Vandread Episode Guide

This pic doesn't need a funny caption

First Stage

Episode 1: Boy meets Girl

Vandread begins with a Taraak propaganda video proclaiming the history of the war with Mejerr. This video is then revealed to be played at the launching ceremony of the Ikazuchi with Taraak's Prime Minister proclaiming that the end of the war is at an end and the time for victory is near. As the speech is broadcast throughout Taraak, Hibiki sits in his room. He recalls what happened earlier when he bragged to his co-workers that he could steal a part of the Bangata that the engineers had all worked so hard on. Although he now regrets saying such a thing, Hibiki declares that he never breaks his word and he vows to see this through to completion.
As the Prime Minister continues with his speech, Hibiki makes his way, discreetly, towards the Ikazuchi. Along the way, Hibiki's head is filled with thoughts about his dissatisfaction with being a third-class citizen of Taraak and his desire for something more. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister reveals that the Ikazuchi is the key to Taraak victory in this war and it was the original colony ship that brought the men here.  Suddenly, he announces the launch of the Ikazuchi ahead of schedule - this, in turn, enables Hibiki access to the Bangata hanger bay. He then finds a Bangata (which has the component which Hibiki scratched beforehand) and is about to run off with it, when the Ikazuchi takes off.
Meanwhile, the crew of the Ikazuchi congregate on board the Ikazuchi. Among them is Duero McPhile and Bart Garsus. Suddenly, a Bangata exhibition begins: Opening with a promotional video (but Bart isn't too impressed), the Bangata are then revealed from their hanger - with Hibiki hanging off one of them. He is quickly arrested. And now that the exhibition was ruined, the rime Minister orders the Ikazuchi into battle.
Hibiki is then thrown into a storeroom where he is to be kept as a prisoner and is monitored by a droid, I-Type no. 06. But a sudden attack upon the Ikazuchi causes the ship to rock and the droid to malfunction.

A group of Majerr pirates are launching an attack. The Ikauzuchi, and several other Taraak ships, fight back and the Taraak Prime Minister orders all the Bangata into battle. Hibiki manages to escape from his prison and decides to take the damaged I-Type with him.
Meanwhile, the pirates manage to breach the hull of the Ikauzuchi and enter the cargo bay. Exiting their
ships and wearing intimidating armour, they continue their raid. Bart is hiding in amongst the mayhem and sees everything. Suddenly, a Dread, piloted by Dita's clumsiness, manages to find it's way into the Prexis chamber - where Hibiki is as well. Frustrated that the women have conquered the ship, the Prime Minster orders the separation of the ship. The old section thus rises up from the Taraak-built new section.
Back in the Prexis room, Hibiki meets Dita. Although he is shocked, she seems fascinated. Having not seen anything like him before, Dita is convinced, that he's an alien. Hibiki is freaked out and runs - thus prompting Dita to run after him.
Elsewhere, the pirates have won and are now rounding up the men into escape capsules. Jura is disappointed that there's nothing worth salvaging, Meia is concerned about Dita's disappearance, Pai tends to Barnette's wounds and BC manages to get to the bridge with Ezra and Parfet. As Meia and Jura go looking for Dita, Duero suddenly reveals himself to be a doctor and therefore some use to the pirates.
Suddenly, the Taraak Prime Minister orders the old section to be fired upon. This then leads to The Boss ordering an immediate evacuation. Meia and Jura eventually catch up with Dita and rush back to their Dreads. Meanwhile, Hibiki finds the Bangata he tried to steal and gets into it. However, as Meia and Jura prepare to leave, Dita's Dread is stuck in a wall. Suddenly the Prexis explodes and engulfs both the old section and the pirate ship. The Taraak missiles explode on nothing and Hibiki is drawn into the Prexis maelstrom along with Dita, Jura and Meia.


Episode 2: And... I've Lost my Way

Hibiki is stumbling through a Pexis-induced delirium. Along he is confronted with images of Dita, Jura, Meia and the Vandread-Dita.
Onboard the bridge of the Pirate ship, The Boss finds out that the pirate ship is being consumed by the Prexis and it's connecting the pirate ship to the Ikazuchi. Back on the Ikazuchi, Dita is reunited with Meia and Jura. Determined to stop the Prexis corrosion, Magno arrives on board the Ikazuchi where she sees Hibiki.
Hibiki regains consciousness in the same storeroom that he was previously incarcerated in (much to his annoyance). It is there that he meets Duero - also imprisoned. Just then, the I-Type, with a cry of "Pyoro!" produces arms, legs and a pair of big eyes. Elsewhere, Gascogne leads the operation to get rid of the Prexis but she isn't having much success. Meanwhile, Parfet announces a plan to try and bring the Pexis under the pirate's control.
Back in the storeroom, Hibiki offers to fix Pyoro but the droid insists that he isn't broken. Then, Hibiki and Duero are taken away for interrogation - there they meet Bart who had been caught by Meia. During interrogation, Magno also informs Hibiki that the Ikazuchi used to be a colony ship for both Mejerr and Taraak. Suddenly, the ship is attacked - Jura, Meia and Dita are ordered into battle in their Dreads but the enemy they encounter isn't one that they've seen before.

