Begin Furies Chapters 1-13 578 KB Furies by Allyn Yonge ( ( Rated PG-13 contains some strong language, violence and erotically suggestive material The characters of Sailormoon are the creation and possession of the brilliant Takeuchi Naoko. They belong to Takeuchi Naoko, Bandai, Toei Animation, DIC, and all others associated with rights. No copyright infringement is intended. The characters of the Ranma « universe are the creation and possession of the brilliant Rumiko Takahashi. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi and her licensees (Shogakukan Inc., Kitty-Fuji TV, Viz Communications Inc.) No copyright infringement is intended. I would like to thank my pre-readers. Without their tireless efforts and endless patience this fanfiction would not exist. Angel de la Hoya, first volunteer pre-reader. It is solely due to her early and frequent encouragement that this story is in it's final form. Thiemo Guenther, should be co-creator due to his detailed and exhaustive analysis. Ken Wolfe, WOW. To have one of my favorite authors offer C&C. Dave Eddy, And another of my favorites. H-Packrat, who offered some telling criticism and corrected a blunder on the part of the author. Pre-readers are worth their weight in any precious metal you choose. Pre-reading is a voluntary action . . .but absolutely necessary to producing a readable work of fiction. And good C&C is harder than writing. Without their efforts This would be a much poorer story. I can not thank the above persons enough . . .so I wrote them into the story. ^_^ As always any errors and omissions are MINE. If you have read my "Love is a Battlefield" and "Bloodfist" you know what I mean by [dark/WAFFy]. The following story contains some scenes of violence. There are also some erotically suggestive portions. HOWEVER there is nothing in this story that is not integral to plot development. Furies Prologue Technicians and repair crews scurried aside as the tall blond Senshi stalked down the hallway. At her best Sailoruranus was not one to cross. At her worst . . . well there might be more painful fates. The entire universe hadn't yet been explored. "Director Ras, how is the project coming?" The elderly balding director of research bowed respectfully. He was one of the few people in the Imperium that had no fear of Sailoruranus. She respected competency, whatever the field, while he shared the Senshi's fanatic loyalty to the Imperium. "Oh it is coming very well indeed. All support and control systems have been implanted. There are no signs of rejection this time. Your suggestion that we tear out the original lymphatic system and replace it was pure genius." Sailoruranus waved the compliment aside. "The fire control system checks out perfectly with the secondary . . . " Sailoruranus cut him off. "And the primary weapon? How long until full power tests?" The director frowned. "That will take some time. I did warn you . . . " "Show me." Ras turned to a blank wall and waved a hand over it. The featureless grey dissolved and was replaced by a scene from hell. A tiny girl was strapped to an upright cruciform. Clusters of wires, tubes and cables sprouted from her nude body like weeds. In front of her face, at eye level, a cluster of tiny colored hoops and spheres whirled and danced like a swarm of gnats. To one side and slightly behind her stood two women in the garb of Senshi. The taller, dark haired senshi monitored a bank of screens, while the smaller, aqua-haired senshi stood by, idly tapping a neural whip against her thigh. "Please. It hurts. Please." The whispered plea seemed to go unnoticed as the two senshi conferred. "It will stop hurting when you get it right. Now, put the spheres through the hoops, without touching the edges." The aqua-haired senshi pointed to a screen just beyond the swirling spheres. On the screen a colored alpha numeric series flashed past in a blur. "The screen gives you your targeting priorities. Don't miss any, don't get any out of order and it won't hurt." So saying, she pressed the neural whip between the bound girls legs and twisted the setting to high. The girl screamed and arched against her bonds. If human strength sufficed she would have snapped the battle steel bands like tissue. Human strength did not suffice. "Work through the pain." The dark haired senshi commented. "You're losing focus. You'll never survive activation if you can't work through the pain." Sailoruranus looked down at the bound screaming girl. "What is her progress?" "Oh, excellent, really excellent. None of our other subjects have made it this far. You'll notice," Ras pointed to characters scrolling across the bottom of the window, "that despite the pain she is accomplishing her task with better than sixty five percent accuracy. And the pain inflicted by failure never degrades her performance by more than twelve percent. There is no doubt that she will be able to maintain control of the zero-space insertion AND still retain control enough to translate back to normal space without being destroyed by dimensional shear. At this rate I expect we can have a full power test by the end of the year." "Unacceptable." The response was flat and implacable. "I want a full power test by the end of the week." "That's impossible. We've cut rest and recovery breaks to the minimum now and. . . " "Eliminate them. You can feed her through a tube. Add stims to keep her awake." She stared down at the director. "There's a war coming Ras. I know it, you know it. The Imperium is going to need every weapon to survive. We need this one, no matter the consequences. Chapter 1 Things were going badly for the Sailor Senshi. Venus was down, bleeding form a score of wounds. Mercury stood over her friend, trying to buy time for Venus to recover, for the others to arrive. "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" The Millennial harp sang as Mercury threw her most powerful attack at the monster. Again. She was hitting the thing that looked like an obsidian cockroach crossed with a scorpion. She could see the strikes hit home on the creature that she had already dubbed a 'Skroach'. Lightning blasted back at her from flanges spaced symmetrically about the creatures body as the creature shrugged off her attack. She had to do something. . . "Shine Snow Illusion!" The deadly storm blasted the monster to its knees, or whatever it used in their place. Mercury had no faith in her ability to actually stop the creature. Instead she used the distraction to heave Venus over her shoulders in a fireman's carry and run. She could hear the monster raking the air with searching fire. At least the "Shine Snow Illusion" seemed to confuse it a little. Her "Shabon Spray" and even the "Double Shabon Spray Freezing" hadn't done that much. Zig-zagging frantically, Mercury pounded for a low wall. She threw Venus into the depression behind the wall and tumbled inelegantly after. There was a snapping sound as she landed. For a moment she wondered if she'd left a pencil stuck in her sash again. Then the pain almost blasted the top of her head off. Biting back a gasp she dashed tears of pain from her eyes, brought out her computer and started checking Venus's injuries. She prayed Minako would be all right. She prayed the monster wouldn't find them and the others would get there soon. She prayed for direct divine intervention. . . nothing fancy, just a few angels with fiery swords and maybe a Buddha or three when. . . "The people of Tokyo work hard all week and deserve a break on the weekend. For disturbing the peace of Odaiba park, perhaps the only green and unpaved non-neonlighted place in all Japan--- plus the place where I got my first kiss, a place where all young lovers can go. . . " "Will you blast it already!!" A peevish voice came over the wall. Mercury was having a really bad day. ". . .to have quality time to. . . " Sailormoon sucked a few cubic liters of air into oxygen starved lungs. "But I worked really hard on this speech." "Just do it!" "Oh all right. ETERNAL MOO. . . Aaaaaaaa!" "Aaaaa? What's Aaaa?" Mercury cautiously peeped back over the wall to see Sailormoon frantically dodging and leaping away from energy blasts. "OAK" Jupiter! They were . . . "EVOLU. . . " THWAK!! . . .saved? A blast from the creatures right hand smashed Sailorjupiter into a wall and unconsciousness. "Sailormercury!" The small black cat leaped over the low wall into Mercury's lap. " You've got to help Sailormoon." "Luna, I don't have anything left." "You've got to.! It's your duty . . . " "I don't have ANYTHING LEFT!" Mercury half screamed as she frantically typed commands into her computer, searching for a weakness in their foe. "I can't do a 'Shabon Spray' let alone summon the 'Harp'." Ami pointed to her leg, twisted under her. "I can't even get up without help." She tapped another command into her computer. "And something is still blanking the communicators. I can't get a call through to the Outers." "Mars?" "I don't know if she heard the first All Call." Frantically Luna looked over the wall as her princess dogged and leaped to avoid the creature's attacks, trying to gain enough time and space to launch her "Eternal Silver Kiss" attack". Suddenly Sailormoon turned on her opponent. "MOOOON FRISBEEEE !" Hope blossomed in Luna's face as the monster staggered under Sailormoon's oldest but now seldom used attack. "Ha, Moon dust. . . Eeeep!" Sailormoon almost avoided the creature's return shot. The near miss spun her around and slammed her into a tree. "NOOOOOOOO!!!! Usagi!!" Terror and despair broke down barriers in Luna's mind that had existed since her long cryogenic sleep. The crescent moon sigil on her forehead flared and a call that had not been heard in ten times ten thousand years went out. For the first time since the fall of the Silver Millennium the Imperial Rally summoned the Blood Guard to defend the Royal Family. "Luna! Look!" At Sailormercury's cry, Luna looked up in time to see the monster blasted back, away from the fallen Sailormoon. Luna and Sailormercury watched in amazement as a figure wreathed in flame charged the fallen monster. Luna groaned in despair as the monster fired a blast that caught their rescuer squarely in the chest. To the astonishment of Luna and Sailormercury the onrushing figure charged through the weapons blast as if it didn't exist. Closing with the Skroach, the figure smashed it with what appeared to be an axe or war- hammer. The Skroach went down, stunned for an instant, then lurched to its feet and soon the two were locked in a furious battle. The action was too close and too fast for Sailormercury to make out any detail. She brought her visor on-line and started feeding data directly into her computer. With the naked eye the battle was incredible. Viewed through her visor it was impossible. As Sailor Mercury watched, the armored Skroach threw a flurry of short savage blows at its fiery opponent. Sailormercury suddenly realized that the monster was trying to gain some distance in order to employ its energy weapon without destroying itself as well as its target. This was equally obvious to its opponent, who refused to allow it a millimeter's space as it clung grimly to the monster. Sailormercury was puzzled by their rescuer's defensive posture. No matter how tough it was, the monster's blows would eventually kill or disable it. And in this kind of battle a cripple was only someone waiting to die. Suddenly she noticed an anomalous reading coming from the mysterious figure. The power readings seemed wrong. She tapped a few keys. Startled at the result, she brought new sensors on-line and added new commands. The Mercury-computer thought for a few moments then chirruped a reply. Sailormercury stared at the result. Her head whipped up to stare at the Skroach and the figure. The GLOWING figure. Her head dropped back down to the computer screen to see. . . "oh dear " God was knocking on the door, and he wanted in very badly. Sailormercury dragged herself back to consciousness. Sucking in a deep breath, she immediately choked on the layer of dirt covering her face. Brushing her face clear, she looked groggily around to see Sailorvenus, still lying unconscious and remarkably free of dirt and debris. Propping herself shakily on one elbow she scanned the rubble filled depression until she saw "Luna!" Sailormercury rolled over, grabbed the black tip that just protruded above the loosely packed debris and heaved. "Ackkk, phhttt, bleah." Luna shook herself and staggered a bit as she turned to face Sailormercury. "What happened? Where's the monster? Where's. . . USAGI! Where's Usagi?" Luna started to scramble to the top of the wall when Sailormercury grabbed her by the scruff and yanked her back down. "Don't you mean where's Sailormoon?" Sailor Mercury hissed. "Keep your head down till I can check things out." Sailormercury brought her visor back on-line. Then in a move that surprised Luna, Mercury removed the visor and cautiously stuck it above the wall, all the while looking at her computer screen. "Well, what do you see?" "Do you have any Windex?" Sailormercury's voice was strained. "What! What!" Luna sounded frazzled. "What do you mean? What do you need Windex for?" "Because that's what you use to clean glass." Luna popped her head over the wall before Sailormercury could stop her. The monster had been replaced with a six meter crater of vitrified rock and fused sand that was still glowing white hot. "Usa. . . Uh I mean. . . Sailormoon. Where is she!?" "Over there Luna." Luna followed Mercury's pointing finger to see Sailormoon still sprawled on the ground. The tree that had rendered her unconscious had also sheltered her from the worst of the blast and debris. "Thank the Goddess she's all right." "Venus and Jupiter are going to be fine as well. Thanks for asking." Luna just nodded absently at Sailormercury's sarcasm, leaped over the wall and sprinted toward her princess. "Wait. . . never mind." Mercury muttered and continued her scan. "Now where is. . . Ah ha. There it is." Mercury changed filters on her scanner and zoomed in on their mysterious savior. It appeared to have sustained major damage, both from the monster's attack and its own weapon, whatever that had been. Still the monster was dead. . . Mercury glanced at the crater. Beyond dead. And they were alive. That counted as a victory in anyone's book. She looked back at her computer. Their savior was in trouble. . . power levels were fluctuating badly, and it seemed to be leaking a viscous black fluid that sizzled and popped where it spattered thickly on the ground. Sailor Mercury shuddered as she got her first clear look at the thing. It was twisted and bent. Its flesh and features seemed to melt and reform as she watched, like wax in a flame. Still, it had helped them. They should try to help it. If for no other reason than that Usagi would want them to help. She couldn't move but. . . "Venus. Sailorvenus get up." No response. "Sailor V, there's danger!" Nothing. "LOOK! An Idol talent scout." "What! Where? I've got my portfolio righ. . . Oh, it's you? What's up?" "Not much. Monster attacked. Trashed you, me, Jupiter. Was about to kill Sailormoon when THAT," Sailormercury pointed over the wall at the figure, standing amidst the devastation, "showed up, killed the monster and saved us all. It's hurt. Maybe dying. I can't walk." Mercury indicated her leg. "It's broken or dislocated at the least. My senshi form can control the pain but healing it is going to take a while. Luna is with Sailormoon, and my scans show that she's not badly hurt. I need you to check on Jupiter. Then I'd like the two of you to see about Sailormoon and our new friend." "Friend? That!" Venus could see the figure clearly now and her stomach clenched in revulsion. "Friend!" Mercury repeated firmly, though she sympathized with Sailorvenus's reaction. "But. . . that thing is so. . . so. . . " Venus made a face and shuddered in revulsion. "We would be dead if not for that 'THING,'" Mercury replied sharply. "And until and unless we find otherwise, a friend. Now. . . would you please go check on Jupiter?" Venus grinned and hopped over the wall headed toward Sailorjupiter's prone form while Mercury turned her scanner on her own injuries. "Come on Sailorjupiter, wake up." Venus ran her hand over Jupiter's prone form with a gentle expertise that would have surprised anyone not familiar with her days as Sailor V. Sailorjupiter moaned and stirred groggily. "Ha, I knew your head was too hard to crack." "Oww! Watch what you're doing." "As soon as you're through complaining we need to check on Sailormoon and then our new friend." "Friend?" Jupiter followed Venus's pointing finger. "Ewwww!!!" "Never mind that. Can you stand?" At Jupiter's nod, Venus helped Jupiter to her feet and the two bent, but unbowed Senshi headed toward their princess. As they passed by, their new "friend" suddenly seemed to notice them. "Seensssshhhii." The word was distorted almost beyond recognition, rising and falling like the cry of a lost soul. "Seeennnssshhhiiiii." The figure stalked them, its body wreathed in flickering flame like the fires of hell. "Uh oh." "Uh oh! Is that all you can say?" "'Run away' comes to mind, but we can't leave Sailormoon. VENUS. . . LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!" Venus watched in dismay as her attack hit the figure with all the effect of a lightning bug striking a main battle tank. "OAK EVOLUTION!" "Good one Jupiter. I think you made it mad." "As opposed to its former good nature?" At Jupiter's strike, the figure produced a weapon, which appeared to combine the features of a naginata mated with a war-hammer, as designed by Salvador Dali and fed growth hormones. It was big, sharp, nasty and kept melting and reforming. Just like its master. Jupiter and Venus readied their attacks, hoping a combined strike might stop it. Or at least slow it long enough for Usagi to escape. "Stop!. . . Stop fighting." "Usagi, what are you doing?" Luna's anguished cry wrenched Venus's and Jupiter's attention from the creature. They watched in horror as their leader, their princess, their friend and reason for living limped forward and placed herself between them and their antagonist. "It's all right. You don't have to be afraid." Sailormoon's voice was low and soothing. "IT doesn't have to be afraid!" Jupiter whispered incredulously. "Well, that's OK, I can be afraid for both of us." "Personally" Venus put in, edging to the side. "I've always thought a little fear was a healthy thing." Out of the corner of her eye Venus could see Mercury dragging herself along the ground, grimly determined to defend her princess. Usagi ignored the commotion behind her, concentrating on the lurching, shambling figure in front of her. "I'm not going to hurt you. You saved me. You saved all of us. You don't have to be afraid." Talking soothingly, as if to a wounded animal, Usagi slowly walked closer and closer. As she did so she released her transformation and reverted from Sailormoon to schoolgirl. The shocked hiss from her Senshi was nothing to the creature's reaction. It backed away from Usagi as if she were the devil incarnate. "Seerrrriiiinnnnnniiiittttttyyyy!" Usagi stopped, shocked to hear that name, no matter how distorted, issue from the creature. "Ssssseeerrrrrrinnnniittyyyyyy! Mmmaaajjjjiiissssttttyyyyy!" The creature took a step toward Usagi, then another and another. A fiery hand reached for Usagi. Behind her, Venus cursed and tried to maneuver for a shot. "Ppprrrrinnnceesss? Ppprrrrriiiiinnnnceesssss!" The hand jerked back and the creature spun in a circle, scanning its surroundings. Then it looked up to see a full moon, hanging just above the horizon. It froze for a moment, staring at the huge, cratered surface. "NOOOOOOOOO!!" With an awful cry, the creature leaped away and quickly disappeared from sight. Usagi stood staring after the creature, tears cutting tracks in her dusty cheeks. "Usagi!" Venus discarded concern for secret identities in her concern for her friend. "Are you all right? Did it hurt you?" "Oh Minna-P" Usagi turned a grief stricken face to her friend. "She's so sad and lost. So very alone." And to Venus's dismay Usagi burst into tears. "Come on guys." Jupiter said urgently, scooping Mercury up in her arms. "We've got to get out of here." She pointed toward the road where flashing lights and the dim wail of sirens signaled the approach of the authorities. With that the Sailorsenshi vanished, leaping through the rubble just as the first van arrived on the scene. Uniformed police officers and more discretely plain clothed technicians from the Public Safety Investigation Division cordoned off the area with signs that read "DANGER. GAS LEAK!" An ocean and several time zones away an ensign looked up from her console. "Lieutenant . . .I've got something funny here." "Funny how?" "A thermal bloom . . .a big mother. Just outside of Tokyo, on the bay." Lieutenant Guenther peered over the ensign's shoulder at the download from the Key Hole satellite that moments ago had passed over Japan was now heading for mainland China. "Five bucks says it's a gas leak." The ensign was incredulous. "Gas leak? That's fuc . . .that's ridiculous . . .sir. I mean look at the energy output." "Yeah. But the Jap's official response will be a gas leak. They have a LOT of them . . .in this area. If it were me, I'd think about going electric." He paused considering the readouts. "Still, that's a hellava output. Put a priority tag on it and shoot it on to ONI." Several seconds and almost as many kilometers away a flame shrouded figure dropped to its knees in the deserted corner of a night shadowed park. The flaming corona brightened momentarily, then vanished with a sharp crack to reveal a shaking form in a torn and bloody school uniform. A trembling hand went to a tear that ripped through cloth and flesh and came away smeared with blood. The shadowed figure lurched forward suddenly to land on all fours spewing bile and blood in a wrenching convulsion. "Who are you?" The whispered question came hoarsely past vomit slimed lips. "Who are you. . . what do you want?" ##Sta'nat nat o' la tres naz. Sta'nat!## The figure rolled back up to its feet and staggered out of the shadows. Star light and neon gleamed softly off a cap of blue-black hair. ##Sta'nat! L'n trnn om'qin sar ivnrrl. . . ## "SHUT UP. I don't understand. Just shut up. Leave me alone. Please. . . " Her mama and papa were laughing together and looking at each other with love in their eyes. . . as the earth rose up and smashed them. . . she was screaming. . . ##Sta'nat. L'n trnn. . . ## . . .a deliciously cool breeze ruffled the puffed sleeves of her gown as she walked in the gardens with her friends. The center of her universe. . . a small girl with hair so blond it was almost silver turned speaking laughingly to her. Overhead she could see the full Earth hanging like a blue. . . ##NTR'LANZ! STA'NAT. . . ## . . . HATE. . . so much hate that she was sick with it. Her lips drew back from her teeth and she lunged, snapping like a rabid wolf. . . "NO! STOP IT, STOPITSTOPITSTOPSTOP. . . " Gasping like a trapped animal the figure whirled and spun. . . slashing and kicking at phantasms that rose and melted. . . and rose again. "GO AWAY!! YOU'RE NOT REAL. YOU'RE. . . NOT. ." Shadows. . . blacker than old sin, crawling through the ruins of paradise, eating the light like maggots in the belly of god . . . "NOOOOOO! DAMMMMNN YOU!!" A corona of light flared, dimmed then flared again. A pulse of energy blasted into the heavens ripping the sky. . . and barriers fell. . . and connections were made. ## . . .amage. Autonomous Defense Mode engaged. Command Input required. Passive scanners working. Active scanners on stage one standby. Initiating All-System repair. Stealth. . . ## The figure sank to the ground, blood mingling with tears that had waited a hundred thousand years to be shed. "Oh Akane. You missed dinner. I wish you would call if you are going to be late. I put a plate in the refrigerator, but it's never as good reheated." "That's all right Kasumi. I'm not very hungry." "You're limping! And your clothes! Did you have an accident? Should I call Dr. Tofu?" "I'm fine Oneesama. I . . .tripped. I'm just a little tired. I think I'll just go to bed." "If you're sure." Worry was evident in the elder Tendou sister's voice. "I just need to lie down. But thanks for asking." In her room, the youngest Tendou peeled off her blouse. Impassively, she examined the massive bruising on her side. Turning, she looked at her back in the mirror. There too was bruising and a large gash running from her right shoulder down and across to her left hip. As she watched, the edges closed, leaving a red lump of tissue. Even that would be gone in a few hours ##Regeneration in progress. Energy levels at 37%.## She ignored the voice whispering in her head. ##Primary systems on line at 65%. Secondary systems coming up. Primary weapon recycling.## Akane moved to her closet and took out her favorite yellow pajamas. ##Sensor sweep shows no hostiles within engagement range.## The pajama jacket slithered over head with a cool silky feeling. ##Unknown targets detected. No weapon signatures detected. Targeting priorities assigned according to estimated threat level.## Akane slipped the pajama trousers over her legs. As she did, pictures and numbers seemed to scroll across her mind's eye. There was a brief flicker. ##Input accepted. All targets re-classified as friend. Defense priority Phoenix, second only to the Princess. Self repair progressing. Estimated time to complete. . .. ## Akane swung out of her window and up onto the roof with a grace and agility that would have flummoxed her fianc‚. ## . . .owering down main system while repair underway. Active sensors to standby. Passive sensors set to sentry mode.## Akane let the voice whisper on. She settled on the roof and looked at the moon hanging above her head. The rough, pocked features leaped into sharp focus that was not unusual for an observatory telescope but was quite unusual for the unaided human eye. The night passed quietly, except for the whirr and chitter of insects and the silent voice whispering in her head as Tendou Akane sat looking up at her dead world. Chapter 2 Ami settled comfortably in the nest of cushions Makoto had made for her. She stretched her injured leg out and sighed in relief. It had been dislocated AND broken. And even with a senshi's powers a green stick fracture took time to heal. And it all hurt. A lot. "USAAAAAGI." Ami winced at Rei's shrill tone. She turned to see the senshi of fire looming over Usagi. "MY MANGA!" Rei snatched the magazine out of Usagi's hand. "We're supposed to be having a meeting. It's not for you to stuff your face and read manga. You're going to sit here and pay attention for once." Rei dropped down beside Usagi with an air of permanence. "And not a word out of you!" she cut Usagi off as she started to speak. "BE QUIET!. Sit. Listen. LEARN!" Ami stifled a chuckle. Rei had been wild when she'd found out about the attack and Usagi's injuries. She hadn't let Usagi out of her sight since then. She was sleeping over at Usagi's house and even following her into the toilet at school. Ami had no idea how she had arranged to be at their school, but had no doubt Rei was going to be a permanent fixture until the crisis had passed. "I know a few things about what happened, not much, but a little." Rei and Usagi stopped their fighting and swivelled to face Ami. Minako and Makoto joined the semi-circle facing Ami. "I'll divide this into two parts. First, our new enemy. The Skroach . . ." "Skroach?" Minako looked at Ami with a raised eyebrow. "Um . . ." Ami blushed a little. "Well, yes. We . . .um . . .I had to call them something and they look like . . ." "A scorpion crossed with a cockroach!" Makoto enthused. "An' we'll crush 'em just like a big bug." Makoto was still angry about her poor showing and eager for a rematch. "Errr . . .yes . . .well as nearly as I can tell the Skroach is some type of cyborg, though neither term is quite correct." "Cyborg?" "You know Makoto ,a robot, like Ultra Man." "Not quite Usagi. Cyborg means cybernetic organism, a melding of animal and machine. Although in this case, the machine isn't like anything I've ever seen. And the animal, well it's definitely not terrestrial." "Well that's a relief." Everyone stared at Usagi . "Well I'm tired of fighting all these terrible things. It'll be nice to have something that's not terrible." Rei jerked Usagi's head around. "That's terrestrial. Terr-es-trial. NOT Terr-able. Don't you know anything you stupid girl. You're going to get killed. . ." Usagi pushed her face close to the enraged fire senshi until there noses touched. "GOT-TCH-A!" Rei stared, frozen, at the laughing moon princess. Then with a howl of rage she launched herself at Usagi knocking her to the floor. Rei began screaming and shaking Usagi. "You idiot. You stupid, stupid, useless, clumsy. . ." Rei was sobbing uncontrollably. "You could have got yourself killed, you could have died. Stupid, stupid girl. You could have died. . ." Usagi grabbed Rei in bear hug and started rocking her back and forth. "I'm OK Rei. I'm OK. Go ahead and cry. It's all right. Everything is OK." She continued to cradle Rei in her arms, stroking her back ,murmuring soothingly to her until Rei's tears abated. "Feel better now? Here, blow." She handed Rei a tissue. Rei looked up shamefaced. "I'm sorry. I. . . " "It's all right Rei. Believe me, no one wishes you had been there more than we do." "That's right," Makoto added. "It was just luck I was close enough to get the All Call before the communicators went out." She turned to Ami. "How did that happen anyway?" "Perhaps I should start over. The new enemy seems to be a cyborg, of alien origin. It's covered in some kind of composite armor that's very tough." Minako and Makoto nodded in unconscious agreement. "Unfortunately the armor also kept me from getting very good sensor readings. And I didn't manage to get a sample to analyze." She turned slightly toward Minako. "You saved all our lives yesterday." "I did? I did! Well of course I did." Minako struck a pose. "For am I not the agent of love and beauty, called by the goddess. . . uh how did I save every one?" Ami grinned at Minako's infectious exuberance, then sobered. "Your first attack damaged this just as it was firing." Ami brought up a schematic of their attacker on her computer. Everyone crowded around to see. "This 'gun', for lack of a better word, warps space." Everyone stared at Ami. "I don't know how, but this 'gun' can warp space, basically twisting anything it hits out of our space and into another. It will destroy anything it hits and it will hit anything it can see, within certain limits." "Which are?" Minako was suddenly very serious. Ami suspected she was seeing Sailor V, rather than Sailor Venus. "It was firing just as Minako's Crescent Beam hit; judging from those readings it takes a lot of power. I'm guessing it's a single shot weapon. Or has a very slow rate-of-fire, unless it's got a power supply that I couldn't scan. Which is possible. Secondly, there is no defense, or none that I can think of. Maybe if I can get an intact weapon to sample.. And finally, it seems to be very short ranged. This may be a design limitation of the weapon or it may be a safety feature. In any event, coupled with everything else it gives the weapon a maximum range, in atmosphere, of less than fifty to one hundred meters."At the looks of relief on the other's faces she added a stern warning. "You must understand, within these limits this weapon is unbeatable. There is nothing that will protect you. It will cut a battleship in two as easily as you'd cut a stick of butter with a hot knife." Seeing that her teammates were properly chastened she continued. "These 'cyborgs' are very strong and fast. In senshi form we are faster, marginally. I think it's stronger, but not as maneuverable as we are. It's got another weapon. What's known in science fiction as a 'Blaster'." "What's that?" "A controlled discharge of very high energy. . . " "You mean it shoots lightning bolts." Ami stared at Usagi who gave her a gamine grin. "Hey, I'm not as stupid as you think I am." "No one could be." Usagi nodded happily, then whipped around. "Hey, pyro. What's that crack supposed to mean?" Ami gently cleared her throat. The bickering stopped instantly. "I've evolved some tentative tactics to deal with this enemy." She pulled some papers out of her bag and passed them around. "This is a schematic of the thing. I've outlined the weak points in red, with text describing which attack should be most effective. Obviously first priority in an attack must be the warp gun. As long at that gun is intact we're at a great disadvantage. The tactics I've evolved depend on teamwork, our superior maneuverability and sniping at it beyond the weapons maximum range." She paused and fixed everyone with a very un-Ami like glare. "NO ONE is to fight one of these things alone. Wait until we are all together. If there's more than one of them, we have to separate them and hit them five against one." She waited a moment to be sure everyone understood. "Now for our second visitor. It seems. . . " "She." "What?" "She. You said it. It's a she. I mean she's the it." Usagi foundered a moment. "I mean," Usagi enunciated carefully, "that she is a she. A girl. Not an it." At the looks from the others she went on defensively. "Hey, I talked to her. And she's real sad about something." "Maybe 'cause she didn't get to fry us," Makoto muttered sotto voice. Not sotto enough as Usagi glared at her. Makoto shrugged apologetically and turned her attention back to Ami. "I couldn't get very good readings. And a lot of the ones I did get don't make much sense. To start with it. . ." She paused as Usagi gave her a hurt look. "To start with SHE seems to be in a higher energy state." At the blank looks elaborated. "All of her electrons appear to have been kicked up to the next shell." The looks slipped from blank to vacant. "Essentially she seems to be in a gaseous state, an animate plasma." Vacant became vacuous. "A flame. She's a living flame, alright!" "Jeeez. Get a grip Ami." "Sorry." Ami flushed in embarrassment at her uncharacteristic loss of temper. "I have no idea how she maintains stability. I mean, a plasma isn't normally stable like that. Not to mention I have even less idea how she stays alive. Of course you need to know that it was almost impossible to get any readings through the. . . 'energy field', so this might all be completely wrong." Ami paused to gather her thoughts. "The only things I can be sure of are effects, even if I'm not sure of the cause. For instance she seems to be almost completely invulnerable to energy weapons. The Skroach's blaster and Venus's 'Love and Beauty Shock' had only minimal effect. Direct physical attacks have slightly more effect, but she is incredibly resistant to even those. She seems to have three weapons." Ami ticked off a mental list. " Some sort of missile weapon that fires slugs of extraordinary dense matter very fast." "Uh, how dense, and how fast?" Ami looked embarrassed at Minako's question. "I'm not sure. I only obtained partial reading from the single time it . .uh . . .she used it to blast the Skroach away from Sailormoon." "It's not your fault Ami. Don't worry about it. I think you're doing great. None of us would have the slightest idea what to do." Ami smiled gratefully at Usagi "She has an energy weapon that she used that to destroy the Skroach. I think it's," Ami's voice dropped to a whisper, "a graser." At the half expected blank looks she opened her mouth to explain. "That's a. . . " "A gamma ray laser. Cool." Jaws kissed tatami all around the room. "Usagi," Ami said faintly, "how do you know. . . " "Oh, I love science fiction. I got sort of interested from some of the video games." She smiled brightly at the dumfounded faces. "Uh, yes. Well as Usagi says, a gamma ray laser. VERY powerful. Much longer ranged that the warp gun and probably able to fire more often. I can't be sure because I couldn't get a good reading on the power supply. And lastly, the final defense is some sort of variable geometry impact weapon. That is, it seems to be able to change shape. I have pictures of what look like a staff, a hammer, an axe and transitional forms as it shifted from one shape to the next." "Any thing else? I mean it seemed to recognize us?" "What! You didn't tell me that Minako!" "Sorry Rei, things were a little confused when we met you after the fight." Ami typed a few commands into her computer. "All right, here's the video and audio from the crea. . . from her." All the senshi fell silent and listened to the weirdly distorted voice. "I've run it through several filters, just to make sure. It's definitely a voice. She recognizes Venus and Jupiter as senshi. At first she seems to think Usagi is Queen Serenity, then seems to recognize her as Princess Serenity. Here," Ami pointed to the screen, "she seems surprised by something, turns around almost three hundred sixty degrees. Looks up. Sees the moon. And here she runs off. I don't know what kind of shielding she uses but she disappeared off my sensors even before she was out of visual range." Minako stared down at her folded hands for a moment. "All right Ami, what do you think all this means?" Ami looked distressed. "Minako, I don't have enough information to. . . " "Give me your best guess Ami." Ami was not fond of guessing , but for Minako. . . "Well, we've defiantly got a new enemy. Intentions, unknown. Capabilities, very powerful. But with only one sample there's no way to know its total abilities. I can only tell you that it's unlikely that we've seen the worst they can do." Ami took a deep breath. "As for. . . the other. . . I don't know. She saved our lives. If she hadn't come when she did we'd all be dead. But she didn't seem to happy to see that we were senshi. And I don't know what to make of her reaction to Usagi, or Princess Serenity rather." Ami looked down at her computer as if for inspiration then back up at her friends. "I wish I knew what to tell you. Until we know more we've got to classify her as a new enemy with unknown. . . " "No." The single word, silk soft, unrelenting as a drawn katana, froze the assembled senshi. "No," Usagi repeated firmly. "She's not an enemy. She's hurt, angry, afraid. But she's not an enemy." "Usagi," Makoto turned pleading eyes to her princess and friend, "I know you want. . . " "She's our friend." Makoto looked despairingly into Usagi's calm implacable eyes. "Hai, Usagi. She's our friend." Usagi swept the rest of her senshi with her eyes, holding each with her gaze 'till they nodded in agreement. Rei was last. "Usagi, this is crazy! Luna would never. . . " "Luna's not here. She and Artemis are out trying to find our new enemy. Enemy," Usagi emphasized the singular word, "not enemies. This girl is our friend. And I'm sure that if I can just find her, talk to her, maybe alone so she's not afraid. . . " "You are NOT going anywhere alone." Rei grabbed Usagi by the shoulders and twisted her around. "You are not playing video games, you are not going to the mall and you are NOT going out to make new 'friends'." "But Rei. . . " "But NOTHING!" Rei thundered. "If you even look like you're THINKING of going off to find this 'friend' I'm going to paddle your little princess butt until you can't sit down for a month. Do you understand THAT!!" "Yes Rei," Usagi agreed meekly. Rei nodded satisfied. She would have been much less pleased had she seen Usagi's crossed fingers behind her back. ************************************************* "Kohanasan, please recite the attributes of the Dragon." The young man in question rose and cleared his throat before beginning. "When the Dragon tries to ride the clouds and come into heaven there happens immediately a furious storm. The Dragon has the eyes of a tiger and the horns of a deer and the body of a crocodile and the claws of an eagle and two trunks like the trunk of an elephant. It has also a moral: We should try to be like the Dragon, and find out and adopt all the good qualities of others." Kohana bowed jerkily to the teacher and sat down. "Very good, Kohanasan." The teacher beamed at the student his eyes searching the class until they settled on. . . "Tendousan, would you please recite the virtues of the Moon." Akane looked blankly at the Sensei a slight tic forming over her right eye. "Tendousan," the Sensei repeated. "Would you recite the virtues of the Moon please." For a moment Akane sat, unmoving and unblinking her attention turned inward. Then, suddenly, she seemed to become aware of the teacher and bolted upright. "Hai, Sensei. I can!" She paused, flustered and spoke again in a very different voice. "Ummm. What was the question?" Sensei silenced the tittering class with a stern look, then turned a disapproving frown on Tendou Akane. "Tendousan, if you can not pay attention in class, perhaps you shouldn't BE in class. Perhaps you would prefer to stand in the hall. . . holding a bucket of water?" "Yes Sensei. . . I mean no Sensei. . . I'm very sorry." Akane looked miserably down at her feet, flushing at the renewed snickering of her class mates. So miserable was she that she didn't notice when the mirth stopped, like a dog run over by a train. Nor did she notice the blazing look from Ranma that effected this sudden influx of manners. "If you would Tendousan. . . please recite the virtues of the Moon." "The Moon appears melancholy to those who are sad, and joyous to those who are happy." As she spoke Akane swayed a bit and put out a hand to steady herself. "The Moon makes memories to those who travel, and creates homesickness." Akane stared blindly ahead, a slight tremor shaking her body, as if from some suppressed emotion. "When the Emperor Godaigo, exiled by the traitor Hojou, beheld the moonlight on the seashore, he cried out, ' The Moon is heartless.'. . . But she's not heartless. She's not." This whispered protest was low and shocking in its intensity. Sensei started to reprimand Akane for departing from the established list of virtues, then stopped as Akane continued . "Our hearts ought to be. . ." Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her voice was choked. "Our hearts ought to be pure and. . . and calm. . . like . . . like the light of the Moon. The light of the Moon shines alike upon foul and pure, upon. . . upon high and low." By ones and twos the rest of the class started crying as well. . . not knowing why. "That beautiful Lamp is neither yours nor mine, but everybody's. When we look at the Moon, we should remember that its waxing and its waning are the signs. . . are the signs that the culmination of all things is likewise the beginning of their. . . of their. . . end." Akane dropped into her seat sobbing. "I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry . . .I'm so sorry." ************************************************* "I'm fine Ranma. So just stop following me around." The object of Akane's ire was perched nonchalantly atop the dugout roof. "Hey, who says I'd WANT to follow an uncute chick like you. I got to take PE class too, ya know," Ranma stated righteously . "Since when have YOU ever. . . " It was perhaps just as well that Akane's furious rejoinder was interrupted by Coach Eddy. "Attention, please. Because of illness, injuries and other factors the boys base-ball team will be unable to field two full teams for the next few weeks. In order that they not miss practice it has been decided to fill those missing positions with the best members of the girls soft-ball team." There were excited shrieks from the girls (they adored the gajin English teacher and baseball expert) and disgusted moans from some of the boys. "Will the following girls please report to the base- ball field as I call your names." The coach started to read names from a list. As he did so there were sullen mutters from the boys team. "Man. This sucks." This came from a tall, thin boy whose hair gleamed wetly with styling gel. "Hey, wassa matter Tomo." Tai leered at the girls as they trotted off to suit up. "Don' you LIKE girls." Tai winked slyly. "Maybe Tomo likes. . . " Tai made a rude hand gesture that indicated a boy who. . . was different. "I like girls all right," Tomo retorted hotly. ". I just don't want 'em messing up practice. We've got a good chance at the championship this year. . . we need REAL practice. Not playing with girls." "Yeah. . . but I wouldn't mind playing with some of that!" Tai jerked a thumb at the girls who were running, giggling, out onto the field. "Ahhh Mannn." Tomo was really disgusted now. "They're wearin' SHORTS. How the hell 'r they gonna' SLIDE in shorts." "Girls don' slide play'n softball," instructed one of his sage comrades. "Whooo!" Tai wolf-whistled. "Well they can play soft-ball with ME any time. Would you look at that." He pointed at the gaggle of girls swinging back in forth in warm up exercises. Each time they twisted, white shirts rose up, revealing a tantalizing band of bare girl flesh. "Especially that Tendou chick. Ya know I hear she's really hot. I heard that she's done it with the entire Kendo team." "Ahhh man. That's stupid. She doesn't like boys." A boy named Kieko leaned in close to whisper confidently. "She only likes girls. I heard my brother and some friends talking. . . " "Bull," Tai retorted. "She likes boys alright. Hell, she's always with some boy. . . or bein' 'kidnaped,'" Tai leered suggestively. "That Ryouga guy's always hanging around and she's got Ranma livin' with her an'. . . " "But he's her fianc‚," one of the other boys protested. "Fianc‚!" Tai laughed. "Is that what you call it. I say she just a little nanpa who'll give it away to any. . ." A cold shadow fell across Tai and he looked around to see Saotome Ranma standing behind him holding a bat in his hands. "Do you know how many bones there are in the human body?" Ranma asked conversationally. "Three hundred fifteen. I had to learn all of 'em." Ranma straight armed the bat, holding it between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. "An' how to break." Tai flinched as the bat snapped with an explosive crack. "Each. . . " Ranma slid the broken halves, one over the other. Another explosive crack, and he held four pieces of wood. "And every. . . " BANG! Ranma held eight splintered pieces of bat, and Tai fell heavily to the ground as his legs gave way. Numbly he stared up as Ranma loomed over him and crumbled the shattered wood into dust that dribbled over Tai like a pelting rain. "You don't look so good. I think you should go home. An' stay there 'till whatever problem you have. . . is gone." Ranma swept the rest of the boys with a look that seemed mild, until you looked into his eyes. "Anybody else got the same problem Tai's got. . . they better go home 'till they're over it." ************************************************* It had been too much to hope that the story wouldn't get around. Akane was by turns embarrassed and angry. And it didn't help any that Tomo, the opposing pitcher had fanned her out her first two times at bat. "Now, just take it easy Akane-chan," her friends told her soothingly. "Don't let this guy get to you," came another voice. "HEY! AIR HITTER!" Tomo's taunting voice drifted into the dugout from the pitcher's mound. "Aren't you gonna' come out and at least PRETEND to be a ball player. I'll even throw underhand. . . just like a GIRL." Akane made a noise like a rusty hinge as her back molars met and tried to interpenetrate. "Now Akane-chan," came the pleas from her teammates. "The bases are loaded. This is our last out. So just stay cool and. . ." Akane stomped out to the batters box and planted herself. A few experimental swings tore the air with tremendous power, but little control. Ranma, at shortstop, looked at her wild swings and sighed. It would relieve a lot of her frustration if she could just hit a good one. . . he watched another wild swing knock some perfectly inoffensive electrons loose from the air and sighed again. The first ball was fast and outside. Akane's bat hummed with the force of her blow. "STRIKE ONE!" "Come on Akane-chan!" "You can do it. We believe in you." Akane set her self, pounded the ground a couple of times with her bat then brought it back over her shoulder. The ball was low and inside. Akane swung with enough power to orbit the Tokyo dome. Unfortunately a base ball is much smaller than a sports stadium. She hit only air and almost went over with the force of her blow. "STRIKE TWO!" "Hey. . . ONE MORE an' you can go home and play with your dollies!" Ranma speared Toma with an incredulous glance, wondering if he were suicidal or just stupid. He stared at the pitcher for a moment, wondering if Toma could absorb enough punishment to make it worthwhile to let Akane pound him a bit or if. . . A sudden prickling between his shoulders brought Ranma around. Akane. . . Akane wasn't seething anymore. She wasn't grinding her teeth. . . she wasn't mad. She was. . . focused. Ranma turned and trotted quickly to the pitchers mound. "HEY. . . Saotome, get back into position." Ranma ignored Toma and dropped cross legged to the ground beside the pitcher. Toma shrugged his shoulders and began his windup. With the way this skirt hit it didn't matter, anyway. The ball was a slider, fast and impossible to hit. His best pitch. Toma chose it just to show her up. "STR. . . " The umpire started his call early. . . anticipating what had come before. There were three distinct cracks. The first as the tip of Akane's bat went trans-sonic. The second occurred when the core of the ball burst through the disintegrating outer-covering. Ranma reached out from his seated position, snagged Tomo by the sleeve and tugged him gently aside as the core of the baseball scorched through the space previously occupied by Toma's head at Mach 1.2. ". . . IKE. . . uuuuu. I mean. . . uhhhhh. FAIR BALL! TAKE YOUR BASES." Akane stared at Toma for a moment. She turned and walked over to the dugout, replaced her bat in the bat-stand with exaggerated precision, then trotted toward first base as the first of her teammates triumphantly crossed home plate. Ranma let go of Toma's sleeve and the pitcher rocked back into place, looking more like the statue of a ball-player than flesh and blood. An acrid smell wrinkled Ranma's nose and he glanced down to see a dark spreading stain just below Toma's belt level. "Aaaah Maaan!" Ranma grimaced. He looked stealthily around to see that everyone was distracted by Akane's home run. Quickly he removed Toma's jacket and tied it about the frozen boy's waist. ************************************************* Cooking class with Akane was always exciting. There were always interesting sights, and sounds and smells. Akane approached cooking the way marines approached a hostile beach but with less restraint. . . and with a level of violence that would have gotten her thrown out of any properly run street gang. It wasn't that she couldn't cook quite edible meals, her class mates agreed. After all, she made a very. . . tasty. . . curried rice. It was just that the struggle to. . . subdue. . . all the evil ingredients. . . well, after that kind of fight the poor dear was just too tired to cook anything complicated. Besides, men were all unappreciative pigs. . . who should be grateful for a hot meal to swill down like the ungrateful swine. . . they probably spent all their time with loose women while their poor wives slaved to keep home and children. . . The discussion usually dissolved into a general debate about men, with the girls divided into two camps. One group favoring castration and shock collars for husbands, while the extremists. . . But not today. Today there was no light hearted banter about boys. . . no excited anticipation of the perfect souffle. . . Today Tendou Akane was cooking. . . calmly. . . quietly. . . well, ALMOST quietly. "Quit that. . . you'll spoil your dinner." Akane absently rapped her right hand across the knuckles with a spoon as said hand stealthily tried to scoop a dollop of cookie dough out of a bowl. Nervously her classmates squeezed together, like sheep huddling against a storm. "What do you think. . . beef for a main course?" She cocked her head as if listening. "Well. . . " She sounded doubtful. "I don't know. . . do you really think. . . " Her face brightened and she banged a fist against the counter top. "I'LL DO IT!" The huddle of girls jumped and made a sound very like. . . sheep bleating. Happily, Akane began pulling ingredients from cabinets almost dancing in her excitement. Mesmerized, like someone who looks up and sees the lights of an oncoming train, the cooking class watched Akane burble happily to. . . herself. . . as she peeled, and chopped and seasoned. . . occasionally stopping to rap the naughty right hand that continued to make sneak attacks on the cookie dough. ************************************************* Delicious smells wafted down the hall as Akane passed by, almost floating in her excitement. In her hands, as delicately as if she carried the Imperial Regalia, she held a covered tray. And on that tray. . . Akane started to hug herself in her excitement. . . remembered the tray in her hands at the last minute and recovered with a gasp and a giggle. And on that tray. . . oh it was wonderful. . . marvelous. . . beef. . . chicken. . . trout. . . three vegetables. . . and for dessert. . . a strawberry crepe. Delicate, paper thin, golden brown pastry. It was all so perfect. She just knew that Ra. . . Her mind stuttered away from the name. Anyway it didn't matter. It was perfect. She didn't have to prove anything to. . . to anyone. And anyway he. . . anyway some people didn't appreciate good cooking. Still. . . it would be wasteful. . . to waste all this food. Kasumi wouldn't want her to waste food. Her mother. . . Akane knew her mother wouldn't have wanted her to waste food. Well then. . . there wasn't any choice , was there. Absently Akane thumped a lower form student on the head as he reached under the covering, rendering him instantly unconscious. She couldn't let this food go to waste. There was really no choice. Akane batted aside the chemistry club as they leapt salivating for the tray. . . No choice at all. She'd just have to find Ran. . . find someone. . . so all this food didn't go to waste. Filled with the golden glow that comes from making the hard. . . but correct decisions Akane turned the corner and. . . "Ooow!" Stumbling back Akane twisted to keep the tray steady. Offended at the inconsiderate person who would stand in the middle of the hall she looked up. . . and up. . . and UP. "Oh. It's you." Akane raked the person with a long up and down glance. "That's a new look." "Do you like it? I know the old freak will." Akane stepped back, startled at hearing a deep, human voice, instead of animal sounds. The scorpion tail lashed suddenly over Akane's head to smash into the wall. Akane leapt aside with a distressed cry, covering the precious tray with her body. "Not bad, huh. And I've made some other improvements." Taro Pantyhose swept his wings forward to show a row of razor sharp teeth along the edge. Thick tentacles lashed the air, each now tipped with a poison spike. "I've chased the old freak over half of China, through India and back to here. It ends. . . I'm tired of this. The old-man's got to change my name this time. Or I'll. . . " A deep chuckle rumbled in the massive chest. "Who am I kidding. I think I'll just kill him. . . whether he changes my name or not. Hey, maybe I should just kill fem-boy too and take HIS name." "R. . . ranma!" Taro looked down as if just remembering Akane's presence. "Heh. Yeah. Taro Ranma. Has kind of a ring to it. And it's not like fem-boy deserves. . . " He sniffed the air. "What's under there?" "Nothing that concerns you." As Akane tried to edge past ,Taro snatched the tray and held it tauntingly above her head as he removed the covering. "Well, what do we have here?" "Give that back!" Taro held the tray just out of reach as he scooped a claw full of beef into his mouth. "Hey, this is pretty good. Who cooked it?" "I cooked it," Akane huffed, offended. "YOU!" Taro chuckled. Then paused as a thought struck him. "If YOU cooked it, then that means this is for fem- boy." He looked consideringly at the tray's contents. "That means that this. . . and this. . . and this. . . you cooked for fem-boy." One by one Taro slid each dish off the tray. Akane stood frozen as she watched all her work, all her lov. . . all her work, land on the floor with a splat. Finally, there was only one item left. . . the crepe. The delicate. . . delicious. . . DIFFICULT crepe. As if in slow motion Akane watched Taro nudge it, teasingly, with the tip of a claw. . . closer. . . closer. . . it teetered on the edge. . . gravity and pastry fought. . . gravity won. And the golden confection tumbled through the air. . . end over end. . . falling like a wounded angel. . . "Murderer!" The thought tolled through Akane's brain. He'd killed it. Her poor, innocent crepe. It never had a chance. . . And the rest. Gone. All gone. All her hard work. . . S-P-L-A-T. Beef, chicken, fish. . . all gone. It was too late to start over. . . where would she ever find the ingredients. . . SNAP! Taro looked around startled. He thought he'd heard something. . . well. . . SNAP. But what. . . He looked down to see the Tendou girl staring at him. "BEEF!" She raked him with eyes that made him. . . uncomfortable. Like she was mentally undressing him. Which was silly since he was already. . . "CHICKEN!" Involuntarily Taro's wings snapped back into the closed position, tight against his body. "Now just what do you think you're. . ." he started arrogantly, Then hastily stepped back as Tendou Akane slid toward him, graceful as a dancer, with a very unhealthy light in her eyes. "FISH!" Instantly his waving tentacles stilled and curled up out of sight. "Uh. . . actually octopus isn't really a fish. . ." Uneasily Taro began to back away. Step by step Tendou Akane matched him. This was silly. HE was bigger. . . stronger. . . faster. . . Ranma jerked upright from his nap as a scream, like a cat being skinned alive with a dull knife, pierced the quiet day like a needle through the eyeball. AKANE! Damn. He knew he should have stayed with her. But cooking class. It was not a good thing for him to stay around Akane when she was cooking. He had a habit of saying. . . unfortunate things. And she was already upset. . . and what could possibly happen. . . Asking himself questions he couldn't answer Ranma pounded across the grass toward the main building. The wall exploded and. . . something. . . blasted overhead, past Ranma and toward the empty swimming pool. He looked up to see Akane, chest heaving, fists clenched, but looking unhurt. Just as Ranma started up to her. . . screams, lots of screams, sounded from the girls locker room. Ranma froze. . . he wanted to go to Akane. But she looked all right. . . and those girls sounded really frightened. . . but Akane. . . "Yo. . . Akane. . . you OK?" She tensed for a moment. . . then looked down, through the broken wall at Ranma. "I'm fine. . . just. . . FINE!" Akane turned and stalked off. Ranma debated following for a moment, but the screams were louder and more desperate. . . besides he recognized that look. Better give Akane some time. . . a lot of time. . . to cool off. Ranma dashed for the girls gym. As he sprinted in through the front door a jet of cold water hit him. "Ranma-my-boy." An obscene little. . . something. . . fastened leach-like between breasts that were just forming. "AAAAAA!"Ranma screamed and batted at the. . . thing. He cringed as it nuzzled and fondled and. . . " "GET OFF ME, ya old freak." "Now is that any way to talk to your master?" "You. . . ain't. . . my. . . master," Ranma panted as he struggled to dislodge. . . Sprinting suddenly forward, Ranma tried to crush. . . it. . .between him and a concrete column. It. . . leapt off, just before impact, cackling as Ranma reeled back, stunned from his impact. "Heh, you'll never beat me at this rate. If you'll wear this bra I'll train. . ." The obscene voice broke off and. . . the thing. . . sprang aside, like a roach on a hot plate, as Ranma launched a flurry of punches and kicks. Ranma followed this up with a chi blast that sent. . . it. . . tumbling outside the girls gym. Winded from his exertions, Ranma was slow in following and lost track of. . . it. Laughing with the innocent glee of a dammed soul the ancient pervert bounced along the halls of academia looking for fresh meat. Suddenly, senses honed by centuries of perversion and debauchery tingled. He could sense what he needed. . . youth. . . innocence. . . virgin flesh. It drew him. . . excited him, like blood in the water attracted a shark Except the old pervert had less conscience and more appetite as he skittered through the corridors like some poisonous bug. The scent was stronger. His groin tightened with the familiar sweet pain. His heart pounded at the thought. . . first there would be fear. . . fear and the desperate futile struggle to get away. He liked that almost best of all. . . almost. There!! He suffered a momentary pang as he finally recognized his prey. Too old and tough. . . still there were compensations. The thought of Soun's revulsion. . . of her poor. . . departed. . . "Oh, Akane. Just what a tired old man needs. . . a fresh young thing to ease his declining years." Akane looked up from contemplating the tops of her shoes as she trudged along the empty hallways. She had a brief impression of a giant cockroach. Then a blurring in the air and a weight. . . a heaviness on the spirit rather than on the body. Happosai, master of arts martial and perverted snuggled between the warm soft mounds with a sigh. Akane was really too old, the old man thought regretfully. Ahh, if only he could have gotten to her a decade earlier, when she was in her prime. He thought wistfully of how he first seen her. Young, tender, so full of energy. He pictured her again in his mind. In her little gi, sweat making dark patches in. . . interesting places. In a darling little ruffled dress. With matching panties. Ancient blood, cold and thick with centuries of evil, heated at the remembering. He remembered other things. Little Akane in the furo, water beading on her soft skin. Her back to the window. . . she didn't notice the thickening shadow creeping in the window. But soon she would see. . . would cry out. . . would fight. . . wiggling and twisting. . . His pleasant day-dream was clouded by another memory. Of a strong hand around his ankle. Being ripped from his perch from the wall and thrown to the ground, to land like a sack of garbage. Of looking up, and seeing . . . silhouetted against the sky. . . an avenging angle ready to send his soul to hell. He'd been afraid then. . . for the first time in years. Afraid that the Kami's had finally come for him. Then he'd realized it wasn't an angel, wasn't the Kami's , but something worse. Much worse. Akane's mother. He was the Master. No mere woman could beat him. He'd started to teach her a lesson. . . but Akane's mother had been swift and terrible in her rage. And Soun, the ungrateful worm, had found his backbone and tried to. . . Happosai winced as the scar that ran halfway around the inside of his thigh and up his belly twinged in remembered pain. Still, makeup and the right clothes could shave years. . . SNAP! "You disgusting little pervert." That was no way to talk to her elders. It was shameful the way Soun was letting Akane run wild. And he would tell him so, just as soon as he could breathe again. "You dirty little. . . " Where HAD little Akane learned those words. . . and where had she gotten the hydraulic clamp? "Always looking. . . leering . . touching." "Now Akane, you're very young. . . and must be guided by your elders." Happosai leered up from his position between Akane's breasts. "You have a responsibility. . . a duty in fact. . . both to your family and your ryu. . . After all, without ME there is no Tendou School. . . no dojo." Happosai went on grandly, in a tone that he imagined conveyed his importance and stature. "I am the Master, and I decide who will be my successor. Your father. . . your sisters, they depend on you. Their home and livelihood depend on how well you. . . " Happosai wiggled suggestively against her breasts. "Listen to you? O-be-y you?" Akane's voice was flat, toneless. "Why yes." Akane really was a bright girl, Happosai thought fondly. Perhaps she wasn't too old after all perhaps. . . "Akane, dear. You're. . . squeezing. . . too. . . tight. . . " "If you can still breathe. . . it's not too tight." He really had waited too late, Happosai thought regretfully. She'd grown up with this. . . attitude. Well, perhaps her daughter. . . or Kasumi's. Now that was a thought. A daughter of Kasumi's. His withered manhood tightened at the thought. Kasumi's daughter, fresh, gentle. . . easily frightened. A proper Japanese girl. And if he started while she was young enough to be trained properly. He shivered in excitement at the thought. But first. . . Akane. . . misguided child. . . needed to learn who the master was. Happosai knocked a hot coal from the bowl of his pipe onto a chi point on Akane's hand, a maneuver that worked well on Ranma. . . and worked on Akane. The python grip loosened and Happosai slithered out. He turned casually and. . . really quite lightly he thought, rapped the iron bowl of his pipe against her temple. He hated to do it. . . but it was cruel to let girls have so much independence. It was a mistake to educate them. And this silly business of letting them own property, vote. . . learn martial arts. They started thinking about things. . . talking back. . . resisting. A little resistance was good, stimulated the juices. But too much was irritating. No it was much better for them if they learned young who the Master was. Another. . . gentle. . . rap against the opposite temple sent Akane reeling, blood tricking from her ear. "Now Akane dear." Happosai moved close to the stunned girl and tickled his pipe up and down her side bringing the stem to rest at the tender juncture between her legs. "I think it's time that you learned some important lessons. . . about life. . . proper respect. . . obeying your elders." Happosai gave her a saintly smile. "Don't you agree that it's time you learned these things. . . how to behave like a good girl? The womanly arts. . . so that you can please. . . your Master." Akane's lips drew back from her teeth in an expression that would have resembled a smile only if you were a shark, accompanied by a low rumbling growl that would have made a rock crusher lose bladder control. Centuries of martial practice roused the ancient lecher from his dreams of perversion. Angered by this obvious sign of rebellion. . . and when he'd tried so hard to treat her gently in recognition of her faulty upbringing, Happosai brought his pipe slashing forward intending to smash the nerve cluster just under the breast. A move intended to paralyze the arm while causing intense pain. An attack that Happosai enjoyed as much for its devastating psychological effect. . . women were very sensitive about attacks on their breasts. . . as for the simple pleasure of watching them cringe in. . . Happosai's strike stopped as suddenly as if he'd slammed into Mt. Fuji. He blinked. . . the end of his pipe vanished in Akane's fist. Akane made a sudden, sharp motion and his pipe was ripped from his fist with a quickness that peeled skin from the palm of his hand. At this point any normal pervert with more than two functioning neurons would have surmised that 'something- had-gone-wrong' and slithered back under his rock. Unfortunately, for Happosai he had sacrificed cognition for perversion a century or so earlier. "Master. . . " Akane purred, rather like a cat. . . a large hungry cat. "Ahh. . . yes. . . but you don't have the tone quite right. It should be softer, demure. . . respect. . ." "Mas .s .s .s .t .e .e .e . r." There was something about the way Akane rolled the word around on her tongue. . . not with respect. . . but as if she were. . . tasting. . . Before Happosai could decide if this was a good thing. . . or a bad thing. . . a hand like a power shovel clamped around his throat. "urrrrrrrrr." Sounding like a leaking tire and looking like toad-under-a-tire, Happosai dangled from Akane's fist. "Teach me. . . a lesson?" she questioned. "With. . . this?" She rapped Happosai sharply between the eyes with his own pipe. "With THIS!" She rapped him again, harder. "ullll ulll." Akane seemed to take that as an affirmative. She placed the stem of the pipe between her lips and drew on it until the bowl glowed cherry red. She looked at the pipe. . . she looked at Happosai. . . and smiled. "Akane!" Ranma bounded through the school grounds, peering in window, looking on roof tops. "AKAAANEEE!" He was getting worried. . . really worried. No Akane. . . and the pervert was. . . Ranma jarred to a sudden stop as the shrill terrified scream of a rat being ripped apart by starving cats echoed across the campus. "Uh Oh." Ranma turned and sped back toward the direction of the sound. That hadn't been Akane's scream. . . he was sure of that. . . well pretty sure. . . but whatever it was. . . it might be dangerous. A whimpering noise brought him to a sudden stop. Looking around he didn't see anything. closing his eyes he extended his highly trained senses and. . . "Hi guy. What's up?" Hopping down in the bottom of the pool that had been emptied for cleaning and repair he found the battered form of Taro Pantyhose huddled in the corner, knees drawn up to his chin. Ranma noticed a variety of interesting scars. . . was that from a. . . fork? One wing dangled limply and two tentacles had been ripped completely off his body. A sudden sound, like the hunting cry of a mountain wolf broke the still air. A shudder ran through the huge body. Taro turned to Ranma with a wide eyed stare, like a baby owl. "She scared me." Ranma wrinkled his nose as an all too familiar acrid odor assaulted his nose. He looked down at Taro's feet and grimaced in wry sympathy. "You're not the only one pal." "She scared me." Taro repeated in a small voice. "She. . . she tried to. . . eat me." His lower lip trembled and his eyes filled with tears. "I don' like her. . . she tried to eat me." It didn't take much imagination to realize who SHE must be. Ranma patted Taro's shoulder awkwardly. "Nah man. I think she just wanted to hurt you really, really bad," Ranma said comfortingly. "She wanted to EAT me," Taro insisted shrilly. While Ranma tried to think of how to respond to that, they heard a skittering sound. A sound that reminded him of cockroaches in the wall. Listening carefully Ranma moved suddenly, shoving Taro's massive bulk aside to reveal. . . a tattered bag of ground beef? "Eeeeewww!" Ranma stepped back in disgust. Looking around he found a stick that had been used to mix sealant to fix cracks in the pool. Using the stick, he flipped the disgusting mess over. It was even worse on the other side. The. . . thing. . . mewled in panic and tried desperately to scrabble through the concrete bottom of the pool. Stepping forward Ranma took a closer look to make sure. . . "Yeppers.". . . it was the old pervert. . . bare from the waste down. Ranma shuddered. The freak was disgusting enough under normal circumstances. There were welts all up and down his backside. . .it looked like someone had spanked him. . . with. . . Suddenly Ranma noticed. . . "Ahhh Man. That's gonna hurt commin' out." Ranma looked at the tip of the perverts pipe protruding from. . . he shuddered again in revulsion. "Maybe a good dose of prunes. . . " His stomach churned at the thought. Then again. . . it couldn't happen to a nicer. . . whatever. There was a sudden low pitched growl that seemed to shudder the bedrock. The growl of a very big. . . very angry. . . predator. The growl came again. . . Happosai commenced his mad scrabble, trying to claw his way into the earth. Taro whimpered and wrapped his tattered wings around himself, rocking back and forth. Ranma thought for a moment, considering what he knew of the situation. "OK, guys. Here's the deal. Old man. Hey, old man." Ranma made as if to bop the pervert on the head, stopping when he realized he'd have to touch him. "Listen to me old man. . . or I let HER have you." The scrabbling sounds stopped instantly. "Here's what we're gonna' do. The two of you are certified psycho's. . . you're always kidnapin' people, blowing things up. . . startin' fights all over the place. An' most of it's cause YOU" Ranma poked Happosai with the stick ."won't give Pant . . .uh . . .Taro here a new name. Somebody's gonna get hurt they way you two act.., Old Man, you 're gonna give the. . . you're gonna give Taro a new name. You been jerkin' the poor guy around long enough. You're his god parent for Kami's sake. You're supposed to take care of him. . . not make his life hell. You're gonna give him a good name. . . any name he wants. An then you an' him are gonna go away. Whatever spot on earth's the direct opposite of Nerimia. And stay there. Unless someone asks you to come back. An' that's not gonna be until you guys learn some manners." Another angry growl, closer this time, forced a frantic assent from the cringing pervert. "OK," Ranma said hopping out of the dry pool. "I'm gonna go distract Akane. I expect you guys to get gone, real soon. An' remember. . . NO tricks. Or. . . " Ranma drew a finger across his throat. The two figures huddled in the bottom of the pool, listening to Ranma's retreating footsteps. Suddenly a shadow fell over them from above. . . a shadow with a female silhouette. The two huddled together like frightened children. "Gentlemen, have I got a deal for you," came a low voice from above. "Today, only, transportation to the Airport, tickets to the destination of your choice and clean underwear." The two looked up to see Tendou Nabiki grinning a shark's grin down at them. "And, for the two of you. . . a special price." ************************************************* * It wasn't fair, Akane thought resentfully. Kunou blows out all the windows in the school, pretends to be a ghost. . . Ranma and Ryouga regularly re-enacted the warring-states period. . . Hinako Sensei, for goodness sake, could have a full scale battle with Ranma on the soccer field. And did anyone notice? NO, they did not. But just let her break a little piece of the school. . . Akane winced as part of the roof slid off onto the ground with a crash of masonry and a cloud of dust. . . .just let her break a little, a TINY piece of the school. . . and every body acted as if. . . "What pervert girl do to Ranma?" Akane snapped out of her reverie to see another Chinese invasion. "There's never a divine wind when you need one." "What? What you saying?" "Nothing," Akane replied wearily. "What do you want Shan Pu?" "Shan Pu want to know what pervert girl do to Ranma." "What? What are you talking about? I haven't done. . . " "Don't try to fool us sugar." Ukyou stepped from behind a tree. "Ranchan's been following you around all day like he was your shadow." Ukyou snapped her Spatula into guard position. "Something's going on. . . " "Indeed peasants. . . your feeble minds have struck the heart of the target. Some foul sorcery no doubt." The cool arrogant tones dropped from the trees, followed closely by a tall figure that landed with pantherish grace. Akane dropped her head into her hands. "Hello Kodachi," she spoke from between her fingers. "Do not seek to sway the righteous anger of the Black Rose, she who dwells among. . . " "The lunatics," Ukyou muttered. "Who dwells among the stars," Kodachi continued firmly. "The light that pierces the darkness, the wind that blows. . . " "Shan Pu can feel big wind alright." Ukyou stifled a chuckle as Kodachi swung around to glare at the big Amazon. She started to say something then turned back to Akane. "Well peasant. . . what do you have to say for yourself? Speak!" "Go away, Kodachi. I have a headache." "We all want answer." Shan Pu moved to Akane's side, flanking her. "That's right sugar. Something's going on, and we're here to get answers." Akane looked up to find herself surrounded. Ukyou was struck by the strange feverish glitter in her eyes. "I don't know anything about Ranma. Just. . . just go away. I don't feel good." Akane dropped her head back into her hands. "Just go away." "Don't you ignore me!" The Black Rose's hand snapped forward, releasing her ribbon like a striking snake. As the deadly tip approached Akane, Kodachi felt a brief tug. Startled she looked down to find her hand empty. Looking back up she saw Akane, still with her head in her hands, and the black ribbon curled at her feet. "Pretty good, you take away crazy-talk girl toy." Shan Pu slid forward a heavy mace in each hand. "Now you try Amazon warrior." As she spoke Shan Pu launched a straight blow that Akane would have to either block or slip. If she blocked, Shan Pu would counter with the second mace before Akane could recover. If she slipped the blow, avoided it. Well, that would just move her INTO Shan Pu's counter strike. No matter what Akane did or did-not do. . . Shan Pu had her. Her predatory smile of victory was jarred loose as her mace smashed to a unexpected halt as Tendou Akane CAUGHT the war-hammer in one hand. Shan Pu's arm went numb to the shoulder and the mace dropped from suddenly nerveless fingers. A lifetime of training brought the second mace around in a crushing blow without conscious thought. Akane's head came out of her hands at last. Her free hand snapped forward. . . the heavy mace slammed into her open palm. . . and stopped as suddenly and finally as if it had run into The Great Wall. Stunned and off balance Shan Pu stood frozen as Akane tightened her grip on the heads of the two heavy steel balls. Shan Pu could hear the metal collapse, see it crumple like rice paper and her mouth went suddenly dry as two brown eyes made contact with her violet ones. "I. . . don't. . . feel. . . good." Akane took a step forward with each word. . . and Shan Pu, as well as Ukyou and Kodachi matched her step for step. . . in the opposite direction. "My . . . head . . .hurts." Ukyou winced as the steel mace heads collapsed in Akane's grip with a bang. Suddenly aware of the battle spatula in her hands Ukyou, showing a rare prudence for a resident of Nerimia, tossed it out of sight. "Now Akane-chan. . ." she started pacifically. Akane growled and Ukyou took a step back. "My HEAD hurts. MY . . . STOMACH . . .HURTS! I don't feel. . . " Suddenly Kodachi was right in Akane's face, a surprising look of sympathy and concern spread across her visage. Looking about, she pressed a small white bottle in Akane's hand. "I quite understand. Please forgive me for bothering you. I didn't realize. . ." Kodachi stopped suddenly and drew herself up coldly. "We shall, of course, finish this another time." Kodachi turned to go, then looked back over her shoulder. "Take two tablets, every four hours." With that, the Black Rose vanished. A look of astonished understanding passed across Ukyou's face. She turned to whisper something in Shan Pu's ear, then spoke to the bewildered Akane, who was looking at the spot that had recently contained the Black Rose. "I'm sorry Akane," Ukyou said contritely. "I never would have. . . I mean, if I had known. . . " She broke off, embarrassed. "Well, I know how you feel. . . and if I can do anything. . . " She broke off again, and turned to leave, dragging Shan Pu with her. As they left Akane could hear Shan Pu's voice, disappearing in the distance. "Why leave so quick. . . Shan Pu have good herb. . . help pervert girl. . . bloat. . . cramp. . . " Astonished and bewildered Akane watched as the two antagonists went away, then looked at the small white bottle in her hand. "M. . . I. . . D" Slowly she spelled out the romanji as she turned the bottle in her hand. "O. . . L" Her shriek of embarrassed rage registered 4.3 at the Tokyo earthquake center and prompted a second stage alert. ************************************************* * "Yo, Akane! What's up?" "Hi Ranma." Akane picked listlessly at her bentou. Ranma looked at Akane's slumped form with concern. "Everybody missed lunch 'cause you . . .Uh . . . anyway would you like some of my bentou? Kasumi made it." Ranma winced as he suddenly realized the implications of what he'd said. "Not that I'm saying your cooking's bad or nothing, I just thought. . . " "Thank you Ranma. That's very nice of you. I just have a lot of things on my mind right now." Akane looked up at Ranma's concerned face with a small sad smile. "I'm not very hungry, but some company might be nice." Flustered, Ranma froze for a moment. "I'm sorry. I guess you've got things to do with your friends." Akane sadly lowered her head . "No, no,no. You've got it all wrong. Geez, Why dya always gotta take me the wrong way?" Ranma plumped himself down beside Akane. "If you want me to sit with you, I'll sit with you." Ranma glanced at the students milling around the partially demolished school." I got nothin' better to do anyway." Ooops. "Uh I mean. . . that is I didn't mean. . .uh. . . " Akane sighed softly and laid a hand on Ranma's leg. "That's OK. I know what you meant. Thanks." Ranma stared amazed into Akane's big brown eyes. He was struck by how soft and warm they were. Ranma wiped sweaty palms on his trousers. His pulse thundered in his ears. He was dizzy. All he could see were Akane's eyes, and her lips. Almost against his will he felt himself being drawn down, down ,down. . . "I've got to go! Here." Akane thrust her bentou into Ranma's hands and dashed off. Ranma sat staring at the bentou for a bemused second, then leaped to his feet, scattering food everywhere. "HEY! Hey, Akane. What's going on. Where're you goin'?" He dashed after around the gym in pursuit, but there was no sign of her. "Hey, Akannnneeeee!" Ranma leapt form roof to roof calling her name. "Innncommiiinnng!" Venus ducked behind a car, then rolled right. The car and part of the roadway exploded in a shower of steel and stone fragments. "Mercury, where are they!" "I'm trying!" Sailormercury was belly down in a crater with only her dismounted visor peeping over the rim. Sailor Jupiter lay half on top of her, shielding her with her body and firing 'Supreme Thunder' as fast as she could generate power. "WORLD SHAKING!" "Dead Scream." The combined attack of two of the most powerful senshi blasted a small office building into dust. "Got the bastard!" Sailoruranus was exultant. "Yes, well that only leaves about a dozen more." "Oh, don't be such a pessimist Sailormars." "Would you let me go!" Sailormoon struggled futilely in Sailormars grip. Mars increased pressure on her headlock. "Would you stop that. Baka." Sailorsaturn stood to one side, Silence Glaive in guard position, Sailor Neptune to the other side and slightly behind, guarding their rear. Both very studiously ignored their princess being womanhandled by the senshi of fire. "Let me go. I've got to help them." "Dammit, if you want to help, then stay here. There's too many of them and they're to spread out. You might get a few, maybe even a lot. But it only takes one to get lucky. . . to get you!" "I don't care." Sailormoon was sobbing in frustration and fear for her friends. "I don't care, I've. . ." Her head rocked back from the impact of Sailor Mars slap. "LISTEN! You're our big gun. We're only going to get one shot at this. Let Ami find all of them. Let Venus, Pluto and Uranus draw them out. THEN you can dust them. But if you go out there now, we loose our advantage. And maybe everyone dies." "I'm sorry Rei, it's just. . . " Sailormars gathered her tiny princess close. "I know, I know. I'm scared for them too. You've just got to. . ." A sudden rippling explosion of fire, and steel brought them around in time to see Uranus and Pluto buried under a twenty story office building. "NOOO!" Sailormoon wrenched out of Sailormars's grasp and sprinted toward her friends. "Shit!" Cursing bitterly, Mars pounded after her friend, followed by Saturn and Neptune. They caught their princess as she skidded to her knees by the rubble and started wrenching and clawing at the debris. "Dammit Usagi." Fright had driven every thought from Rei's mind except concern from her friend's safety. "Dammit Usagi. You can't help them. Get out of the open." "I'm not going to leave them." Usagi didn't even look around as she wrapped her arms around a stone that was the size of a minivan and heaved. Nothing happened. Her fingers biting into the stone until they bled, Usagi set herself again, and heaved. Still nothing. Weeping in frustration Usagi began beating and kicking at the granite monolith baring the way to her friends. "Sailormars is right, Sailormoon. There is nothing we can do here. We must get you to a place of safety." Usagi wiped a grimy hand across a dirty tear streaked face and turned to face Sailorneptune. "Sailoruranus is down there! How can you leave her? Don't you even care!." A slight tightening around the eyes was her only response. "Come on!" Sailorneptune repeated "We must get you to safety." Usagi stared at her senshi for a moment. Then her face took on a hard set look. "Usagi. . . " Sailormars started. The Eternal Tier appeared in Sailormoon's hands. Wings erupted from her back. "ETERNAL" "Princess, please. . . " Sailorsaturn was pleading "MOON" "This is not a good idea." Sailormars added. "SILVER" "OH SHIT!!" Sailorneptune grabbed her sister Senshi, and leaped for cover. "KISS!!!" A really big noise slammed the three senshi into the ground in mid leap. The resulting shockwave tumbled Sailorvenus head over heels for thirty yards and left Mercury and Jupiter deaf and dazed. Groggily Sailormars dragged herself out from under Neptune and Saturn. She looked around to see Eternal Sailormoon standing with outspread wings, like an angel at the gates of hell. She staggered toward Sailormoon, limping and cursing ribs that she was sure were broken. "I did it!" Sailormars looked down where Sailormoon was pointing. At first all she could see was blackness in the pit Eternal Sailormoon had blasted. Then two pairs of eyes, surrounded by layers of dirt and grease. . . blinked. "I've got them." Mars looked to see Sailorvenus extending her chain to the two at the bottom of the hole. "I did it, didn't I?" Sailormoon repeated. "Yes you did. Now don't do it again." "OK, I won't," Sailormoon answered muzzily. "And for goodness sake, put some clothes on.." Eternal Sailormoon looked down to see that she was in her formal Eternal Sailor Suit (i.e. not even a bobby pin.). "OK, I will." Usagi's eyes rolled up in her head and she collapsed like an empty rice bag into Sailor Mars arms. "Ami. I need you." Sailormars smiled wryly down at the grubby girl in her arms. She was getting too old for this last minute Usagi-risks-death-to-save-everyone stuff. Usagi was going to be the death of her yet, if she didn't learn a little common sense. The sudden appearance of an enemy soldier shouldn't have been a shock, but it was. Sailormars looked in horror as the glowing hellmouth of a warp gun pointed at her. . . at USAGI! Rei moved in what she knew was a futile effort to shield Usagi with her body. