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Steph's Obsession

Nehow, hello, and Kanichiwa! My name is Steph O'Dell...
And I'm the Black Miyako...
And this is our web page: Steph's Obsession The pages following the hit counter are pages on me, people I know, the people currently invading my house, and my obsession--Anime. (Digimon in general) Browse around and injoy!

P.S.--See the guestbook?! Well, FRIGIN' SIGN IT!!!!
Or I'll chase you down and MAKE YOU!!!!

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minions of Black Miyako and Steph O'Dell have visited here since May 7, 2002

*UPDATE*--Feb. 26, 2004--ARRG! Yes, FINALLY! An update! Sorry for the long hiatas, but I have work experience in BOTH my spares, so I can only update an average of once every couple of weeks for a while...when I'm not doing other things. But the Limp Biskit story is up in the Fanfiction section, so check it out. NEW BANNER!!! ^^* *SQUEAL!* I've been meaning to do it for a while, so here it is!! YAHOO! And...I'm working on a bunk of DTK comics for MM, so those will go up as I finish them. Okay! Ciao for now! And remember...REQUESTS ARE WELCOME!

Next kiriban: 3000 hits....and if anyone can name every last person correctly on my 8200 hit kiriban from Hiromi, I'll give you a surprise!!! ~Ciao!~

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes" - Ender

Meeting Place
Message Board
Your Tarot Revealed
Wild, Wild,...East?!
Fanfiction *Updated!*
Cardcaptor the Movie 2 Pictures
Pictures (via 1000 images)
Links to me
Character Descriptions
Current Subpages and Series
Digi-Trek Koushiro*updated*
Ask a Stupid Question...*under construction*
Animated GIFs *new*
Quiz--Which 'Redhead Sorceress' Character Are You? *New*
