what is it, really? Well, I'm not totally certain. This was a dream, after all. But I think it was a tool the Powers created/used to make the Digital World in the first place. It can do that. It can do anything. But if the Powers are all-powerful, what's the point? That, I don't know.

          Keesma stole the Power Orb from the Powers, or so she thought. I kinda think they let her get away with it because They knew everything would turn out alright in the end. It's one's faith that gives the object any kind of power at all. Faith in the powers the Powers gave him is the only way Ken can use it to make Paradise, in the end.

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