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Venus , moving in slow motion. Her hand coming up for a 'Crescent Beam.' But so slow. . . too slow. Rei wept inside, not for her own death, but for Usagi, and cursed herself for failing to keep the princess safe. Having prepared herself for death, it was almost a disappointment when the upper third of the enemy soldier vanished. Almost. Rei blinked, unable to believe her eyes. Then trained reflex took over and she leapt away, Usagi cradled in her arms. From behind cover she watched her sister senshi also leap away as a fiery figure charged into the battle zone. As she watched black Skroach popped out of hiding and launched a storm of blaster fire at the newcomer. They might just have well tried to stop a bullet train with a paper sword. The figure raised her right arm and a hurricane of needles moving at .3c ripped through the invaders. Ten of the invaders were reduced to a fine yellow mist in a fraction of a second. However using the weapon seemed to have affected the newcomer for she staggered and went to one knee, as if she were exhausted. ##Princess located## the voice whispered. A grid map of the area seemed to float before her eyes. On it blinked icons, red for the enemy, orange for the senshi and a bright pink for the princess. Red icons were coming in behind and to the flanks of the princesses position. Cursing her weakness Akane diverted power to the contra-gravity unit and leaped. Sailormars watched in astonishment as the fiery figure suddenly seemed to soar up and over her head to come down behind her. ##Warning. Accumulators at 43%. Field integrity below 83%## the voice paused consideringly ##Hostiles detected. Mutliple contacts. Requesting fire support and power link.## There was a brief silence. ##Unable to make contact. Negative fire support. Negative power link.## "No kidding," Akane muttered too herself. "They've only been dead for about a hundred thousand years." ##Input not understood.## "I said we're on our own." ##Acknowledged.## "How are we fixed for weapons? Can we use the big gun?" ##Insufficient internal power for energy weapon. Sufficient power remains for a one second minimum power burst from projectile weapon.## "Is that the best we can do?" ##A larger energy drain will compromise shield integrity.## "Well, we don't want to do that now do we." Akane shuddered mentally as the memory came to her of how. . . unpleasant. . . and messy shield failure could be. "Ok, time for a little attitude adjustment." A short thick rod appeared in Akane's hand. Obedient to her mental command the rod the rod expanded and formed a beaked war-hammer topped with a triangular spike. The hammer finished forming just as Akane lightly touched down in the middle of a six 'man' formation of the black soldiers. She had a brief moment to appreciate the beautifully articulated obsidian armor that covered her foes. Then the closest raised an arm and lightning blossomed at less than a meter. Akane shivered at the sensation, as if someone had poured ice water through her bones. The soldier seemed surprised to see Akane emerge unharmed from 'his' blaster fire. He raised his arm for another shot when Akane pierced the top of his skull with her hammer putting him out of everyone's misery. Whipping her hammer free Akane brought it back and around in a spinning arc, catching a second soldier just below his 'ribs'. The hammer caught, just for a second, slowing Akane's recovery as she wrenched the hammer free with a cracking splinter of armored flesh and a yellow spray of 'blood'. Sailormars crouched behind the broken wall, tending to her fallen princess as best she could. The other senshi were busy fighting so she was on her own. Despite her worry for Usagi and her friends she was captivated by the battle between at least ten of the enemy and their new 'friend'. All of Rei's doubts (well most of them) had been removed along with the enemy soldiers head, shoulders and torso. Anyone who saved Usagi's life was a friend in Rei's estimation. Almost gleefully she watched her 'friend' smash the head of one enemy, then smash the chest of another. Then. . . disaster. Helplessly Rei watched the war hammer stick in the armor of the soldier. Just for a moment, but moment enough for another soldier to come from behind and fire its warp gun at almost point blank range. Rei summoned her 'Mars Flame Sniper' knowing it was too late, and knowing it endangered Usagi. It wasn't the smart thing to do but it was the honorable thing. Besides, Usagi would have approved. The rubble strewn battlefield, close range weapons fire coupled with the enemies unfortunately sophisticated stealth field prevented Akane from sensing the attacker behind her until the warp gun's power signature peaked just before firing. And by then it was much too late. Akane felt as if she was being ripped to pieces by barbed hooks. She doubled over as a blowtorch of energy gutted her like a pike. ##Warning! Accumulators at 22%. Shield integrity 12%. Containment failure in 4.32 seconds. Warning! Accum. . . ## A normal human would have died instantly from the pain . A dead man would have risen screaming from his grave and a saint would have confessed to any sin to make it stop. Tendou Akane was no normal being. One hundred thousand years earlier she had been 'gifted' with the deadliest weapon system the Silver Imperium had been able to devise. A weapon system that had so horrific an effect on the user that only four people had ever survived its first use and three of those had suicided rather that face it again. The fourth stood squarely in the path of the black soldiers ultimate weapon. In centuries of battle the final weapon had never failed them. Until now. They watched their strange antagonist double over with a scream that even their armor couldn't filter out. Disbelieving they watched the figure straighten and turn toward them. ##Warning! Containment failure in 3.32 seconds. Accumulators at 19%. Field. . . ## "Arm Graser." ##Insufficent power. . . ## "Override failsafes. Divert power from containment shield." ##Anti-suicide protocols forbid. . .## "Imperial Override. Serenity is in danger. Disable all failsafes. Leave only enough power for a crash translation to normal-space." ##Imperial Override accepted. Diverting all power to graser.## Akane gasped in pain as the containment field flickered and dimmed. Her enhanced senses rapidly spooled down to normal and her preternatural strength failed as power went to her graser. ##Ready## whispered the voice. ##Ready to fire.# Akane straightened, turned toward her opponents. They couldn't believe she was still alive. As alien as they were she could sense that much. They struggled to bring their own weapons to bear. Blaster fire sparkled and danced across her shield. She could feel it now in her diminished state, like white hot iron punching into her vitals. Enough hits like these could kill her. Or if they hit her with another warp gun. If they had time. . . ##Target acquisition.## Hellfire blossomed as a blade of gamma radiation blasted through armor, stone, steel and flesh. Akane spun, her remaining sensor capability questing for hostiles as the deadly beam smashed black armored soldiers into atoms. It was like using an H-bomb to kill butterflies, only not as subtle. ##Power exhausted. Crash translation initiated.## Akane screamed as flesh was stripped from bone, bone from muscle and mind from body. She could feel her body being twisted and crushed through dimensions only dreamed of by philosophers. A normal translation was a trip to hell. A crash translation was hell multiplied with a few new torments added in. Usagi regained consciousness just in time to have Sailormars shove her to the ground and shield her with her own body. She could hear the scream of steel and stone vaporizing, smell the stench of ozone mixed with burnt alien flesh. This was followed by an even more terrifying scream. Usagi pushed and shoved herself free of Sailormars. She could no more resist someone in pain than a moth the flame. And Sailormars, like all of her friends lived in fear of the day she would burn. Mars made a desperate grab for Usagi's ankle, then lunged to her feet after her certifiably crazy friend. Almost as quickly as she started she slammed to a stop as she rammed into the back of Usagi who stood frozen in place. Sailor Mars started to berate her friend for recklessness when she saw . . . Their 'friend' was crumpled on the ground, her fiery aura crackling and sizzling like a burning corpse. Before Rei's horrified gaze she watched the figures vaguely humanoid form twist and flow like a blob of putty in the hands of a madman. With an explosive crack what appeared to be a battered girl in a torn school uniform appeared. Uasgi started to bolt into the open toward the girl only to be grabbed by Sailormars. "Wait baka! You don't know if it's safe." "I need to see if she's hurt." "You need to put on some pants!" Usagi looked down, only then realizing that in her exhausted state she had not regained her street clothes when she'd reverted from her Eternal Moon Angel form. She looked up just in time to see the figure disappear at a shambling run into the ruins. Then Sailorjupiter and Sailorvenus showed up carrying the injured Pluto and Uranus and it was too late to follow. ************************************************* * Ranma had been drawn to the sight and sound of fighting with a sick certainty that Akane was in trouble. He almost missed seeing her torn and bloody body lying like a heap of trash in an alley. ************************************************* * "So, you don't think it is a gas leak?" The DDO asked the young ONI specialist. "This just came in from a KH-11." The Lt. Commander slid a folder across the cluttered desk. "The spectral analysis of this . . .event . . .doesn't match any possible type of gas explosion . . .unless the Japanese are piping fusion plasma into homes." The DDO swivelled slightly to face his other visitor. "Recommendations?" "Permission from National Command Authority to activate local assets." The DDO though a moment. I'll pass that along to the National Security Advisor. But I think the President will authorize. Any thing else?" "Yes. It looks like another series of . . . accidents . . .are beginning in Japan. In light of the last situation I think we should move some other assets . . .just in case." The DDO knew what that meant. "We're stretched a little thin at the moment. Do you really think that . . ." The exotically beautiful woman reached out and tapped on a satellite photo. "Someone blew a chunk of prime Tokyo real-estate to hell and gone." The finger indicated a graph next to the photo. "With what looks like an x-ray laser. A laser of this power . . .who ever controls this, holds the balance of power. I'm not happy about the Japanese having this and not telling us. And that's assuming they control it. In someone else gets control . . .the Chinese, some break-away Balkan state. . . I think this needs to go to NCA as a FLASH priority." DDO closed his eyes in thought a moment. "All right. I'll send your recommendation. The Navy isn't going to be happy about this. It's their call but I can't think of any close assets except the Lincoln and the Stennis. And they're on their way to the Indian Ocean." "That's their decision. In the meantime I suggest you place your local assets on stand-by." DDO smiled thinly and reached for a secure phone. "This could be considered and unfriendly act Dr. de la Hoya." "Not at all. We are merely concerned about events that may have an adverse effect on an old friend and important trading partner." ************************************************* An ocean away a telephone rang. "Moshi mohsi." "Harunachan. It is so good to hear your voice." "Who is this?" "Come now." The big voice boomed over the handset, good natured and laughing. "Don't tell me you have forgotten your old Uncle Heiro?" "U . . .uncle Heiro?" "Oh . . .I can tell you thought I had forgotten YOU. You should have known better. I have just gotten into town. Why don't you meet me for tea. You can tell me everything that has been happening." The jovial voice rattled off the address of a very fashionable tea house and a time to meet. As the phone clicked to disconnect Sakurada Haruna slumped bonelessly into a chair. ************************************************* Nine billion miles from earth a relay closed. Computers analyzed data and decisions were made. Another relay closed and engines powerful enough to melt a continent roared into life. Chapter 3 "OK, Akane. What's going on? What happened to you?" Akane let her head roll on the pillow until she faced her irate fianc‚. "What do you mean Ranma? Nothing's going on. I just fell down." Ranma made a sound of disgusted disbelief that sounded remarkably like a fruit bat choking on a peach pit. Interestingly this same sound had been used by generations of Saotome men to also convey joy, anger, sorrow, propose marriage, ask/give directions and ask for seconds at breakfast. "Why don't you believe me?" Akane whispered in a pitiful voice that would have wrung tears from a stone devil. "It's not going to work Akane." "What isn't?" she snuffled. "The 'pitiful me' stuff. I saw you last night after I brought you home." "Saw?" "In the kitchen, eating the ham." "I was hungry." "The whole ham." "Really, really hungry." "You ate the bones , two spoons and a fork." ". . . . ." Ranma dropped to his knees beside Akane's bed. "Look Akane, I want to help. But you've got to tell me what's going on. How did you get hurt?" "I fell, I tell you." "Sure, from the top of Tokyo Tower! I SAW you in that alley. You looked like something a buzzard puked up." "Ewwww!" "Yeah, and by the time I got you home you only looked like you'd gone skinny dipping in a gravel pit. Now. . ." Ranma waved a hand over Akane's reclining form, "you just look like hell." "Why you pervert! Are you making fun of my. . . " Ranma put a gentle finger against Akane's lips. She froze, a frisson of. . . something. Hot and cold flashes shot through her body like summer lightning. Ranma too seemed mesmerized by. . . something. Slowly, as if Mt. Fuji were tied to his hand, Ranma moved his finger from her lips. "Shut up," he whispered hoarsely. A shudder ran through his body. "Just shut up." Fiercely. "Don't lie to me. You might fool the others but I KNOW." His fingers clenched on the bed spread. "I know you're in trouble. Bad trouble. Let me help. Please." The whispered plea was more than she could endure. "I. . . I want to tell you but I can't." "Can't? Or won't? You don't trust me do you?" Akane wanted to cry at his devastated look. Her hand shot out and snatched his sleeve as he rose to leave. "NO! No, that's not it. Never that. I. . . you. . . " Akane floundered as unnamed, very new emotions warred with commands that had been old before neanderthal-man learned to chip flint. "You're my best friend." Ranma looked like he'd been hit by a train. "I trust you more than anyone I know." A second train roared over him. "You're an insensitive, arrogant jerk. . ." Ranma whimpered a bit as the train backed over him. "But you're the bravest, most honorable, handsomest man. . . " It really wasn't fair slamming a bus into him, he thought groggily but still hanging in gamely. "And I love you so much it makes me sick sometimes." THUNK. "But I promise I'll tell you everything as soon. . . Ranma? Ranma! Get up! What's wrong?" ************************************************* "Tsukinosan?" "Yes, what may I do for you?" "I am Tendou Akane. I'm here to see your daughter. About a project." "Oh. School. Well Usagi's in her room. Come with me, I'll show you the way." It had been remarkably easy, Akane thought to herself. Accessing the census data base, cross indexing with school records and running a filter to eliminate all but her current target had been the work of seconds. . . literally. The hard part had been losing Ranma. 'The hentai baka,' she thought wryly. He might be a pretty fair martial artist (OK, a great martial artist, her conscious prodded her) but he was no match for Imperial technology. She had fold-space generators, contra-gravity lift capability, stealth shields. What did he have? She laughed, picturing him leaping and bounding from roof to roof. She could see him, dripping with sweat. His almost transparent clothes plastered against his body like a second skin, outlining every delicious. . . "Aaaaak." What was she thinking? The strain was getting to her. It would be over soon. She concentrated on following Tsukinosan up the stairs as readiness reports from her implants. purred in the back of her mind ##Accumulators at 87%. Primary weapon at standby. Graser at 100% charge, on line. Projectile weapon, magazines topped off. Weapons Off Safe, ready to fire.## Boy would Ranma be surprised if he knew what she could do now. She pictured them sparing in the dojo, Ranma dancing away as usual. Only now, SHE was faster, stronger. She could see the surprise on his face as she captured him, held him helpless. How he would struggle to get away. Even then he'd never admit that she'd beaten him. That BAKA! Well she'd just sit on him till he admitted defeat. No, that wouldn't work, he'd hurt himself trying to get away. Well, she'd just have to tie him up. But he was clever, he might have a knife or something. Then she'd have to search him. Thoroughly. But how to make him admit defeat. To surrender to her. She couldn't hurt him. She could never hurt Ranma. Then it came to her. She would dress him in girls clothes. She'd dress him in girl clothes and not let him change until he admitted she beaten him. She would transform him. Peel his cold, wet boy clothes off. She's have to pat him dry so he wouldn't catch cold. Then she would dress him in soft, frilly, feminine garments. How he would hate that. She could see the petite red-headed form now, arms and legs helplessly bound, water glistening where it had gathered in the sweet hollow between Ranma- chan's breasts. Blue eyes looking up at her pleading. How she would beg. . . Akane, Akane. . . Akanesan. Akanesan. . . Akanesan? Ranma would never call her. . . Oops! "Akanesan! Are you all right. You look flushed. Do you have a fever?" "Uh, I'm just a little thirsty." "Oh, I'll bring some tea then." They reached the top of the landing and turned toward Usagi's room. ##Sensors detect no hostiles within engagement range. No active senshi emissions detected. Dwelling,## a schematic of the Tsukino home popped into existence, ##contains two targets.## A blue moving icon and a pink stationary one appeared. **The Princess!** The identification was followed by a sharp hard hunger. ##No weapons signatures found. Dwelling composed of formed organic products, silicates and zero class metals.## 'Wood, glass and nails,' Akane thought. The voice continued. ##No passive defense, no armor, no alarm systems detected.## 'Soft target,' Akane thought. The princess was completely undefended. Rage boiled within her, hot and sick. **Soft target.** Came the agreement.. Usagi was bored. She'd been ordered to stay in her room. ORDERED! What good was being a princess if you always had to do what other people said to do? But the other senshi, inner and outer had insisted. Rei would have been here but Pluto wanted her to do a fire reading in conjunction with Mercury's computer search and whatever it was that Pluto did. Rei had wanted Usagi to stay at the temple, but Pluto and Mercury had been afraid their search efforts might attract the enemy. So she was exiled to her room with strict orders not to stir out, keep her communicator open and her transformation broach handy. She was so bored she'd even finished her homework. She'd read all her manga, twice. She was just wondering if a third reading might reveal some hidden message in the manga when. . . "Come in!" She wondered who could be at the door? The senshi wouldn't knock, Luna would come in through the window and Mamo-chan was still in America. Who. . . ? Her mother opened the door. Behind her. . . at first Usagi though it was Ami. This superficial resemblance vanished when the girl moved forward. Ami had never moved with such ponderous grace, and barely leashed power. The room crackled with energy and Usagi wondered how her mother couln't sense it. "Who. . . " "I'm here to talk about the moon project," the girl interrupted before Usagi could speak. Usagi froze as the stranger impaled her with a hard gaze. "Oh, astronomy." Usagi's mother was delighted. "How exciting. I'll go make some snacks for the two of you." The door closed behind her leaving Usagi alone with the strange girl. Usagi backed away, nervously clutching her transformation brooch. She wasn't afraid exactly. She was just being. . . cautious. Perhaps she should transform now. But if it was a mistake. . . what if it WAS a project she'd forgotten. "Heh" Usagi cleared her throat nervously. "Ummmm . . . I'm sorry but I've forgotten your name." The girl continued forward, like a force of nature. Usagi noted her heavy, athletic build, the calluses on her hands, the empty eyes. "I, uh, I really don't remember a moon project. Could you tell me about it?" Usagi was almost out of room and completely out of nerve. This silent, grim stalker was unlike anything she'd ever faced. Her mouth was so dry she could hardly talk. Quickly she tried to think up a good speech. 'Silent, frowny faced people take the. . .' No, no that was no good. Maybe something like. . . 'Scaring the pee pee out of innocent school girls. . .' Usagi's back hit the wall. "Eeep!" The silent girl shot a fist toward Usagi's face. There was a shimmering twisting tear in space, like crumpling a sheet of paper. An evil beaked war-hammer topped with a spike appeared in the fist. Usagi just had time to recognize the weapon before it was whipped up and down in a short savage motion. The girl dropped to one knee as the head of her massive weapon thudded at Usagi's feet, but her head was unbowed and her eyes never left Usagi's. **Sharn ta. Xlaintse, ta ras Neeph. Ra Shach Ran.** "Huh!" Chapter 4 Akane's eyes looked despairingly into the uncomprehending face. **She doesn't understand. Could I have made a mistake? So many years. So many, many years. Could I be wrong?** She looked deeply into the delicate figure before her, looked with eyes that had nothing to do with Imperial hardware. This was the Princess. Her mind whirled and danced, searching for Japanese equivalents for the "Tongue of Tongue's" that the Princess no longer seemed to know. **Sharn ta, Centurion. Thirty forth Phalanx. Imperial Blood Guard. Command me Princess.** she added when the Princess seemed unsure of what to do. "Uh. . . uh. ." Usagi floundered, then heard her mother returning. "Aaaak. My mother. She can't see you like this!" Horrified, Usagi watched the girl spin toward the door, her massive hammer rising to strike. "NO! No. Stop." The girl froze in place. If Usagi hadn't seen her move, she'd have thought it was a statue of a girl. Her mother was coming closer. "Quick, hide that hammer thingy! And act normal." The hammer vanished as the door was opening. "Am I interrupting something? Are you and Tendousan getting any work done?" Usagi's mother placed a tray laden with food on a table. "Not at all Tsukinosan. Usagisan and I were just getting acquainted." Usagi stared dumfounded as the robotic killer of moments before reverted to a school girl, conversing normally with her mother. This was too much for her. Usagi needed help. And she knew just where to find it. "Mom, we're going to the library and. . . " "LIBRARY! Oh Usagi, you make your mother so proud." Tsukino-san fell weeping on Usagi's shoulder. "I never dreamed I'd live to see this day." "Moooom. I'm not that bad." The tears magically disappeared and Usagi looked suspiciously into her mother's laughing eyes. "You were pulling my leg," she accused.. "Just a little, dear. Call if you're not going to be back for dinner." "OK," After her mother had left Usagi turned to her new friend.. "We're going to see some friends of mine. Uh, what's your name?" There was no response. "That 'Shorn to', no. . . ah." Usagi thought furiously. The strange words, like liquid silver, seemed to tickle her brain, the meaning just out of reach. "Ah. . . wait. . . wait. 'Sharn ta', that's it. '*Sharn ta' is that your name?" Silence. "Sharn ta, what does it mean?" **Weapon 4.** "Ewww. That's no good." Not, Usagi hastily added, "that your parents weren't good people. I'm sure they tried hard. I mean, it's not easy to come up with good names. I mean look at me, I the moon rabbit. And my boyfriend Mammo-chan. . . " This rapid fire speech and random leap from topic to topic quickly overwhelmed both the human and electronic logic centers. Frantically the battle computer implant sought to make sense of Usagi's chatter. ##Initiating medical scan. No psychotropic drugs or posions detected. Brain function nominal. Physiology within nominal parameters.## At a loss to deal with this hyperactive behavior Akane finally reached out a tentative hand and lightly touched her Princess. "Oh. Sorry." Usagi blushed. "I was thinking about Mamo. . . " Usagi shook herself. "Anyway I was thinking about. . . someone. His name means 'earth protector'. So, I KNOW it's really, really hard to come up with good names. Wait, wait. Mama called you Tendou, that means 'the way of heaven'. That's pretty. What's the rest of it." Usagi took a breath just as 'Sharn ta's' medical protocols were about to kick in to counteract a possible attack against the princess using psychotropic drugs. Thus distracted she took a miserable fraction of a second to comprehend and analyze Usagi's question. **Sharn ta. Xlaintse, ta ras Neeph. . . ** "No! Your name. N - A - M - E" Usagi carefully spelled. "Your name is Tendou . ???" Usagi waited expectantly. The question seemed to affect the girl deeply. Concerned Usagi watched a shudder run through Tendou Akane's body. She blinked, looking bewildered. . . and her body seemed to collapse somewhat from the confident stance of moments before. "Akane.. Tendou Akane," came the whispered reply. Usagi looked at the down cast eyes and slumped figure. "Hey!" Usagi grabbed Akane's hand. "You call me Usagi, OK. And I'll call you Akane. Or maybe Akachan. You like that? Is that OK? Friends shouldn't be so formal." "Friends?" The voice was so small and lost that Usagi wanted to cry. She couldn't believe the strong, deadly girl had been replaced so quickly by this sad and lonely figure. Usagi made a quick decision. "Hey, you like video games?" HA! And Rei thought she couldn't make priorities. "And Ice-cream? There's a new ice-cream place on the way. With a hundred and six flavors!" Tendou Akane/Weapon 4 of the Imperial Blood Guard stepped back from the raw lust burning in Usagi's eyes. "Ice cream and video games. Chaaaaaaarrrrrrge!!" Sensors at maximum and weapons off safe, the last Blood Guard of the Silver Imperium followed her Princess. . . into battle? ************************************************* "That BAKA. When I find her she's going to wish she'd never been born. I'm going to skin her with. . . ." Hino Rei had been raging ever since they'd stopped by the Tsukino home to find Usagi gone. With a strange girl. Rei had started off damming Usagi's ancestors, who seemed to consist largely of unwed barnyard animals, unwashed gaijin and lower daemons. She had then proceeded to detail exactly how she was going to demonstrate the error of her ways to Usagi. This seemed to entail a great many small iron instruments, large wooden appliances and an appallingly creative imagination. "We're going to find her Rei." Makoto had been repeating that like a mantra for the past hour. "Ami, anything?" Ami glanced away from her computer to Minako. The inner senshi had decided to search as one team, the outers as another. The decision to stick together was based on the strength of the new enemy. Alone, the senshi could be destroyed piecemeal. Even Rei had seen the sense in that, eventually. The inner senshi were scouting using Ami's computer and Rei's psychic senses. The outer senshi were using the Aqua Mirror and whatever Pluto could/would provide. Luna and Artemis made a third search team. They'd insisted that no one would notice two harmless, ordinary cats. "Nothing. I can't pick up Usagi or the crystal. And it wasn't in her room so she took it with her." "Usagi's smarter that we give her credit," Makoto put in. "And she's got good people sense. She wouldn't go with anyone she. . . " "USAGI!!" Minako turned at Rei's scream to see Rei disappearing into. . . "CROWN VIDEO!" came the senshi chorus. The rest of the inner senshi began to entertain visions of mayhem and murder, or at least bending Usagi around the edges for the worry she'd cause them. The entered the game parlor just as Rei grabbed Usagi by the shoulder and wrenched her off her stool. "What the HELL do you think you're doing? I should. . . " Rei's plans went unvoiced as she suddenly levitated across the room and into a wall. Makoto rushed to her friend and was doubled over by an iron fist to the gut. A flashing spin kick smashed her into a Sailor V game. "I am the pretty sailor suited soldier Sailorvenus. . . " Ami looked at the game startled, then realized . . . "When did you transform?" Ami hissed. "I ducked out when Rei went flying. Now, go transform. I think I'm going to need help." Venus turned back to her audience. "A-hem. I am the Pretty. . . urrrp." Sailorvenus gasped as a power clamp closed around her throat. Another closed on her leg and she was heaved through the window. "I the name of the Planet Merc. . . Eeeeek!" The warm hearted genius girl dropped to the floor, missing a side kick that would have taken her head off and rolled under a game machine. The protective shadow suddenly disappeared and she looked up to see the VERY heavy machine held effortlessly aloft. Analytical to the last Sailormercury wondered how many bones would break on impact and if it would hurt much. "Akachan. Stop that." Saved! Sailormercury had never been so glad to hear that gently chiding voice in her life. "Now put that game down before you break it. It's new and I haven't played it yet." ". . . ." "The game might break," Mercury muttered as she pulled herself off the floor."What about breaking the senshi?" Peripherally she could see arcade customers streaming for the back door and against the wall she could see someone on the pay-phone. Probably calling the police. She was brushing herself off when she heard. . . "CRESENT. . . " "NO. . . " Mercury swung around, her hands up in a warding gesture. "BEAM. . . " ". . . don't." Sailormercury finished weakly as the beam struck the small dark haired girl squarely in the back. To Sailormercury's amazement the girl only grunted as the beam impacted and went to one knee. "Uh oh." Sailorvenus's thoughts were untranslatable as she watched the girl take a crescent beam, then get up, her jacket charred and smoking. "Aka-chan." Usagi rested her fingers lightly on Akane's sleeve, which anchored Akane in place more firmly than steel chains. "Hi, Sailorsenshi," Usagi chirruped. "The Youma ran away just as you came in. You can catch them if you hurry." "Youma?" Sailormercury parroted stupidly. "Yes. You know. . . Youma. . . the ones that were in here, causing everyone to act crazy." Usagi swept a hand to indicate the few remaining patrons, huddled under and behind game machines." The ones you saved us from. You can catch them if you hurry." "Ah, right, Youma. Save everyone. Come on Sailorvenus. Lets hurry after the Youma." "But,but,but." Sailorvenus was dragged away, doing a credible imitation of a two-stroke engine with dirty plugs. Chapter 5 "Are you sure you don't want some help?" Usagi asked again. "I'm fine." Akane had been carrying Rei since they'd left the game parlor. Makoto limping along behind Usagi couldn't keep her eyes from straying to the charred hole in the back of Akane's jacket. She wasn't happy about the situation but didn't know what if anything to do about it. One the one hand, Usagi seemed perfectly at ease with this Akane person. And "Akachan?" seemed perfectly content to follow Usagi's lead. Even to the extent of accepting that nick name. "AKAchan". How on earth could even Usagi have given someone a name like that? On the other hand Akane had, in a matter of seconds, taken out all four inner senshi. True only Ami and Minako had been transformed, yet Makoto didn't think it would have made any difference if all four had been transformed. She rubbed her sore belly and grimaced at how easily she'd been overpowered. She'd lost to stronger opponents before, but this girl was incredible. Makoto had the uneasy impression that Akane had identified her as an accidental nuisance rather than a serious threat when she'd slugged her. She looked again at the silent girl, carrying Rei as easily as a small purse. A small empty purse. Akane had picked the unconscious Rei up to carry her at Usagi's request and Makoto shivered as she suddenly realized that Akane would twist Rei's head off with as little effort and less emotion if Usagi asked her too. Makoto also didn't like the way Akane would suddenly cock her head as if listening to distant voices. And she REALLY didn't like the way she would softly mutter to herself. . . as if answering the voices. "We're here." Makoto started at Usagi's cheerful announcement. She'd been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed how far they'd come. Usagi started up the steps of the shrine when Akane stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, shifting Rei to a one armed carry with an easy indifference that told Makoto volumes about the girl's strength. "Who should be here?" "Uh, what do you mean, Akachan?" "There are six individuals in the shrine. Two appear to be Sailormercury and Sailorvenus, powered down. They are located there." Usagi followed Akane's pointing finger. "There are four individuals in the outer shrine. Two men, one small, between sixty five and seventy years of age and a younger male approximately sixteen to twenty years of age. There are also two females one approximately sixty years old and a second in her forties." Akane went on to describe "Grandpa", "Yuuichirou" and two women who were unfamiliar to both Usagi and Makoto. "Go check out the shrine." Akane's voice was flat as she turned cold eyes on Makoto. " The Princess will wait here." "Now just a minute. . . " Makoto bristled at being ordered by this stranger. "Akachan. What's wrong? It just sounds like 'Grandpa' has some visitors to the shrine." Usagi put a restraining hand on Makoto even as she spoke. "I have no hard intelligence on enemy intentions or capabilities. They may be able to hide themselves from my sensors or they may have human agents. I will not let you go blindly among strangers. Sailorjupiter will act as a scouting element. If it is an ambush it is better to trip it with an expendable unit." "Akachan!" Usagi was appalled "Makoto-chan is my friend. I won't use her like that! There's got to be another way." "There are two alternatives. We can leave this place. . ." "Or?" "I can destroy the Shrine and everyone in it, reducing the chance of ambush to zero." "There's a third way, Akachan." Usagi sounded exasperated. "I can just walk up the steps and say hello." "Unacceptable!" "Well, you can't really stop me can you? I'm the Princess." As Akane opened her mouth to speak, Usagi continued, "And I'm Sailormoon. I've been fighting the bad guys with my friends for a long time now. WITH my friends, not behind them. I don't send my friends to do anything I won't do." Usagi looked up at Akane with compassionate eyes. "They don't like to see me in danger, any more than I like to see them hurt. Any more than I want to see YOU hurt Akachan. That's what being friends is all about. You look after each other. And I'd rather have friends than all the kingdoms and crystals and palaces in the universe." With that Usagi bounded up the shrine steps, shrieking happily. "Aaaammiiii. . . . Minnnnaaaaa-PPPPPPP. Weeeeeee'rrrrreeeee hhhheeeeeerrrrrreeeeee!!!" Makoto looked at Akane staring after Usagi with stricken eyes and felt a moment's compassion. "You'll get used to her. It's a wild ride being her friend, but worth every bump." "I am Blood Guard." Makoto almost missed the anguished whisper. "Blood Guard have no friends." Chapter 6 "This is crazy," Hino Rei hissed at her companions. "In HERE fixing snacks while Usagi is out THERE reading manga to her new friend." Minako winced, either at Rei's harsh whisper or Usagi's characteristic laugh that shuddered through the air like the mating call of a castrated moose. "I don't know about you. . . " Makoto eyed the arrangement on the plate with a critical eye. With millimeter precision she move a bean-jam bun a hairs breadth to the left. ". . . but given a choice between making snacks and reading manga or being pounded into the ground like a bent nail, I'll take snacks and manga." "I say we can take her," the fire senshi retorted. "If we all hit her together. What do you think Ami?" The good hearted genius girl paused from measuring tea into glasses. "I think, that if all of the senshi, inner and outer combined their powers in one massive blow. . . " Ami held a glass up to the light and examined the level with pursed lips. With the same care she would have used defusing a nuclear bomb Ami carefully poured tea from a pitcher into the glass. ". . .while Akanesan was asleep. . . " Satisfied with the results, Ami carefully put that glass down and picked up the next in line, repeating the procedure. ". . .I think we could probably seriously irritate her while suffering no more than 100% casualties." Rei stared at Ami, popeyed. Makoto closed Rei's drooping jaw with a gentle finger. "You're kidding, right. She can't be that powerful." Rei finally found her voice. Ami turned serious eyes on the rest of her friends. "I'm not kidding. Oh, we could probably take her if we really tried. Maybe even without the outer senshi. But it would seriously weaken us in the attempt." She fixed Rei with a stern look. "I've got serious reservations about Akanesan myself. But she's not actively hostile right now. We've already got one new enemy, we can't afford to make another." "And she did save us, or Usagi at least, twice," Minako added. "But what about the game parlor? She just attacked us for no reason." "You may not lay hands on the princess." "AAAAAAAAAA!" Rei shrieked as the strange voice suddenly spoke in cool even tones behind her. Small, strong fingers snatched the tray of snacks from the air before it could spill. "The princ. . . Usagi wanted more snacks." Akane turned to go. "And you do everything Usagi asks don't you." Fright made Rei more sarcastic than usual. "Just like a good dog." Akane froze in the doorway. Slowly she turned. Empty brown eyes fixed Rei like a missile targeting system. Step by slow inexorable step Akane approached. Rei backed one involuntary pace, then held her ground. Around her the other senshi wondered if they could transform in time to save their friend. Snack filled tray held steady in one hand out to the side Akane stopped directly in front of Rei, no more than the width of a cheap paperback separating them. Rei was startled to notice that she was taller than Akane by several inches. Then again Akane's diminutive stature might make it more convenient for her to pull Rei's spine out through her belly button. Akane rose on tip-toes till she was almost nose-to-nose with