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Welcome to Serendipity! This is a personal webpage for me, Wing Li. There's info on me, journal entries, pictures and such on here. This div layer layout features a picture from Yukirin. He (I think it's a he..) is really a great artist, the pictures he does is really beautiful.

This layout is image intense!!! Please be patient!!!


Latest Entries

2/28/03 - New layout!! It is finally FRIDAY!! I don't know if it's just me, but this week went really really slow. I think I need to pray that I pass my Driver's Ed test on Monday. It's only the class one not the DOS one, but still, if I don't pass it, I'll have to pay $40 to retake it. Or if I get a 70 or lower, I'll have to do the whole 4 hours of driving all over again. Plus, Christy's gonna be in the car, don't worry girl, I won't kill >_<

2/21/03 - It's ALREADY Thursday. AAAHHH!!!! Only 3 more days until *the dreaded word* Such a horrible like I have. Anyways, I'll have a new layout coming soon (tired of the little cutie angel type thing). I hope it'll be alot different from this one, but as always, I can't promise anything.

2/17/03 - It's President's Day and technically the first day of mid-winter break. YAY!!! I'm going to start my TWINS site, I promise I will!!! Not much happened today, therefore, nothing to say....

2/13/03 - Tomorrow is finally FRIDAY!!!!!! I've been sick all week. I'm getting better now, but ......barely. I have to go to that badminton thing tomorrow. It's with that Kenny Lou guy. I dunno. I feel like making layouts......... Oh yeah!! I just cracked CuteFTP Pro, now I can update with a better FTP program!!

2/11/03 - Life really sucks when you have a cold. I probably caught it from either my dad or one of my friends...... Anyways, I just started on my TWINS site. And I found this CG artist who is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to put the link up, but everyone's probably gonna steal all her pics. She has a VIP thing that you can only see it if you are a VIP or a friend.

2/9/03 - Sorry for not updating. My life has been kind of hectic. Anyways, not much to say other than Happy Late Chinese New Year! I got a lot of money for it and my friend came to Chinatown from Bremerton and it was really fun. I am now starting on my TWINS site and it's gonna be a while. But I'm sure I'll keep updating though!!


The Girl

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