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Volume Three Summary
Volume 3

This is the summary of volume three of the ten volume series. If you didn't read my warning before, reading these summaries will lead to much disappointment; because they are SPOILER-LADEN! But if don't really care, then continue on.

We start off volume 3 with some men talking in a bar, about the events earlier in the day. One of the men had witnessed a boy with the sign of Azel on his forehead (which was Rodrique of course). The men thought the story had been untrue, due to the stories of the Azel tribe being wiped out by a powerful demon. Rabi, listening to this, convinces these men to flock to the last Azel member; to treat him as thier saviour.

Meanwhile, Rodrique is outside, slaying packs and packs of lower-class demons which seem not to stop coming. After hearing him complain about their weakness, Laures appears and mockingly challenged Rod. But soon, some villagers ask “Azel-sama” to come to their villages, and use his powers to help them. Being so compassionate, Rod decides to help these villagers out.

Hilda is tending to Sherril at this time, but also scolds her for running out into the woods (recall volume 2). Sherril does not regret her trip into the woods, because she met an “angel.” Hilda, however, is still worried about SHerril’s health, and worries that she will never find a cure for her. She overheard some men talking about the power of the last Azel; which led her to believe that Rod could be the one to help Sherril. Later, Kukuru comes accompanied by Rod, at the request of Hilda. Rod went to SHerril’s side, and immediately her breathing became steady. Unfortunately, Rod was only able to lessen the pain, and not cure Sherril’s illness. Hilda, although she has no memory of her past, starts to feel as if she’s witnessed this moment before. But after she calls to Rod to come back, he refuses, telling her that he must battle Laures, for it is his destiny; and that he will always love Hilda, even if she chooses Laures over him. After Rod’s departure, Hilda’s mind begins to wander to what Rod had told her earlier, about her memories being sealed. Unfortunately, she started to have a splitting headache when she started reflecting to much about it.

Kukuru returned to Rod’s abode, where Rabi is waiting for him and his brother with some strange men. These men are an “Elite Team,” to serve as Rod’s bodyguards. Rod, however, did not have much strength to walk to his room, and collapsed. He accpeted SHerril’s pain, and is very exhausted from it. One of the ELite Team brought him inside. Rabi was quite angry at Kukuru, demanding how his brother got into such a state. Kukuru, of course, doesn,t understand why Rabi acts this way (recall: Rabi is possessed by the Azel priestess Maruka).

Meanwhile, at Baron Berk’s, Berk discusses his pact with Zadei. Bark wants reassurance that the demon shogun will hold up his end of the deal, that is, capture Laures in exchange for Berk’s castle as a demon outpost. As Berk describes the naughty things he wants to do to beautiful Laures, Tetetiyusu thinks, “You’re not even fit to think about him!” ^_^ Zadei then orders Tetei to capture Hilda, and to bring her to Berk’s castle.

In the meantime, Rabi/Maruka, deciding that Rod is too kindhearted, decides that he must takes control of Rod, in order for the Azel’s last wish to be fulfilled. He tries to have Rod’s heart be less blindly by Hilda, but fails. Asubaru came in just on time, who knew that Rabi was possessed by the old Azel priestess. He was waiting for her to slip up at a time like this. Rod is completely shocked by this, and Maruka admits the truth, that is, her true identity, and that she has possessed Rabi.

Mauka tells Rod that he is the chosen one, the son of Azel, meant to carry out the dying wish of the tribe. SHe tells him that she was turned into a spirit form to watch over Rod. She forcefully took Rabi’s soul and inhabited his body. She also says that he bears the responsibility of destroying the demons, and avenging the Azel. Asubaru pleads with Rod, telling him not to listen, saying that Maruka manipulated people in order to get what she wanted, even trying to kill Hilda. Maruka admitted this, saying that it was retribution for his following “that girl” instead of fulfilling the wishes of the Azel. SHe continues, telling Rod that he cannot escape his destiny. He will get back the sword of Azel, as well as face Laures. He must become the leader of the Azel. Everything will be fine, Maruka says, if Rod follows her advice. Asubaru does not agree with this however. He thinks Rod will just become the puppet of Maruka and her father Kaimei (who was the leader of the Azel tribe).

