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Hey there! Welcome to my website where I put all the buddy icons I make. Feel free to use any of them. I'll try(key word:try) to update at least once a week. If you have a request for an icon you'd like made, or if you have a comment or question, e-mail me!(Linked below) It doesn't have to be game-related, it can be for anything. I know the site's not much, but it's because I'm not very good with HTML(yet). Someday I may give the site a new look, but for now, you've got this. Also, I accept icons people submit, so if you have an icon you'd like on the site, e-mail it to me!

3/10/04 Oops, forgot about the site. Forgive me :) Updated with another Earthbound icon.

Recent additions
Name Icon Author
Pencil Eraser Zantar Black

Buddy icons
E-mail me!(requests, comments, etc.)