Rei. "WOOF!" "If you'll excuse me," came a tiny voice from Minako as Akane disappeared from the kitchen, "I need to use the bathroom." "Well at least," a very shaken Ami added, "we know she has a sense of humor." "Sort of. Hey wait up Minako." Makoto called after her friend. "I need to change my panties too." "So do you have any hobbies Akane?" Usagi burbled around a pork bun, like Diogenes with a mouth full of pebbles. "Rei likes to sing and write songs. She wants to be an Idol. And Minna-P is a great athlete. She's really good at volleyball. Do you like volleyball? I bet you'd be good. I'm not very good at sports. Could you tell? But I like to watch." Fragments of words and food sprayed the air impartially. The senshi were used to this behavior, but watched their visitor in trepidation. Akane sat motionless and expressionless under the verbal and culinary assault. "Ami likes to play chess. Do you play chess? I play chess. Well not really. I like to pretend that I'm the princess. I know it's really a queen, but I pretend I'm a princess, and the chess board is a beautiful ball room and we're all dancing and this handsome knight, who's really the prince in disguise, and I know it's a king, but I pretend. . ." The senshi watched fascinated as Akane, with exquisite precision, plucked pieces of bean- jam, pork, maple and other assorted sweet buns from Usagi's hair and clothes, like a tigress grooming her cub. ". . .swimming. I'm not very good but Ami is great. I think she loves swimming more than anything except thinking. And you can think while swimming, I think." Usagi turned her beautiful eyes to Akane. "Do YOU like to swim? We could go to the beach and swim together. That would be lots of fun. I like the beach." Worriedly the senshi noticed Akane jerk slightly and a shudder run through her body at Usagi's words. ". . . koto is really strong. People were afraid of her, but I wasn't because of her good bento. I think bento tells you a lot about people. I can always tell about people by the food they make. Makoto is a great cook. She wants to start her own restaurant. Do you like to cook? I bet you're a good cook." Akane started to jerk and shudder. ". . . to the beach and have a party. You and Makoto could cook and. . . " Noises like a rock-crusher choking on a Honda emanated from Akane's now visibly shuddering body. "She's having convulsions," Ami exclaimed. "No," Rei snarled, "she's powering up for an attack. "She's laughing," Usagi comfortably asserted, patting Akane gently on the back as she writhed on the floor like an eel in a blender. "Whooooo! Coooookkkk." Akane's heels drummed on the floor. "Hehehehehe! Swiiiimmmmmmm!" She banged the floor till the walls shuddered. "I'll go swimming, then cook. NO! Cook first, then swim." She howled, tears streaming down her face. "NO! NO! I've got it, I'll cook WHILE I'm swimming." "Feel better now? Here, blow." Usagi pressed a tissue into Akane's hands. "Now why don't we have a nice talk. I'm sure you must have some questions. I know we do." "You did that on purpose!" Akane accused wiping her face with another tissue. "Well, everybody was getting all serious." "I'm Blood Guar. . . " Usagi shushed Akane pressing a finger to her lips. "You're my friend Akachan. Nothing else. And none of this "Blood Guard have no friends" stuff. What do you think this is, a remake of the Forty Seven Ronnin? I've got very good hearing." Usagi added at Akane's amazed, questioning look. "Do you mind if we ask you some questions Tendou- san?" Ami asked quietly. Akane's eyes lost focus for a moment and her lips moved silently. Her eyes came back into focus and she turned to face Ami. "All right. Ask. I'll answer if I can." "Just who are you, where do you come from?" Minako asked. Akane's lips quirked in a smile at some private joke. "Which life time?" Minako seemed stumped for a moment, then grinned. "OK, you've got me. Let's start with. . . are you a senshi?" Minako had a brief thought that perhaps she shouldn't have asked that question as a look of murderous rage passed over Akane's face. Then Akane shook herself slightly and the look passed as if it had never been. "No, I am not a senshi." "Well, what are you?" "Amichan, you shouldn't be so blunt." Ami blushed, but persisted. "I know you have great power, but I'm not sure what kind of power, where it comes from or how. . . " Akane's eyes lost focus again and she seemed to be involved in some internal debate. The senshi were starting to become concerned at their guest's actions all except for Usagi and Rei. Usagi because she didn't notice anything unusual, and Rei because she'd never stopped being concerned. "The Silver Imperium was a master of all space." Ami started as Akane suddenly began to speak. "Not just of our space, that we normally perceive, but all spaces, all dimensions. And with that ability. . . with that ability they created. . . paradise." Rei shivered at the bitterness she heard in Akane's voice. "Uh, excuse me," Minako squeaked embarrassedly, raising her hand "but what do you mean? Why did this make them so powerful?" Akane thought a bit, them began a quick sketch of stick figures on a napkin. "OH, KAWAII!." Usagi exclaimed. " Look Minako! Isn't this. . . " She snatched the picture from Akane and spun around to show Minako. And as she did her long hair whipped through the air and swept a crystal bowl from a low shelf. "Ooooh! Rei I'm so sorry. I. . . "Usagi's voice trailed off as she noticed Akane staring at the crystal shards. "A . .Akanechan? Are you all right?" Akane didn't appear to hear Usagi and remained staring at the broken glass for another silent moment. Then, slowly, carefully she scooped up the broken glass in both hands. "Akane! Be careful. . . you'll cut your. . . " Even as Usagi cried her warning Akane brought her hands together, pressing the glass fragments together. As the gathered senshi watched, amazed, the brittle razor sharp bits of glass melted and flowed like wax. "What are you. . . " "Ami! How is she. . . " Oblivious to the startled babble surrounding her Akane focused on the semi-liquid mass in her hands. Under the watchful gaze of Usagi and her friends Akane gently molded the glass with quick delicate motions. As the senshi watched a cloud of tiny crystal butterflies arose from a pool of water. A crescent moon was reflected in the rippling pool. Standing sentinel around the pool were four figures. To the north, a majestic tree, its towering green branches tangled with captured lightning. Broad limbs and sturdy trunk stood as a bulwark against any danger that might threaten. In the east, a cool blue river flowed into the pool while in the north burned a brilliant fire bathing the pool and the butterflies in a golden light. And in the south. . . in the south a phoenix rose from a bed of red flame. . . beak open as it cried warning. . . wings outstretched protectively. Silently Akane handed the finished work to Usagi. "Akane-chan. . . it's beautiful." Almost against her will Makoto reached out to trace the tree with a gentle hand. "I've never seen anything like this. I wish I could make something this beautiful." "So do I," Akane said wistfully, looking at the creation of her hands. Ami blinked at this odd statement. Before she could ask about it Akane had retrieved the napkin with the stick figures and continued her explanation of Imperial technology. "Now imagine that this is a two-dimensional world called flat-land. The people living here can go left and right, up and down. But they can never go OUT. They can't even imagine the possibility. But suppose some one from the THIRD dimension, ours, appeared in flat land. The flat landers would never be able to see all of her, just a thin cross section. They could never hurt her or even catch her. By moving OUT of their world into the third dimension she would seem to disappear or walk through walls. She could travel instantly to any part of their world, or reach inside of their bodies. The flat- landers would be helpless against her. The Silver Imperium mastered the ability to travel among different dimensions." "How many dimensions?" Ami asked fascinated. "How many would you like? There are as many dimensions as you can conceive." Akane thought for a moment. "The Imperium could fold an entire world, like you would fold this piece of paper," Akane pressed "flat- land' into a small square "and as easily move it" the paper went into her pocket,"or destroy it." Akane tore "flat-land" into strips and let the pieces flutter to the floor. "Whaaaaa. You killed them!" Usagi looked teary eyed at the torn scraps and scrabbled to piece them together. "Baka! It's not real." Rei stormed "It's only make- beli. . . " She paused as Akane put a hand on Usagi's shoulder. "Forgive me, Princess." Akane gently removed the paper from Usagi's hand. Pressing them between her palms she closed her eyes and concentrated. It was different this time. The calm almost ecstatic look that had accompanied the previous creation was gone. Instead as they watched her features seemed to melt and run together. Her body seemed to shimmer and the air around her shifted and twisted. As suddenly as it had begun, Akane snapped back to normalcy. She opened her hands and handed Usagi "flat- land", restored and unblemished. "How. . . " Ami couldn't believe what she had just seen, let alone what her computer was telling her. Akane had, somehow, un-torn the paper. As impossible as un- burning a log. But she had done it. Akane sat silent and bloodless, panting as if she'd run the Iron-man. Twice. In plate armor. Usagi, concerned, cradled Akane's head between her palms. A white light flared. When it faded Akane sat blinking in astonishment, completely recovered. "Princess! You should not. . . " "Hush, I was just being silly, crying over nothing. YOU should not do things that could hurt you like that." "You are my princess. My life is yours."Akane said this with such simple certainty that Usagi and the senshi were struck dumb. Minako was the first to recover her voice. "Ok, what was that all about. How did you do that? How do you do any of the stuff you do?" "As I said, the Imperium mastered dimensions. They could travel through all space and time. My abilities are based on that technology." "You move through different dimensions?" "Through them. And between them."Akane raised her shirt and outlined a faint angularity beneath her skin. "This implant generates a. . . I suppose that dimensional shift is the best approximation. I am shifted, randomly from dimension, to dimension. But this shift is not instantaneous , and because of this small 'dwell time' it is possible for me to remain between dimensions. . . what they termed 'zero space'. The theory was that as long as I was in 'zero space' I was invulnerable." "Yeah, but you've been hurt. I saw you bleeding." "Minako!" "Sorry, Usagi. Sorry Akane. But I saw you bleed . . .or something." "Oh, I was bleeding alright. And if my containment shield is weak things can . . .uh . . .leak through." "But . . .it was BLACK . . .and it ate holes in the ground." "Passing through dimensions changes physical characteristics." Akane tilted her head to one side, as if listening to . . .someone." As a matter of fact . . .Sailorjupiter liked to pass biscuit dough through the eighth dimension before baking . . .said it made a really light and flaky biscuit.." There was a moment of stunned silence at this pronouncement before Minako broke the impasse. "Umm . . .but what about your being hurt . . .I mean if this . . .uh . . .zero-space stuff makes you invulnerable . . ." Well, I wouldn't be much use if I stayed always between. . . " "You wouldn't be able to affect anything in THIS dimension," Ami exclaimed excitedly, then blushed as she realized she'd interrupted. "That's right. So the implant phases me into this dimension, briefly. The phase generator can control how much of . . .me . . .is in any dimension. Usually just enough to act in normal-space. The rest of me stays 'safely' in zero-space. That takes a lot of energy though. And while that allows me to interact here, it also allows others to act on me. I can be hurt, but it's very hard to do so It's also . . .uncomfortable" Everyone winced at this obvious understatement. "Having your body spread through several dimensions is a little like . . ."Akane pause trying to think of a suitable analogy. "Imagine sticking your hand through a meat-grinder to get to your pencil-box. . .putting the hand back together on the other side . . . writing your class notes . . .pulling BACK through the grinder . . .and putting the hand back to normal. That's what it feels like . . .only not as comfortable." "But . . .doesn't your 'containment shield' protect you?" Ami questioned. "And what is that 'plasma' effect?" "The containment shield does just that . . .it 'contains me', like a pitcher holds water. It keeps me from being . . .umm . . .lost. . . .like water pouring out of a busted pitcher. Only in my case it would look more like dynamiting a rotten apple." Akane put her fingertips together and drew them apart in an expanding motion. ."Boooom." Usagi looked sick at the notion of Akane exploding and the rest of the senshi didn't look much better. "And by 'plasma' I guess you're talking about the shield/n-space interface. I don't have the math to explain it exactly but what you're seeing is me or a cross- section of me spread through several dimensions. I've never seen it myself . . .never thought to look for a mirror . . .but I've been told it looks . . .strange." "I've got a question!" Rei challenged. Everyone turned to look at her. "Well, I do have a question. Why did you show up now. And where have you been. I mean were did you get all of your weapons and. . . stuff. . ." she trailed off weakly. "Where did YOU come from!" Akane grinned at the dirty look Rei gave her. "In my case someone called me." "Huh?" "Someone, I don't know who, sounded the Imperial Rally. All Blood Guard have to answer. Even dead ones." Usagi gapped at that last statement. "Are. . . are you a GHOST Akachan?" Akane gave a real chuckle at that. "Don't get me started again. No, I'm not a ghost. And until a few days ago I was a normal girl. Well except for being the re-incarnation of a dead moon alien." She trailed off muttering to herself. "And except for the Chinese bimbo, and the ghost-cat, and the demon doll and Saffron and. . . " "Uh Akane, are you all right?" "Sorry, sorry. Just thinking about something else. No, until the Imperial Rally 'woke' me up I was just ordinary girl. And when I woke up my spirit, I guess you could say, called my weapons out of storage, like you call your weapons out of storage when you transform." Ami started to ask another question when Usagi spoke up. "It's getting late." She pointed out the window where the evening shadows were gathering like ravens. "Akachan must be tired. We should let her go home and rest. We can see her later and talk some more." Usagi took Akane's hand and led her toward the door, effectively ending the inquisition for the night. "I'll see you later Akachan." "You can talk to me anytime. I'm going home with you." Usagi looked startled, which didn't begin to describe Rei's expression. "That Blood Guard thing again." Usagi frowned. "Akachan, let's not fight over this. I'll be fine." Akane looked mutinous and Usagi continued. "Look, I've survived Beryl, the Doom Tree, Galaxia and Entrance Exams. I'll be fine. And if there's any trouble I'll call. I promise." Usagi stopped as she had a sudden thought."Um, we need to get you a communicator." "That's not a problem. I have a full spectrum communications facility built in." "I'll bet you do," Rei muttered. "What did you say Rei-chan?" Rei grasped Usagi's arm possessively and glared at Akane. "I said I"LL take care of Usagi." Akane blinked, then grinned suddenly. "Well, that's all right then. I remember how concerned Sailormars was for the princess's safety during the Silver Imperium. It was amazing how dedicated Sailormars was." Rei preened involuntarily under the praise. "You were especially worried about kidnaping." Akane speared Rei with a sideways glance. "You insisted that the princess should know how to escape if she were kidnapped and tied up. Why you would sometimes spend days working with the princess." Usagi was afraid that Rei would burst into flame, without benefit of the "Mars Fire" under the interested gaze of her fellow senshi. "Although, "Akane said consideringly, "I was never quite sure why both of you had to be naked." "Why you sly. . . " "Should we call you Hino or Hentai Rei?" "Rei! And you a priestess!" "NO, NO, NO!" Rei protested frantically "It's not like that, I never. . . I don't remember. . . It's not my fault!" she wailed. Usagi winked at Akane as she and the senshi turned to walk home. "Now Rei," Akane heard Usagi berate her friend, "it seems to me that you've been neglecting your duties. As soon as we get home tonight I think you should start training me again. I'm sure we can borrow some scarves from my mother and. . . " "Usssaagiiiii!" Akane chuckled again and headed home. She hadn't felt so free, so happy since. . . well she'd never felt this way. She thought about the wicked gleam she'd seen in Usagi's eye and almost felt sorry for Rei. She wasn't so bad for a sen. . . for one of them. None of them were. There was still a lot of pain. . . and hate. But it had been over a long time ago. Maybe she could let it go. One hundred thousand years was a long time to hate. Maybe she could even forgive. . . "Black dome close." A tall figure with long dark hair that gleamed with strange highlights stepped through a door that didn't exist, from a place that had no name. The figure looked down at the trapped Akane. "You shouldn't have run away. You knew that I would find you. . . in time." Akane glared at her captor, eyes blazing with a helpless murderous rage as leakage from the Time gate flooded her mind with memories. Chapter 7 "I'm very sorry Sailoruranus. We took every precaution. You can check our log books. Everything was done. . . " Sailoruranus tuned out the panicky voice and stared down at the wreckage of ten years work. Twenty five million crowns and eighteen lives to get to this point. All that time, money and effort gone in an instant's carelessness. Her unconscious frown silenced the tough security colonel as effectively as an executioners axe. The sudden silence alerted her and she glanced up to see the man cringing against the wall. She turned away in disgust, her eyes sweeping the featureless padded room finally resting on the rooms sole occupant; young, fit, female about 16 years of age, nude and quite dead. Sailoruranus contemplated the head lying parallel to the shoulders on a neck that wasn't so much broken as shattered. 'What a waste,' she thought. 'What a terrible, terrible waste.' The iron will and discipline that made her so perfect for the project used for this, for nothing. Who would have thought anyone could deliberately drive their own head into the floor with that much force. ************************************************* * ". . . and that's how they found her. This puts us back at square one." "It's much worse than that," Sailor Neptune corrected. "She was our last viable candidate. There isn't anyone else." "Oh, come on. It can't be that bad." "It's worse. Out of a system population of forty two billion only thirty percent can tolerate the basic implants. From that thirty percent we have a basic recruitment from everyone between five and twenty years of age, give or take a year. Of those only about sixteen percent fit the mental and physical parameters. And out of that number we found a grand total of one hundred sixty eight persons who could tolerate the final implants." Sailorneptune paused to check her notes. "Of that number, One hundred twelve died during their first power up. Of the survivors, twenty nine refused to face transition back to normal space and died when their power and environmental ran out and nine died from the stress of reversion to normal space. Only three of the eighteen remaining survived beyond four complete transitions. And the last of those three successfully suicided yesterday, despite all of our precautions. So it is that bad." "I've seen some new research by . . ."Sailoruranus consulted her notes. "Senshi H'pakra't. It seems she thinks there might be a way to by-pass the pain centers. A . . .uh . . .a 'cut-off switch' I think she calls it." "I've seen her results." Sailorneptune agreed. "It's a brilliant theoretical concept. And in another half century or so she may be able to get it to work. I don't think Beryl is going to wait that long." "What if we just lowered the standards a little. . ." "What if we just shot them in the back of the head! It would be faster, cleaner and a hell of a lot cheaper," Sailorneptune snapped, then slumped in her chair. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean. . . " Sailoruranus waved a dismissal and turned to their companion. "Now what do we do?" "I don't know," Sailor Pluto admitted tiredly. "Continue searching for another viable candidate. Run simulations with modified parameters using the data we've already collected. See if you can salvage anything. I have to get back to the capitol." Sailor Pluto laughed bitterly. "Good Queen Beryl has sent another trade delegation. Serenity still thinks she can make friends. I need to be there before the. . . before the Queen gives the Imperium away and saves Beryl the trouble of stealing it." ************************************************* * "Ah, Lady Pluto, how nice to see you again." "What is he doing here?" Sailor Pluto ignored the ambassador and glared at her Queen. "We have just concluded a most advantageous treaty with our well loved neighbor Queen Beryl." Pluto could feel a vice tighten around her head. "How nice for Queen Beryl. And what precisely would the terms of this treaty be." "We have ceded the Brazter monopole mining facility in exchange for rights entire to the Nhee sector cometary systems." Queen Serenity gifted the room with a blinding if somewhat bewildered smile, as if watching a play she didn't quite understand but was too well bred to bother other people with questions. "I see." The two short syllables were enough to turn Beryl's ambassador white as all the blood drained to his feet. His self congratulatory smirk faded like virginity in a whorehouse as he suddenly realized he was a table width away from the second most powerful person in the Silver Millennium and had just placed himself number one on her people-to-squash-like-a-bug-before-dinner list. Just as the ambassador was wondering if they would send his body home for burial or just pour his remains down the drain he was granted a new life. "We are tired Lady Pluto. These arduous negotiations have fatigued us greatly. We would like you to escort us to our chambers for a nap before dinner." "Certainly Majesty." Sailor Pluto grit her teeth and glared at the retreating ambassador with such venom that he vowed himself, his wife, children and the next six generations of his family to religious orders in return for deliverance from Sailor Pluto's wrath. Or failing that a painless death and a nice funeral. As the door closed on the last ambassador, minister, secretary, recorder and necessary flunky Sailorpluto grabbed her sovereign's hand in a manner very unlike a loyal deferential subject. Serenity, Queen Empress, Defender of the Reaches, Marshal of the Inner System, High Justice of the Silver Imperium gave out a squawk as Sailorpluto half dragged, half carried her down the private hall that led to the Royal apartments. The door to Serenity's bedroom crashed against the wall with enough force to knock several pictures off the wall. Serenity bounced twice on the bed where Pluto flung her. She did not complete a third before Pluto sent the door crashing back into its frame, finishing off the last of the wall hangings. "Dammit Serenity were you born stupid or is it something you've acquired over the years! What the HELL were you thinking!" "I was thinking I was Queen," Serenity replied quietly from where she lay in a silken tangle, "or has there been a coup and no one told me?" She peeped adorably up at her angry senshi through a silver halo of hair. "I keep telling the staff that they need to keep me informed about these little things." Pluto growled and threw her circlet of office across the room with enough force to dent the wall. Serenity winced but other wise remained still while Pluto ranted. "Why do I bother? Why don't I just gift wrap the Imperium for Beryl. Oh I forgot, that's your job. What next Majesty?" The title oozed sneeringly. "Shall I prostitute myself or perhaps your daughter could do your whoring by proxy?" Pluto froze, white faced as she suddenly realized what she'd said. "Senenity, I didn't mean it. . my tongue runs away. . . " She turned miserable eyes to Serenity. "Come here, Sailorpluto." She patted the bed beside her. "Now sit down." As Pluto did so, Serenity pulled her jacket off and began kneading Pluto's shoulders. "Serenity, we need to. . . " "Shusssh." Serenity put a finger to Pluto's lips. "You've had your tantrum, now it's my turn to talk." Pluto grunted in protest, but remained silent. Serenity dug into a particularly tight muscle group and smiled to herself when Pluto groaned in relief and snuggled closer to her. She shifted slightly so that the Guardian of Time lay cradled against her side, then brought up a map of the solar system with a quiet mental command. "Now this is the inner system controlled by the Imperium." A section of the map obediently turned silver. "While Beryl claims this section." Another section was colored an angry red. Skilled fingers sought out steel tense muscles and softly stole away the anger and fear. Pluto melted slowly and unconsciously into her Queens embrace. "Now this," Serenity whispered, dropping a soft kiss on Pluto's throat, "is the Bratzer mining facility. We abandoned it years ago due to the radiation hazzard." Pluto's groaned helplessly as Serenity planted kisses along the vulnerable line of her throat. "Now Beryl can exploit the facility using Artifaxes. But it will take time and production facilities to manufacture that may synthetic workers; Time and facilities that they can't use against the Imperium. Plus they will have to divert men and materials; Engineers, technicians, managers. And every item and person earmarked for Bratzer is a person, or ship or factory that is not directed against us. "You will also notice," Serenity whispered, "that the facility is presently in opposition, and you know what that means." She gently bit the delicate lobe. Pluto shivered in her arms. "That means a minimum of three months, one way, just for ships to travel there. After all, Beryl doesn't have the ability to gate that far out system. "Now this is the really exciting part." Serenity slipped a small hand inside Pluto's blouse, cupping a breast, delighting at the nipple helplessly hardened under her palm, like a soldier standing at attention. "The really exciting part is our acquisition of the Nhee system." Pluto fought open passion drugged eyes. "Why? Wha's there?" "Not a thing. Isn't that great?" Pluto whimpered as Serenity gently tickled the band of skin where blouse met skirt and valiantly tried to find two neurons that weren't drowning in endorphins. "W..why's that great." She tried to keep her voice steady even as her tummy shivered under Serenity's gentle assault. "We are going to put the biggest mining and exploration facility in the system in Nhee. At least Beryl is going to THINK that's what we're doing. At the very least she'll have to put an observation post in place. At best, she'll try to occupy the adjoining systems, duplicate our efforts. Even if I told her that there was nothing there, she'd have to picket the system as a routine precaution. I think we can at least tie down a division just for observation, maybe six times that many if she decides on a full scale operation." Adrenalin blasted Pluto's mind clear and she twisted to look Serenity square in the face. "Serenity, that's brilliant! You're a genius!" "I know it." "Oh I wish I could be there when Beryl figures out what you've done. She may die of a stroke and put herself out of our misery. That is the most wicked, evil, sneaky thing I've ever heard of." "No, that isn't. But this is." Before Pluto's groggy mind could decipher these cryptic words, Serenity tumbled her to the ground in a tangle of bedclothes. "Neyah, can't catch me!" Serenity picked up her skirts and sprinted out the door into the gardens. "Why you little. . . " Words failed as Pluto struggled off the floor and raced after her Queen. At the doorway she paused, trying to pick up Serenity's trail. To the left she saw a delicate slipper, beyond that another. Pluto took off , following a trail of stockings, petticoats and skirts. At the end of the trail she found Serenity, clothed only in starlight , curled up in a nest of flowers. "A palace coup. Betrayed by my closest advisor. Stripped of all power. Helpless before her as she ravages me again, and again and again." Pluto stalked forward, dropping her blouse on the ground. "Again and again. . . and again?" "Well, isn't that what wicked advisors do when they have the innocent Queen helpless in their power?" "I don't think you've ever been innocent or helpless, but who am I to argue with royalty." ************************************************* "Feel better now?" Serenity asked, dropping kisses on passion-slicked skin. "I don't think I can feel anything below the waist," Pluto groaned. "Beast." Serenity grinned, punching her lover lightly in the stomach. "You can't save me, you know." Pluto tensed. "What's that supposed to mean?" "I'm going to die, eventually. You're killing yourself for nothing." "I don't want to talk about it." "Well, you're going to talk." Serenity indicated the garden with a sweep of her hand. "All of this will die, to make way for new growth." "You're not a dammed flower!" "Don't deliberately misunderstand. Even you are merely immortal, not eternal. Plants, animals, people, even kingdoms die. It's part of the natural cycle." "If you would only let me. . . " "NO! No. You know better than anyone how dangerous it is to tamper with time. There used to be ten planets and three sentient races in this system. Now there are nine planets. One race is dead, one fled and we're left here alone." "So you're just going to roll over and play dead!" Pluto said bitterly. "Isn't this worth fighting for?" "Of course it is. And I'm going to fight as long and as hard as I can. For my people, my daughter, and for you. But I'm going to fight my way. With honor. . . " Pluto gave a snort of disgust. "Yes, I know how you feel. . . 'any means necessary'," Serenity said in a credible mimicry of her lover. "But I know that the universe has a spirit, a set of ethical equations that have to be balanced. And if you try to cheat, or take a short cut the universe will turn around and bite you on the. . . " Pluto squealed as Serenity graphically demonstrated the wrath of the universe on her fundamental assets. There followed a brief philosophical discussion on the merits of relativism versus absolutism. Later Pluto lay beside her sleeping Queen, lover and friend, listening to her soft breathing, feeling her heartbeat. And with every slow, strong beat Pluto vowed that she would save Serenity, by any means necessary. Chapter 8 ". . . have lost our last intelligence asset on the ground." "And our remote sensing capability?" The intelligence captain scrolled through his notes before answering Sailor Pluto. "Beryl can not block us, but she now has the capability to detect even pin-hole probes. We essentially have no covert intelligence ability." "And your solution?" Sailoruranus's tone suggested the captain provide either a solution or his resignation. However the captain was un-disturbed by the blond senshi's tone. "Since we could not avoid detection, we encouraged it." Sailor Pluto raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry. "A malfunction at the planetary communication center caused. . ." The captain consulted his notes again. "Thirty two billion six hundred forty million eight hundred thousand and twelve pin-hole gates to open simultaneously throughout Queen Beryl's realm." This surprised a bark of laughter from Sailoruranus. "I hope that the proper apologies were sent to Her Majesty, Queen Beryl." murmured Sailorneptune. "They were indeed, Sailorneptune," the captain replied. "Along with a stern message to the communications center from Queen Serenity with orders to be more careful." The captain looked embarrassed. "Uh, and a message to my office as well, asking for copies of everything we obtained," he paused, "and a sealed message for you, Sailor Pluto." The captain handed Sailor Pluto a small wafer. Sailor Pluto broke the seal and scanned the brief missive. The captain watched in fascination as the tips of Sailor Pluto's ears turned a delicate pink. "Very well captain. But I will review all materials BEFORE they are sent to the Queen." "But the Queen. . . " "Does not need to see things like this!" Sailor Pluto activated a viewer with a savage motion. The air above the table swirled with formless colors that coalesced into an image of. . . The captain closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Beside him he could hear Sailorneptune make choking noises as she buried her head in Sailoruranus's chest. The captain noted with some satisfaction that Sailoruranus also looked pale and sick. Only Sailorpluto remained unaffected. She dissolved the image with another gesture. "I do not believe that it will serve any purpose to disturb the Queen with this sort of thing, do you captain?" "That was a nasty trick to pull," Uranus said savagely as soon as the captain had departed. She held Neptune in her arms, rocking her gently as she stroked her hair. "That idiot was going to send raw imagery to the Queen," Pluto snapped back. " I just wanted to remind him of the kind of things that were liable to show up in Beryl's realm." "He's not an idiot." Neptune's voice came out muffled from her position buried in Sailoruranus embrace. "He's a very hard working young officer and we're lucky to have him." "You're right. I'm sorry. If you think it necessary I'll apologize to him." Neptune wasn't fooled by Pluto's tone. She new very well that Pluto's first and it sometimes seemed ONLY priority was the Queen. She and Sailoruranus had worked with Pluto their entire adult lives. Indeed, Pluto was the only family they had. And she also knew that Pluto would cook both of them over a slow fire and serve them up with a garnish if she thought it would bring a smile to Serenity's face. "You might offer him a promotion to senshi," Neptune offered. "I've been watching him. He has potential, and it's not as if we have a surplus." Pluto looked surprised, then thoughtful. "The idea has merit. But do you think he would be willing to undergo the translation to sensh? He strikes me as. . . ah. . . perhaps too attached to his present life." "Young idiot," Sailoruranus snorted. "Oh?" Neptune questioned archly. " I seem to remember someone who cried, and cried and cried during their translation." "I was a stupid, stubborn, snotnosed little bastard who didn't know what was good for. . . " "You were an adorable little boy who was scared by what was happening to you," Neptune giggled suddenly, "and you had the most adorable dimple on your. . . " Sailoruranus clamped a hand over her lover's mouth. "You WATCHED me!" "Uh huh," Neptune nodded, grinning unrepentantly. "The whole thing from beginning to end. I was always sorry you lost the dimple along with. . . " Pluto cleared her throat . "Perhaps we should move on to the next issue in private, before we all drown in this hormone storm." A transfer portal opened at Pluto's command. Sailoruranus blushed and tried to jerk away from her lover. Neptune clamped her arms tighter around her waist and looked at Pluto through lowered lashes. "And perhaps you'd like to read us that note from the Queen?" Silvery laughter echoed in the room as the portal closed behind the three senshi. ************************************************* Normally the eerie whispers and darting shadows of the time gate made Sailoruranus. . . uncomfortable. Not this time. "Are you insane!" Sailoruranus whispered. "Do you know the penalty for tampering with the time line? Assuming you don't turn us all into a steaming pile of goo, they'll build an entirely new hell just for us." Pluto gazed calmly at Sailoruranus for a moment, then turned to Sailorneptune. "You're our intelligence analyst. What's the latest on Beryl's 'Shadow's"." "Before we lost our real-time assets we knew that one was operational with another in the early stages of completion. It appears to be a slow job, maybe two standard years to complete a single 'Shadow'. There were also indications of at least three more, and possibly a fourth, in the planning stages." "And if they use them in an attack, what will be their effect?" "It will be a slaughter. Best estimates show sixty to eighty percent losses on our side before we can stop them if they employ two 'Shadows'." "And if they have three, four, five, six. . . or more Shadows? Then what?" "We can't stop them," Sailoruranus said reluctantly. "We couldn't do more than delay them." She looked up at Pluto. "But Beryl's put everything she has into the 'Shadows'. Her conventional forces don't amount to more than a token guard force. And the 'Shadows' are just a cruder form of our own 'phase generator' technology. Our system is much stronger and more versatile. . . " "And it doesn't work, now does it?" Pluto returned coldly. " That's the problem. The biggest gun in the world, broken, is worth less than a big rock. And Beryl has got a very big rock." "All right, what exactly do you have in mind?" "Our only hope of stopping the Shadow's is to find someone who can use the phase generator and survive. Neptune has provided me with the results of the latest simulations." Pluto held up a small data-crystal. "Any individuals that meet these characteristics should have a 97% chance or better of using the 'phase generator' and surviving. No one in the entire Imperium meets these criteria. . . now. But at some time there must be at least one person who does. And that's all we need. One successful candidate. One will be enough to stymie Beryl. And from that one person we can produce more ." Sailorneptune grimaced. "That sounds a lot like Beryl's Aritfaxs. Why not just build an artificial person to your specifications and use it. It would be faster and they can only execute you once." "Don't you think I haven't tried?" Uranus was startled. She'd been kidding, but it looked like when Pluto decided to break the law she didn't want to miss any. "So far we haven't been able to duplicate Beryl's processes. We can not create a complete artificial person. Every attempt has died or become. . . unstable shortly after maturity. But, if we have a living example of what we need, THEN we can duplicate it, improve upon it. But we need that original template first." Pluto drew in a deep breath and faced her sister senshi. "I know this is highly illegal and very dangerous. If it goes wrong the best we can all hope for is a swift death at the hands of the Royal executioner. At worst. . . well you might wish you were in the hands of Beryl. But I think we can succeed. I think we can find the person we need, activate the weapon and save the Imperium." "Gee boss, what do we do AFTER lunch?" ************************************************* "Higher papa, higher." The little girl squealed with delight as her father tossed her in the air and caught her. "Higher," she demanded. "Higher. I want to fly!" "That's enough flying right now. We have to get on the road if were going to make the Fair by nightfall." The little girl and her father exchanged conspiratorial glances as they answered. "Yes mama." "Yes dear." She gave them both a look of fond resignation. "Honestly, I can't tell which one is the child and which the parent. I think I've got two children sometimes." "YES MAMA," Father and daughter chorused, then broke down laughing. Mother, father and daughter headed down the mountain their packs loaded with goods for the trade fair. "Do you think people will really like this papa?" The little girl anxiously thrust her small fist toward her father. He looked down at the object gleaming in her hand. "Yes dear, I really think they will." "Are you sure? Are you really, really sure?" He reached down and plucked the item gently from her hand. He'd been an iron smith for forty years. He'd married late and his little daughter was the spoiled darling of his life. If she'd given him mud-pies with bug toppings, he'd have declared them ambrosia and eaten every one. But this. . . he examined the small figurine with awe. He was a good iron smith and he knew it. Hinges, plowshares, wheel rims even knives and twice swords he'd crafted. He was a good workman. Careful, with a good eye and steady hand. And his wife. . . he glanced at the beautiful young woman on his other side and marveled again at his good fortune. His wife had all the female accomplishments. Her woven work, her embroidery sold well at the fair. His eyes dropped again to the fragile thing cradled in his hands. He couldn't explain this. A spider web, spun from glass. It stretched between two branches of a tree. In the lower corner sat the spider, every detail, every fine hair lovingly detailed in glass. There was glass dew beaded on the web, and in the upper corner a small moth was just touching the web, not yet aware of its fate. And every color, every shading and marking of spider, moth and tree were reproduced in the glass. And his daughter had a score of other glass jewels in her pack; mice, birds, clouds, even a leaf floating down a stream. All carefully packed in straw. "Yes, baby, I'm sure the people will like it. Now let me put it back so it doesn't get broken." He had, again, a sudden impulse to smash it, to smash everything in her small pack and head back up the mountain. His daughter had no idea that this one item was worth more than their home, his forge, tools and everything he had made or could ever hope to make in iron. But he wanted what was best for her. And some noble would see her work and become her patron. She would want for nothing for the rest of her life, might even find a place at court. She would never spend another cold winter on the mountain, or a hungry summer. The price was high, for his wife and him. She would go off with her patron and they would stay. They might not see her again for years, or ever. Life was hard on the mountain. But if that was the price for her security, her happiness they would pay it and gladly. ************************************************* "This looks promising." "What have you got?" "This is the best match we've found so far. I say we extract." "What have we got for mass/energy exchange?" "That's the best part. There's a typhoon just off the coast." "Do it." ************************************************ He couldn't understand what he was seeing at first. The top of Iron Fang, tallest of the Iron Mountain range seemed to shiver like a pool of water in a wind gust. Then he did understand, but couldn't believe. In his thirty years living on the mountain there'd never been an avalanche this late in the year. And in living memory never from the top of Iron Fang.. He dropped his pack, grabbed his wife and daughter and ran. Behind him three hundred thousand cubic tons of snow and earth moving at ninety kilometers per hour followed. He sprinted for the tree line. It was a faint hope, but the trees and rock might slow the snow enough. . . disrupt the flow enough. . . He was strong from years of hard work, his wife was young and swift. . . They should have had a chance. . . If he hadn't tripped. . . if the ground hadn't seemed to reach up and claw at her ankles. They fell, father, mother and daughter. They fell. Fifteen hundred kilometers away a small fishing village was hit by a typhoon at that same instant. A young mother was caught out fishing when the storm hit. A drifter was swept off the beach where he was sleeping and out to sea. And the storm suddenly died away. Everyone said that it was a miracle they survived. Two people lived, two people died. The equation balanced.. The universe was satisfied. ************************************************* * "Papa! Mama!" The small girl struggled against the soft bindings. They had gone to a lot of trouble to get her and they didn't care to have her injure herself. "Paaaapaaaa! Maaaammaaaa!" Dirty. . . bruised. . . frightened. But alive. And not a ripple in the time stream. Pluto's eyes burned with triumph. They had their weapon. . . The little girl turned her dirty tear stained face and Pluto could see her eyes. Huge grey eyes, like a soft sea mist. With an effort Pluto wrenched herself away and her gaze fell on the open pack at the child's feet. From it spilled a treasure in glass, birds, insects, clouds. In the ten thousand thousand lifetimes she'd seen and lived at the Time Gate, she had never seen such delicate, exquisite work and knew she might not see such again for twice ten thousand thousand. A mental command brought one of the pieces to her hand, a tiny butterfly, its brightly colored wings poised to fly away. 