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Description: The first episode introduces two conflicts. One is Sadamitsu a juvenile delinquent who loves to fight and is rather good at it, although he also possesses a good and honorable nature. For example he generally takes first aid supplies to any gang rumble, so his opponents can patch themselves up afterwards. At the same time as this goes on an armored humanoid and monstrous alien are having a super-powered battle around the city. Naturally enough these two stories simply have to cross over. And, to the surprise of absolutely no one, they do. With Sadamitsu's intervention being partly responsible for the alien hunter being largely disassembled. Only his helmet remains as the alien looks set to continue its rampage. Luckily the alien space helmet can be worn by a human, Sadamitsu is determined to atone for his earlier error, and the alien is after one of his friends. It looks like Sadamitsu now has both some level of super powers and a job to do. A job that looks to be sizable when the helmet, christened by him as `junk', informs him that there are several million aliens on their way.

Details: 4 Movie discs w/English subtitles.  Full series, episodes 1-10.

Price: $10.00