Tetei has captured Hilda, and she is a prisoner at Berk’s. Zadei calls out Laures, and they talk to each other icily. Tetei, in the meantime, gives Hilda a “bouquet of flowers,” which was really a trap. He tells Hilda that all the trouble began with her, when she was reincarnated. Tetei plans to blast her soul as so she cannot reincrnate again. Tetei screams, “Erise!” and Hilda is confused. Tetei goes on, saying that she is just a vessel for Erise’s reincarnation, and that Laures misses his old passions for his former queen. SUddenly, Laures bursts in, demanding where Tetei put HIlda, and what he did to her. Zadei arrives soon later, with his arm missing (Laures and Zadei had been fighting, needless to say). Zadei tells Tetei to return to Berk’s castle, and Tetei wonders if and why Zadei is protecting him. Laures then asks Zadei where HIlda is, who informs him that she is at Berk’s castle. Berk is just smiling and laughing, relishing the moment when he has a beautiful demon in his arms.

Once Zadei and Laures reach the castle, Laures admits he’ll do anything, as long as Hilda remains unharmed. Zadei, after humiliating Laures for a while, prepares to hand the demon over to Baron Berk. Jiji, meanwhile, jealously stares at Hilda, before Zadei sneaks up on her. He notes not that Hilda is the spitting image of Erise. Zadei approaches HIlda, and starts to make advances towards her. She flat out refuses. Zadei further notes that unlike Erise, Hilda is a lot more feisty than your average fragile female. He continues, explaining to Hilda where she is, and that she was bait to capture Laures. He also explains that like him, Laures is a demon, and even crueller than he in his opinion. Hilda does not believe him at all, and she runs away in order to find her lover.

Back in town, Kukuru hears than Hilda has been captured by demons, who were headed for Berk’s castle. News of this also reaches Sherril, who ventures toward the castle in a carriage to find her friend.

Laures is now with Baron Berk, and Berk has some “interesting” plans for him. Having gone through so much travel to capture Laures, Berk instructs him that he will live in a kind of cage. He also subdues Laures by giving him silver demon weed, which sucks a demon’s power. Laures does not act rashly, for Hilda’s sake. But he is soon visited by her. But, this is the first time she sees him in his demon form. SHe backs away shocked, while Laures asks her if his appearence dsigusts her. Zadei is taking extreme pleasure in this, rubbing it in Hilda’s face that he did not lie about Laures’ race.

The Baron soon walks in on Hilda and Laures’ meeting. She excxlaims that she hates being at the castle, because she cannot leave when she wants to. After some sarcastic comments from Berk, he takes her away, and says he’ll take her to a show. This show is Laures, weakened by the silver demon weed, fighting a monster. Hilda is incredibly disturbed by this sight. Berk revels in the “show” and explains that he is powerless to stop because of Hilda being a hostage. Berk says it’s enough for today, and has Hilda taken away by Jiji. Zadei thinks Laures is completely crazy for humiliating himself for a woman.

By this time, Sherril has arrived at Berk’s castle. Walking along, she starts to feel sick and delirious. Teteiyusu is flying around, sweeping guards out of his way, because he is in a foul mood. Sherril sees him, and still thinks he is an angel. She believes Tetei has come to save her. With her pressed against him, he feels her body burning with fever. He gives her a special soup he makes for “someone special” (you know who it is) when he is sick, and insists she leaves. Noticing how sad he looked, she asks if he is imprisoned at Berk’s castle, like Hilda is. Tetei still insists she leaves, but she refuses, insisiting that she must rescue her friend, Hilda, even if she is a weakling. Tetei sweetly says that she is not a weakling. He realises he cannot get her to go back to town.

Berk has started to get great headaches. But for now, he is having his sadistic fantasies fulfilled. Not only does he love things that are beautiful, but he also loves to torture them cruelly. He is especially excited by Laures, who heals quickly, due to his being a demon. Thus, he can slice his skin with his dagger over and over again, without Laures’ body becoming scarred. Berk’s headaches have become considerably worse, and wonders what is happenign to him. Tetei explains that his transformation into a demon has begun. When he decided to have his castle turn into a demon stronghold, the building was not the only thing to change, Tetei notes, as he points to his formerly human guards. This was all decided from the start, and Berk realises he was tricked. Hence the end of Berk as we know it. Tetei then instructs Laures to return to his dmeon weed prison, which confuses Laures. Tetei does not explain his action, and we end this volume with Tetei thinking to himself that he is doing this all for Laures.

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