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The Thunder Goddess' Domain!

~*Sailor Jupiter*~

Name: Kino Makoto a.k.a. Lita Kino

Name Meaning: Wisdom of the Trees

Age: 14 in beginning season

Birthday: December 5th

Star Sign: Saggitarius

Blood type: O+

Fav. color(s): Green and sugar pink

Hobbies and strengths: bargain shopping, boy hunting, cooking, cleaning, ice skating, and martial arts.

Fav. food(s): Cherry pie and meat loaf

Least Fav. food: None, she loves all foods

Fav. subject: Home Economics

Worst subject: Physics

Fears: Airplanes (parents died in a crash) and rejection

Dream: To open a flower and bakery shop. To be a wife and mother.

Fav. Gem : Emerald

Fav. Animal: Horse

Lita is the tallest and the toughest of all the inner senshi. But even though, she is strong and masculine, and a bit tomboyish, that does not mean she doesn't have a sweet side as well. To get people to stop being afraid of her she developed more girlish talents such as cooking and ice-skating. She's very kind and domestic. Like the mother of all her friends. She's very loyal to people that are close to her so you better not get on her bad side!!! She's faced trouble with past relationships and always finds some way to compare a guy to her old boyfriend. Lita wishes to be more feminine and make new friends. She lives by herself since her parents died in a plane crash when she was younger. She was a loner until she met the sailor team!


Name: Andrea

Name Meaning: God's beauty, love, and grace.

Age: 14

Birthday: June 15th

Star Sign: Gemini

Blood type: I wish I knew...

Fav. color(s): Blue and green

Hobbies and strengths: Writing, dancing,

reading, swimming, creating projects, and Japanese.

Fav. food(s): Pasta, sushi, and salad.

Least Fav. food: liver and onions

Fav. subject: English

Worst subject: Math

Fears: being alone and snakes

Dream: To become a writer and a marine biologist. Also to get married and have 3 kids.

Fav. Gem : Moonstone

Fav. Animal: Dolphin

I'm a creative person who never uses her intelligence in the right form. I am writer who loves to express herself. I'm devoted to all of my loved ones, I'd do anything for them. I have a double-sided personailty, I can be sweet and innocent or I can go gothic on you, depends on my mood. But I'd say I'm a nice person who's very generous. I've been through a lot in my life but I still remain somewhat pleasant. I wouldn't say I'mm a lot like Sailor Jupiter because I hate fitness and my cooking is horrible but she's kind of like my role model, I look up to Haruka just like she does. I think our personalities are similiar and I look a little like her. But I think I'm unique. I love to daydream and sit be myself on the beach. I love the ocean and I love the wind as well. I'm a romantic person, but I like to have fun too! I'm always searching for my destiny.

You are most like Jupiter overall!
Find out Which Senshi you are.

Places to go to:

The ~*Moon Kingdom*~ Guild