As explosions rock the Ikazuchi, Duero uses his medical expertise to attend to an injured security guard. Bart than manages to convince The Boss that he's the helmsman of the ship. Magno agrees but says they will still be treated as prisoners. As Duero heads to the medical bay, Bart is escorted to the bridge and Hibiki goes with BC to the warehouse. On the way there, Hibiki reveals to BC that he isn't really a pilot and he was sucked into into stealing a bangata. She responds by chastising him for his cowardice and that the present situation is one which requires action.
On the bridge, Bart is directed to the pilot's position - once there, the Pexis selects him as the pilot and he's pulled into his own pocket dimension. However, his natural cowardice causes the ship to move in an erratic manner. Then, Hibiki persuades Magno and BC to let him use his Banagata by convincing them both that he would rather fight than do nothing. Once he's in the Bangata, Hibiki launches into space. Although, awkward at first, he eventually gets the hang of it. And during the course of the battle, the Bangata come sin contact with Dita's Dread - And this creates the first Vandread. And to further the astonishment of the crew, the Dita-Vandread then incinerates all the remaining Reaper ships.


Episode 3: This is the path I choose to live

The episode opens with a meeting with Meia, BC and Magno. BC and Meia give their reports on the status on the Ikazuchi - it is revealed that the pirate ship has been abandoned due to the Preix corrosion and the pirates have now taken up residence in the Ikazuchi itself. Also, the Prexis explosion has catapulted them into a different nebula where it would take 270 days to return to Mejerr. Finally, Gasco and Dita have volunteered to investigate the nature of the enemy. As the engineers struggle to overcome the various power failures throughout the ship and the ancient nature of the technology, Bart, Duero and Hibiki are back in the storeroom. Eventually BC comes for Bart so he can explain how to pilot the ship. However, Bart's efforts to control the direction of the ship, leaves them heading in an unspecified direction and further from the debris which Gasco and Dita are investigating. During this, Ezra collapses. Meanwhile, Hibiki has a dream about a time spent back on Taraak. In the dream, Hibiki's Grandfather Jin says that he should go to the city and make some friends so he can learn more about himself.
Upon waking up from the dream, Duero tells Hibiki he was mumbling in his sleep and asks who 'Grampa' was. BC then appears and tells Duero he is needed. It turns out he is needed to teat Ezra who has been struck down a fever. Meanwhile, Gasco and Dita realise they've been left behind - suddenly they're both attacked!
Back on the Ikazuchi, Bart has managed to pilot it into a nebula. Needing power to work on his patient, Duero insists to Parfet that power towards the medical bay be a priority. When Parfet answers that she can't read the male language, Duero offers to help. Arriving to engineering, Duero and Parfet meet. She explains the situation whilst he offers his own advice. When crystals begin forming with the Ikazuchi, Parfet declares them to be the ship neutralising itself of all impurities.

As the Ikazuchi faces certain destruction from an approaching iceball, BC suggests to The Boss that Hibiki should be sent out to retrieve Dita and Gasco. The Boss approves..... just as Gasco is caught up in orange wires! She sends Dita back to the Ikazuchi to give back the data recorded. Just as Dita leaves, Gasco finds herself confronted by  the sight of the ship regenerating.
BC goes to Hibiki's cell and asks him for favour: To rescue Dita and Gasco. At first he refuses until BC suggests a male philosophy that the strong are meant to help the weak. Thus, Hibiki reluctantly agrees to help. Back at the engineering section,  Duero suggests creating a bypass to accommodate the influx of power. Parfet, impressed by this suggestion, agrees to it. Meanwhile, Dita is being pursued by the Reaper Ships - until Hibiki comes to her rescue. She is delighted to see him but Hibiki however doesn't share similar sentiments.... Both the Vanguard and the Dread collide with each other and combine into the Vandread-Dita - wherein Dita says she'd always believed he would come rescue her. Hibiki replies he was just looking for her to which Dita thanks him. The Vandread then goes to rescue Gasco from a larger Reaper ship.
Back at the Ikazuchi, Parfet and Duero have a breakthrough! The ship comes back online and then the Vandread-Dita returns just in time to destroy the threatening iceball.
BC then makes an announcement to the crew: They have received an image of the enemy's home planet and they plan to launch a full-scale attack on both Mejarr and Taraak. The pirates are in the enemy's territory and are perceived as a threat. The Boss then declares that they must return to their homeworlds, before the enemy, and warn them all of the approaching danger. To do so, Bart, Duero and Hibiki must be integrated into the crew. The episode ends with Ezra's announcement that she's pregnant and will have a baby.