'Serenity would love this,' she thought, 'and she would love the little girl.' Unbidden her eyes were again drawn to the frightened, weeping girl. Something inside of the little girl called to a part of her. This could be her daughter! Rendered forever childless by her duties and by the radiation sleeting through the Time Gate she'd never thought to have children. Her belly clenched suddenly with the thought. 'A daughter,' she thought wonderingly. An end to loneliness. Serenity had filled one hole in her heart. Suddenly this little girl showed her another, one she'd never know existed. Pictures raced through her mind. Sitting in the gardens with Serenity watching their children play. Teaching her daughter to read, buying her presents. Glowing with pride as her daughter created beauty from sand and fire, light and shadow. . . Shadow. Her fists clenched and a shudder rocked her body. The image of her daughter creating beauty was replaced by Serenity broken, dead, defiled. The Shadows prowled the ruins of the Imperium like maggots feeding on a corpse. "Are you all right? Your hand is bleeding." Pluto opened her fist and shards of bloody glass fell to the floor. "Move her to the test facility. I want the first stage implants installed and on line before that second 'Shadow' is operational." Chapter 9 The Imperial Palace was situated in the center of a three hundred square kilometer section of old growth forest. Some of the "astri" trees stood almost a kilometer tall and predated the Imperium. Within sight of the palace itself towered "Cloud Song", oldest and at twelve hundred fifty meters, tallest of the giant "astri". Legend had it that Serenity, the first of that name, sheltered from her enemies in its branches during the first days of the revolution. From that spot she rallied her forces, planned her campaigns and, so the stories went, set out on the final genocidal assault that destroyed the Z'rten. From the ruins of an Empire that for ten thousand years lived on the blood, flesh and terror of their enemies Serenity had forged the Silver Imperium. She built her palace within sight of the tree saying only that "Cloud Song" was the best and most honest of all her advisors. Five hundred meters above the ground another figure had taken refuge this day. Augmented senses scanned the palace and grounds. Every millimeter of terrain was searched and mapped. Every room of the palace that wasn't covered by class1 shielding, every corridor, every hallway, service passage and cubby hole was meticulously probed with delicate electronic senses, cataloged, cross indexed and the information stored with robotic perfection. Even the shielded apartments yielded valuable information. The shielded areas had something to protect. . . something. . . valuable. Only after every roving patrol, every fixed guard station was pinpointed; every trap, trip-wire and alarm probed did the did the silent figure move, dropping from its five hundred meter perch as easily as a house cat hopping down from the kitchen table. ************************************************* She staggered, clutching at the wall for support. Her vision blurred and her ears were clogged with a harsh thrumming sound. Something was wrong. "Sys. . . sys'ms. . . S ystem. . . .C. .check." ##Accumulators at 76%. Primary Weapon locked. Energy weapon, no access. Kinetic Weapon, no access. Infiltration mode engaged. Optical Effect generator working. Active sensors on standby, Passive Sensors at 0.35. Stealth generators ON. BioEnhancement operating at maximum.## The whisper paused. ##Warning! Second Stage Warning. Use of BioEnhancement at War Emergency power for extended periods will degrade neural pathways. Cellular integ. . . ## "Cancel warning." the voice fell silent. "What's wrong with me?" ##Command not found## "Mission capability compromised. Isolate fault." ##Biological components exceeding design tolerance. Protein envelope shows multiple breaches and out-gassing of parasitic byproducts.## "I've got running sores and I stink. What else?" ##Not underst. . . ## "Continue!!" ##Core temperature 5 degrees above optimum. Increasing numbers of viral and bacterial agents detected. Blood filtration system beyond design capacity. System failure imminent. Tissue necrosis evident in the following areas.## An internal diagram appeared in her mind. Her liver and kidneys were highlighted, with an alpha-numeric display to the lower right providing detail. ##Oxygen carrying capacity compromised, system saturated with fatigue poisons. Degradation of. . . ## She shuddered and would have fallen without her implants to hold her up. Blackness threatened to overwhelm her. "Stims." she ordered the voice. ##Negative.## "Stims," she ordered again. "Mission priority override." ##Negative. Core programming forbids self- termination. Stimulant usage at lethal threshold.## "No! How long. . . " The voice seemed to understand this question. ##Mission at T plus 225 hours, 22 minutes, 18 seconds. Weapon has been active for T plus 225 hours, 22 minutes, 19 seconds. This exceeds design specifications by 153 hours, 22 minutes,20 seconds.## Her thoughts clawed their way through the heavy clinging mud of fatigue and sickness. She was so close she thought weeping with fatigue and frustration. She banged her fist against her thigh. So close. Ten billion kilometers. Over 200 hours. And now, when she was within METERS of her target, within minutes of completing her mission. Princess Serenity was going to live because she couldn't stay awake. ************************************************* ##Warning! Guard Patrol ahead. Autonomous Defense Mode Initiated.## She wished the voice would shut up. She was so tired. Too tired to make sense of that stupid voice. ##Combat Capabilities 0.06. Initiating Escape and Evasion sub- routines.## She wanted to weep with frustration. Every time she was almost asleep that stupid voice would wake her up. The meaning of the words niggled at the back of her mind, but the meaning just wouldn't come. The voice sounded impatient, worried even. Maybe if she answered it, it would shut up and let her sleep. "Wh' h'ppn." ##Input not understood## Stupid voice. "Whus hap'ning." ##Escape route compromised. Enemy forces closing in. Detection/capture imminent. Defense sub-routines require command input## She struggled to open eyes glued shut by exhaustion. The blinding light sent a stabbing pain through her head. Stupid voice. Using all those big words. She'd show it. "Shu'up. Tr'n off ligh' n let me sleep. Jus go way be quiet." There was a momentary pause. ##Command input accepted. Initiating new Escape sub- routine.## The shambling stinking scarecrow raised an arm and placed it against an apparently featureless part of the wall. There was a brief flare of heat and light. Then lights went out and alarms went off all over the palace. Intruder alert sirens whooped along side the shrill ohee-ohee of fire-alarms. Then the sprinkler system went off. In the confusion, no one noticed the lone figure make its way through the dark confused corridors. By the time the fault in the security system was isolated and repaired the figure was already deeply asleep in a bed in the old part of the palace that had not seen use in over a century. ************************************************* * "Higher, papa. Higher. I want to fly!" Papa threw her higher and higher. The mountains looked like hills, her house like a toy. Then papa, mama, the mountains all vanished. "Work through the pain! Haven't you learned anything! If you can't get this much right you're useless." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I try to be good. But it's hard. It hurts. I'm sorry." "Don't talk, focus. Focus!" Pain flashed through her body. She arched against her bonds till her joints cracked and she cried blood as vessels in her eyes burst. "Now FOCUS. Bring the ball through the hoop. Don't let the sides touch." She concentrated, focusing on the swirling colored motes. She concentrated through the pain, bringing the gnat sized objects into focus, controlling the delicate sensory implants with virtuoso skill. Like threading a needle in a hail storm, standing on one leg in a small boat, while someone drove burning iron into your joints. It just took practice. And just like that the microscopic ball flew through the infinitesimal hoop, with microns to spare. And the pain. . . stopped. Peace washed over her body and she slumped sobbing and sweating in her bonds. Distantly, disinterestedly she could hear voices. "How did it go?" "Magnificently. You were correct. I would never have imagined she could reach this stage so quickly. She maintained control at all times. And there is no evidence of the psychosis or delusional behavior that was so troublesome with the previous subjects. We have actually exceeded the threshold imposed by the new generator technology by 20%. Phasing up or down should actually be quite pleasant. . . in comparison." "And the primary weapon?" "The generator has already been installed. We should be able to do our first power up by tomorrow evening." The voices faded as she was wheeled away, still strapped to the test frame. She could see brightly colored cloth swirling next to her head. It was one of them. Beautiful and bright she'd thought they were angels when she'd first come here. Now she knew. She'd been bad. She didn't know why or what. But she'd been bad. She'd told them she was sorry. She told them she'd be good. She almost never did that anymore. It just wasted time. A tear leaked from an eye that shouldn't have had any more tears to cry. "I'll be good." she whispered. " I promise, I'll be good." ************************************************* * She bolted awake, her sleep fuzzy mind trying to separate dream from reality. "I brought you a tray." She whipped around in the bed at the sound of the voice. Huge sky-blue eyes blinked solemnly back at her. "I brought you a tray," the voice repeated, "you can eat it in the bath." A tiny hand, pale as star light, reached out to tug her gently off the bed. Dazed she followed the insistent tugging till she found herself confronting a tub the size of a small lake filled with fragrant herbs. Tugging and pulling the small hands soon had her filthy clothes piled in a heap at her feet. "Get in now. I'll help you." Her small helper dropped her own robe to the floor and stepped naked into the tub with her. "They call me 'Stormy'.What's your name?" "I. . . I. . . " At her look of miserable confusion her petite helper patted her softly on the shoulder. "I know, I don't like my name either. Stormy's just a nickname. How 'bout I come up with one for you?" she thought for a moment. "I know. 'Misty', 'cause your eyes look just like a morning mist. Well, fog, really. . . but calling you foggy wouldn't be as pretty. Is Misty OK?" She asked anxiously. Stormy seemed to take silence as consent and as simply as that she had a name. She'd had one "before", a name and a life, but that was so long ago as to be beyond a dream. But now she had a name again. She was no longer the "subject", the "project" or "Weapon 4". She was a person. Stormy, seemingly unaware of this internal turmoil pushed Misty gently but firmly into the tub. "Wait just a minute and you can eat." Stormy scrubbed away at the grime and oil that blackened Misty's arms. "OK, now you can eat while I finish the rest." With that she swung out a tray loaded with small sandwiches, cold cuts, cheeses and a pitcher filled with cool, sweet spring water. Misty grabbed the pitcher and drained it in one prodigious gulp. She followed this by cramming fist fulls of food into her mouth as fast as she could swallow without chewing. Stormy ignored the spray of food particles and gasping gulping noises as she contentedly bathed her new friend. "Lift please." She brought the sponge down in long gentle strokes. "I hope you like the cakes, they're my favorite." Stormy didn't seem to expect an answer. Or perhaps the way Misty inhaled the delicate honey-cakes, mixed indiscriminately with cheese, bitter relish and parched nuts was an answer in itself. "Are you ticklish?" Stormy scooted down and lifted one of Misty's feet into her lap. She paused, brush held expectantly in one had. "Tell me if you are, 'cause I don't want to get kicked in the head. I mean I've got a friend. She TELLS everybody she's not ticklish. . . .BUT. . . We were trying on shoes one day, and I ran a finger down her sole. . . trying to get the shoe on. She's got really, really big feet. Well not that big, but bigger than mine. And I'll tell you, she let out a shriek and almost took my head off." Stormy's chatter paused for a moment and she rubbed her cheek reminiscently. "So anyway tell me if you are. . . ticklish that is." "I don't know. I've never been tickled." "REALLY?" Stormy looked at the small bare foot in her hands, a mischievous glint in her eye. Then she shook her head regretfully. "No, you need to rest first." She proceeded to scrub both grimy feet with the precision and detachment of a pathologist cleaning a specimen. "All done. Now, hold your breath." "Huh?" "Hold your breath silly. Like this." She demonstrated, sucking in a large gulp of air, puffing her cheeks out. Misty did so, uncomprehendingly. "We need to wash your hair." So saying Stormy yanked on the feet resting in her lap, pulling Misty completely under water. She came up sputtering to find Stormy already behind her, a large dollop of shampoo in her hands. "Just relax. I'm really good at this. Probably 'cause I get so much practice." The combination of a full tummy, warm water and gentle fingers massaging her scalp was like a drug. Helplessly her head fell back to rest against a surprisingly strong bare shoulder. "Just relax, I'll be through in a minute." The warm soapy water and the soft voice touched some forgotten, forbidden fragment of her lost life. A tear fell from her eye, then another and another. "You're crying. What's wrong?" "I don't know. I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm. . . " "Hush, It's all right. It's all right. I 'll protect you. It's all right." It was absurd, foolish. To think this tiny girl could protect her from. . . them. But she was so tired. So afraid. She wanted to believe. . . ************************************************* . . . "Did you have a nice sleep." When she 'woke again it was still daylight. "You fell asleep in the tub, so I just put you to bed." Misty peeked under the covers that had been drawn over her. "I brought you some clothes." Stormy handed her a bundle that seemed to consist of the same lacy pink froth Stormy was wearing. Misty looked in horror at the "cute" confection and Stormy broke out in a braying laugh that sounded more like a turbine with a broken impeller fan than something produced by a human throat. "If. . . if you could ONLY have seen your face!" The memory threatened to send Stormy off into paroxysms again. "Sorry. . . I couldn't resist. Here, THESE are for you." She handed Misty a bundle, consisting of short boots, work pants and shirt of a heavy cloth. Stormy grinned at the look of relief in Misty's eyes. "I couldn't resist. We have company coming and I had to dress up." She twirled, petticoats and over skirt flaring in a deadly vortex of lace and ruffles. "I love dressing up, and I adore lace. . . but this!" She giggled again. "Anyway, I'll be gone most of the day. I brought you another tray and some books. You can go out into the garden if you want." she indicated large doors of frosted glass. "They're pretty overgrown because no one comes to this part of the palace much any more. Except me. This is my own special place." She looked at Misty seriously. "And now it's yours too." She glanced at a bracelet strapped around her wrist and let out a shriek as a row of numbers and letters flashed briefly. "Ohhhh! I am sooooo laaaattteee! Gottagogoodby!" And disappeared through the door in a taffeta storm. . . ************************************************* * . . . ."Is this what you wanted?" Stormy poured a bag of tools out on the floor. Misty had been in this room for over a week. Every day she woke up to find Stormy by her bed. Every day Stormy brought food, books, games. Sometimes they'd talk, well Stormy would talk. Misty listened fascinated, even when she didn't understand the alien concepts of. . . friends. . . freedom. . . laughter but was soothed somehow by the gentle voice. Or Stormy would try to teach her how to play a game, or they would walk in the garden, wild and overgrown after a century of neglect.. Two days ago Misty had asked for some tools. Stormy didn't ask any questions. She never asked questions. And Misty had too little knowledge of human nature to think this strange. She hadn't seen a human being in ten years. "Yes, this is just what I needed." "Ewww! Doesn't that hurt?" Stormy watched in horrified fascination as Misty opened up her abdomen with a quick neat slash. "No," she answered truthfully prying up a rib with her fingers. "I have a high pain threshold." She reached behind the ribs and pulled out a small grey cylinder with a wet sucking sound. She pulled a thin wire from a small orange box that was among the tools Stormy had brought her and plugged it into an access port in the cylinder. "Run diagnostics."she commanded the whispering voice. She watched the test unit display change as her implants ran through diagnostic routines. "Yes, this is just perfect. . . see!" She held out the tiny instrument in a bloody hand. THUNK! ************************************************* "I'm sorry Stormy." Misty didn't sound sorry. She honestly didn't understand why her friend was upset. "That's OK, you couldn't know." Stormy sat with her face carefully to the wall while Misty worked. "Uh, how much longer?" "I don't know. Be silent." Stormy grinned at the blank wall. Misty had a lot of social skills to learn. It would be so much fun teaching her. ##Energy weapon on line. Kinetic weapon on line. Primary Weapon locked.## She hugged herself in delight. She'd never expected this much. Her chance of success had just increased by several orders of magnitude. There were holes in the security system. She'd proved that when she escaped. She couldn't kill herself. She couldn't kill Pluto or any of the senshi. She couldn't kill the Queen. She couldn't kill the Princess. Ah, but therein lay another hole in the programming. Mistake, oversight, act of Goddess. It didn't make any difference. She couldn't kill the Princess, but they'd never told her what the Princess looked like. There was nothing to prevent her from killing a perfectly unknown person who happened to occupy the Princess's apartments. She couldn't kill herself. . . but when she killed the Princess. . . ************************************************* She waited for the Princess to return to her rooms. She'd accessed the security computer and downloaded the Princesses schedule. She should be returning from the dinner party in just a few minutes. ##Sensors detect movement. Three to five individuals moving toward ambush. Do you wish to refine data?## "NO!" No, the last thing she wanted was a clear picture of who was coming. If her implants recognized anything that identified the Princess they would lock her down tighter than any chains. She calmed her breathing. Soon it would be over, she would be free. They would never hurt her again. And best of all, it would hurt HER, hurt her plans, whatever they were. She savored the thought as she waited for the one person who could grant her release. She would kill the Princess. . . then someone would kill her. "Weapons off safe. Standby to power up." She had to wait to power her weapons till the last minute. She wasn't sure how good the palace's internal sensors were and she didn't want to be detected at the last moment. She could be ready to fire in under a second. Agonizingly slow to her enhanced senses, but sufficient for her task. She could hear foot steps now, no need for augmentation they were so close. The door latch started to slide. "Power to weapons." The door quivered and swung inward. ##Weapons hot,## the voice whispered. ##Targeting data?## "Targeting set to manual control." ##Manual targeting confirmed.## She swung both guns up and centered on the opening door. The blast would kill everyone in the corridor. She would have fired through the door, but it was armored. The time it would take to burn through the door might be enough time for her target to escape. A figure entered the room and she started to fire at. . . STORMY! She froze in confusion as she recognized her friend. Then other figures crowded into the room. SENSHI! Alarms began to scream in her head as fail-safe routines started. Her augmentation shut down, leaving her weak and vulnerable as any normal human. She'd anticipated that this might happen and planted a few surprises of her own. "Run Simulation. . . Palace Coup." She felt a hesitation, then her augmentation spun back up as the idiot savant computer in her skull accepted input telling it that this was a war game simulation and not real senshi. It wouldn't fool the computer long, but she didn't need long. As power came back to her weapons she brought them to bear again as a brightly colored figure, twice her size, smashed her to the ground. "Mars, Mercury get the princess out of here!" She froze. . . Princess. . . her augmentation recognized the regalia, the jewels, Imperial signet. . . another set of fail-safes went off. This time she didn't just loose power. THEY had tried to teach her not to disobey. THEY had tried to teach her not to question them. BUT. . . They had also taught her to withstand pain. That lesson made it difficult for them to discipline her. But THEY were clever and cruel as they were beautiful and bright. They turned her own mind against her. Even as Jupiter pinned her to the ground she screamed and bent almost double in convulsions, throwing the big senshi across the room. Psychotropic drugs flooded her system, stripping away reality. A buried program activated, filling the void with night terrors, phantasms and fears carefully stolen from a young girl and hoarded against need. The horrified senshi backed away from the convulsing, screaming figure. "Princess, get back!" "Misty, it's me. Stormy." "No,no,no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't hurt me any more. I'll be good." Misty tried to crawl to Serenity. "Make it stop. I'll be good. I promise. I promise. Please. I'll be good." The Princess dropped to her knees and hugged her friend to her. "It's me, it's me! What can I do!" Misty curled into a small weeping ball at Serenity's feet. "I'll be good, make it stop, make it stop I'll be good!." "Princess! Princess!" "What, Mercury!" "Tell her she's being good!" "What!" "Hurry, tell her she's being good!" The frantic Princess grabbed her friend and whispered fiercely in her ear. "You are good, you are good." The convulsions lessened. "You are very good. You are my friend. My good friend. You are a good girl, a very good girl. The best." She held the shuddering girl, repeating this litany over and over 'till her voice was gone and the girl fell into an exhausted sleep. "Well that was exciting." Sailorjupiter limped back to her friends from the kitchen bearing a tray with glasses and a pitcher of spiced wine." I take it you know her?" "She's the friend I told you about." Sailormars stared at her princess. "You didn't tell us she was a homicidal maniac." "That's not fair!" "FAIR! This maniac almost fried us and you talk about FAIR!" "Actually, there are a couple of interesting things about the princess's new friend." Sailormercury was looking at her computer and entering commands. "OH! Something interesting aside from the fact that she tried to kill us with a pair of CANNON!" "Calm down Mars." "Well, excuse me if almost being assassinated makes me CRANKY!!" "Look at this." Mercury pointed to a schematic on her computer screen. "Now this is her pharmocopia. Most of the drugs are pretty standard, pain killers, antibiotics, stimulants. But this little section here, contains a very powerful psychotropic drug. It's usually used in treating mental illness. . . " "I told you she was a nut case." Mars muttered. Mercury ignored her and continued. "And this," she pointed to a blinking icon, "is a miniaturized dream state actuator. This is used in treating certain deep seated phobias and psychoses." She tapped a few keys. "I'm going to play back what happened just after the princess opened the door. Here you can see she is about to fire. She recognizes the princess and freezes. Now this was a voluntary reaction. Then we enter the room behind the princess. Our 'friend's' implant's--" "Her name is Misty." "Sorry, Misty's implant's go wild and try to shut her down. But someone, probably Misty, is a very clever programer as well. There was a routine coded that told the implants that we were all just a simulation. No senshi here, just a computer simulation of senshi. That fooled the master computer but THEN something else happened. I'm not sure exactly what but it was centered on you." Mercury indicated her princess. "ME?" "Something triggered some core fail-safe that dumped the drugs into her system and started the dream- state actuator. But instead of being used to CURE a phobia or psychosis it was use to give them. Some one arranged to drop her into her worst nightmare and then magnify it." "Will she be all right?" -"I don't know. She should be dead. By normal standards that was a lethal dosage of drug. On the other had it looks like someone has completely rebuilt her. She's even got a complete "MolFac' installed inside her body. I've never heard of. . ." "Wait, wait, 'Molfac?" "Sorry. Think about when you go to the healer and they inject tailored molecular machines to fix a broken bone, or repair a torn ligament. Well, she's got a factory inside her to manufacture molecular machines. As long as it's got power and raw materials it can keep her up and going no matter the damage. And it's been used. . . a lot. My scans indicate that every bone in her body has been broken, multiple times, over a period of years. It's harder to tell with soft tissue but her repairs are so extensive that she looks like a quilt." "Who would do somethin. . ." Jupiter's voice trailed off. "Oh shit. Them!" "Yeah, with friends like them, who needs enema's." "That's an old joke, Mars. And not very funny." "Oh yeah, well how 'bout this. What's the difference between Sailorneptune and Queen Beryl? Queen Beryl wears a longer skirt." "I've got one!" Jupiter chimed in. "What's the difference between Sailoruranus and Queen Beryl? Queen Beryl has a sense of humor." "Ok, Ok." Venus reposted. "What's the difference between Sailor Pluto and Queen Beryl?" "I don't know." "Neither does anyone else!" Usagi sat on the floor with Misty curled in her lap like an abandoned kitten. She looked up at her jesting friends. "What are we going to do?" The senshi looked at their princess. "We could hide her. My uncle has a hunting lodge." "That's no good Mars. Even if we fooled the demon bitches, Pluto could find her anywhere she hid." "We've got to think of somewhere Pluto can't find her. . . or someone Pluto can't intimidate." Mercury put in. "Well, the only two I can think of that would go against Pluto are the Goddess OR Her Majesty. . . " Jupiter joked. "Well, we can't depend on miracles," Venus dead panned. "So I guess it's the Goddess." "I think. . . I think I have an idea." The princess looked at her friends. " I need to go get something. Look after Misty while I'm gone. Don't take any chances with the Outer's or Sailor Pluto. If you have to. . . go to my mother. I think I'll be back before anything happens but. . . " "Yeah. But why not just go to your mother now?" The princess looked up at her big friend. "Because I don't want to put mother in the position of having to choose between Sailor Pluto and me. She has enough to worry about with all the trouble Beryl is causing." The princess walked out of her apartments followed by the commander of her guard. "This is a big mistake. We should just give her back." "Venus," The Princess looked betrayed, "you've seen what they did to her, what they'll keep doing." "They must have a reason. . . " "Oh yes. They always have a reason.." Her bitter condemning tone would have shocked most of the palace residents who knew only the cheerful smiling princess. "They can justify anything. . . Sacrifices must be made!" she mimicked. "The problem is, by the time they're through sacrificing to save the Imperium. . . there won't be anybody left alive to save. Well not this time. They don't get her. Not now! Not ever!" "We can't stop them." Venus held up her hand to forestall objections. "You are our Princess. You command and we obey. Besides," Venus gave her liege a wry grin, "nothing would give me more pleasure than to hand those two their heads." She saw Misty's surprised look and explained. "I was visiting some friends at the super-metal mining facility about ten years ago. That's in the asteroid belt so it falls in the Outer's jurisdiction. Well, there was an outbreak of Nerve Fever. In a closed system like the belt habitats it's horrible. And since the incubation period is almost four weeks the whole system was contaminated before anyone knew it. It was so bad they had to call on the Inner System to help with treatment and evacuation. I was on one of the unaffected habitats that was used as a staging area." Venus chuckled "Up to that time I knew I wanted to be a senshi, but I wanted to be an Outer. Guard the Frontier, first contact with aliens, the whole bit. Well, I got to see Inner and Outer senshi in action. The Outer senshi all looked like they'd just stepped off a recruiting poster. Especially Sailoruranus and Sailorneptune. And their groups of refugee's. . . No crying babies, every one in their queue, no pushing or shoving. It was text-book perfect. Then you could walk down and see the Inner's working. Uniforms rumpled, and dirty. They looked like an unmade bed. Babies crying, children playing in the halls people pushing and shoving in line. It was a real mess. I thought they were a joke. Then, one day, I watched the Outer's process a new batch of refugees. They sorted, cataloged and moved them along like they were so much trash that had to be disposed of. And I found out why their refugees were so polite. They were terrified of the Outer senshi. I watched them separate a little boy from his parents. The parents had tested positive for the virus, but the child was clean. So the parents went to quarantine and the child went to holding. Well this kid had a stuffed animal, a bear or horse or something. And he was clutching this thing and crying for his mama and papa. Problem was this stuffed animal wasn't on the Outer's approved list. Only NECESSARY items, as decreed by the all knowing Sailoruranus and Sailorneptune. I watched one of the Outer senshi SNATCH the doll out of that child's hands and dump it. I hated them for that. They could have made an exception. The Inner's did all the time. But not the Outer's. That would be too untidy, too inefficient. "Sacrifices have to be made." That was the first time I ever heard that. I found out later that's the un- official Outer Senshi motto." Venus took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "We can't stop them if they come. If you let me call out the Inner Guard . . ." Venus's voice trailed off as her Princess shook her head. "And have senshi fight senshi? Inner Guard against Outer . . .Civil War. Wouldn't Beryl just love that. No, we do this on our own. Just my own personal guard." "Then we can't stop them." Venus repeated. "Maybe in a few years when we're older, stronger. But they'll be hurting when they leave." Princess Serenity slipped a heavy chain over her head and dropped it over the surprised Sailorvenus's head. "This is my personal seal. When you speak it is with my voice. When you act it is by my will. If any one attempts to take Misty, you tell them she is under MY personal protection. Tell them any attempt to remove her from my care will be treated as an act of treason and I will so charge them in the High Court." "You do know what this means, don't you?" "Well, at the very least I'll find out who means the most to mother, Sailor Pluto or me." ************************************************* "Good morning sleepy head. Have a nice nap?" Misty bolted up right to see. . . a very large. . . breast? It spoke again. "Not a morning person? You're just like the rest of these slug-a-beds. I just LOVE mornings," the voice caroled. She scooted back to gain some perspective and discovered an even larger girl attached to the mammoth mammary, which turned out to be one of a matched pair. "Hey, Venus! Rise and shine. You need to show our guest around while I fix breakfast." A huge right hand blurred toward the bed covers. THWAK! "Owwwwie." A tousled bond head popped up from under the covers. "Save it for Mercury you sadist. SHE likes it." Venus rolled off the bed rubbing her injured dignity and glaring at her sister senshi. Jupiter laughed and padded back into the kitchen. "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." Venus looked down at the bewildered girl on the bed. "Uh, Misty isn't it." The small dark head bobbed once. "OK Misty, lets get you cleaned up, then fed. We have a long day ahead. . . I hope," she muttered sotto voice. "Mercury, time to get up." She prodded the small senshi who lay drooling cutely into her pillow. She giggled slightly at Venus's assault, only drawing her arms in slightly to protect her ribs. Venus poked again, harder. This caused Mercury to curl up on her side , knees just under her breasts, one hand going to her mouth like a small child. "Yuch!" Venus grimaced. "Even asleep she's adorable. HEY Jupiter" she shouted to her culinary comrade. " How can you stand this! She makes my teeth ache, she's so sweet." "She has her moments." "Ha, I've got it. A low powered 'Crescent Beam'." Venus started to power up. "Might even leave her eyebrows." "Aaaakkk! I'm up, I'm up!" Mercury bolted out of the bed, hands held protectively over her eyebrows. "How nice you could join us. Now lets get going." "Jupiter, it's your turn to get Mars." "Aww. Do I haffta?" "I did it the last two times. Now move." Venus and Mercury shepherded Misty toward the bathroom while Jupiter grimly stalked toward the bed and the remaining senshi. "I bet you wondering why you're naked," Mercury asked her charge as they headed for the bath. "'Cause we like looking at naked girls?" "Shut up Venus!" Mercury snapped. "Your old clothes were covered in vomit. And there was no sense in putting clean clothes on you to sleep when you were so dirty yourself." Venus chuckled evilly. "Good one Mercury. Now explain why WE are all naked." Mercury took a deep breath then let it out slowly. "WE are naked because my analysis indicated that it was the sens. . . " She paused as Misty tensed beneath her hands, "because our uniforms caused you to react badly." "And because we like to look at naked girls," Venus chirped. "I think it's the crystal," Jupiter intoned as the padded by. . . a comatose Mars slung over one shoulder like a bag of rice. She disappeared around a corner headed toward the cold section of the bath. "Uh oh!" "Quick, down!" Venus grabbed Misty and hauled her down behind a cabinet as Mercury hurled herself under a low bench. SPLOOSH! "Ahhhhhhhhhh!COLD!" "Uh. . . "MARRRRRRSSSSS! "It's not my fault." "FIRRRRREEEEE!" "Mercury made me do it?" "SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEEE!!!" "I'vegottagocheckonbreakfastbynow!" Jupiter thundered past as if the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels, instead of a fiery serpent nibbling just a little higher. "Well that went well." Misty gazed at Venus in bewilderment. "She didn't set off the sprinklers." "ONE time, and no one ever lets you forget." The senshi of fire squished into the room, looking like a drowned cat and smelling like burnt wool. She looked around the room. "Hey, why is every body naked?" "It's the crystal." Jupiter came into the bath carrying two heavily laden trays. "Jupiter's got this theory that long exposure to the crystal has made the Imperial family. . . a little strange." "Hey, it explains the short skirts. And remember Serenity the First had a TREE as her chief advisor." Misty was settled into the steaming water, two senshi on either side of her. "You know, eating in the bath was one of Stormy's better ideas. It's fast, comfortable and you're all clean when you're done." "And you get to look at nake. . . " "Will you knock it off." Mercury bopped her friend lightly on the head." "Ummm. Why do you call her 'Stormy'?" "Ha! Well Serenity is the Imperial family name, but of course each Sovereign has her own personal name and later chooses her Reign name. Well 'Stormy' HATED her personal name, so every one called her 'little Serenity'. That wasn't much better as far as she was concerned. She was always getting into so much trouble that someone finally said she had as 'little Serenity as a typhoon.' From then own she was called Stormy." The five girls washed and ate in companionable silence. "Well, now what do we do?" Jupiter asked the walls. "Get dressed, if there's anything in Stormy's closet that will fit" Venus looked at her giant companion who grinned back. "Or won't strangle us in lace," Jupiter added. Venus looked dismayed at the prospect. "Why don't we just 'port something from our rooms, or buy new?" Mars asked? "Because THEY may be out looking for our friend Misty. The Royal Apartments are shielded. No one can tell who, if anyone is in here right now. And even THEY might hesitate to blindly invade the princesses apartments. But if THEY knew we were here then. . . " BANG! BANG! BANG! Every one jumped as the door shuddered under massive blows. "Shit!" Venus cursed and leaped to her feet. "Mars, Mercury take Misty and run for the Queen's apartments. She may shelter you, at least until she talks with Stormy." "We're not going to leave. . . " "Don't argue. I promised Stormy that we wouldn't let them take Misty. This is our best chance." "And if the Queen won't give us shelter?" "Don't let them take her, not alive." Venus took up position beside the door. "Jupiter, open a hole with a thunder bolt when I open the door. That'll be your signal Mercury. Lay down a 'Shabon Spray' and try to break out down the corridor. I'll cover with a 'Crescent Beam' as long as I can. Mars, you just burn anything still moving. Ready?" Mars fire burned with an angry flame while frost rimmed the ground around the grimly determined Mercury. The stench of ozone filled the air as fat balls of electricity dripped like sweat off Jupiter to plop on the ground with an evil hiss. Venus felt her own body swell to bursting with golden power as she readied her "Crescent Beam." She swore to herself that she would burn Sailorneptune a new asshole before she went down. She reached out and gently unlatched the door, then slammed it open. "SUPREEEEM. . . "SHAAAABONNN. . . "THUN. . . "CRESEN. . . " "FIRE. . . " "BEAAAA. . . ' "Hiiiiiiiii! I brought Coooookkkkiiiieeeessss!" "!!!!!!!!!!" ************************************************* ". . . my