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Awww... Wouldn't it have been nice if that misty stuff wasn't there? What a tease! Damn...

I have a few questions about that picture, you know. Like, why are they standing around naked together? Where did that misty stuff come from? Why is Aya white? And, most importantly, where is Yohji's left arm???

Oh well. Guess we'll never know the answers to those. Too bad.

On a completely unrelated note, if you've accidentally stumbled in here thinking I was joking about the stalking thing, THINK AGAIN! We are going to STALK them! STALK them I tell you! Mwahahaha...

Well, actually, not really. I'm too incompetent to be a stalker. But you can check out the handful of stupid stuff I happen to have here. Not your usual Weiss Kreuz site, that's for sure. Check it out!

(The screenshots on this page were, for the most part, taken from this site here. Go visit! 'Cause I can't make that email address work... Grr...)

What's in their Rooms?

Ken's Room * Yohji's Room * Omi's Room * Aya's Room

Other Pointless Stuff

Schrient Fashion Fun * Schwartz Says


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