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Welcome to my HQ!

This page like so many others is dedicated to the Decepticons.
It's sole purpose is to explain the Decepticon cause, and to inspire some of you to join it.



Coming up soon: R&D section, Music section, and maybe more! 
Fan art section! 
My first  TF animation: MegaTenoh blasts Demon(Building thread) 3.5mb
    They were made for the simple purpose , to be the evil side in a cartoon series . But somehow they became more than that . Ever since I became a TF fan , I was on the autobot side. It was plain simple . Autobots were good , Decepticons were evil. One day things changed. I saw  in the Autobots a group of children who were guided by a few adults . It is understandable that this cartoon was made for kids , and to make easier for them to associate them self's with the Autobots. The Decepticons however had a adult view of the world . What's in it's core? A strong , economically stable empire with One leader at it's helm .The cartoon since long being forgotten by almost all, but the idea was right . Democracy cannot work in this world for a long time, it is unstable . It's like everybody wants different things , and at the end still only a few selected get their way .There will never be true democracy when so many are involved. Allthough the Decepticon cause is a dictatorship in it's self , you must understand that it is not such a bad thing. There would be far less corruption then now , and the leader would care for his empire because it is his own after all. It's in his interest. The other thing is resources. Now big companies are doing what they want and don't care about anything. These companies are corrupting governments as well. The money talk is all that important for them. In the Empire things would be different .Money would be worthless , and corruption gone. One more thing that I like to get of my mind. I often hear the word humanity. Like it is inhumane to do this or that. Let me tell you (doesn't matter if you like it or not) that's humanity suck! Look for stupid money million of animals has been killed , entire species destroyed, landscapes erased . Humans bread life for their own consumption . Is this HUMANE ? Can somebody answer me please . It is almost everybody's opinion that it should be this way. That is why humanity humane? It is a big self deception. That's why the humanity suck. And that's why I switched sides , I'd rather be loyal to a great leader like Megatron than to live in this stupid society.

Try to be more than just a fan of this kiddie cartoon!


2002.10- First release of the page hopefully not last
2002.11- first update
2002.11.30-added fanart section,miner changes...
2002.12.25-few pics added in fanart section
2003.01.11-Links sub page is now on line,more fanart added.
2003.05.18-Some updates,new fan art added.

Decepticon links! - Now on line! / Political section- coming soon! R&D section(under construction). / Coming soon-Fanfics and essay section!

Guess who would make a better president!

I'm using TNGs font in this page so if you have problems with viewing this page get it here.
For the Neon Genesis Evangelion fans a small clip from n64 game.Eva fights for the first time.Eva(wmv) If you want more clips, tell me.

   If you have any comments , please send me an e-mail: Tenoh's pic



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