hands were full." the princess wailed. "That's no reason to scare us half to death." "Hey, these cookies are good!" The other senshi glared at Mercury. "Well they are." "You are such a child about sweets," Jupiter said fondly. "Here have one of mine." "F'ank 'U,"Mercury mumbled through a mouthful of crumbs. Venus rolled her eyes in exasperation. "If we can get back to the problem at hand. What are we going to do about Misty and. . . THEM?" "This!" The princess pulled a box out of her pocket. "S-T-O-R-M-E-Z S-T-U-F" Mercury traced the letters on the box . "K-E-P-P O-U-T. I hope for the sake of your tutors that this is an OLD box." The princess stuck her tongue out at the senshi of water. "This is all my best things. I had to go to the summer palace to get it." She dumped the box on the floor. Sea shells, brightly colored pebbles and a birds nest spilled out across the carpet. Mars let a handful of pebbles run through her fingers. "Well, yes I can see how this would strike terror in the hearts of. . . " "Not that silly, THIS!" She dug through her pile of small treasures and held up a palm sized brooch. Mars stretched out a hand toward the object, then snatched it back as if she'd been burned. "Where did you GET that!" she hissed "Grand mama gave it to me." "Grand mama! You wouldn't happen to be talking about Serenity Iron Tongue also known as Serenity Maneater and Serenity BUBBLEHEAD!!" "Well, she was a little eccentric." "ECCENTRIC!" The senshi of fire screeched. "She had all of her lovers flash frozen. . . " "Only after they were dead." the princess excused ". . . and made them CABINET MINISTERS!!" "Grand mama said she could get more work done, and it was so much quieter." Mars glared at her princess , puffing like a walrus with adenoid problems. "THAT GRAND MAMA!! You got that." She pointed to the offending object "from HER!" "I think it's beautiful." Misty reached down. . . "NO! Don't. . . " Mars screamed. . . . and picked it up. It was old iron, black with age. A dragon and a phoenix twisted together in a savage embrace. The dragon had pierced the phoenix's breast while the phoenix claws were driven deep into the dragon heart. Blood ran together from both wounds to join in a single ruby drop, the only splash of color on the unrelieved black. ". . . touch it." Mars finished weakly. "What's the problem, Mars?" Jupiter asked. "The problem is, that the last time someone had one of those" she pointed at the broach in Misty's hand "they turned the 'Old Stone Fort'" she lurched up from the floor and stomped over to the sliding doors that faced the gardens "or what used to be the Old Stone Fort" the doors slammed back. Every one winced as sunlight streamed into the dimly lit room, "into a crater three kilometers across and six hundred meters deep." She pointed to an ornamental lake in the distance. "I don't suppose GRAND MAMA gave you an instruction book to go with that. . . damn. . . thing." "OK, Mars, you've had you're little tantrum. Now why don't you provide a little detail." Mars glared at Venus for a second before plumping back down beside the group. "Two thousand years ago the senshi didn't exist. The Imperial family was warded by the Blood Guard. Each year that a Royal baby was to be born a young woman, heavy with child, would come down from the Iron Mountains. She and the Royal mother-to-be would stay together for that year. Blood Guard were joined with their charge before life and after death, so the stories go, drawing their first and last breath together. In between, they would sleep in the same bed, eat from the same bowl, drink from the same cup. The thought of one would come from the lips of the other." She looked at her companions. "Two thousand years ago the last of the blood guard and all but one of Serenity's line were murdered during the 'Revolt of the Barons'. Serenity Ironback, known as Serenity the Sorrowful lived to birth her child, then followed her Blood Guard into the next world. No one ever came down from the Iron Mountains after that, and expeditions sent into the mountains found nothing or never returned." "That's so sad." Mercury hugged her self as a chill went through her body. "There were attempts to revive the Blood Guard of course. The last, four hundred fifty years ago resulted in an explosion that vaporized the 'Old Stone Fort'. No one has tried since. Of course, no one has had one of those." she pointed at the broach. "If it's real, then it might well solve our problems with Pluto and the Outer Senshi. Even Sailor Pluto can't arrest a ball of hot gas and bone fragments." "They probably tried to force it." The senshi all turned to Misty at the sound of her voice. "It won't work if you force it." This time it was their Princess. "What did the brooch have to do with the Blood Guard?" Jupiter asked. "No one knows, except that it had something to do with an exchange of oaths. Oaths which" Mars added looking pointedly at her Princess "no one knows anymore because they were never written down anywhere." "It can't be written on paper." Serenity said "It's written on the soul." Misty added "The oath is personal. . . " "Between the two. . . " "Who are one. . . " Their hands met and somehow the brooch was clenched between them. " forever. . . " Mars looked startled, then concerned. "Uh, guys. I don't think this is such a good idea. Maybe we should think about this." The two figures were on their knees, facing each other. "My blood when you thirst. . . " "My fire to warm you. . . " Jupiter grabbed her princess around her waist and heaved. Muscles bunched in her shoulders and veins popped out on her brow. She would have has better luck pulling the palace up by the roots. "My flesh when you hunger. . . " "My steel to defend you. . . " Mercury was rapidly tapping commands into her computer. She glanced a readout, startled. "This does NOT look good. I think. . . " "I am the blood, with wings to carry" "I am the guard, my life is yours." A whirlwind of light surrounded the two. Blood dripped from their clenched hands where the iron brooch bit into tender flesh. The horrified senshi watched as blood from the two swirled together, dripped from their fists. . . and disappeared. "I am the soul, with heart to shelter." "Before this life. . . " The light grew brighter, the wind faster, cutting their flesh like glass splinters. The senshi were forced unwillingly back against the wall. "And into the next. . . " "Forever." A freezing blast of flame, beautifully terrible slammed them into blackness. ************************************************* * "How is she. . . how are they." Mars had come awake at the bottom of a tangle of senshi. She had clawed her way from under to find her princess and her princess' 'Blood Guard' unconscious, hands still locked together. Now the looked down at the two figures on the bed then back at Mercury. "How are they?" "Asleep, as far as I can tell." "Nothing else!" the fire senshi asked anxiously. "Well.. ." Mercury drawled consideringly "WHAT!" "I believe this 'Blood Guard' thing must have worked." She looked at her computer display. "Respiration, pulse, even blood pressure and core temperature. . . match." She quirked a grin at the slack jawed Mars. "Also, their alpha waves and REM match. I think they're even dreaming the same dream." "Well, I'm not leaving her alone with this. . . this. . . " Mars glared at Misty curled against HER princess, then looked challengingly at Mercury. "I think Stormy would appreciate that." Mercury ran a quick scan. "In fact, why don't you lie down too. You took a nasty crack on the head." Mars looked mutinous, then nodded. She toed off her shoes and slipped in beside her princess. "I'm not going to sleep," she growled at Mercury. "Just lie down a second 'till my head stops hurting." "Of course. I don't expect anything else." Mercury concentrated on her computer. The click of computer keys was accompanied by little grunts of frustration or hrumphs of disbelief. A low buzzing sound interrupted her concentration. She hit a function key. The buzzing got louder. Mercury hit the key again with a little "mew" of frustration. Startled when there was still no response from her computer she looked up. A smile spread over her face as she saw the senshi of fire fast asleep, curled protectively around both her sleeping princess and her princesses "Blood Guard." Mercury gently drew a coverlet over the sleeping girls and quietly left the room. "How's it going?" Venus whispered. "They're all asleep." "Even the pyro?" "I used a little psychology. How's it going here?" "Great. Let me introduce you to 'Misty Brightwater, Centurion in the Blood Guard." Venus handed a sheaf of hardcopy to Mercury. "What! Centurion! Blood Guard? I thought we were going to HIDE her not. . . " "Relax. This Blood Guard is a provincial militia named in honor of the original 'Blood Guard.'. Militia are constantly rotating through the Capitol for training and equipment upgrades. Plus everyone knows the princess is always taking in strays. One more lonely homesick girl won't be noticed. It's perfect. Hiding her in plain sight." Mercury looked awestruck "How long do think we can hide her? And what happens when THEY find her?" "I don't know. Under the law she and Stormy are LEGALLY the same person." "HUH?" Jupiter was reading the papers over Mercury's shoulder. "That's how 'Blood Guard' and the one they guarded were regarded in the 'First Empire' and the law is still on the books. I guess with the real 'Blood Guard' all gone it never occurred to anyone to change the law. But LEGALLY they can't touch her now. But THEY've never been too concerned with the law." "But how long do you think it will be before THEY find her?" Jupiter asked again. ************************************************* It took nine months, eighteen days. ************************************************* ". . . was NOT!" "Yes you were. I saw you." Mercury turned to 'Misty' who was in her normal place, just behind and to the right of the princess. In fact she was so precise in her placement that many in the Palace had started calling her Storm's Shadow or just Shadow. She didn't seem to care what anybody called her, she only answered to the princess. "You were there, you tell us. Wasn't Stormy flirting with that prince from Earth?" Misty' turned expressionless eyes on Mercury. "Do you really want to know?" she asked tonelessly. Mercury nodded in the affirmative. The Blood Guard stopped and turned to face Mercury squarely. "You are certain?" Mercury gulped a little at the serious tone. She could see out of the corner of her eye that her sister senshi and the princess had all stopped to listen. "Uh, yes, I am certain." "Very well." The Blood Guard advanced a step as Mercury retreated. "I will tell you." The put her hands on either side of Mercury's head and leaned close 'till they were nose to nose. "But then I have to kill you." Mercury's magnificent brain whirred with the precision of an atomic clock; then hiccoughed as it processed that last statement. "Eeeeeep." Mercury scooted back so quickly she fell and slid across the floor on her rump. Misty's lips quirked in an infinitesimal smile. "Gotcha." ##Alert! Entering Shielded Area## Misty absently noted the whisper's message. This was normal when entering the Royal apartments. ##Alert. Entering Shielded Area. Active Sensors to standby. Passive Sensors reduced to .24.## The shielding scrambled active sensors with feedback and reflector ghosts, and even passive sensors were hashed unless greatly reduced in sensitivity. ##Area clear within scan range.## The scrolling map in her head showed an area empty except for the icons identifying the princess and her senshi. She would be glad to have the princess back in her rooms and under cover. Dancing struck her as only slightly less dangerous than clearing a mine field. It was especially troublesome that there were no dances for THREE people. Misty had improvised by learning to steer her own dance 'partner' (Venus joked that Misty had a dance 'hostage' ) alongside the princess and her partner. Mars head snapped up from talking to Venus. "Wha. . . " ##WARNING!## The whisper was urgent now. ##Energy spike. Portal opening. Multiple portals detected.## The walls shimmered like ripples in a pool of water. ##WARNING. Hostile detected. Multiple hostile's.## Black figures erupted from the floors, wall and ceiling. Misty swept a hand knocking the princess to the ground. The rest of the senshi moved to form a defensive circle around her. "Comm systems are jammed. I can't get out." Mercury's voice was low and urgent. "We don't want the princess. We just want her." The tallest of the black clad figures pointed directly at Misty. Misty looked at the hallway, crowded with heavily armed and armored figures, then back at her princess peeping out from the center of her senshi's protective circle. She knew where these black clad figures were from, knew who the one in front must be; Sailoruranus. "I'll come with you." "NO!" "Good choice. Come over here." Misty walked away from the senshi and toward the speaker. "Now put these on." The figure shoved a set of heavy shock-restraints into her hands. "No, Misty. Don't. . . " "It's OK Stormy. Remember what we talked about." But Stormy wasn't thinking about the law, or plans or anything else. The shock of being attacked in her own home, almost in her own rooms had driven such mundane thought from her head. The black-clad spokesman grew impatient at the delay and grabbed Misty by the hand. Misty jerked back reflexively, her body remembering old pain these hands had given. The situation went to hell. . . 'Black-clad' clubbed Misty with a nerve-burner thinking she was trying to escape. . . Misty cried out in pain and shock. . . Stormy broke away from her senshi and ran toward her friend. . . 'Black Clad' lashed out blindly at the half-seen figure coming up behind. . . Stormy flew backwards in a spray of blood hitting the wall and sliding to the ground like a broken doll. . . "Weapons hot," Misty commanded. CRESCENT BEAM!" A savage golden beam scorched through the air, narrowly hitting 'Black Clad" who dove for the ground. Venus tracked the beam left, blasting chunks from the ablative armor worn by the swarm of black clad invaders. ##Selecting Armor Piercing Anti-personnel Incendiary. Power at 0.02.## The computer automatically selected a weapons mix and power setting that wouldn't kill everyone, friends included, when used in the close confines of the corridor "SUPREME THUNDER." Jupiter's attack rolled harmlessly off black armor. The invaders knew who they would be up against and had come prepared. They came forward, confident of their immunity. Jupiter snatched the first armored figure to reach her off it's feet. Grasping it by the ankles she began to swing it in great sweeping arcs, attempting to batter her way through the crowd surrounding her. ##Input targeting criteria## "Identify princess and her senshi as friendly. All others hostile." ##Input accepted## Mercury had abandoned her futile attempts to summon help. Finding her SHABON SPRAY as useless against the black armored figures as Jupiter's thunder, she launched a gallant and suicidal barehanded attack on an armored figure striding purposefully toward her downed princess. She leapt on the back of the invader, and wrapping her legs around its torso began smashing its armored head with the Mercury Computer. The figure reached back with black gauntleted hands to pluck Mercury from her perch. "Fire." The stream of 4mm darts moving at mach 25 turned the black armored head into a rapidly expanding pinkish grey mist. Mercury dropped to the ground with a little "oooph", and rolled clear as the headless figure fell to the ground with a rattling clang. As she pulled herself groggily to her feet her computer made a small electronic sound of distress and Mercury looked at the display. "They're opening another portal," she cried. "We can't hold them." The air shimmered and twisted with the energies of a large transport portal opening. As the portal stabilized the dismayed senshi could see more armored figures and what looked like a stun cannon. "MARS WAR FIRE!!" The blast of super-heated plasma blew through the black armored figures just emerging from the portal reducing them, their stun cannon and sixty centimeters of armored bulkhead to a fine ash. The portal abruptly popped out of existence like a soap bubble in a furnace. All fighting stopped as the stunned combatants, on both sides, looked at the warrior of fire who stood swaying on her feet.. "HA! You better not mess. . . " her eyes rolled up in her head and Mars dropped to the floor like an empty laundry bag. "Got her! Let's go!" Venus twisted in the grip of two armored invaders to see Misty fall under the point- blank fire of six neural disrupters. Her last sight, as an armored fist hammered her into blackness, was of an unconscious Misty and the hoard of armored figures winking out of existence. ************************************************* "Aaaaaa" Sailoruranus hissed as Sailoneptune sprayed wound-sealant on the burn running from wrist to shoulder. "I could do something for the pain it you'd let me." "Leave it. Pain is instructive. Maybe I'll learn something from it." She pounded her good had on the table. "Dammit. This was supposed to be a simple pickup. Grab the girl, in and out. Quick clean, no one hurt." She looked grimly at her companion. "How bad is it?" "We're clean." At Sailoruranus's look of disbelief she went on. "It's true. We'd already taken care of the security net. And Mars's fire actually did us a favor. Any residual traces we might have left were destroyed by her blast. There's no evidence of who we were." "They'll suspect. . . " "Suspicion is not evidence. Pluto can convince the Queen that it was Beryl." "What are our losses?" "Twenty four dead. Most of those when Mars blew the portal. Thirty more wounded. Three of those may not make it." Sailoruranus swore harshly. "What were those idiots thinking! They were outnumbered, surrounded. Hell, they didn't even have light armor. All they had to do was give us the target and no one would have gotten hurt." It didn't occur to Sailoruranus to include "the target" in the list of people who would get hurt. Or even in the list of people. "They're just children." Sailorneptune said tolerantly. "They're too emotional to make good decis. . ." She broke off as the admittance chime sounded. Sailoruranus stiffened. "I'll see who it is." Sailorneptune left the bedroom, while Sailoruranus fretted. She could hear the door open, then voices. Indistinct, they quickly became clearer. ". . . honored to have you visit Majesty. But I'm afraid that this isn't a very good time. Sailoruranus isn't feeling well. . . " Hastily Sailoruranus tugged her tunic over her burned arm with a grimace of pain. ". . . can not go in there." Sailorneptune blurred through the air and slammed against the wall with a force that shook the walls. Sailoruranus jerked to her feet in shock as Queen Serenity appeared in the entrance. "Can not?" the voice was mildly questioning. The eyes were not. "In my own palace, you tell me that I 'can not'?" Sailoruranus knelt before the Queen her mind racing. Something in their cover story had broken, but what? How much did the Queen know? She tried to stall for time." "Gracious Majesty, if Sailorneptune has given offence I am sure. . . " "Where is she?" "She, Majesty? I don't. . . " Sailoruranus screamed as she was slammed against the wall. Her vison blurred as a giant hand smashed again and again into her middle. Finally she was released sobbing and vomiting to fall to the floor. Delicate footsteps clicked over to where she lay. She opened one eye to stare blurrily at the hem of a silver gown. "You may tell me what I want to know," the voice was delicate, soft and cultured, "or I will take it from you." The voice was indifferent to Sailoruranus choice. "I. . . I" she wiped a pink froth from her smashed lips. She could feel broken ribs grate. "I don't know what you mean graci. . . " Queen Serenity blazed with power as she prepared to rip Sailoruranus's mind apart like a used tissue. "DON'T!" Feebly Sailoruranus let her head roll to one side to see Sailorneptune scrabble across the room on her belly. "Please, don't hurt her. I'll tell you. . . " "Don't! Not for me. We have to. . . " "She'll take it from you anyway. And you'll die for nothing. Nothing!" Sailorneptune sent a frantic mental command that opened a sealed portal. "There. She's in there!" Queen Serenity reappeared carrying a limp form. She stared coldly at the two fallen senshi. "The senshi you commanded are under arrest for high treason. It has been a while since the executioner has had any work. I imagine after the first dozen it will come back to him." Sailoruranus struggled to her knees. "Majesty! Please, the senshi were under my command. They were only following. . . " "Orders? This may serve to instruct your successor as to which orders should be given and which orders should not." The Queen paused and turned back to Sailoruranus. "Did you know that you struck my daughter?" Sailoruranus sucked in an involuntary breath, then gasped as her broken ribs protested. "No, Majesty. I never. . . " "My daughter says as much. She tells me that she came from behind, suddenly. That you could not have known it was she." The Queen paused, lost in thought. "My daughter does not understand that sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. She believes instead that the good should be increased. . . so that all may share." Queen Serenity looked down at Sailoruranus. "I have sheltered and protected my daughter all her life. I did not wish her to learn about the ugly side of the Imperium; the greed, lies and betrayal that fuel court life. I wonder if I shall thank you for instructing her so well?" ************************************************* "Serenity, I have some good news. It seems as if Beryl's research and development facility has suffered an accident. There is. . . " Sailor Pluto halted as Queen Serenity held up a hand. "A palace coup." Sailor Pluto grinned. "I didn't realize you wanted to play. My news can wait." She started forward. "Betrayed by my closest advisor." Sailor Pluto reached for the Queen. "What is weapon 4?" Only someone who knew the guardian of time well would have sensed her slight hesitation. "What do you mean?" Her head snapped back. A ring on the Queens hand ripping a long deep furrow in her perfect skin. She reeled back, the shock of the blow more devastating than a sword to the heart. She stretched out a hand. . . "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" "Please, just let me. . . " "LIE!" The Queen drew in a long shuddering breath. "Don't bother. I know about weapon 4, and what you have done." "Then you must know I did it for the Imperium, for y. . . " Sailorpluto stumbled back as the Queen surged forward in a rage. "Don't say you did it for ME. Don't you dare say that you kidnaped, murdered, tortured for ME!! Don't you tell me that you had my daughter and her companions ATTACKED for ME!" Pluto fell back, white faced, before the Queens rage. "Ser. . . Majesty, I had to do it. Beryl is. . . " "Beryl."The Queens harsh laughter shivered across the room. "What need have I to fear Beryl when I have YOU!" Pluto staggered at the accusation , catching herself on a table before she could fall. "At least Beryl never pretended to love me! At least Beryl never betrayed my trust!" Pluto raised a trembling hand. The Queen cut her off with a savage motion. "NO! Not a word! I should kill you with my own hands. She glared at the guardian of time. " The Weapon 4 project is finished. I want all records of it and all other projects you are running, on my desk in the morning." She immediately killed the spark of hope in Pluto's eyes. "Send one of your lackeys with the records. I don't won't you polluting my air with your presence." Pluto tried one more time. "Majesty, by the love we shared, may I speak?" "Speak." The words grated unwillingly. "Beryl and her Shadows are dangerous. I had to find a weapon to fight them. That is why. . . " "What need to fight Beryl if we BECOME her!" The Queen's fists clenched 'till the knuckles whitened. "I loved you," she said suddenly. "I loved you from the first moment I saw you in my mother's court. I thought you were the most beautiful, the most perfect creature in the universe. I thought that you were lonely. That I could help you.. . And I loved you with all the helpless, hopeless passion of an infatuated twelve year old. Everyone told me how cruel you were, how inhuman. That you were nothing but a creation of the crystal, with a heart to match. When you came to my rooms that first time. . . I thought that the Goddess had answered my prayers. I didn't know it was the devil" She rose from her seat to tower over the kneeling Pluto. "But I am sworn to protect the Imperium and its people. I will not sacrifice their lives to avenge my own betrayal. I can not afford a division in the Imperium now. You and the Outer senshi may live. . . on sufferance. You and they will retire to the outer system." She turned to go. "Serenity, please. . . " The Queen stepped through a portal. "please. . . " ************************************************* A door that didn't exist opened from a place that had no name. A tall figure with long dark hair stepped through and looked at the six girls tumbled together like a basket full of kittens. Kittens that had been through a very hard day. She selected one slight figure that was nestled up against a tiny blond girl with absurdly long hair. She motioned with her staff and both she and the girl vanished. ************************************************* "It's very difficult to carry on a conversation if you keep trying to kill me." Misty snarled and lunged again at the guardian of time. Again she bounced off an invisible shield. "You should be pleased," Pluto continued. "Queen Serenity arrested the Outer Senshi and condemned them to death, after first breaking several important bones. And I have been banished." Pluto noted Misty's feral snarl. "Now you and your princess and her senshi can live happily together. . . until Beryl comes. The you have a choice of hoping she dies in the fighting or you can kill her yourself. I don't think you want her delivered alive into Beryl's hand's." "I can protect her." "As you protected her today? And the Outer Senshi weren't even after the princess." "I can. . . " "Do nothing. But I can. I can give you power. Power to defeat Beryl. Power to protect your princess. If you come back to finish the project." "Why are you asking? Why don't you just take. You're good at that." "Because you are under the Queen's protection now. If I take you she will come after me. I can't fight Beryl and Serenity at the same time. But you can come of your own free will." "Why me? Why am I so important?" Pluto sighed to herself. It would have all been so much simpler if they had managed to obliterate the girl's personality completely. But as usual the technical people had overestimated their capabilities. It would have been nice though. So much less trouble. "Because the weapon we have developed to combat the Shadows, to allow you to exist between dimensions, has killed everyone who has used it or driven them mad. You are the only one who can survive the pain of transition between dimensions. The only one who can withstand the madness of zero-space. You are the only one who can fight the Shadows and win." ************************************************ ". . . upgrades worked perfectly. The new power receptors are even better than we anticipated." "And how long before we can duplicate Weapon 4?" The director smiled. "We have already started. We should be able to decant the first batch within six months. Initial programming and implant installation should be relatively straight forward with what we have learned. I think we should have no more than a 40% wastage." "How soon to produce completed weapons?" "Eighteen months for the first six. After that, with the facilities we have, I think we can produce two weapons every four months." Pluto tapped the table in front of her thoughtfully. "I think that is acceptable. Beryl is still rebuilding her R&D facility after that fire last year. And she seems to be concentrating a great deal of effort in the mono-pole mining facility." A briefly wistful look crossed her face as she remembered Queen Serenity's almost childish glee at her ploy to distract Beryl. She banished the thought ruthlessly. "I would like to see. . . " An alarm rang and a face appeared on the communications screen. A terrified tech looked out at her. "Sailor Pluto, a message from the capitol! They are under attack!" Pluto froze for a stunned moment, then lunged for the console. She entered a code. Her heart thudded in her chest while she waited for the screen to clear. "Sailor Pluto, thank the Goddess. We've been trying to get through to you but. . . " "The Queen! Where is the Queen?" "I don't know. I think she went to 'Cloud Song' to rally the Inner Guard but. . . " "Give me Commander Tarn. If she can hold the curtain wall I can. . . " "Tarn is dead. The wall is down. The Shadows are already in the palace grounds. We must have. . . " Pluto stared at the blank screen. A portal snapped open behind her and Sailoruranus supporting a wounded Sailorneptune stumbled out. "Pluto. . . the Shadows. They destroyed the Outer Guard barracks. The power grid is down and the portal system is failing. We need to warn. . . " Pluto ignored the senshi and turned to the director. "How long to get the Combat Support Unit back on line?" "The CSU? Why I don't know, several hours, perhaps a day. As I mentioned we are re-calibrating the power. . ." "Strip the facility. Empty the infirmary. Unless they're six weeks dead I want to see everyone on the transport grid with a weapon in fifteen minutes." She thought a minute. "Put the CSU on autonomous repair mode. Tell it to signal as soon as it's ready." "What do you have in mind Pluto." Sailorneptune asked, sagging with exhaustion. "We're going to port directly into the palace. The Queens tower is the most heavily armored part of the palace. If we can hold it long enough for the CSU to come on line we can counter-attack with. . . " "The Princess!" Misty burst into the room, panting heavily. "Something is wrong. I can feel it." "The palace is under attack. We are leaving as soon. . . " "NO! I'm not waiting on you. You don't care about her." There was a flare of light as Misty wrenched open a portal to the Moon Kingdom and vanished. ************************************************* The palace was burning. She could see people and stone melted together. The primary weapon activated without conscious thought. The familiar screaming pain was swallowed by her terror for the princess. "Active sensors at maximum," she ordered the whisper. "Locate the princess." ##Searching.## A nightmare shape rose suddenly before her black and twisted; it screamed and writhed as it burned in the fires of zero-space. A huge hand scattered buildings and people like toys as it lunged for her. "Kinetic Weapon. Select super-dense. Maximum acceleration" ##Super-dense Selected. Acceleration set at 0.3C## the voice whispered. "Initiate phase lock." ##Phase lock complete.## came the whisper "Fire." Ordinarily an object that was in zero-space, that peculiar place between dimensions, was invulnerable to outside forces until that object chose to leave the safety of zero-space and touch normal-space. Unless that outside force had the ability to phase into zero- space as well. 20,000 rounds per minute of super-dense 4 mm needles blasted out of the "barrel" of the coil-gun at a little over fifty thousand miles per second. The swarm of needles blow-torched through the Shadow destroying its containment field with. . . unfortunate and fatal results. The Imperium's last blood Guard raced through the expanding gas cloud that had once been one of Beryl's elite shock troops. ##Accumulators at 0.38## She cursed her carelessness. She'd used too much power killing that first Shadow and without the CSU there was no chance of. . . ##. . . nitiating power tap. NO RESPONSE. Initiating power tap. NO RESP. . . ## "Cancel" she told the idiot-savant computer. "CSU not available." ##Acknowledged. 18 minutes combat capability remains at present power drain.## A pair of Shadows converged on her from the flanks. Her internal map showed the princess just beyond them. The energy weapon burned the legs off one, the kinetic weapon blasted the second in the torso. She didn't wait to see the results but raced on toward her duty and her friend. ##5 minutes combat power.## Ahead, she could see the huge figure of a woman looming over a tiny seeming figure in armor and below that. . . "Princess!!" She sent power to her contra-gravity and JUMPED. ##4 minutes power. First warning. Prepare to shut down phase generator.## The giant figure laughed and reached for the fragile blond figure. ##Target lock.## she put the targeting pip in the center of the cruel laughing face. "Select Kinetic weapon. Fire." ##Null, response. Magazine empty## "Select Energy Weapon. Fire." ##Null response. Power below minimum level for Energy Weapon.## A long metallic staff appeared in her hands. It shimmered and twisted as it formed into an ugly beaked war hammer. She sent power to her contra-grav again and JUMPED! ##2 minutes power. Beginning fail-safe shut down of phase generator.## "OVERRIDE!!" she snapped. ##Failure to shut down will result in. . . ## "OVERRIDE! IMPERIAL PRIORITY!!" she screamed at the computer. ##Override acknowledged.## She was almost there. Three more jumps. Power to contra-grav and JUMP. ##40 seconds to shield collapse.## And JUMP!' ##15 seconds.## The giant sneering face dominated everything now. That and the pitiful figure hanging in the air before Beryl. ## 8 seconds.## She brought the hammer over her head. Fiery hooks ripped at her body. The world shimmered and shook as dimensional shear slowly ripped her body apart. The dying containment shield flared and hissed as it devoured her body and shredded her sanity. And JUMP! She soared into the air high above Beryl. She could see the evil face slowly start to turn upwards, comprehension slowly come to the eyes. ##3 seconds.## She was screaming the hate and rage and fear of a lifetime directed at this one moment, this one target. She would fulfil her purpose. She would kill Beryl. Then she could rest. ##2 seconds.## The hammer came down in a savage arc, to smash that giant skull like a rotten fruit. As the hammer neared the end of its arc a bright white light swept over the doomed capitol. As it moved over the ground it swept away the dead and dying, sins and sinners, clean and unclean. . . leaving nothing in its wake. ##1 sec . . ## Chapter 10 MOUKA TAKABISHA!!" The chi-blast smashed Sailorpluto to the ground, collapsing the "Black Dome Close". Sailorpluto vanished, leaving Akane sobbing in the middle of the street like an abandoned child. Ranma scooped her up in his arms and cuddled her tightly against his chest. Even as he held the weeping girl in his arms his head swivelled back and forth, searching the darkness for the aura he'd felt from across the street. Blood and madness . . . so strong now that he could almost taste it. Old blood and bright madness . . .just standing in the same spot occupied by that . . .woman . . . made his skin crawl. "Dammit Tomboy," he whispered fiercely, "What the hell have you gotten yourself into now?" ************************************************* "You want me to what?" Tendou Nabiki stared at her little sister with narrowed eyes. "Get me transferred to another school." "Would you like an Imperial Audience while I'm at it?" Nabiki asked sarcastically. "Or perhaps instead of. After all the Emperor is no longer a god . . . I can probably get you in to see the Emperor." Akane looked at her sister with shuttered eyes. Nabiki hated that. Always before she'd been able to read her little sister like a cheap manga. Now . . .And Ranma. Ranma was acting . . ." "What do you need?" Nabiki stared down at her little sister with a twisted smile. "Well, a couple of HUNDRED million yen would be nice to start with. You know, for the little things . . .new school uniform . . .bribes . . .transfer authorizations . . . bribes . . .record transfers . . .BRIBES."Nabiki tilted her head thoughtfully."You know, I sense a pattern here. M . .O . . N . .E . .Y. To get you transferred to another school for next year . . ." "Tomorrow." Nabiki's mouth dropped open with a surprised bark of laughter. "TOMORROW! Go with an Imperial Audience little sister. Breakfast with the Emperor . . .hell I could get you lunch with Kamisama for what it would cost to get you transferred . . .IF I could get you transferred . . . by the end of the YEAR. By TOMORROW . . . I'd have to bribe half the Prefecture . . .no . . .the entire Prefecture up to the Governor's office. And not little bribes either . . .getting people up this time of night adds a surcharge . . ." Akane's expression went blank for a moment and she tilted her head slightly to the side as if listening. Then, suddenly and silently she turned and went into her room. Nabiki stared at the closed door and was startled by a harsh light that spilled out around the edges. She took a tentative step toward the door then stopped, startled as it opened and Akane stepped out. "Here, will this help?" Nabiki automatically held out her hands as Akane poured a stream of raw gold from a bulging pillow case into her cupped palms. "If you need more . . ." "No . . .thank you." Nabiki said faintly. "Tell me. Do you want to change schools . . .or BUY one?" ************************************************* "Haruna sensei! What are you . . .I mean please come in." That Minako was surprised to see Usagi's old teacher was beyond understatement. And who was the nondescript man in the expensive suit? "What a . . .surprise to see you Haruna sensei. I'm sorry but I was just on my way out." "I'm sorry to bother you Minakosan, but this is very important. I would like to introduce you to Nagumo Seiji from MITI. He is very concerned about recent . . .events on the Home Islands. He would like to talk to you about them. Minako controlled her expression with some effort. She was not helped in this when Artemis dug his claws into her shoulder in involuntary reflex. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry RAN Japan Inc. The government and military reported to them and they send orders down as to how the country should be run. "I'm afraid I don't understand Haruna sensei. Why would a government official want to talk to me?" "Talk to Aino Minako? No interest at all." The nondescript man stepped forward for the first time. "To talk with Sailor V? A great deal of interest." Minako didn't even blink. She'd had a great deal of practice dissembling as Sailor V, and even more as Sailorvenus. "M . . .m .me? Sailor V." Minako almost bent in two with a great sputtering laugh. "You've been talking to my agent. I used to MODEL as Sailor V. Promotional stuff and . . ." "Perhaps it would assist the discussion if you were to know . . ." "You said you wouldn't tell her!" Haruna sensei hissed grabbing the man by the sleeve. "You promised . . ." "If it were possible. We do not have time for foolishness. She is, as you yourself have reported, a professional." "Reported?" Minako was starting to have a bad feeling about this. "Haruna sensei, what is going on?" "I'm sorry Minakochan." Haruna sensei took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I KNOW you are Sailor V . . .and Sailorvenus. I know because I watched you . . .followed you to Hikawa Jinja. I have pictures . .. recordings. I know all about you. About Artemis, Luna, the Princess. I know . . ." Minako had to believe . . .the mention of the shrine by itself was almost enough. Luna and the Princess clinched it. "Why?" "Because your Haruna sensei is a spy . . .for the American CIA." Minako couldn't help it. She burst out laughing . . .so hard she thought she was going to hurt herself. Strangely the little man from the ministry seemed offended while Haruna sensei had a small smile of sympathetic humor on her face. "Heheheheheh."Minako clutched at her aching sides. "Oh . .oh . .oh . . .you really had me going there." "It is funny." Haruka sensei said. "But it's no joke." "But . . .how . . .who . . .I mean . . .why would the CIA want to spy on a school. Why would you DO it . . .I mean . . ." "I'm an American citizen Minako. And all I did was watch and remember and report. The CIA knows that everything in Japan depends on the entrance exams . . .who will be running the businesses . . .the government ministries . . .everything depends on the entrance exams . . . And what high school you graduate from. All they wanted was advance warning on who was going to be running the country and the industry in the next century." "And . . .us?" Haruna sensei gave Minako a small smile. "Usagi and the rest of you were an accident. The farm . . .ummm the CIA school teaches you to be aware of everything . . .and suspicious of everyone. Usagi and Ami and the rest of you were just a little . . .strange. I looked . . .and I found." "And . . .told." It wasn't a question. "Not everything. Just enough to protect you." "Protect us? How?" "People are afraid of what they don't know . . .don't understand. I gave the Agency enough information so that they felt comfortable with each new situation. So that they knew enough about what was going on that they didn't feel it was necessary to . . .interfere. You have to admit that there have been some interesting things happening around here." "You didn't feel it was necessary to inform the Japanese government though, did you?" Haruna sensei looked at small man. "I don't work for you Seiji." Nagumo's lips tightened with suppressed fury at the insulting tone. It was bad enough that these . . .these girls . . .had been running around Japan for years with absolutely no governmental control. Acting without supervision, without orders . . .doing whatever THEY thought was right instead of what had been decided by policy. And now this . . .this . . .spy . . .this gaijin . . . this woman . . .talking to him this way. "No. You are a foreign national engaged in espionage. A crime that carries the death penalty. You can be shot . . .taken out and shot as a spy. A dirty, gaijin whoruurrrrrk" Nagumo Seiji scrabbled desperately at the hand that had clamped around his throat. "I don't think you should take that tone with Haruna sensei. Not in MY house." Minako ignored the ministry flunky gasping in her grasp and turned back to Haruna sensei. "I'm very sorry. Please continue." "There's not much more. I haven't been active for years. Not much interest anymore. Or funding. Then I got a call. There has been a lot of activity world wide. Strange sightings, explosions. I'm not sure of everything that's going on. I do know that I have been instructed to contact you . . .and the Japanese government." She glances at Nagumo, slowly turning blue. "He's . . .well he's all the ministry could spare on short notice. I am suppose to tell you and your friends that the American government is aware of your existence and prepared to render whatever aid they can to support you and the Japanese people." Haruna sensei pulled a folded square of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Minako. "This is a list of authentication codes and radio frequencies." She looked at Minako with a grin that transformed her face. "You get to pick your own code names." Minako's face lit up with manic glee while Artemis hid his face in fear. ********************************************************** "Class, I would like to introduce Tendou Akane, a new transfer student . Now who would like to show her. . ." "AKA-CHAN! AKA-CHAAAN! Hiiiiiiii!" Tsukino Usagi bounced up and down in her seat in a manner very unlike a high school student but very like Tsukino Usagi. There was a moment of stunned silence followed by a round of snickering as the class realized what Usagi had named her new friend. "Usagi!" The sensei began sternly. "Please control yourself. I need someone to show Tendousan . . ." "Thank you sensei" Akane broke in politely, " I appreciate you letting Tsukinosan be my guide." "But . . .I didn't. . .She's not . . ." Sensei's mouth snapped shut. "Very well. There is an empty desk in the back of. . ." Sensei's mouth dropped as Akane lifted the desk in front of Usagi, student included, and exchanged it for the empty one he had started to indicate. "Hrrmmph. Very well. If we can all just settle down class will start." ************************************************ ". . .swer the question Tsukino-chan. Tsukino-chan!" A delicate buzzing snore, like a band-saw cutting through glass, was Sensei's only answer. Sensei's lips tightened and he launched a piece of chalk at Usagi's head. Five hundred centimeters from it's target the chalk vanished. Sensei blinked, then saw the chalk pinched between Tendou Akane's thumb and forefinger. Her grip tightened and the chalk vanished in a small explosion of dust. Sensei paled at the look in her eyes and stumbled back a step. "Usagi-chan!" Ami shook her friend urgently "Usagi-chan!" "Jus' five more min'ts mom, jus fiv. . ." Minako yanked Usagi 's head up by her braid. "Look, somebody lost a gallon of 'Rocky Road'." "WHAT! WHERE? It'smineIsawit first!!" Everyone ducked as Usagi's braids lashed the air like a flail. "Usagi" Minako twisted Usagi's head toward the front of the room. "Tendousan is in Samurai pit-bull mode. Do you think you can stop her before she bends the sensei?" "Yeah" Makoto added "we might miss lunch if we're all in jail." "LUNCH? "Usagi screamed the word, as a martyr might have cried a saints name in the flames. "Is it lunch time?" The sensei looked at the clock, which read forty five minutes 'till the noon recess, then looked at Tendou Akane. Twelve years of training and education crammed into his cerebral cortex demanded that he maintain discipline in his class room. Ten million years of survival instinct imbedded in his pre-brain told the cerebral cortex to shut-the-hell-up. "Lunch time! Class dismissed!" ************************************************* "Ami can I. . ." "No.!" "Minako, are you going to eat. . ." "Yes." "Makotoooo. Could I have a little. . ." "You already ate mine during first period, remember?" "But I'm starvvvvving." "Here Usagisan." Akane handed Usagi a bentou. "Thiffgooojewmatii?" "She says 'This is good. Did you make it?'" Ami translated helpfully. "Any bentou Akane makes is considered a lethal weapon." Usagi and her friends were startled when a petite red-head swung down from the tree. "RANMA!. . ." Akane screeched in the most normal tone the senshi had heard that day. " What are you wearing?" Ranma swung in a circle, skirts flaring cutely. "It's my new school uniform. Like it?" "You Pervert! What are you doing wearing a dress?" "Who you calling a pervert, tomboy." "Tomboy! TOMBOY!! WHY YOU . . ." "Ummm. Akachan. Whose your friend?" Akane turned sheepishly to Usagi. "Ahhh this is. . .ah. . .Ranko. A, uh, friend of mine." "Ranko? I thought she said Ranma?" Minako wondered aloud. "Just call him a pervert." Akane fumed while Ranko grinned at her. "Him?" "Akane just called Ranko him?" "I thought it was Ranma?" Akane ignored the chattering voices and turned fiercely on a chuckling "Ranko". "What are you laughing at?" "AKA . . .chan?" Ranko smirked at the fuming Akane. "Aka . . .CHAN. That's a perfect . .." " Would you SHUT UP!" Akane ground her teeth in frustration, turning an alarming shade of . . . "Just what are you DOING here." she hissed "and wearing a DRESS!" "I go to school here now. I'm in your class as a matter of fact. I would have been here earlier but Nabiki insisted on cash up front. She gave me a discount 'cause she'd already done the hard work gettin' you in." Fascinated Ranma watched Akane turn colors he never even knew existed. "You . . .school . . .HERE!! . . ." Akane sputtered incoherently as she tried to grapple with the concept. Almost immediately she latched onto another grievance. "That . . .that skirt. Just what do you think . . ." "You're just jealous 'cause it looks better on me than on you." Ranko backpedaled hastily as Akane's aura flared, creating a double shadow of everything in front of her. "I'm wearing a dress 'cause I'm registered as a girl. A lota' the classes, like Gym, are segregated. An I'm not lettin' you outta my sight. Not 'till I find out what's goin' on." Akane's aura flickered out like a match in a typhoon. Ranko gently reached out and pushed her jaw shut. "Wha. . .what are you talking about." "I'm talking about you disappearing all the time. I'm talking about your new 'friends'." Ranko swept a hand to indicate Usagi and the others. "I'm talking" Ranko backed Akane against the tree "about last night" slender arms like silk covered steel snapped out to either side of Akane's head, pinning her in place "and the strange woman" Ranko stretched up on tip-toe 'till her eyes were level with Akane's "who tried to KILL YOU!" "What!" "What happened?" "You didn't say any. . ." "Why didn't. . ." AKA-CHAN!" Usagi nearly bowled Akane and Ranko over as she hurtled herself at her friend. "Are you all right!" "Aaaaaak! Can't breath!" gasped Ranko who found herself the filling in an Usagi/Akane sandwich. "I'm fine Usagisan." Akane replied peeling Usagi off her, thereby saving the Saotome line from extinction. "Ranko is exaggerating as usual." "What did this woman look like." Ami asked worridly. "It's nothing to be concerned. . ." "She was about this high" Ranko held her arm above her head. "She had long dark hair, an' it may have been the light but it had a funny shine to it . . .kinda . . .greenish." Ranko didn't miss the looks the girls exchanged. "An' she carried this long stick with a big ball on top, sittin' inside this valentine heart thingy." "That's S. . ." Usagi blurted. "Strange. Really Strange" Makoto finished, slamming a hand over Usagi's mouth. "Did you tell the police. . . or anyone?" "You guys have got idea who it coulda been?" Ranko ignored the question and pinned Makoto with a hard look. "Who it could have been? Uh . . .no . .no idea at all?" "You're lyin'!" Ranko said flatly. Makoto stiffened at the insult and took a combative step forward. She stopped suddenly, unsure what to do as she realized the charge was true. "Ranma!" Akane was furious "How can you say some thing like. . ." "I find you unconscious in an ally, beaten half to death" Ranko held up a hand and folded down a finger "You disappear and no one know where you've gone" another finger disappeared "some strange woman tries to kill you , you transfer to a new school and suddenly you've got all these new 'friends'." The fingers had turned into a fist which Ranko shook in Akane's face. "THAT'S how I can say something like that." He glared up at the taller girl shaking with emotion. "But it don't matter what's goin' on 'cause I"M here and I ain't leavin'" "Are you saying I can't take care of myself? That I need someone to look after me?" "Listen ya stupid tomboy. . ." "OH! Now I' m stupid." "Listen.Ya nearly got killed on Phoenix Mountain. An' I'm always havin' ta chase after you 'cause some prince or somethin' has kidnaped you or. . ." Usagi and her friends in amazement as Ranko catalogued the misadventures of Tendou and Saotome. ". . .ve you from some ridiculously huge animals or . . ." "Well if I'm so much trouble. . ." Akane tearfully tried to shove Ranko away from her. "You never LISTEN" Ranko shouted in frustration "You just NEVER listen. If ya would just. . . AH Hell!" Pietite hands grabbed Akane by the ears and jerked the startled girl off balance. Akane opened her mouth to protest this rough treatment just as Ranko opened her mouth to berate Akane about her stupidity. Time slowed to a crawl. The two teen's froze in place . . .so close to each other that a hydraulic ram couldn't have forced a postage stamp through the gap . . .yet not touching still. There was a tiny freckle in the corner of Akane's mouth. Ranma had never noticed that before. Fascinated he watched her nostrils gently flair with each breath she took He could spend hours just watching her breath. Often at night he would hang outside her window just . . .listening. Each breath she took brought Akane an aroma that was Ranma . . .no matter what form he took . . .uniquely Ranma. It made her feel . . .warm . . .safe. Akane could see a vein in Ranko's throat gently pulse. With life . . .Ranma's life. She could feel her insides get all squishy as she inhaled and Ranma's essence filled her lungs. Her eyelids felt heavy and against her will closed. She could just . . . "Wooooo! Somebody get a bucket!" "Bucket! We need the fire hose!." "Akachan. Doesn't that hurt?" Akane was distantly aware of an annoying buzzing sound that gradually resolved itself into voices. She opened her eyes to confront a pair of dazed sky blue orbs peering muzzily back at her. She opened her eyes to confront a pair of dazed sky blue orbs peering muzzily back at her. Startled she tried to pull back only to find her hands had somehow trapped themselves inside the waistband of "Ranko's" skirt and were cupping. . ." "Eeeeeeep!!" The two blushing teens hurriedly disentangled themselves. "An' let that be a lesson to ya'" Ranko panted. Akane flushed with embarrassment . . .and something else . . .something that she chose to identify as anger. Anger was safer . . .much safer than . . .something else. "PERVERT! Just what do you think you're doing?" Akane didn't pause to give Ranko time to answer. "How dare you follow me. And how dare you call my friends liars. And another thing . . ." Akane was on a roll. "What were you doing following me. And what's this business about someone trying to KILL me?" Akane laughed sarcastically. "That's the stupidest thing . . ." Usagi and her friends watched apprehensively as Akane tore a strip off the petite red-head. Apprehensive partially because of the slight tic beside Ranko's right eye . . .evidence of superhuman effort to hold back a retort. But also because the small red-head was absent-mindedly folding a section of chain-link fence between her fingers like a piece of paper. ". . . can't believe the nerve you have . . ." Akane stopped abruptly when Ranko held up a hand, palm out. "All right. You had your say . . .now it's MY turn. Ya got other people worried . . . Kasumi for one. An' Nabiki. Ya got her worried enough that she helped me change schools . . .at COST!! Don' ya think that comin' home all beat up . . .talking to yourself . . . transferring to a new school . . .well they're all worried about you." Ranko paused. "Me too." Akane looked down at the ground, seemingly fascinated by her toes. "Y . . .they don't need to be worried. I'm fine. I . . ." Ranko cut through her protestations. "An' that . . .woman . . .that tried to kill you. We don't gotta worry about her neither?" Akane's head came up . . .intending to object. That protest died under Ranko's glare like a moth in a furnace. "Umm . . .Rankosan?" Ranko turned at Ami's softly questioning voice. "Rankosan. What makes you think this woman was trying to kill Akanesan. I mean . . .what evidence do you have . . ." "I'm a martial artist. That's all I've done my whole life. Maybe I ain't so good at other stuff . . .but the Art . . .there ain't no one better than me. I know when someone's ready for a fight . . .how good they are . . .if they mean business. I KNOW! An that woman was tryin' to KILL Akane." "What do you mean . . .you know." Makoto put in skeptically. "How could you just look . . ." "The way I know about you." Ranma speared Makoto with a look. "I know that you try to act big and tough. An' you're brave all right. Got a lotta heart. Ain't no one gonna stop you . . . But deep down . . .you're scared. Scared you're gonna' be alone." Makoto paled at this summation, but Ranko had already started on her next target. "And you." She pointed to Ami, who shrank slightly under Ranko's consideration. "Cool, calm. Real smart." Ranko paused. "Real . . .real smart. Got good instincts . . .but don't believe in 'em. Don't believe in yourself. So you hide behind your smarts. So no one will see . . .you." Ami paled and hid her head in her hands as Ranko swung on her next target, Minako. "And you . . ." Ranko paused, puzzled. "You're a deep one." Ranko's brow wrinkled. "You . . .you're dangerous. There's blood on your hands." Minako stiffened slightly, then relaxed. "There's blood." Ranko continued. "But it's clean. Just like you." Ranko bowed slightly, one equal to another. "We ought to spar sometime." Minako brightened and returned the bow. "An' You." Ranko stepped up to Rei, who stood her ground and glared at Ranko, daring her to do her worst. "You . . .try to make people think you're tough. And you are. Ya got a lotta chi . . .a whole lot." Ranko cocked her head and raked Rei with a long searching gaze. Rei resisted a compulsion to cover herself with her hands at the sudden sensation of being naked in public. "You're always . . .afraid . . .but not for yourself . . . never for yourself. You're afraid of failing . . .someone . . .else. Someone you love . . .more than your life . . .some . . .one . . ." Rei paled, swayed and would have fallen if not for small hands which suddenly were there to catch her. "And as for you." Ranko turned her gaze to the small blond figure supporting Hino Rei. "As for you . . ." Ranko's cocky attitude disappeared and her eyes went wide with shock Straightening suddenly she executed a very low, profoundly respectful bow. "Forgive me for my impertinence master. I meant no disrespect. But I believe that I have demonstrated why I believed the . . .woman . . .I saw was a threat . . .a deadly threat to Tendou Akane." The other senshi were amazed at the transformation . . .from sarcastic, rough talking . . .to polite almost formal . . ." Akane was beyond amazement and well on her way to shocked. She grabbed Ranko by one sleeve and spun her around. "Just what are you doing." Akane hissed. "Mr. "I bow to nobody". I thought you didn't call anyone master." "I didn't." Ranko replied so simply that Akane could think of nothing to say. ************************************************* "Setsuna! Where have you been? There's a new enemy and . . ." "Weapon 4 is active. Yes I know." the guardian of time looked at her companions. "We are facing the strongest enemy yet. If we loose this battle every living thing on Earth will die." Kaiou Michiru and Ten'ou Haruka looked at each other then back at Meiou Setsuna, Sailorpluto. "What do you want us to do?" "You must retrieve Weapon 4. Without it we have no chance of defeating this enemy." "That should not be a problem." Michiru started "she has already helped in two battles and . . ." "That is not enough. Weapon 4 must be FULLY activated under our control." Haruka hissed in dismay. "That. . . may present problems" Michiru said slowly "the Princess will not. . ." "What the princess does or does not want is irrelevant." Setsuna said cooly. "Our mandate is to guard the outer reaches of the solar system against invaders or to repel them by any means necessary. By any means."she repeated flatly. "Against the loss of billions of lives and the life of an entire world, the loss of one individual is a small price." "What do you want us to do?" ************************************************* Shoho (Rear Admiral) Ugaki Yusho was waiting for the Americans. As he stood on the port wing of his flagship Kurushio he wondered if his father has felt the same way fifty years earlier. If he had it had not, he thought sourly, been for the same reasons. Then his father, under the command of Tanaka Raizo, Japans greatest Destroyer commander had lain in ambush to destroy the Americans. Now he was burning incense and saying prayers for the safe and quick arrival of the American task from the Indian Ocean. The Admiral paced slowly up and back on the small wing. "Measles!" He still couldn't believe it. Two weeks earlier there had been a carrier group within six hours steaming of Japan. Then an outbreak of . . .MEASLES . . .of all things had sent the Americans on their way back to Hawaii. A new strain the doctors had said. Very dangerous. Now he was waiting on the task force the Americans had diverted from the Indian Ocean. Admiral Ugaki paced to the rail and looked at his force, twenty ships to defend all Japan. Under normal circumstances he would have been confident. The JSDF utilized one of the worlds most sophisticated coastal and air-born radar networks. Admiral Ugaki was confident his ships, especially the new Aegis destroyers backed by the F15J's, F3's and older Phantoms of the Air Defense Force could pin any enemy on the beaches where the Ground Defense forces could deal with them. But now . . .he took another quick turn and stared at the ships wake. Now . . .there would be no warning . . .no time to move forces . . .to alert air wings. Not against an enemy who could appear from nowhere . . .appear INSIDE the Home Islands with no warning. How could he defend . . . "Admiral! Sir . . .The Capitol . . .it's under attack!" Ukagi bolted through the opening into the bridge in time to see a brilliant white flash that lit Tokyo bay. "Captain , take us into the bay . .. flank speed. CIC, what do you have?" There was a rumbling whine as the big jet turbine slammed to full power and Kurushio heeled sharply in a crash turn to port. The rating at the console that linked the bridge to the combat information center turned slightly toward his Admiral. "Sir, CIC reports many air-born objects. Very small . . .fast . . .hard to lock up. Tentative count . . .15 . . .no . . .18. And a large . . .distortion that appears to match reports of the enemy's transport effect." "Flag to all ships." Ukagi settled himself in his leather chair. "Form on Kurushio. The enemy is inside the bay. Fire plan Autumn Wind." He could hear the atonal shriek of the General Quarters alarm, the pounding feet of sailors . . .young men in his care . . .racing for their action stations. Forward he could see the single 176 mm mount traversing as the gun crew made last minute checks. Aft he knew the missile crews were readying their SAM's and hoping they wouldn't need the Phalanx Gatling gun. Ukagi hesitated for a moment then continued. "I know every man will do his duty. May the Emperor live ten thousand years. EI!" "OU!!" Ukagi smiled as the enthusiastic response came back from all over the ship . . .and over the radio from the rest of his small fleet. "What air support do we have available?" This was no idle question. Japan's Air Defense Force was at the breaking point, being the only force that had a realistic chance of engaging an enemy that didn't need roads or sea- lanes to travel. "Ummm." The rating ran a finger down a list detailing squadron readiness. "The 801'st has two F15J's at plus five. And three more at plus thirty." ************************************************* "Isurugi! Would you quit fiddling with my aircraft!" "Sorry Mitakasan" The young private bowed in apology. Well as much of a bow as was possible when crouched on the wing of an F15 fighter. "Sorry Hanedasan." He twisted and sketched another half-bow at the pilot of the other F15 just a few meters away. "But this is a very serious time. . . it's important that I do my job well . . .so that you can do yours." "You need more than a good job to help that clumsy little bitch." Came the sneering retort from Haneda. "You need direct intervention from Kamisama." "WHAT! Why you whoring little . . ." "PLEASE . . .SHUT . . .UP!!!" The uncharacteristic outburst from the normally mild (but enthusiastic) private silenced the two pilots. Chest heaving with emotion private Isurugi glared first at his girlfriend and then at his mistress. (Exactly who was which had yet to be decided.) "I have been studying reports on this enemy. As a result of what is known I have loaded your guns with depleted uranium anti-tank rounds. I also managed to . . .borrow . . .four Phoenix missiles. You have two each. The rest of your missiles are Longbow Hellfire II anti-tank missiles." "What! Why anti-tank. Why not . . ." Isurugi turned to Haneda. "The Phoenix gives you a much longer range. With the Hellfire you have to close to six thousand meters. But the enemy is very tough. They are armored more like tanks than conventional aircraft. I don't think standard AAM warheads are enough. But the Hellfire's might . . ." Whatever Isurugi had to say was lost in the blare of the alert signal. Instantly Isurugi snapped shut the inspection port and slid off the wing. Running under the plane he yanked loose the wheel chocks. As he did so the F15J's engines roared into life. Sprinting hard he yanked loose the wheel chocks of the second jet and fell to the ground, covering his head as the two planes rolled off down the runway. Recovering from the awful noise Isurugi rolled to his feet just as the two planes, wingtips less than a meter apart rotated off the concrete. As if the two planes were flown by one person the jets accelerated to one thousand feet, gear and flaps came up simultaneously and the fighters turned toward Tokyo at full afterburner. ************************************************ "Would you quit following me!" Akane hissed. "Hey, I'm just takin' a walk!" Ranma grinned infuriatingly down from his perch on the fence top. "Just pretend I'm not here." "I wish I could pretend you were in Hokkaido.." Akane muttered to herself. "I think it's kind of sweet of her uh I mean him." Even after an explanation of Ranma's rather unique . . .outlook. . . on life Usagi was still a little confused. She wasn't the only one. "There's at least a 35 kilo mass difference between your male and female forms. How on earth do you balance the mass energy equation!" Ami asked again. "I mean, if you just converted that much mass to energy you'd blow up all of Tokyo. I suppose you could shunt it off using. . ." "Do you have any idea of what Ami's talking about?" Makoto whispered . "I think she's upset about how Ranma loses so much weight when he changes to Ranko." Minako replied. Makoto frowned over at her small friend. ". . .blem of acquiring mass for your conversion UP to your male feeeeeeeeeeepppppppp!" Ami squawked as she was snatched into the air by Makoto. "MAKOTO! What areeeeeee. NO! Don't heheheheheh!" Ami squirmed and giggled as Makoto poked and prodded her sides. "WHAT are you DOING!" Ami gasped after Makoto put her down, tugging and pulling her clothes back into place. "You're not at all fat." Makoto said seriously. "What?" "In fact you could stand to GAIN some weight." Makoto frowned. "If some guy said you're too fat, you just let ME talk to him." Ami looked at her big friend as if she were crazy. "Makoto, what in the world are you talking about?" "I know it's easy to get hung up on your appearance and all that. But your health is more important. You're smart and pretty and I think you look just fine like you are and . . ." "Thank you, I think. But why this sudden interest in my weight?" "Well Minako said that you were trying to find out how Ranma loses all that weight when he changes into Ranko, but if you try to loose that much it'll make you sick and . . ." Ami placed a finger against Makoto's lips to stop the flow of words. She looked up into her giant friends concerned face, then dropped her gaze to see Minako, Usagi and Rei all looking back with identical concern on their faces. She glanced up at Ranma who shrugged with a "don't-ask-me-haven't-understood- a-thing-you've-said-all-day" look. Finally she looked at Akane who grinned back with sympathetic understanding. Ami drew in a deep breath and looked back at her friends. "Thank you for worrying about me. I promise I won't take any chances with my health." "That's great!" Makoto said with relief. "Why don't I make a bentou for you every day?" "That's not necess. . ." "And supper too!" Makoto enthused "That way we can be sure you're getting proper nutrition." Ami looked at the circle of faces surrounding her and suddenly understood the old adage that it's easier to escape from enemies that from friends. "All right." she surrendered "That sounds nice." "Yayyyyy! A party." Usagi was ecstatic. "Uh, That's not what . . ." Ami began. "We could have it at my house." Akane added shyly. "As long as you don't cook. . ."Ranma began. "There's something evil. . ." Rei's head came up suddenly. She turned her head like a hound casting for a scent. She stiffened , then took of at a dead run. Usagi and the others were a split second behind her. "HEY! Wait for me." After a startled instant of hesitation Ranma bounded along behind the group. Rei's impression of evil was soon confirmed by screams and explosions in the distance. As they drew closer to the scene the impression of disaster was magnified by the streams of terrified people fleeing the scene. "Uh. . .what about. . ." Makoto jerked her head in the direction of Ranma who was hovering protectively over Akane who in turn was hovering over Usagi. Usagi was feeling a bit mashed since Rei was crowded protectively and possessively on her other side. "I'm not sure. . ." Minako flinched as the sky flashed white and the top of a distant building rose lazily into the air like a leaf blowing in the wind. "DOWN!!" She dove for cover, dragging Ami and Makoto with her. Moments later the shock wave roared over them in a blast of hot wind and a rumble that shattered windows and rippled the roadway like a bowl of jello. "Is everyone OK." "OK here." "Fine." "What the hell was that?" "We're alright here." "I'm getting Muuuuuushed!" Usagi complained from the bottom of a protective mound of senshi, Blood Guard and bystander. "Better than getting your baka head blown off." Rei snapped. "Akane! Can we trust. . ." Minako jerked a thumb at Ranma. "With your lunch, money or panties, NO!" Ranma bristled at this and his mouth opened to protest. "With your life or honor, absolutely." His mouth snapped closed and he felt his face heat up. "All right then, Henshin YO!" "MOON. . ." "MARS. . ." "JUPITER. . ." "MERCURY. . ." "VENUS. . ." Ranma looked at Akane who was watching her princess transform into the pretty sailor soldier for love and justice. "Hey, tomboy, don't you have a transformation?" "No, I'm not a senshi." "MAKE UP!!" Ranma paused to watch vari-colored energies surround the five girls. "That's too bad." "Huh! Why?" Akane dragged her eyes away from Usagi to see Ranma watching the five girls. She suddenly realized what Ranma was seeing, or rather what he WASN'T seeing. "Why you perv. . ." "I bet you'd be really cute." "C. .c. . cute?" Ranma winked at her and all of Akane's higher brain functions promptly turned to mush and ran out the soles of her feet. The five senshi finished their transformations to find Akane staring with huge dazed eyes at Ranma, who was rocking back and forth on his heels, a look of complete innocence on his face. "If you two are quite finished?" Minako politely inquired. "We have some 'Big Nasty's' to pound." She turned to the senshi of water. "Mercury, what do we have." Mercury typed commands into her computer as her visor gathered data from the surrounding area. She looked up sickly at her friends. "A. . akane. Would you please scan the area and give me a count of the enemy. "Passive Sensors to maximum sensitivity. Search for hostile's." Akane commanded the voice. ##Working## the voice whispered.##Multiple targets found. Energy signatures consistent with previous contacts.## the whisper paused ##Active portal detected. Flying vehicles detected. Listing contacts now.## A mental grid map of the area popped up with a tabular listing of enemy numbers and types in the lower right corner. As she watched the portal icon flared and another icon, tentatively identified as a vehicle, crackled into existence. "I estimate one hundred plus infantry" Akane reported "in powered armor accompanied by six to eight vehicles. Maybe twice that many. The vehicles appear to be a lightly armored flying scout. I'm sorry the count isn't more precise but the proximity of an active portal interferes with my sensors. In addition they are using some sort of jammer . I could try to burn through on Active, but that would give away our position." "That agrees closely with what I'm finding as well." Mercury looked at her friends. "I think we may have a problem." Before she could say more two jet fighters, emblazoned with the rising sun, roared overhead. "Wha . . ." "I believe help has arrived." Venus watched closely at the two planes reefed around in a tight turn, less than a thousand feet above the street and accelerated hard toward a clump of enemy flying machines swarming just above the now ruined docks. There was a rumbling noise and as the amazed senshi watched a trio of GSDF tanks charged down a side street, treads ripping up the asphalt as they headed for the dock area. "WOOO!" Ranma shouted involuntarily. "Do we follow . . .or what?" He asked, not being familiar with senshi combat etiquette. "We follow . . .carefully." Venus decided. And with that the small group headed for Tokyo bay. ************************************************* "I have tone." Haneda announced. "Fox two. Fox two on the big guy stationary over the docks." The Phoenix missiles left their hard points and headed toward their target at mach 3 plus. Immediately she jinked hard left, pulling nine gees in the turn, then jerked the heavy Eagle back around to close on burner on the remaining targets. The Phoenix missiles, hers and Haneda's, had impacted with little apparent effect. Peripherally she noted Mitaka tied to her starboard wing as if by a steel rod matching her move for move as they moved in to launch their Hellfire's. If they survived , they would close and engage with guns. "I have tone. Launch, launch ,launch." Eight Hellfire anti-tank missiles ripple fired from her wings and accelerated past mach 2. "Launch, launch, launch." Haneda heard Mitaka's voice over the radio and could see a flash as eight additional Hellfires streaked toward their target. Her Eagle lifted as it suddenly became lighter by several hundred kilograms. Haneda pulled back on the controller and kicked hard right rudder in the start of a reverse Immelman. A hammer of sound and fire slammed her against the side of the cockpit and centripetal force pinned her in place as her Eagle spun earthwards and flames ate at her nomex flight suit. "NO!" The involuntary denial was forced from Mitaka as Haneda's Eagle was blasted apart by a bolt of lightning from a black armored flier that came, literally, from no-where. Even as she recoiled in horror from the sight of Haneda's death spiral, her hands and feet moved with the effect of years of training and an inborn warriors heart. Her Eagle shuddered as she chopped power and popped the dive-brakes. Stall and engine warnings shrilled, ignored, as Mitaka kicked the rudder hard over and the Eagle slid drunkenly through the air. The black flyer shot past the Eagle and into Mitaka's sights. Tone sounded and she ripple fired her remaining complement of Hellfire missiles. Without waiting to see their effect she dropped the nose of her jet and went to full burner, wondering if she had enough air to recover from her stall. At one hundred feet Mitaka pulled out of her dive, low enough to see a flash of blond hair and . . .sailor suits? There was no time to sight-see as she roared skyward like a home-sick angel in a zoom climb. Half mad with grief and looking for revenge Mitaka scanned the sky for, looking for the enemy and found. . . . Haneda didn't remember triggering the charge that blew her clear of her dying Eagle. She remembered the explosion that had killed her beautiful plane . . .remembered the fire . . . praying she wouldn't burn . . .And now she was floating in the air . . .Haneda took a deep breath and winced as her ribs protested. Bruised? Broken. Who cared. She was alive. She hadn't burned. That was a plus in any . . . "Haneda . . .you bitch. You stupid, stupid . . ." Mitaka didn't realize she was crying as she cursed the slowly descending figure of her team mate. "See if I ever let you forget . . ." Her prayerful curses cut off as she saw the black flyer coming back . . .trailing oily smoke and fire . . .but flying still and headed for . . . "Damn you . . ." She was out of missiles. Mitaka selected guns . . .centered her targeting pip . . .and went to war emergency power. Haneda heard the scream of abused jet engines and twisted in her harness. She saw the black flyer . . .dark and evil as it scudded through the air toward her . . .she saw an Eagle. Mitaka! She could see it growing . . .larger and larger as is shrieked through the thick air. "uh oh." Haneda grabbed the risers of her parachute and pulled, spilling air, trying to drop . . .as fast and as far as she could before . . . Lightning blasted from the black flyer . . .toward the Eagle. Jinking, twisting and rolling the Eagle closed on its prey. "DIE!" Mitaka toggled her cannon and the Eagle shivered as the 20mm gun slammed back at the black flyer. Swinging gently in mid-air Haneda had a wonderful view of the battle. The same view, she suspected, a mouse had just before it was swallowed by the cat. The black flyer was obviously hurt . . .it's maneuvers were slow . . .awkward. But still deadly as it fired bolt after bolt of lightning. Thunder rolled and shivered the air until Haneda was almost deaf and the air stank of ozone. But the Eagle was a whirling, twisting impossible target as it twisted through the air stressing the air- frame with maneuvers that McDonnell-Douglas had never dreamed of. "Good girl . .. good girl." Haneda twisted her body as she unconsciously mimicked Mitaka's piloting. "You got him . . you got him. Now break off . . ." Mitaka was beyond reason. Beyond fear. Her panel was a blaze of warning and failure lights. She didn't care. Like a wolf with it's teeth in the throat of an enemy . . .Mitaka wouldn't let go . . .COULDN'T let go. "Break off . . .break off . . .Please Mitaka. . ." The big jet fighter slammed into the black flyer at 600 knots. Haneda wrapped her arms around her head and drew her knees into her chest just as the shock wave hit. It tossed her like a leaf in a typhoon, twisting and turning in her lines in a way that could have easily collapsed her parachute dropping her to her death. "Damn you . . .Damn you." Haneda swung limp and uncaring as she drifted toward the unseen ground. "mine . . .was . . .bigger." Haneda's head jerked up at the faint cry and she dashed tears from her eyes. Twisting wildly about she searched the sky, starting wild and dangerous gyrations in her parachute. "mine . . .was . . ." THERE! Above her and almost a thousand meters distant. Straining Haneda could see the tiny figure dangling beneath a silken hemisphere, hands to mouth as she shouted . . . " . . .bigger . . .mine . . .was . . .bigger . . .than . . .yours." Haneda inflated her chest and hands cupped to mouth shouted back. "I . . .SLOWED . . .HIM . . .DOWN . . .FOR . . .YOU . . ." She had to get this stupid grin off her face before she landed. ************************************************ Noses pressed against the window of the hastily evacuated 'All Players Caf‚' Usagi and her friends watched horrified as the second fighter rammed the alien craft and both machines then slammed into the Odaiba Seaside Park. A huge ball of fire and black smoke erupted from the park and even from their fifth floor vantage the small group could see park visitors stream from the disaster like ants from an overturned anthill. "oh god,ohgodohgodohgod." Makato wrapped her arms around her stomach and closed her eyes. It was impossible at this distance but she thought she could hear screams from the center of the fireball. "Come on." Usagi called to her friends as she dashed to the stairs. Rei snagged her arm and dragged her to a stop. "Just where do you think YOU're going?" "We have to help . . ." Rei cut her friend off and pointed out the window at two trucks; one with JSDF markings, the other a civilian fire truck. It was a pitiful response to a disaster of that magnitude, but amazing that any response at all was possible. "WE do nothing. We're not equipped for fire fighting. And we've got another job . . .stopping the things that did that." Usagi started to argue when Akane put a hand on her shoulder. "Reisan is right." Usagi looked at her Blood Guard in hurt betrayal but whatever words of protest she had were stillborn by Akane's white faced calm. "Reisan is right." Akane repeated. "It is our job to stop this from happening . . .ever again." Usagi took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Jerkily she nodded once in agreement then turned to her other Senshi. "Ami . . .what should we do next?" "We've got to close their main portal." Ami rapidly entered commands into her computer. " It's near the International Trade Center . . .there's a distortion consistent with the alien transportation effect that covers an area from the Takeshiba Pier northeast to Hamacho Park and west past the Nakkei Building. "That much?" Makato whispered. Ami had just described an area of influence that gutted Chuo- ku, one of the three central wards of Tokyo, one of the most densely populated areas on earth and only 4 km from . . . "The EMPEROR!" Makato gasped in sudden realization. "We have to . . ." "Relax." Ranma put a calming hand on the big Senshi's shoulder. "The Emperor has the best security in the world. I'm sure he's just fine." ************************************************ "COWARDS . . . .FOX CHILDREN . . . UNCLEAN ILLEGITIMATE OFFSPRING OF PORTUGESE . . ." "Stupid boken boy keep head down." Shan Pu yanked Kuno into a ditch as a vaguely beatle shaped flyer shot overhead on a firing pass. Kuno jerked free and leapt from the ditch screaming imprecations at the departing flyer. Shan Pu cautiously peeped over the lip of the ditch in time to see the burning Fujimi Tower fall with a resounding crash. Brushing mud and filth off her clothing Shan Pu emerged from cover to bop Kuno on the head to get his attention. "What silly samurai boy think he do with sword against flying machine and cannon?" Grumbling Kuno turned to the Chinese Amazon. "Know you that a true Samurai fights not with steel but with a warriors heart. Mere technological toys can never overcome the JAPANESE SPIRIT!!!" Shan Pu rolled her eyes as Kuno struck a pose and started to slap him again, then stopped as she noticed a cable running from his armor to the hilt of his sword. "What this?" She asked, fingering the cable. "Japanese spirit run on batteries now?" With a disdainful sniff Kuno pulled free of Shan Pu's grip. "Jest if you will. Know that Kuno is faithful and obedient to his Emperor's wishes. As a true Samurai, son, grand-son and great-grand-son of Samurai . . ." Shan Pu whapped Kuno, in the same fashion (and for the same reason) one might strike a stuck phonograph. "Just tell what cable for. No give family history. Shan Pu have weak stomach." "Gaze then upon the miracles of JAPANESE SCIENCE and be amazed." As he spoke, Kuno drew his sword and pressed a switch inlaid in the grip. A narrow beam of light flashed from the sword. As Kuno swung the sword in a narrow arc Shan Pu heard the whine of electric motors. Turning she watched as concealed SAM batteries slid smoothly into position, tracking the moving sword. "Hmmph. General Electric Laser Designator." Shan Pu sniffed as she looked Kuno up and down. "Maybe stupid boken boy not so stupid." She tilted her head to one side consideringly. "So . . .here is order ramen and pork bun." Shan Pu pulled out a covered tray. "Please to pay 500,000 yen." "500 . . .!?!" Kuno's face twisted in rage. "That's robbery. I won't pay." "Oh-Key_Do-Key." Shan Pu agreed cheerfully, putting away the steaming tray. "You no want . . .Shan Pu no give. Many hungry people in city under attack by alien. Not so many take-out-place still deliver. I go now. Find hungry person with Yen, Dollar, Mark . . .maybe hungry person with gold or jewel. Bui-Bui." "Aaaaaaa. Kuno must have food to fuel his iron body. For the good of the Empire, and for no other reason, will I agree to this . . ." ************************************************ " . . .close enough for Usagi to attack the portal. She's the only one with enough power to collapse it." "What about Akanesan?" Minako immediately regretted the question as Ranma stepped protectively between Akane and the Senshi. "Akane ain't . . ." 