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"NOOO!! Violet 006 was MINE!"
The Nexus

Sailor Moon
Other A/M/VG
Multiple A/M/VG
TCG Cliques



Outside World

Link the Nexus
Go Beyond


Well, to tell you the truth, I had always wanted to have a link directory. I always thought that they were really nifty and helpful. ^^ But, seeing as how there are already a million or so of regular link directories out there, I wanted to do something different. So one day I was out looking at all of the new TCGs that had spawned. It struck me as odd that there were really no place for them all to come together. (besides the webring Collect) So that's when I got the idea to start the TCG Nexus! The first thing I did was go and find a layout somewhere, since I was in a hurry and all of my graphics cronies were out for some reason. Within a few hours, the TCG Nexus has become as you see it now.

So how does it work? That's simple. ^^ You send me the required information about your TCG or TCG clique or whatever, and I'll post it up in the designated area. People come, visit, and...that's generally how it goes...o.o

General Rules

Yes, yes. We all have these icky little things called "rules". I know. I don't like them either. But they DO help a place run more smoothly. So, here are the Nexus' rules...

1) Only submit a TCG site or a clique/club aimed at people who collect cards or the sites themselves.

2) Please, no sites that include hentai or ecchi. It's not that I have anything against it, but I know younger traders and I don't want to be held responsible for them finding these places.

3) I will select the category that I believe best fits your site. C'mon, it probably doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

4) It doesn't matter if you TCG has just started or is almost as old as SCM. XD We all need publicity, ney?

5) In the submit form where it says, "Calico Says", put "I'm not listening...." so I knew you read all of this. XD

6) You are required to link the TCG Nexus back via button or text link. Buttons can be located here. Please place your link on either your splash, main, or clique/joined page.

That's about it. So go ahead and submit! Please be warned though that your addition could take anywhere between a few hours and one week to go up. =) (depends on what's going on)

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