Episode 4: I Want to know More About You

The episode begins with Dita eavesdropping into a conversation between Belvedere and a Security Guard. Upon hearing that a 'strange tube' exists between the legs of men (no I did not type that wrong - Spike), she then intrudes on Hibiki in the lavatory. ^__^
Meanwhile, Parfet announces that she's running a competition to rename the Ikazuchi. All entrants are to be entered into Pyoro whom says that his name was Parfet's idea. Elsewhere, Ezra explains to Duero all about conception.
While this is going on, The Boss finds BC in the male section firing two pods - one each for Mejarr and Taraak. Suddenly, both pods are destroyed by attacking Reaper ships. When Meia, Jura and Barnette arrive to the Dread hanger, they find Dita who said that Hibiki's already gone into battle. Hibiki defeats the Reaper ships and when he returns to brag about it, Meia berates him for acting rashly. Disgruntled at the lack of respect, Hibiki puts his case to The Boss who suggests that he take up a position at the Reg Crew.
The Reg Crew turns out to be a the part of the ship which arms all the Dreads. Hibiki is made to dress in a maid's uniform (lol - Spike) and is placed under the care of Gasco. There, she explains to Hibiki what life is like on Mejarr and how The Boss was inspired to take up the life of pirate. She also tells him of Rule no.1 on the ship: You have to work to eat.
While this is going on Dita discovers the type of food that the men eat (pills). Disgusted, she becomes inspired to make Hibiki a decent meal.

The pirates are attacked by a large Reaper ship: One that resembles a sea urchin. As the Dreads face off against it, it is revealed that the Reaper ships are studying the pirates attack formations and plans is learning new tactics to use against them. As the battle progresses, it's clear that the urchin has the upper hand. Dita tries to persuade Meia to get Hibiki's help but she refuses.
Gasco then takes Hibiki on board a supply ship with the intention of going into battle to supply ammunition for the Dreads. Once out in the thick of it, the Dreads are all re-armed and Hibiki gets a surprise: it is revealed that his Vandread has been placed on board the supply ship for him to use. Out in the middle of battle, Hibiki's Vanguard collides with Meia's Dread to create.... the Vandread-Meia! With it, Hibiki and Meia destroy the urchin. Impressed, Jura becomes determined to combine her Dread with Hibiki's Vanguard.
Back on board the ship, Parfet presents the list of naming suggestions to The Boss. The Boss selects the name 'Nirvana'. Elsewhere, Dita corners Hibiki and gives him a home-made bento box. At first he's reluctant to take it so Pyoro forces him to try some. Hibiki then finds it much to his liking and gulps down the whole thing! The episode ends with BC sending out two more escape pods - only this time she encodes them with the enemy's recognition signal.


Episode 5: Sweet Temptation

The newly-christened Nirvana comes across a planet that appears to be a uninhabited desert world. BC suggests an investigation of it.
Meanwhile, Hibiki seems to lack energy to function. When Duero suggests that he could be working hard to protect the women, Hiibiki seems embarrassed. It is then that Paiwei tells Duero how the pirates treat medical problems: Going to the Jacuzzi (!).
BC then announces her plan to investigate the desert planet - through using the bangatas. This prompts the pirates to paint the Bangata pastel colours! In a VR simulation, Meia seems to have having great difficulty in using a Bangata. When Duero offers to help, she refuses. Meanwhile, Dita gives Hibiki another meal - and watches him eat it the artificial garden. Paiwei catches him in the act and reports her findings to Jura. She then cons Barnette into making a meal for Hibiki - Irate, Barnette decides to sabotage it by including Tabasco suave into! Then Bart chances upon the meal and, out of curiosity, tries it himself....
Jura sits Hibiki down and tries to force him to eat the meal but before he can do so, the alarm goes off!

On the desert planet, Jura, Barnette, Dita and Hibiki, all in bangatas, manage to trigger a trap hidden beneath the sand: A series of lasers go off thus creating a web that grounds the pirates to the planet. Suddenly, the sand seems to develop a mind of it's own and attack the bangatas through covering and corroding them all. Meia shows up in her own bangata but makes a crash landing and ends up being cut off from everyone else. Suddenly, she is confronted with the sight of the sand terraforming itself into the form of a Bangata!
When Meia disappears from radar, BC orders Dita, Jura and Barnette to find her. However they are all confronted by Bangata sand clones. Then, Belvedere finds out that a detonation device has been activated. Meia grows too frightened to move, thus allowing the sand to take control of the bangata. Hibiki rescues her by scrapping the and away with his own bangata. Seeing a nearby cooling tower, he comes up with a plan: Blowing up the cooling tower, he freezes the sand, thus allowing the Bangata to escape. The planet blows up but the pirates escape just in time. Intercepting a communications transmission from the planet, it's revealed that the enemy intend on harvesting planets for body parts.
The episode ends with Meia utterly disgusted about being rescued by Hibiki.


