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Meee ^_^ In soc. studies class rite now, s'posed ta be researching NH stuff XD; but instead am updating mai blog. am i a bad grl? X3

Well, I'm kinda nervous that I'd get caught so uhm, gotta make this quick.

Ish 4th period now, ss [the bloody class i got a b+ in >_<]. i have another update i wrote yesterday but couldnt put on cuz mai internet is down at mai house. Well, i'll put it on when i get the time and when mai internet works again. meanwhile, i'll just try ta make do wif this ^_^

ooh yeah, i saw HP2 yesterday. gawds the line was long! it stretched lyke from one auditorium to the fifth one! dudes o_O; more details in mai later updates.

well gtg before i get caught! XD; ja~!



YAY~! Imesh ish finally workin! ^_^ I dled the Hand Maid May OP, jump ~meippai dakshimete~ sucha happy genki song!

anyhoo, barely made the yearbookie deadline todai -_-;;; we went hunting the grounds fer jakob but couldnt find him~_~;

me lookng to dl the song Peony Pink, so if any of u knoe where to besides the general stuff like imesh of kazaa, tell meh~!

anyhoo, gtg to pack mai stuff now [moving tomorrow~], ja~!



wai, so bored T_T stupid science hw.... gotta find the bloody number of valence electrons for cerium. anyone knoe, email me ASAP. XD

I needa hug... meh.

gwa, i wanna go to akihabara in Japan ~_~ otaku capital of the world... wai *_* someone give meh plane tickets! haiyaku! [however u spell hurry up in japanese]

mmm, wat elseh? oh yea, kimmy hogged the gamecube all last nite so i couldnt prep up mai skills in capcom vs. snk. T_T typical. mai mom said she'd get me a PS2 when we move, but i dunno, i want one but we're kinda on a tight budget cuz the rent in our new house ish lyke $2200 a month. O_O; so yah.

gawds, mai room's a bloody mess. since we're moving , im trying to get rid of extraneous shtuff, but the papers keep on pilin, and pilin, and pilin ~_~. wai~

well, gtg now, ja~!


Are you a Seme or Uke?



Welcomes all to mai blog~! >D I got this free layout from Magitek Designs, a wonderful layout place~! Go see see at the link near the bottom left of this page!

Yesh well, wuzzup pplz? Today'sh turnin out well ^_^ woke up at 7:30, snuck to the living room to play animal crossing, and then watched Yu-Gi-Oh and swooned over jou-chan XD; then i spent mai time versusing mai sis in capcom vs.snk and won three rounds only cuz she let me >D [alrite, i suck a fightin games, i admit it] the charas i prefer to use are all female: yuri, athena, mai, sakura, vice versa.

Yikes, gtg to eat lunch now, [at 2:00 pm XD;] ja~!!!



name: Emily
aka: Emi, KESK, CySer, ais
gender: azn girl pride~!
age: 13
birthday: Sept. 23, 1989
birthplace: Utah
current location: California
eyes: dark brown, i want purple contacts~
hair: dark dark brown, lighter at edges


colour: aquamarine, lavender, pink~
anime: rurouni kenshin, neon genesis evangelion, excel saga, angelic layer, chobits, love hina, di gi charat, hunter x hunter... a lot lots
music: lotsa j-pop! >D esp. Utada Hikaru
games: animal crossing, super smash brothers melee, and i want PS2 so i can play kingdom hearts and FFX! >hint hint<
bishounen: soujiro~! ultimate favorite! >cuz i have lotsa more<
bishoujo: tomoe and rei
mangaka: CLAMP, Megumi Tachikawa, Nobuhiro Watsuki


aim: ssevangelion01, kyuchan923
yahoo: nyoroyoyo


* ..AIS... mai xanga bloggy
* raspberry delight ky-ly's sitey
* Kawaiiness Unlimited me&lynnie's sitey...veddy imcomplete
* hoto's sitey~!
* place ta write n read fanfiction >D