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Past Updates

Miss an update? Catch up here to see what was new.
June 4th, 2003
I've completed Volume summary number 3! Yes, that's right, more deeply disturbing adventures at Baron Berk's castle. I also joined yet another fanlisting, which is at the bottom of the heap at the right.
May 28, 2003
Not a huge update today, but an update none the less! I added Tetei, Zadei, and Kauron to the Characters section.

I also uploaded some of my Pocket Bishoujo to the Adoptions section.

May 20, 2003 -- About freaking time...
School's a real bitch I tells ya. I,ve really got to budget my time with this ite and school. Anyway, the results: finally an update! SUre, it's been two and a half months, and all I got was this done, but... Well anyway, school's out until next September when I start university, so I have plenty of time for updates. Anyway, I got the summary of volume two up. I'll try to do one of these a week from now on, for your Seimanden needs!

I also updated some of my links, and added a few of my favourites to the "Other Anime" section.

March 6th, 2003 -- I'm a naughty, naughty webmistress...
Urgh! I haven't updated in over a month. Sorry for that, everyone; school has taken up too much of my time. But never fear, for it is March Break, and I have plenty of time to work on my webbaby. Anyway, I've uploaded a bunch of new pics. Check out the gallery for those; they have a *NEW* tag beside them. I shall also update this site tomorrow. It'll be a two-part update. Tomorrow, I'll work on character page #2, and yes, finally another episode summary. Two if I feel like it ^_^.
January 1st, 2003 -- HAPPY NEW YEAR!
And what better way to ring in the new year than with an update! I added a shitload of links, as well as some pics in the gallery, which have the word *NEW* beside them. I also uploaded some more of my Pocket Bishonen, as well as fiddle around with my Bio and Lookalikes sections.
December 20th, 2002
The site is up and running. Thus, I'll need some info from my visitors about broken links, images, etc... and generally what doesn't work here.

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