Episode 6: What a Wonderful World
(aka, the Meia fan's Bible - Spike)

Meia is injured in battle. As she is being rushed to the medical bay she begins having flashbacks of her life on Mejarr.....
In battle the Dreads, without Meia's leadership, are in disarray and losing the battle. Not even the Vandread-Dita can turn the tables.  Observing it all, BC notes how much they took Meia's leadership for granted. The Boss replies by saying Meia wouldn't allow a sub-commander to be trained and did everything herself without any relying on anyone.
Through flashbacks, it is revealed that Meia held her Fahma  in secret contempt. This inspired Meia to become strong enough to protect everyone she knew. It's also revealed that Meia's Ohma was working on a project that was going to increase development in Mejarr. A young Meia was made into the face of the project and became a celebrity. The following Christmas, Meia was given a musical jewellery box that plays the song 'What a Wonderful World' (or 'Some Days' for the English version - Spike).
Suddenly, the project was interrupted by a massive explosion. It was later revealed that the sponsors were involved in pay-offs by a group called the Terraforming committee. Meia found herself part of an evacuation but ended up getting separated from her Fahma. All Meia could do was watch as the continent blew up, taking her Fahma with it.
Meia then recalls being told that her Fahma saying that she wanted to create a world of green where everyone can live peacefully.

Confused and without success, the Dreads have fallen back. Hibiki then gets an idea. He then puts it to The Boss for the promise for pescatori. He then manages to use the combined might of the Dreads and the Vandread-Dita to destroy the Seed ship by reflect their own shots of the Nirvana's shields.
Back in the medical bay Duero notes that a pexis fragment has entered Meia's wound and is beginning to effect her mind.
Meia then recalls how she then became despised by the Mejarrans who once adored her. She then fell onto the wrong side of the tracks and began living like a street punk.  She then met The Boss who offers her a place as a pirate on the basis of finding her own way. The Boss gave Meia her laser ring and became a quick learner.
Parfet suggests using a shock enhancer to bring Meia back. But in the midst of it all, Meia appears to give up on living. It is there on the threshold of life and death that she's confronted with  vision of her Fahma. It's there that she says that her dream has always wanted to be to create a safe haven. Meia's Fahma then tells her that she shouldn't blame herself any more, no one can really live by themselves and he should retun to those who need her.  And with that, Meia wakes up to Paiwei and Parfet looking anxious. Duero hands Meia her head ornament asking if it's important to her - to which Meia disregards it as a lesson.
Afterwards, Meia walks through the Nirvana where nearly everyone is asleep She come across the box where lies a photo of herself and her parents - although her ohma had been ripped out it has now been restored. Meia then goes to the Mess Hall where she finds Hibiki, Dita, Jura, Barnette and the rest of the Dread pilots asleep in the aftermath of a massive pasta feast. The Boss appears and notes Hibiki managing to win everyone over and how alike he is to Meia. She then suggests to Meia that it may be time to forgive herself.


Episode 7: Easy Life
(aka, the Dita+Hibiki fan's Bible - Spike)

In a rare case of the Nirvana not being under attack, Dita is making a cushion for Hibiki (of course!). Paiwei seems jealous. Dita goes to find Hibiki but being unable to find him (he was hiding in his Vanguard!) she goes to his room. Finding the place in a mess, she decides to clean it up and place the cushion on the bed. Hibiki turns up only to find, to his horror that Dita has set up a mobile of sci-fi ornaments! He is equally horrified to find Dita sleeping in his bed! Dita wakes up and welcomes him but when she tries to give him the pillow Hibiki throws her out.
Later, Dita talks to Meia who says that she shouldn't try to force her way into someone else's life. This makes Dita more upset and after talking to Paiwei, becomes convinced she'll only get in Hibiki's way.
Meia then summons the Dread pilots to a meeting to discuss battle formations. Hibiki shows up late and Dita follows - and ends up sitting on the other side of the room from Hibiki. She then goes on to refuse any prospect of uniting with Hibiki to create the Vandread-Dita - much to everyone's surprise. In the training that follows, Dita's performance rate drops significantly.
Later still, Dita and Hibiki sit at opposite ends in the mess hall. Dita is forlorn whilst Hibiki is busy stuffing his face. Everyone notices that something is up. Dita mentions to Meia that she wants to change herself. After this, Pyoro finds Hibiki looking very grumpy. Taunting him by saying that he was mad that Dita isn't seeing him, Hibiki snaps back that he can't stand her and is happy that she's not bothering him. Unfortunately when he says this he doesn't realise Dita is standing directly behind him....

