Faia: Hello and Welcome to my Sorcerer Hunter Temple!
Kaze: *walks in* Hey! You finally finished!
Gumdrop: Hi! Whoa! OMG! That's the biggest parental advisory I've ever seen! What the hell did you put on this website Faia?
Kaze: Ya know, she's right! Its huge!
Faia: What the hell are you two talking ab- Oh my God... You're not kidding. Wait a minute... Gumdrop! Who the hell invited you here?
Gumdrop: The voices in my head
Faia: Crazy possessed sister... Enough of your possessed self. I'm hostess, so I gotta host this site. Man I want a Cafe Latte!
Cafe Latte: *Walks in with cup of Cafe Latte* Did someone say my name? Cool site! Me like! ^_^
Faia: No, not you! The coffee! *sees coffee* Thank you! *snatches coffee*
Cafe Latte: Hey!
Faia: *Drinks coffee*
Cafe Latte: That was mine! Oh well, I'm gonna look @ your new site now...
All: Just Kidding! There's no REAL parental advisory!
Faia: I think... err... ^_^;;;  (Kidding!) Click on the banners below to navigate the site! (If there is anything you need to contact me about e-mail me... (look at the bottom of the page))
Adopt your own Tira!Adopt your own Chocolate!Adopt your own Carrot! Adopt your own Marron!Adopt your own Gateau!Adopt your own Dota!

Faia's Befreaken Guesbook

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Faia and Kaze have tried to tell each other their feelings times since 7-12-02, with no luck (aww... keep trying!)

Marron's Shrine Zaha's Shrine Dotta's Shrine Gateau's Shrine Carrot's Shrine Big Momma's Shrine The Misu Sisters Shrine

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