This weeks guest: Darkman from Gotenks Dojo
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Welcome to The Late Show with Jon! Today's guest is Darkman from Gotenks Net! We have a few special things to say, and then the guest will come on. Until then you will have to listen to your host, Jon!

(audience cheers)

Jon: Thank you! Now, will you be a good audience?

(audience cheers)

Jon: Okay, I put my trust in you.
Jon: Now, as you may know, Darkman is our guest.

(audience claps)

Jon: And for some site news; Dream DBZ is now hosting The Late Show with Jon's official website. So please visit their site to give thanks.
Jon: Also, Mystic Brollys Dojo has reopened with a new layout, and further sections have been added. So, make sure you see this.
Jon: And for those of you who care, The Late Show with Jon's official site will be getting a new layout shortly. So I know you all are grateful for this. And what is even better is a good friend and the Webmaster of DB Dropzone will be making it.

Jon: (stacks papers)

Jon: Now, have you heard about these forest fires in Arizona and Colorado? They are awful. If you are caught up in this, I hope that everything turns out good.
Jon: Also lots of people are dieing over in the middle east, some deserve it, others don't, so lets just pray for them to so good.
Jon: So this is all I have to say except AOHell is acting up again. Something about access numbers. Whatever, so whoever has this problem, don't worry, I know how you feel.

(Darkman walks out)

Jon: Welcome to The Late Show!

Darkman: Thanks man, its good to be here.

Jon: Before we begin, is there any site news you would like to share with us?

Darkman: At this time, we just got over 2 hackings, but we will be back up shortly, and better than ever!

Jon: I am sorry about the hackings.
Jon: Don't you hate it when your site gets hacked?

Darkman: Its so fucking annoying, first time it happened i had no back ups and I had to start the content over, then the 2nd time just some asshole just deleted everything, but I had backups so it wasn't as bad.

Jon: But still it is screwed up. I wish the bitch that hacked my site would come to my door lol.

Darkman: You get me! You know most hackers are probably loners who have no life, are full of acne and are total internet geeks! I'd love to catch the asshole that hacked me, id fucking kill him!

Jon: I know exactly how you feel.

Darkman: What happened to you?

Jon: If there are any hackers watching now, you can come to mine or Darkman's door for a nice prize.

Darkman: *grins*

Jon: Well I owned a DBZ site, and like you, no backups. Someone hacked in, deleted everything.
Jon: I was left with one index page that said "HACKED"

Darkman: Fucking pussys, don't even leave their names.

Jon: I know.
Jon: But anyway, enough talking about those kinds of people, they get too much attention anyway.

Darkman: lol

Jon: On with me and some disturbing news.

Darkman: which is........

Jon: I took an IQ Test recently.

Darkman: OK I'm scared already.

Jon: And you know, I think I am a genius. I walk around all day thinking, only a genius would do that, ya know what I mean?

Darkman: lol, well who else would of thought of bringing the late show to the net?

Jon: Exactly.
Jon: So anyway, I take this test.
Jon: It says I am average, and not even at the top of the average chart.

Darkman: lol

Jon: Now, I think this test was unfair.

Darkman: Whys that man?

Jon: Answer 32 questions in 12 min. first of all, and an example of the question would be..
Jon: If Timmy and Bobby are best friends and Bobby goes out with Nikki, and Timmy goes out with Rachael, are Timmy and Nikki brother and sister?

Darkman: Stop there man.
Darkman: That's killing me just looking at it.

Jon: Yes, well me too, but when you look at it, the answer should be, who the fuck cares, but that answer is really no.

Darkman: lol
Darkman: I tend to stay away from IQ tests and stuff like that.
Darkman: I feel better about myself when I'm not being shown how stupid I am lol.

Jon: (laughs)
Jon: Yes, I agree.
Jon: Ok, now about you, we need to talk about you, because I am just pretty boring.

Darkman: lol, I agree with that.
Darkman: Jus kiddin!

Jon: No it is true.
Jon: The truth hurts. But you on the other hand, there is someone that can win a crowd!

Darkman: lol
Darkman: awwwww, stop making me blush.

Jon: lol
Jon: So now, I will ask you a few questions, you try to answer, if you sometime get a good idea about something else we can do, feel free.

Darkman: okay man

Jon: Number 1, do you enjoy bananas?