Elsewhere, Jura makes a plan to get Hibiki to combine with her. She makes Bart an offer into being Dita's friend so she can snare Hibiki. In return she tells Bart that with Dita his credibility on the ship will rise. Needless to say, Bart needs little convincing.
While this is going on, Dita, understandably upset about Hibiki saying that he hates her becomes even more determined to change her ways. Parfet tries to help out by presenting her with a compatibility test - by typing in Hibiki's name Dita will see the rate of compatibility. Unfortunately, doing so causes the computer to short circuit, sending Dita into a state of shock.
Meanwhile, Gasco challenges Hibiki to a game of Poker. Unfortunately for him, Gasco is in possession of the greatest luck in card games. As such she ends up on a massive winning streak whilst Hibiki grows increasingly frustrated. She later tells him that he's bothered by something on his mind and his consistent losing is due to him expressing far too much emotion.
Dita wakes up in the medical bay. She sees Duero and Parfet working happily together and leaves. In the artificial garden she describes her long-standing belief in aliens and how much it means to her. Suddenly she sees the Reaper ships attack!
And as the Dreads leave to go into battle, Hibiki sends a message to Dita saying, after much hesitation, that he doesn't really like to see her doing things she doesn't normally do. Relieved, Dita combines with him to make the Vandread-Dita as Meia looks on.


Episode 8: Impossible

The Nirvana comes across an abandoned mission colony. Meia leads Dita, Hibiki, Jura and Barnette into it to go salvaging (read: looting). Whilst there Hibiki senses movement, he goes into pursuit accompanied by Pyoro. There, they run into Butan - who immediately jumps into Pyoro! Rabat shows up and immediately collars Hibiki. Meia shows up with her laser ring at the ready. Jura also appears behind Rabat with her sabre. Astonished Rabat asks as to whether they are a gang of females. When Hibiki says he's really a guy, Rabat laughs saying he looked so cute. Suddenly, both Rabat and Butan escape by throwing Pyoro at Meia. Then, the mission activates a self defence system sending many small ships to deal with the pirates. Hibiki immediately heads out to deal with them on his own. Dita goes after him and they combine to form the Vandread-Dita. Rabat watches this from his ship is quite impressed. The Vandread goes on to annihilate the mission but several ships remain. Rabat then allows Chewbac...sorry, Butan to board her own mecha and finish off the rest.
Rabat then speaks to The Boss and manages to obtain permission to come aboard the Nirvana simply by saying he has a business proposition - and revealing that he actually has Pyoro on board. Once on board the Nirvana, Rabat charms his way through the crew much to Hibiki's disgust. The Boss then allows Rabat to stay for a while so his ship may be repaired.

Rabat opens up shop with the intention to sell of his wares to the pirates. He appears to know a lot about the universe. When Dita asks where he comes from he replies "The same place as you". Parfet shows an interest in buying a device - Rabat describes the device of being capable of improving the Nirvana's engine. As Rabat's stall is swamped, he asks Paiwei for information about the Vandread.
Later, BC goes to the bay to examine Rabat's ship. When he shows up, BC notes that the ship itself isn't in anyway damaged. Rabat tries to hit on BC but, smelling gunpowder, then decides to back off. Rabat then heads for the engineering section. He explains to Parfet that the device does exactly what he says to do. He then sees the Pexis. Dita then appears, wanting to know about the universe. Rabat then decides to use her to get to the Vandread. When Paiwei tells Hibiki about this, he runs.
At the hanger, Dita stands in the way of the Vanguard. Rabat sneers saying Hibiki thinks nothing of her. Hibiki shows up and challenges Rabat - who knocks him flat. As blows are exchanged Rabat yells at him for not using words that aren't his own and basing all his actions on what he had heard before. Meia intervenes and Rabat, faced with a lot of dirty looks from pirates, decides to leave. As he leave she tells Meia that he wants Hibiki to challenge him with his own words. When his ship leaves, the Nirvana takes up pursuit - until Rabat detonates the device, thus sending the Nirvana to a standstill.
In the the artificial garden Meia tells Hibiki not to worry. He answers by saying he wondered that if he got on the stage of life will his life be a comedy. Meia responds by saying she won't laugh.


