Why do you pick on Davis? Is it just me, or do you hate him?

I love Davis. Seriously. He's my favorite character, for pity's sake! But why then, do I abuse him to no end in my fan fic? The answer to that is a bit complicated. Practically every non-Davis fan who's read my fic changed their opinion about him. One can't help but feel sorry for him. And those who like to see him smacked around can enjoy it for that reason alone, although that was certainly not my original intention. I guess it's just like the old saying: You always hurt the ones you love.

Davis is a wonderful, caring person. Don't believe me? Remember how he helped Ken? After 'going good', Davis was the first of the Digidestined to forgive him. If that doesn't say something for itself, I don't know what does. And he does have the crest of Friendship. So what if he doesn't have a whole lot of brains! He has heart. Isn't that all that matters?



The Story

Season 1 Guide
A Bigger Threat
Season 2 Guide
Conquering Middle Ground


The Key
Garz and Zarg
The Mega- Digidestined
The Dark Digidestined


A Rant
Poor Davis
Paradise: The Place


Garz and Zarg
Fan Pics

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