Darkman: lol
Darkman: Me and fruit have a feud that goes way back! ever since I chocked on a grape at age 2
Darkman: so no.............i hate all fruit.

Jon: All fruit?

Darkman: yea.....ALL

Jon: Darn it, there goes question 5 and 9.

Darkman: lmao

Jon: Okay, now, Questions 2....
Jon: Do you enjoy pizza?

Darkman: *grins*
Darkman: Pizza is one of my guilty pleasures
Darkman: Especially tuna and sweet corn pizza

Jon: So I see you enjoy seafood and vegetables?

Darkman: I like SOME vegetables, but I am a HUGE and I do mean HUGE fan of seafood.

Jon: Me too, that is why I love the beach, that and some other things..
Jon: But we will discuss that when the kids go to bed.
Jon: So question number 3 will be..

Darkman: lmao

Jon: Have you seen any recent movies?

Darkman: Ummm no I haven't, I'm not too into movies so I doubt I will go and see any too.

Jon: Okay (quickly erases question 4 and 6).
Jon: Question 4 will be..

Darkman: o god lol, I'm killing your question aren't I?

Jon: No not killing, I can make more.

Darkman: that's good

Jon: I find it to be a good characteristic.

Darkman: yea

Jon: So number 4, do you enjoy killing people questions that took them hours to think of?

Darkman: hahahaha
Darkman: Your taking the piss now aren't you?
Darkman: lol

Jon: lol

Jon: No actually you don't have to answer that one.

Darkman: lol

Jon: Question 4 is do you like AOL?

Darkman: lmao
Darkman: If there wasn't any laws I would of killed all aol technicians and operators ages ago.
Darkman: Does that answer your question?

Jon: Well I am glad to see you are going to join the AOHell Organization.

Darkman: lmao

Jon: Question 5
Jon: If you were at the beach, and the hacker of your site were a sexy female, what would happen?

Darkman: lol
Darkman: Your tempting fate now.
Darkman: but id probably slap her in the face
Darkman: I really do hate them that much.

Jon: Ohh, even if she was dead sexy?

Darkman: Yes, even if she was dead sexy and feeling horny.

Jon: Ohh but after you slap her, would you make up?

Darkman: *grins*

Jon: Okay, well we have finished the questions about you.

Darkman: lol

Jon: Now, we have some time for some playground schoolyard jokes.

Darkman: o god lol, please don't ask me to tell some, I am so lame at jokes.

Jon: Well possibly that is what makes it funny.
Jon: But if you do not want to, it is okay, I will tell them for you.

Darkman: lol trust me, its for your own good and the crowd that I don't tell any jokes.

Jon: Okay, well then I have one joke.
Jon: But you must pick the category.

Darkman: okay
Darkman: hmmmmmmmm
Darkman: dragonballz

Jon: DragonballZ..
Jon: Wow that is a hard one.. hmm

Darkman: lol

Jon: thinking..

Darkman: careful, don't hurt ya self lol

Jon: lol
Jon: Bulma suspects that her boyfriend is cheating on her, so she goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment that same day, with the gun in hand. Sure enough, when she opens the door, she finds her boyfriend in the arms of a redhead. She points the gun at her boyfriend at stares him down for a moment. Then, suddenly, she's overcome with grief, so she puts the gun up to the side her head. Her boyfriend screams, "Honey, don't do it..." Bulma yells back, "Shut up! You're next!"

Darkman: lmao
Darkman: I could see her doing that actually, she is very stupid lol

Jon: yes she is lol
Jon: Well it was great having you on the show, are there any last words you wanna say before we close?

Darkman: Yes

Jon: Well the floor is yours.

Darkman: Smoke weed and visit Gotenks Net everyday!

Jon: This is a good idea for you all.

Darkman: lol
Darkman: Do that and you will be happy for the rest of your life.

Jon: If only both were free, the world would be made.

Darkman: lol

Jon: Well everyone, say goodbye to Darkman!

Darkman: lol thanks for having me, i had a great time.
Darkman: *waves goodbye*

Jon: Bye!

(audience claps and cheers)

Jon: See? This has been a great audience! I think you all are finally getting the point. Now remember, our next show is very special, like the rest of the show that will follow, so it is VERY important that you see all of them.

Jon: Thanks, and have a great night.

Darkman: *waves goodbye and exits stage*

Jon: So once again, goodnight world.

---------------------------The End - The Late Show.

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