Episode 9: More Barbaric Than Human

The Nirvana comes across a water planet: It is completely covered with water save for a small island. The island is inhabited and has a colony ship residing underneath it. A new type of Reaper ship shows up. Hibiki charges for the hanger - and is immediately confronted by Jura who insist that this will be the time that her Dread combines with his Vanguard.
During the course of the battle, Hibiki gets knocked down to the surface. Jura follows him down and they combine to create the Vandread-Jura! She is disgusted by the appearance of it but somehow both Jura and Hibiki manage to beat off the Cube-Types.
The pirates are sent a message form the inhabitants of the planet: A woman named Fanieta welcomes them to Anthopos. She says they have been waiting for the Munya and they are preparing a ceremony for this day. The Boss and BC go down to the planet leaving Bart in charge. Meanwhile, Hibiki leaves the Vandread to investigate but Jura, still irate about the Vandread's appearance, refuses to move.

A new Reaper ship shows up. It fires a cannon which ignites a tall rod situated in the middle of the island. The inhabitants of Anthopos take this as a sign. Meanwhile, Hibiki meets up with The Boss and BC and they are all taken to a shrine. The shrine is built around the rod and is what Fanieta describes as a 'Holy Path'. Fanieta then explains that the Munya guided the people to this planet and will return whenever they need the people of Anthopos - and that need would be something called the 'Spiral Code'. BC then makes the connection that the Spiral Code is really the Spinal Cord. Meanwhile, Bart is under pressure from so many requests at once.
A Harvester vessel arrives as the people are drawn towards the shrine. The Boss then concludes what the people regard as prophecy and tradition is merely a trap. She then challenges these beliefs but to no avail. The people of Anthopos are on they way up the Holy Path. The Boss then turns to Hibiki instructing him to take action. Hibiki the runs back to the Vandread and confronts Jura: He tells her that not everyone gets the opportunity to save an entire planet. This convinces Jura to step back into the action. Meanwhile The Boss confronts Fanieta saying she had always cursed herself for being helpless when she saw people die before her - But then she realised that they died without showing any signs of giving up. Which is why she has nothing but contempt for people who need someone else to determine their destiny for them.
Using the power of the Vandread-Jura, Hibiki and Jura manage to shield the entire planet. Then, they draw gallons of water from the planet and send it flying into the mouth of the Harvester. The ship blows up, thus leaving a lot more land for the people of Anthopos.


Episode 10: White Love

Yes, it's the obligatory Christmas special! Everyone is busy decorating the ship - BC is exasperated by this but then she notices a comet approach. Having been raised on Tarrak Bart, Duero and Hibiki have no idea about Christmas and are baffled by the festivities going on around them. Dita is surprised by this and manages to persuade Hibiki to help through the prospect of food.
Whilst searching throughout the Nirvana for Christmas decorations, Hibiki stumbles upon a box of items dating back to the colonist era. In the box Dita finds an old video which she then broadcasts throughout the ship. The video shows a family at Christmas time. All of the pirates are shocked to see a man and a woman together in harmony - although Pyoro is more fascinated by the family's baby child.
As Parfet struggles to make a snow machine work, Paiwei informs Hibiki on the importance of giving presents. Bart overhears this. Wghen Hibiki sees the snow machine fail, he then sees the nearby comet and gets an idea.

Uninterested with the festivities, Meia takes her Dread and goes out on patrol. There, she finds out that a reaper ship is hiding in the comet. The ship then attacks. Back in the Nirvana, Pyoro goes to Ezra and suggests a name for the baby: Pyoro-2
Parfet manages to make some headway with her machine as Duero ponders on what he's learnt about Christmas. Parfet then asks if he's managed to find a present. Back outside, Meia is rescued by Hibiki in his Vanguard.
As the hour of the annual Christmas parade draws near, Bart and Duero are at a loss as to what to give for presents. Duero then sees an easel and gets an idea. Back outside, Hibiki and Meia manage to defeat the Reaper ship. Hibiki then gets a chunk of ice from the comet and then they both return to the Nirvana in the Vandread-Meia. By defeating the Reaper ship, the comet is crushed thus creating snow!
The parade then goes off and Parfet's snow machine finally manages to work! Duero then gives Parfet her present: it's a painting of a snowscape. Bart also gives a present - to BC. It's a premium item from his company. And Barnette gives Jura a ring - which Jura returns with a kiss on the cheek. Elsewhere, Dita finds Hibiki in the hanger where he gives her his present: It's a blossoming flower which he found in the ice! Dita loves it but Hibiki doesn't hear her for falling asleep!
Later, Hibiki opens up Dita's present: It's an ornament with his likeness in a Santa Alien! Hibiki seems amused.


