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Shinwa Okami Bio

Attributes, Statitistics , and other Info

Name : Shinwa Komoto Okami
Birthplace : Yura village , Syros
BirthDate : August 24th, 1986
Blood Type : N+
Age : 17
Parents : Tai Okami and Wun Okami
Physical Description : Grey fur covers the length of his body . Golden eyes come into focus below the bit of ash grey hair dangling infront of his vision at times . Extremely agile from a life of thivery and assassination . Having a smaller frame, yet is rather muscular for his form . Cybernetic graftings in his legs allow him to walk again after his legs were crushed in Balamb Garden .
Weapons :(Equipped) Katana, Tantos
Weapons in Possession : (In Storage) Knight SR-25 Modified Sniper Rifle, "Marked Fury",Wristblades , Throwing Knives, Glock 9mm x2, Wakizashi
Armour : AT-Unit (provides protection against all forms of physical attack while the battery still has power, which lasts for about 8 minutes)
Mate : None
Previous Mates : Meiynai Morekai , Dinanna Tenshin , Angelus Deamon, Blue Wolfs
Current Place of Residence : Guerra Veno Castle
Previous Residences : Yura village (Syros) , Thet forest (Syros) , Slave Pens (Furcadia) , Kingdom of Midhir (Furcadia) , Kingdom of Morekai (Furcadia) , Tenshin Castle (Furcadia) , Castle Kestal (Furcadia) , Angelus Deamon's Home (Furcadia) , Avorie's Home (Furcadia), Balamb Garden (Tetra)
Friends : Shar Nephele, Milly(Deceased), Suki Tenshi(Deceased), Nakunatta Tenshi(Deceased), Kurai Tenshi(Deceased), Meiynai Morekai, Angelus Deamon, Kitania, Ryusa, Blue wolfs, Godsend, Truven Spifferai, Kavaria, Thari (Deceased) (sorry if I missed anyone just ask to be added)
Current Events : Currently resting and tending to wounds at Guerra Veno Castle. Stopped for rest and resupply.


Arrival In Midhir
A New Home?
Love of a Queen
Love At Tenshin Kingdom
Royal Lust
Finding and Loss of an Angel
Lone Wolf
Balamb Garden
Final Fates
Duel of Fates

Syrosian War

Part 1: The Call
Part 2 : Heaven's Cry
Part 3 : A Promise
Part 4 : Forlorn
Part 5 : Life After Death
Part 6: Furre Consumed
Part 7: Death Be Thy Name

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