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Welcome to Juraian Towers, Home for Tenchi Fanfic Reviews and so much more.
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News for Janurary 09, 2003
The Fanfic Review Downloads are coming along nicely, and we have started putting up our banner galleries also. The guestbook has been redesigned with our current scheme in mind. The Affiliates area has also been worked on, although I plan on working on it. We hope you like the new layout.

We also plan on moving our forum to it's own host so that we can have more freedom in our speech, as well as what we can do, without having someone always watching our back. If you are a new visitor, please join our forums! You're sure to have a fun time.

The Destiny of Jurai RPG has moved into our forums and we hope that you try it out as well!


Welcome to Juraian Towers
Hello! Welcome to Juraian Towers Reviews, the home for Tenchi Muyo fanfic reviews and more! I am Rychi! I am Co-Owner of Juraian Towers and I am the builder of this fine ship! Er...Website.

Anyway, I suppose you're wondering what Juraian Towers Reviews does. Well, it is a group of Tenchi fanfic writers, and other fanfic writers from other genres, that want to share and read other writer's work. So, in a way, it is a fanfic archive but not exactly. You see, in order to get accepted, you must make sure you will follow by the rules, but, I will explain that later!

Well, anyways, welcome to Juraian Towers! Enjoy your stay! ^_^ Rychi P.S. this site is always under construction, so I can provide you with the best experiance possible! ^_^

OOH!! Look what Tenko gave me!!! I'm so honored!! ^_^