Episode 11: Together

Dita has managed to get Hibiki into gathering food for a meal. As they're rummaging through the supplies, they are interrupted by Paiwei who seems very suspicious about them both. It then comes clear that Paiwei is upset with the notion of Dita wanting to be together with Hibiki - yes, she's jealous!
By this stage., the Nirvana is halfway through it's long journey back to Mejerr and Taraak. Bart seems annoyed at not being taken seriously. He expresses this annoyance to Duero who tells him a story: There was a man with short hair who worked in a factory of long-haired men. At first, the short-haired man was ignored but within time his hair grew long and he was welcomed as one of them. Inspired by this, Bart decides to dress in drag (and boy is it a scary sight - Spike). The bridge crew all laugh at him - Bart then goes to trip and falls on Celtic Midori (in her bear suit). She then runs off.
On the way to the kitchen, Hibiki accidentally stumbles into Midori's room. In the kitchen, Dita starts crying whilst chopping onions. Confused, Hibiki tries to get her to stop in his usual brash style. Paiwei sees this and mistakes it for Hibiki making Dita cry. Later, the pirates hold a meeting: Midori complains about the presence of the men (saying she was using her bear suit as a means of protection) and Paiwei shows her video. It is also revealed that today was the anniversary of Paiwei joining the crew. Resentment grows between Barnette and Paiwei, even to the point of agreeing to open mutiny, but Meia disproves of this.
Dita gives Hibiki a burger when they are interrupted by Paiwei, Barnette and Midori all fully armed: They are taking control and don't want the assistance of the men - who are to be incarcerated for the rest of the journey. Dita protests saying she wanted to give Paiwei a surprise dinner. Hibiki meanwhile bolts - he flees the Nirvana in his Vanguard as Duero and Bart are captured.

In space, Hibiki meets a blockade of ships. When they learn he's from Taraak, they take him on board. There, Hibiki meets a crew of pale-skinned humans who are introduce themselves as people from the planet Melanus. They also tell Hibiki that they are making a line of defence against the Harvesters. It is here that Hibiki meets a mechanic named Seran. She tends his wounds, with a blue piece of cloth, and is remarkably friendly. Hibiki is offered a drink and informed that his Vanguard has been repaired. He however is baffled at seeing both men and women co-exist together. Hibiki also learns that the Melanians are being pursued by the Harvesters for their skin - as such, they rely on a special drink that drains all colour from their skin.  Suddenly a Harvester ship approaches - it's one of their Flagships. In the conflict that follows, Seran is killed. Her final words to Hibiki are if everyone's all right..... Hibiki is quite shocked to see, for the first time, someone die in front of him.
In the battle that follows, all of the Melanian ships are destroyed. Hibiki goes after the Harvester himself in his Vanguard but fails. Knocked out and drifting in space he's then picked up by Rabat.


Episode 12: They Don't Care About Us

Rabat returns to the Nirvana to bring back Hibiki. Dita is delighted to see him. Hibiki then regains consciousness and bolts to the bridge. Rabat is then captured and put in prison with Duero and Bart. On the bridge, Parfet tries to get access to Bart's piloting dimension. As she works Hibiki confronts The Boss and warns her of the Flagship. She replies by asking him whether this was the first time he had seen someone die and brute force may not be the ideal solution. Elsewhere, Barnette rabbles everyone to rise up and that they make the Nirvana run without any help whatsoever from the men. Paiwei thinks she's scary and Gasco then berates Barnette saying her line of thinking is exactly like that of the men. Meanwhile, Meia is at her Dread. She strikes up a conversation with Pyoro saying she's envious of machines and their inability to be hindered by self-doubt. Pyoro responds by saying he's envious of humans being in possession of a heart. Meia answers that it's ironic that Pyoro has developed emotions when he is broken. She notes that he seems to have developed emotions. She then takes off declaring that she must do what she can.
Hibiki is escorted into prison where he meets Rabat. When Hibiki demands why he didn't save the people of Melanus, Rabat replies that he couldn't make any money of them. When Duero asks him why he bothered saving Hibiki, Rabat replies that simply because he's connected to something big....
Elsewhere the Pexis is growing increasingly unstable. Outside, Meia has caught sight of the flagship....

As the flagship nears the Nirvana, Dita tries her hand at fixing Hibiki's Vanguard. Paiwei asks why she's so concerned. Dita replies that she just can't stop thinking of him - even when he seems very angry at her. Paiwei then notes that she must be very strong.
Meanwhile, the Dreads scramble to face the approaching flagship. Once outside, they are joined by Meia - Jura however seems doubtful of success. Back on the bridge, Parfet seems to have little success. Then Butan manages to chase Pyoro onto the bridge. When Parfet finds Pyoro she decides to link him to the pocket dimension. The Boss and BC try to communicate with the flagship to no response. Then Pyoro, linked to the system, is taken over some sort of force. He then floats up in the air and starts speaking in an unusual manner. Ezra declares this to be the flagship trying to make contact. Through Pyoro, the Harvester declare themselves to be from Earth and the pirates are to used as provisions. And fighting their will is pointless. As this message is broadcast throughout the ship, Rabat breaks out - it turns out that he knew this all along. He then tells Bart and Duero that each planet is being cultivated for certain body parts for the use of the Earth and Taraak and Mejarr are being harvested for their reproductive organs. Rabat is also concerned solely with his own survival and he's travelling through the galaxy acquiring information to sell to the Harvesters just so he can survive. Rabat then leaves the Nirvana.
Now free, Bart and Duero return to their posts as Hibiki goes into battle motivated by a need a survive and a determination to prove his existence. He runs to the hanger but when he gets there he is engulfed by a sea of Pexis. As the battle progresses, the Nirvana is caught in the magnetic pull from a nearby planet. Suddenly, the Harvesters produce their latest weapon: clones of the Vandreads! It seems they are able to study and duplicate whatever weapon used against them in quick succession.
Meanwhile, the pods have both arrived at Taraak and Mejarr - but the Mejarr responds to the pod by deleting the information stored in it.


Episode 13: To Feel the Fire

The episode begins with Hibiki engulfed in a Prexis field. He senses it being frightened and becomes even more determined to fight.
Back in the battle, the Dreads are having little luck against the fake Vandreads. Meia then orders the Dreads to retreat but is then shot down. Fortunately she is rescued by Gasco in her supply ship - who then activates a shield and drags Meia and several of the Dreads towards the planet. The fake Vandread-Meia follows and is destroyed. On the Nirvana, Parfet notes the Pexis increasing with pressure. On the Nirvana, all is in disarray: Meia is injured, Jura is disillusioned, morale is low and the ship looks set to be crushed with the increase of pressure in the Pexis. Hibiki however is not going to give up and is busy pursuing Pyoro for information on the probability of a successful plan.
In the medical bay, Barnette refuses Duero's help. Dita then asks if Duero has a medicine of some kind to make everyone happy. Paiwei then says in exasperation that there is little point in fighting for Mejarr when they haven't sent any indication that they care for them - even when everything looks hopeless. Meanwhile, Hibiki has formulated his plan: By increasing the internal pressure of the planet, the pressure will be then directed at the flagship destroying it, and the planet. The only problem is how to escape. BC then shows up and makes the suggestion of using booster rockets made from spare parts. She also notices a change in him. Dita then gets hold of the intercom and sends a message throughout the ship berating everyone for giving up and saying she'll fight to the very end.
In the register, Barnette orders a kamikaze mission - but it's refused. Gasco then shows up and explains that only the higher command can issue such a kamikaze mission just to stop any Dread pilots into doing something reckless - and the only one Barnette is blaming is herself.
Hibiki takes his plan to the Boss who approves. As Hibiki works out a method of escaping the end of the planet Meia shows up volunteering her Dread. Jura then appears keen to help and before too long Dita comes to help. And just before they all go into battle, Dita makes Hibiki promise that he'll visit her room when this is all over (and then it starts...... - Spike).

All the Dreads and the Vandread-Jura move into position. Hibiki and Jura project a shield large enough to cover the entire planet. With the planet set to become a star, the pressure is to contained whilst the Dreads ignite the planet's surface.  This causes internal pressure within the planet to increase. On the Nirvana, Parfet and the engineers release the pressure in the Pexis. The pressure is released back towards the planet and as it does so, the Prexis returns to normal. The Harvesters attack. As the planet shrinks, the Nirvana proceeds to move as far away as possible from it. Hibiki and Jura separate and flee. Meia and Hibiki combine to form the Vandread-Meia and pick Dita's Dread up along the way. As the Nirvana flees, it ends up on collision course with a nearby asteroid - but it manages to dodge it through the intervention of Midori who returns to her position on the bridge.
The planet then evolves into a star. Hibiki and Meia separate - with Meia making him promise that he'll come back alive - and Hibiki combines with Dita. The burst of pressure from the planet is caught by the Vandread-Dita and channelled to the Flagship. It is seemingly destroyed - but then it comes back - severely damaged but practically unstoppable! Suddenly, a flare emerges form the newly-brown star. It engulfs the Vandread-Dita which disappears...... but then, it emerges from the explosion and it charges into the Flagship destroying it entirely.
When Hibiki returns to the Nirvana, he finds all of the pirates waiting to congratulate him. Dita reminds him of his promise but then Pyoro warns that he's received a transmission from the Harvesters: The destruction of the Flagship has prompted them all the divert all active fleets to the Nirvana. Hibiki responds to this by declaring that "we all have to take the path we have to take".

Onto 2nd Stage!
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