'Akanesan doesn't have the endurance." Ami cut in. "She has a lot of power but she exhausts herself very rapidly in combat." "What about getting some help from the SDF?" Rei questioned, pointing out the window toward the bay where ships could be seen maneuvering as they fired cannon and missiles at alien flyers swarming over the bay. On shore tanks and artillery pieces fired and moved in a maneuver known to militaries world wide as 'shoot-and-scoot'. "I'd like to "Ami admitted. "but without the proper authorization codes we have no way . . ." "Ooooops." "Oooops?" Ami turned to a blushing Minako. "What do you mean . . .Oooops?" "Ummm." Minako dug her toe into the carpeting. "Here, this might help." Ami took the folded square of paper from Minako's hand. ************************************************ "What's it look like Tigger?" Colonel Terrence Young asked his Defensive Systems Officer. First Lieutenant Antoinette (Tony the Tigger) Tregarth scanned her panels. "Green here Skipper. Nothing on the board." "Thumper? Were coming up to 'feet dry'. You ready to blow things up?." Captain Mike (Thumper) Morgan the Offensive Systems Officer looked at the diagnostics for his two nuclear tipped missiles. "Green and mean. You fly it, I'll fry it." "Don't quit your day job. OK . . .how's it look Nash?" "I think . . ." Whatever Captain Preston Nash thought was lost at the B1B gave a sudden lurch. "Skipper . . .we've lost the navsats!" Tigger called from the back. "Can you fix it?" "Negative. It's not us. The satellites are just . . .gone." Colonel Young swore under his breath. Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong. Out of an twelve plane flight of six bombers, four F22's and two tankers, two of his precious B1B's had aborted from mechanical troubles. A storm front had forced them to re-route, costing six hours flying. Then he'd lost one of his tankers and ALL of his fighter escort to an enemy attack over the Philippines. Finally, an hour ago, all three of his remaining bombers and his tanker had been diverted to China; Leaving Colonel Terrance (Terry the Pirate) Young feeling VERY lonely as he approached Japan. And now he'd lost the nav-sat's. His inertial navigation system was the finest in the world. However at 900 mph ,200 feet above the ocean . . ." "I think we better call ahead to confirm our reservation . . .and maybe get directions to the hotel." "Roger that." Captain Nash set the scrambler to the pre-sets for the JASDF and readied a message for burst transmission." ************************************************ " . . .Narita is under attack at this time. Haneda airport has been heavily damaged. Repairs to the runway will take at least another 10 hours. The sixth air wing at Komatsu may have a runway open in three hours. No other airfields under our control can be ready any sooner. Also we have no . . .repeat NO aircraft available for escort at this time. The second air wing may have an F4 Phantom ready to fly out of Chitose in three or four hours." Colonel Young listened to the litany of disaster crackle from the speaker. He did NOT want to be fiddle-farting around off the coast of Japan with no GPS, two nukes and lots of bad- guys in the air. Plus they'd been in the air over 20 hours. And even at cruising speed the B1 was a thirsty beast. It would be awfully embarrassing to run out of gas. "Negative . . .negative. We need a tanker and fighter support. Otherwise I will have to divert to Taiwan. You can call in a strike from there once you . . ." "No . . .No . . ." Even digital encryption could not filter the desperation from the voice. "We must have help now. You have atomic weapons. You must destroy the Tokyo Bay portal." "We can organize a strike from Taiwan. With proper support, by tomorrow . . ." "By tomorrow Tokyo may be gone . . .and soon all of Japan." "Can you at least give me navigational aids? And an update on the local terrain? I must have this information for a low level approach." "We have lost all air traffic control apparatus. And we have no way to send terrain data . . ." "Hello . . .hello?" A young female voce cut into the secure channel. "Is this the American airplane?" "What? Who is this?" Colonel Young glared at his pilot who shrugged his shoulders. "Ummmm , this is . . .ahhh this is 'Mermaid', authentication bravo phoenix niner niner six five star star, and I think I can help you." ************************************************ "Mermaid?" Rei stared at Ami who flushed in embarrassment and looked accusingly at a grinning Minako. "Hey , I got to pick our code names and I wanted something appropriate." "What's mine?" Minako looked away from Rei toward Makato. "You're 'Oak Tree'." "Oak Tree. I like that." "Yeah, you're Oak Tree, Ami is Mermaid , Akane is 'Hammer' and Usagi is 'Angel. ' "Oooooooo." Usagi looked wide-eyed at Minako. "Angel, that's pretty. Thank you Minako. And what are you?" "Beauty, of course. Sorry Ranma, I don't have one for you yet." Ranma shrugged, uncaring. Not so another member of the little group. "HEY. What about me? Don't I have a code name?" Minako turned to the fuming Rei. "Oh, sorry. I forgot. Of course you do. It's . . ." ************************************************ "PYRO?????" Colonel Young winced as the soprano scream knifed from the speaker into his brain. "Reichan . . .keep it down. I'm trying to talk to the Americans. I'm sorry Youngsan. As I was saying, I will transmit navigational data to you. I am sending location data in degrees, minutes, seconds of latitude and longitude." "Thank you . . .uh Mermaid." Strange as it seemed the preposterous code-names and identifiers had been entered into their authentication data base. And at a level higher than any one else in the JSDF. He could either trust the gentle voice (and Air Force Intelligence) and continue on to Tokyo or abort, divert to Taiwan and hope there was enough of Japan left to be worth saving at a latter date. "Thank you." He repeated. "And can you send terrain data? We will be coming in at a very low altitude. The lower we are the safer from enemy attack. But we need to know about buildings, power lines, enemy fortifications." "Hai . . .uh I mean yes. Yes I can provide that. Please tell me what format you need and . . ." ************************************************ Ami closed the cover to her computer with a snap. "Let's go." "Go? Go where?" Usagi looked bewildered. "Don't you want to wait until . . ." "I've done everything I can. Either I succeeded and now an American bomber can shoot an atomic missile into Tokyo . . .or I failed and four brave men will die, and Tokyo with them." Ami turned stony faced to her friends. "I've detected another portal operating somewhere between Shibuya-ku and Shinjuku-ku. The SDF doesn't have anything that can respond. If we hurry perhaps we can . . .can stop it before the enemy gets established. If we hurry . . .if we . . ." Usagi gathered her friend into her arms. "Amichan . . .Amichan . . .you're not God . . .you're not even a Bodhisattva . . .you did what you always do . . .your very best. And that's all anyone can do." "Oh Usagichan . . ."Ami squeezed her friend tightly. "How do you always know what to say . . ." She paused and looked down at Usagi. "And how did you know what a Bodhisattva is?" "Uh . . .hehehe . . . .well there was this new manga and . . ." Laughing Ami led Usagi and her friends down the stairs. Rei started after her friends, then hesitated as she saw an unopened bottle of club-soda on a table. Coming to a sudden decision she picked up the bottle and quickly cleaned her mouth and hands with the water. Placing a coin on the table as an offering she turned to face the sea through the window and bowed low twice, twice clapped her hands and bowed deeply once more. "Although the people living across the ocean surrounding us, I believe are all our brothers and sisters, why are there constant troubles in this world? Why do winds and waves rise in the oceans surrounding us? I only earnestly wish that the wind will soon blow away all the clouds which are hanging over the tops of mountains." ************************************************ "Admiral!" Ukagi spun around at the excited cry. "Sir . . sir . . .LOOK. . . .the AMERICANS!!" Ukagi followed the pointing finger to see the massive B1 bomber slicing through his frantically maneuvering fleet at over Mach 1.3 . . .10 feet BELOW his ships bridge. ************************************************ "So far . . .so good." Colonel Young checked his board a final time as they entered Tokyo Bay. "Thumper . . .heat 'em up. I don't think we're gonna' get but one chance at this, so I want to fire both nukes at once. Tigger, you handle the decoy's. I want to burry the two big boys in the middle of all our decoy missiles." Acknowledgments came from his back seaters. "Feet dry coming up in 2 minutes boss." Young glanced out to see the blurred shapes of the Japanese 'fleet' swell and vanish in an instant. He checked the radar scope for the amorphous return that indicated an active portal. Placing his hand lightly on the side-arm controller waited for the proximity warning that indicated dry land. The tone sounded and he spoke to his pilot. "I have the aircraft." He felt the slight shiver as control was transferred to him. "Commanders airplane." Nash acknowledged, moving his hand away from his controller and focusing on the instruments. "I have acquired the target." Thumper called from his position. "We can launch now if you want." "Negative . . . we're going to carry our birds right down their throat. Tigger . . .decoys at your discretion." There was a brief rumbling shudder as the first clutch of decoy missiles dropped free. Aft, chaff and flares were ejected in a pre-programmed pattern. G forces hammered the four against their harnesses as the terrain-following system slammed the big bomber over, around and sometimes under bits-and-pieces of down-town Tokyo. As they broke into the clear a clutch of black insect-like flyers popped into existence off their port wing. Immediately Nash swept the wings to full aft position as Young snapped off the TFS and rammed the four throttles to the fire-wall. At full after-burner the big plane leapt forward at Mach 1.6, each of the G.E. turbofans gulping fuel at over 3 gallons per second. "Missiles away!" Thumper called from the back seat as the two nuclear tipped cruise missiles dropped free of the bomber buried in a cloud of the remaining decoy missiles. Freed of their weight the plane lifted suddenly and Colonel Young pulled back on the controller, hauling the bulky bomber upward in a zoom climb more suited to a fighter than a 400,000 pound bomber. The airspeed indicator spun rapidly upward even as the fuel gage dropped by 12,000 pounds. As they passed 55,000 feet the missiles detonated in the heart of the portal. At 62,000 feet the edge of the shock wave, distorted and channeled by the space twisting properties of the portal caught the bomber, tossing it through the air like a child's toy. Even as they spun through the air like a piece of lint on high spin cycle Young and Nash fought to regain control of their aircraft. Engine stall warnings, Low oil pressure warnings, Engine fire alarms and of all things the ground proximity warning all sounded. "Flame out skipper. All four are cold." Nash called. "We got nothing burning. Aux. power coming up . . .now." "Restart procedures . . .number one." Young kicked hard right rudder and pushed the nose down in an attempt to kill the spin while keeping enough airspeed to windmill his dead engines. "Skipper . . .fuel temp's BELOW -5 degrees." "WHAT? That's imposs . . .never mind." Young dismissed the strange aftereffects of the alien portals destruction. " Fuel heaters. ON." "Roger. Fuel heaters . . .ON." "Generator breakers . . .ON." "Generator breakers . . . ON." Nash confirmed. "Main booster pump ON." "Main booster pump . . .ON." Ignition switch ON." Young called to his pilot. Ignition switch ON." "Pressurize main tank." "Main tank pressurized . . .pressurizing fuel cross feed system." Quickly the two pilots ran through the restart procedure. "Nothing skipper. Still cold." "Restart . . .number four." Nash and Young repeated the restart procedure on the starboard outboard engine as the big plane bled altitude like a hemophiliac at a glass eating contest. "No joy on number four." "Restart . . .number two." Young rapidly went down the checklist. "Gentleman." Young spoke to his crew while he went through the In-Flight engine start procedure. "It is my opinion . . .Generator Breakers ON . . .it is my opinion that if we pass 5,000 feet . . .Main booster pump ON . . . .5,000 feet without a restart . . .Ignition switch ON . . .without an engine . . .pressurize main tank . . .that our contract with the Air Force to fly this airplane is null-and-void and we should leave." "Number two cold skipper." Young looked at the altitude indicator . . .12,000 feet. Time for one more try." "Restart . . .number one engine." Nash looked startled. "Number one? But we . . ." "Restart number one engine." Young repeated firmly. Quickly the two men raced time and altitude to restart the number one engine. At seven thousand feet the engine coughed once and died. No time for another try. "Stand by to eject." "Hell skipper." Tigger drawled from her back seat position. "If I wanted to swim I'd 'uv been a squid. These are zero altitude seats. Guaranteed to blast you free at ground level or double your money back. How 'bout one more try." By the book Young should, and could, eject all four of them. But the cold Sea of Japan was not an attractive spot for swimming. And the middle of a war made it unlikely a search and rescue effort would be either speedy or thorough. "Alright Tigger . . .give me an altitude count. And we all leave at 1,000 feet. . .Restart . . .number one." All four of them could be clear of the bomber in 2.0 seconds. Plenty of time. The altitude indicator unwound like a broken spring as Young and Nash raced through the restart procedures again. "Generator breakers . . .ON." "5,000 feet." "Generator breakers . . . ON." Nash confirmed. "Main booster pump ON." 4,000 feet." "Main booster pump . . .ON." Ignition switch ON." Young called to his pilot. Ignition switch ON." 2,000 feet" "Pressurize main tank." "Main tank pressurized . . .pressurizing fuel cross feed system." "1,000 feet." Tigger called from the back seat. "Eject . . .Eject . . .Ej . . . " Nash ordered . . .as the number one engine coughed . . .sputtered and rumbled into life." "CHECK FIRE." Young and Nash called simultaneously. "Restart number four." Young ordered as he pulled back on the controller. At 500 feet number four rumbled into life. Young shoved the throttles to full power while bringing the controller back to lift the nose. At the same time Nash brought the wings completely forward to increase lift. "This is going to hurt." Young thought as the black oily surface of the Sea of Japan filled his vision. Number two engine rumbled into life and Young automatically corrected for the uneven thrust caused by flying on three engines. And, suddenly as a heart attack, the horizon was falling BELOW the nose of the big plane, although it was a few moments before Young realized what this meant. Just as the realization that he wasn't going to die (just yet) sank in, the number three engine snarled into life. "Well, hell. That was easy. If we can scare up a tanker, what say we just head for home now?" "Ummm. You might want to re-think that skipper." "Oh, why is that Captain Morgan?" "Take a look to starboard." Young looked in the direction Thumper indicated . . .to see the outer third of the starboard wing canted upwards at a 20 degree angle. "I . . .see what you mean. Well, I've always wanted to see China. Or maybe Korea." "If it's dry, I'll be happy." "You always were easy, Tigger." "Colonel Young sir . . .while I realize this is a low level bomber, I don't think Rockwell ever rated it as a submarine." "Huh?" Young returned intelligently. Silently Nash pointed forward . . .at a small fish plastered against the armored glass." ************************************************ "Are you alright?" Ranma looked at the big Senshi in concern. "fast." "Huh?" "fast. i was going fast." "That's right Makato." Ami said soothingly. "You were going fast. But we're stopped now." "Hasn't she ever ridden the monorail before?" "Generally," Rei staggered up, holding onto Minako. "We ride INSIDE the cars." Rei paused, gulping in air. "Are you INSANE!! Jumping on the roof . . ." "Wheeeeeeeee!!!!" Usagi danced up, spinning around in a little circle. "That was Fuuuuun!" Minako gave a little shake of her head. Rei was not nearly so restrained. "Fun? FUN! Are you insane! We could have been killed. You really are a . . ." "Especially when we changed trains at Shimbashi. Juuuuuump . . .WHOOOOSH . . .Juuuuu . . ." Rei turned green at Usagi's exuberant pantomime of their recent journey and made a mad dash for the bushes. "Something she ate?" Ranma questioned. Akane whapped her iinazuke on the head. "We're getting close." Ami looked up from her computer. "The portal is operating intermittently so it's hard to localize . . ."She paused, tapping a few keys, then closed the cover and put her computer away with a little sound of disgust. "They've shut down again. I know the epicenter is within a kilometer or two of here, but I can't localize until they start up again." Minako looked around trying orient herself. Even at the best of times Tokyo was a confusing place to navigate. Now . . .the streets were filled with rubble, some were completely blocked. Smoke and dust filled the air and sirens wailed in the near distance. "Ami, I need directions. Which way should we go?" Ami activated her visor and turned in a slow circle. "That way." She said stopping and pointing. "Shinjuku station is just ahead . . .I think. And it's within five or six hundred meters of the outer edge of the epicenter of the portal effect. Perhaps we can find someone at the station who has noticed enemy activity in the area. That may help us localize the portal before they activate it again." Five minutes of running that included a great deal of climbing over and through fallen walls and overturned vehicles brought them suddenly to an open area facing the southern entrance to Shinjuku Station, framed by the giant 'Times Square' building on the right and the 'Southern Terrace' on the left. Although 'open' was a relative term. Clear of rubble and debris the space, including the elevated crosswalk connecting the two buildings, was a solid mass of humanity . . . men, women, children . . .salarymen, housewives . . .and dotted here and there the white helmets of policemen providing a token appearance of order and safety. "What the . . .what in the world is going on? This is a dangerous place. These people should leave." Ami looked up at Makato from her computer. "I think that's what they're doing. A train just left here . . .it's about 4 kilometers down the line. And it looks like another one is loading. It appears to be an evacuation center." "Evacuation! But . . ." "It makes sense Rei." Minako added. "Things are looking really bad. And it's probably going to get worse. I only hope that they can evacuate more of the city." "But where are they going to PUT everyone?" No one had an answer to Usagi's question. Deciding that the southern entrance was impassible Minako quickly led the small group around to the east-park entrance. There she hoped to get close enough to a policeman or one of the scattered military personnel to ask about enemy activity in the area. "Hey . . .look!" Usagi shouted suddenly, causing a spasm of combat reflex among her body guard. "It's 'Long Vacation'" Her friends looked stupidly at her , dumfounded by her seeming non-sequitur. Stamping her foot impatiently, Usagi pointed her finger. "There . . .up there. Ohhhh. There's Minami . . .and she's just found out her iinazuke's run off with all her money." Following her pointing finger the others saw a giant TV screen on the side of the building filled with the image of a desperate looking young woman. "BAKA." Rei cuffed Usagi. "The world is ending and you're watching re-runs of a stupid soap-opera?" "But Reiiiii . . .I never got to see how it ended. Mama made me start studying for exams just when that mean old teacher told Sena he had no talent for the piano. And he was about to give up his scholarship and . . ." "Minami bought a keyboard and started to take lessons to learn to play the piano in one weeks time. She wanted to show Sena a miracle so he would believe in himself again. But she was also dating someone else at the time and . . ." Ranma trailed to a stop as he suddenly realized everyone was looking at him slack jawed. "Ummmm . . .at least that's what I heard . . .somewhere." He finished weakly. "Makato, if you'd make a path for me . . .I see a truck with JSDF markings over there." Ami pointed off to the left. "I'll go ask if they've seen anything that might indicate the center of enemy activity." As the two headed off Usagi rounded excitedly on Ranma. "Ooooo! Then what happened . . .after she bought the keyboard? And started lessons. Did Sena start playing again? And what about Shinji . . . and Momoko?" "Well . . .uh . . .I uh never actually watched it myself. But I heard that after Minami bought the keyboard . . .and remember her iinazuke ran out on their wedding with all her money so this was a really big purchase for her . . .anyway she really dedicated herself to her piano lessons and . . ." ************************************************ Minako decided that Usagi was safe enough with Ranma and Akane on one side and Rei hovering close by on the other side. The mass flight from her beloved city depressed Minako . . .and when she was under stress she liked to be up high. With a great leap she sprang to the top of the pedestrian concourse. She had a brief flash of slack-jawed adults and awe-struck children as she hit the side rail and jumped again. Twice more had her at the top of the train-station. There was a wild roaring cheer from the crowd and Minako flashed a V sign and waved at the people. Taking a deep breath she let it out slowly and gazed out over burning city. Here and there she could see emergency vehicles . . .further out she could see small dots darting through the air. The distance was too great, even for senshi enhanced vision, to determine if they were human or alien. She hoped they were human but was afraid that the aliens controlled the skies of Japan. A flash, low on the horizon, drew her attention toward the west. Shifting position she shaded her eyes with her hand and stared intently for a moment. The flash came again, and she thought she saw a cluster of alien fliers, like a swarm of insects, skimming just above what was left of the skyline. Swearing under her breath she dropped quickly toward the ground, looking for Ami as she descended. "No . . .Kittychan . . .I want Kittychan." As she jumped from street-light to tree-top above the packed mass of humanity Minako heard the shrill piping voice . . .above the rumbling murmur of the thousands . . .she heard that one small voice. Looking down toward the sound her vision suddenly narrowed on a small boy . . .five or six years old . . . being thrust bodily toward the entrance of the train station by officials anxious to load another evacuation train with as many children as possible. Following the desperate child's gaze Minako saw a flash of color almost buried in a sea of shuffling feet. With the precision of a surgeon Minako threaded a golden chain between the dense packed sweating mass to snatch the . . .cloth doll . . . from the ground. A cold chill shivered Minako's bones at the sight of the doll . . .like some half remembered dream. Shaking off the feeling she flipped the doll into the child's hands and bounded off to find Ami and tell her she might have found the enemy. ************************************************* "All right. This is gonna be great!" Ranma enthused looking at the sight below him. On Akane's advice they had followed him to the top of the highest building still standing. Now Usagi and the other senshi looked at him as if he were crazy. Akane merely shook her head in fond exasperation. "I know you're salivating at the prospect of fighting your first alien species. . ." "Second." he retorted. " What about Taro?" "He's not an alien, just cursed. Besides, didn't he bounce you around like a rubber ball?" "HEY! He just got lucky." "Yeah, a couple of dozen times. We can't afford any mistakes here, these 'guys' are playing for keeps." "Yeah, Yeah." Ranma grumbled "OK, see we got one big problem and one little one. That" he pointed to the rippling of the air that indicated a Portal "is our big one. As long as that thing is working they can keep reinforcing. The little one is those" this time he indicated a swarm of small craft that were darting in and around the wrecked buildings. "As long as they got the 'high ground' we can't move freely, can't attack, can't disengage without them seein' us. And if you can see the other guy before he sees you-you win. If HE sees YOU first- you lose." "And what about the hundred or so soldiers-in powered armor. You don't consider those a problem?" Rei asked sarcastically. "Nah." Ranma waved a hand dismissively. "We cut off that portal thingy and they run out of gas sooner or later. Then all that armor and stuff's just so much dead weight. And we get rid of their 'eyes in the sky' and their infantry is blind, deaf and dumb." "Nice tactical analysis" Mercury approved. "But the fact is they DO have the flying scouts, they DO have the portal and they CAN reinforce. And I don't see how we can do anything about any of that." "Hey." Makoto objected."Why not do what we always do. Jump in the middle, blast everything that moves while Usagi does her stuff." Makoto's eyes gleamed at the idea of mixing it up with this new enemy. She hadn't forgotten the last time and she was looking forward to some payback. "Because as soon as Usagi powers up for her attack they'll detect it. At best they'll mount an infantry attack, at worst they'll bomb us from the air." "Or maybe a combined attack." Ranma added. "Ok, so if we attack the portal, the infantry and air will kill us. If we try to take out the infantry, the air will locate and pin us down while the infantry kills us. And in the meantime more and more of those things are coming through the portal." Rei summarized. "Yeppers." Ranma grinned. "Quit teasing then Ranma." Akane admonished. "Bleeeeee!" Ranma stuck his tongue out at Akane, then turned and grinned at the senshi. "See, we're going to use their own strength against them." ************************************************* "I don't like this." Ranma said grimly. "It's your idea Ranma." Akane reminded him. "It wasn't my idea for you. . ." Akane put her hand on his shoulder. She could feel his body shiver with repressed tension. "Look, someone has to. . ." "It doesn't have to be YOU!" "Yes it does." she said patiently. "Let me do it." Venus came up behind him and put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "I sympathize with you Ranmasan. But, like it or not, you're a soft target compared to the senshi. And all of us put together can't take as much punishment as Akane-chan. You came up with a good plan, now let us carry it out." "Dammit, I'm a better martial artist than Akane, I should. . ." "That's why I'm leaving you with Usagi and Ami." Akane interrupted. "I would never leave them otherwise." "Why do YOU have to do it!" Ranma repeated stubbornly. "Who else is there? Ami is our command and control. Her sensors are at least as sensitive as mine and she has much better analytical skills. Or perhaps we should send Usagi?" Even Ranma grinned faintly at that as Akane continued. "Usagi is staying put until we have their air and ground elements tied down sufficiently to give her time to launch her attack" She glared sternly at Ranma. "This is all your idea and it's a good one. Venus, Mars and Jupiter are all used to working as a team. It doesn't make sense to split them up. That leave you and me. You're a better martial artist but I"VE got all this nifty hardware. You don't have armor, you don't even have a communicator. You're good, but no one's that good unarmed against that many guns. " Akane sighed and leaned against Ranma. His arms came around her reflexively and she relaxed in his embrace. "I'm scared Ranma." He tightened his grip at her words. "Really sacred. The first two times I did this, I was just reacting, not thinking. This is the first time I'm going to do it deliberately. And I'm scared. Scared I'm going to die. More scared I'm going to klutz out and someone else will die because of me. I need to know that you're here with Usagi. And Ami. If. . .if it goes wrong, I know you'll get them out of here alive. Please. Promise me you'll stay here and look after them?" Ranma tightened his grip then pushed her to arms length so he could look directly into her eyes. "Do it just like we planned. Nothing fancy. Do NOT get mad. Gettin' mad's the fastest way to loose a fight. Stay centered. Keep the music in your head. Dance, don't slug Don't let 'em pin you down." "Hai, sensei!" Akane grinned impishly. Ranma shook her lightly. "I mean it. None o' your 'What-the-hell-let's-pound-the-snot-outta-somethin'- 'till-it-breaks' stuff. You've told me about all your weapons . . . Snipe at 'em and KEEP MOVIN'. An' you got good instincts, you just think too much. I ain't never seen anyone, an' I mean ANYONE you couldn't land at least one punch on. DON'T think about what your doin', just do it. And keep doin' it over an' over 'till the bad guys are done." "Promise me you'll look after Usagi for me? And Ami?" Akane stared intently into Ranma's eyes, willing him to understand, to agree. Curtly he jerked his head in a short up and down motion. "Thank you Ranma." She stood quickly on tip-toe and brushed her lips against his, then disappeared down the side of the building. "I think that's our cue to get going." Vensus said watching Akane disappear. " Give us a few minutes to get into position. We'll give you a single 'click' on the communicators when we're ready." "You guys be careful." Usagi was nearly in tears. "No problem. We beat Beryl, The Black Moon Clan, the Dead Moon Circus, Galaxia. We even passed the entrance exams. We'll wax these guys and be back in time for a late supper." Jupiter gave her princess a quick hug. "Right!" Venus exclaimed cheerfully "When the going gets tough, we take a shortcut." "OK, baka brains. Try not to fall asleep up here." Rei said gruffly. Usagi stared intently into her eyes for a moment then threw her arms around the senshi of fire, squeezing her tightly. "I love you Rei. You're the best friend I ever had." Rei stared, silent and stunned for a moment. Then she turned away quickly and without a word descended down the side of the building opposite the side Akane had descended. Venus and Jupiter quickly followed leaving Ami, Usagi and Ranma alone on top of the building. ************************************************* "She's starting now." Mercury whispered pointing at a display on her computer. Usagi and Ranma looking over her shoulder could see a moving graph spike suddenly. "That's her primary weapon activating. We should see someth . . ." There was a sudden rumbling buzz, like a jet turbine eating a bucket of ball bearings and one of the small flying craft fell from the sky trailing a plume of greasy smoke. ********************************************** ##Target destroyed.## the whisper announced with satisfaction. ##Two hostile flying craft approaching on reciprocal vector. Hostile ground forces converging.## Icons bloomed on the mental grid map. Akane could see wo swift moving flyers and at least fifteen ground troops eaded her way. "Active sensors to maximum power. Bounce a tight beam off that lead flyer." The whisper hesitated. ##Warning. Active sensors will reveal position to hostile flyers.## "Won't it just." Akane murmured. ##Not understoo. . .## " Go active, maximum power." ##Acknowledged.## A massive surge pulsed from Akane's sensors, pinpointing her location like a giant "Here-I-am-please-come-shoot-me-now" sign. Being well mannered murderous alien invaders, the flyers politely and instantly turned toward this energy pulse and dove toward Akane's signal. Prudently they maintained a wide separation and jinked randomly to throw off any defensive fire. "Select Armor Piercing. Weapon power set to 0.5." This was likely to be a long fight. She had to conserve power. " Contra-grav to standby." ##Acknowledged.## Akane stepped into the open and watched the two flyers approach. The lead ship opened up with what seemed to be a heavy version of the infantry warp-gun professor while the wing 'man' ripple fired a particle beam weapon. Both flyers achieved direct hits on their target. They watched the ground explode into a white hot vapor of rock and steel. Even had their instruments been able to penetrate the sensor hash created by their own weapons fire they would not have believed the results. As the two flyers zoomed over an obviously destroyed target, a small figure erupted from the expanding dust cloud behind them. They had absolutely no warning as super-dense darts moving at 10,000mps blasted through them like an anvil through wet tissue. ##Targets destroyed. Accumulators at 57%.## "Nuts." Akane muttered to herself as she descended toward the ground. She'd still used too much power killing those two. She didn't need to vaporize them, just knock them down. She looked around guiltily, hoping that Ranma hadn't seen her mistake. ##Input not understood.## "Reduce kinetic weapon acceleration to 5000mps." That should reduce power consumption and still give her enough "oomph" to knock down the flyers ifshe aimed carefully. ##Acknowledged. Enemy flyers on intercept course.## Four icons blinked on her mental map, coming in from widely divergent courses. ##Enemy ground force numbers now estimated at between40 and 60.## More icons crawled across the virtual ground covering the map like a malignant fungus Akane snarled at the oncoming flyers and she swung her kinetic weapon up and over to target the closest attacker. ************************************************* "That's number three down." Mercury tapped commands into her computer. She examined the changing alpha-numeric crawl on the screen. "I think she's really made them mad now." Ranma grunted from his position peering over the edge of a broken wall. "Let me see." Sailormoon tried to wiggle forward to Ranma's side. Mercury snagged her ankle and dragged her back without raising her head from the screen. There was a long, wide furrow in the dirty rubble showing where this action had been repeated many times before. Sailormoon spat dirt from her mouth and glared at Mercury. "If you want to see what's going on you can look at the computer." Mercury said, still without looking up." "You're just being mean." Sailormoon hissed. "Ranma gets to look and I. . ." "Ranma is suffering from testosterone poisoning. It's common among teenage boys. They grow ut of it if they live long enough." Sailormoon sniffed at her senshi and settled back down grumbling under her breath. Mercury decided she really didn't need to know and turned her attention back to her computer. . . and Ranma. He hadn't said a word since Akane had left, didn't even respond to her deliberate gibes. His attention was on the distant battle as if human eyes could pierce the growing darkness, rubble filled streets and clouds of dust and plasma thrown up by weapons fire and exploding vehicles. "She's all right, Ranma. Akane shows up on my scanners like a beacon. They're not even getting close." Mercury lied. Actually Akane had been hit several times. Mercury knew that only her ability to exist in zero-space had saved her. And Akane's energy signature was getting weaker. She was running out of power, fast. And she still had a long way and eight more flyers to go. ************************************************* Akane's breath came in sobbing gasps and her shoulders heaved with exhaustion. A distant part of her mind reminded her that a martial-artist always breathed from the belly and noted that shoulder breathing was the beginning of the end. "Sys. . .tems St. . .st. .atus." ##Accumulators at 18% Energy Weapon off line, insufficient power. Kinetic Weapon, magazines empty. Protein envelope integrity compromised. Blood loss within 12% of maximum repair capacity. ## Akane twisted and spun like a worm on hot coals frantically trying to avoid being hit by the weapons massing fire upon her. She was especially wary of the warp-guns. Even at her best they could hurt her. With her energy levels so low she was increasingly vulnerable, even to the blaster fire. If they could co- ordinate blaster fire from five or six vehicles . . .or if they managed to keep a warp-gun on her for more than a second, or if they could get good hits with two or more at the same time. . . She screamed and tumbled to the ground as a warp-gun caught her flush on her hip. Only a life times martial training brought her rolling to her feet . . .running before another beam could converge and finish her off. She lurched off in a stumbling run, zig-zagging through the rubble even as more armored figures closed in from the ground and eight of the last enemy fliers swooped down from above. "MARS. . ." "JUPITER. . ." "FIRE BIRD" "LOVE AND BEAUTY. . ." "EVOLUTION. . ." "SHOCK!!!" From their hidden position the combined attack of three angry senshi caught the remaining flyers completely by surprise and bunched together. The energy of the attack blasted seven pilots and machines apart like a puff ball in a typhoon. The eighth fell like a stone into the rubble field below. "YES!" Mercury was ecstatic. "They got them all. Every enemy flying machine is dead or out of action!" She turned to Sailormoon. "Get ready. They're going to have to open the portal, either to retreat or to reinforce. When they do. .. " "I dust 'em! " Sailormoon responded tensely. "Never mind that. How is . . ." "I don't know. There's too much interference from the blast to see very well. But I'm sure she's all right. Now get ready to. . ." The black armored figure caught Sailormoon and Sailormercury completely by surprise. Sailormoon frantically backpedaled, tripped and landed hard on her rear. Sailormercury scrambled frantically to bring her 'Aqua Rhapsody' to bear on the attacker. Even as her hands closed around her harp she knew with a sick certainty she was going to be too late. "MOUKO TAKABISHA!!." The ki-blast slammed the armored figure into the ground. "Never mind this guy." Ranma yelled as he launched himself at the prone figure "Get that portal before more of these guys show up." Mercury watched, dazed, as Ranma launched an attack so rapid that, even with her visor, she could barely see the individual blows. She shook off her stupor and turned to Sailormoon who was just dragging herself off the ground. "Sailormoon, the portal" Mercury glanced down at her computer. "Quickly, the portal is opening and something is coming through!" Sailormoon looked off in the distance. The slight shimmering in the air had changed to a pronounced twisting ripple, like water running down a drain. A dark, armored shape could been seen nosing it's way through the dilating portal. "SILVER MOON. . ." Even occupied as he was part of Ranma's attention was on Sailormoon and her attack. He noted her graceful flowing movements, so unlike her normal manner. With approval he saw her center herself with precise flowing motions that irresistibly reminded him of Aikido. "CRYSTAL POWER . . ." Sailormoon was blazing with power now. Ranma's black armored opponent stumbled slightly as the brilliant light washed over everything. Ranma took this opportunity to see if his opponent could fly. "KISSSSS!!!" The bolt of energy slammed into the open portal. There was a micro-seconds hesitation, then the space around the portal erupted like dynamiting an aquarium. Ranma had a moment to note that his opponent could NOT fly, and didn't seem to bounce very well either. As the Skroach hit the ground twenty stories below Ranma had just enough time to hear a wet crunching sound , like stepping on a large cockroach, before the shock wave hit. ************************************************* ##Containment shield shut down safely. Accumulators at 3.23%. Initiating self-repair routines.## "You do that." Akane panted under her breath as she tried to drag herself out from under a fallen I-beam without success. ##Input not un. . .## "Affirmative. Initiate repairs" She thought a minute. "Establish secure link with Sailormercury." ##Unable to establish link. Jamming still in effect. Systems remain degraded below. . .## "Run scan." Akane cut the voice off. "Passive mode only. Locate hostile targets." ##Unable to scan. Jamming. . .## Wearily Akane cut off the voice. She was deaf, dumb and blind. She heaved at the beam pinning her down. Pain erupted through her body and she fell back in agony. She lay on her back, trying to bring the pain under control before she puked all over herself. "Initiate medical self-test." ##Listing damage to organic components: Protein envelope has been pierced in the following locations.## Here a schematic of her body popped up in her mental window. ##42% of protein envelope has been burned beyond repair capability. Fabricating tissue replacement.## Icons flashed and changed as the whisper detailed her injuries. She was going to have to wait for somebody to rescue her. She hated that. She hated to wait and she especially hated to be rescued. The thought of Ranma finding her like this galvanized her into action. She concentrated briefly and a short thick rod appeared in her hand. The rod lengthened and thinned toward the end. Akane jammed the rod under the beam where it rested on a block of masonry. If she could lift the beam, just a little, she could pull her legs free. Of course if she slipped the beam would crush her lower body into bean paste. Akane slowly drew air into her lungs, her lower belly expanding as she inhaled.. She imagined an ocean of ki beneath the ground and each time she inhaled she drew a golden thread from that ocean into her belly. Every time she exhaled she pushed out all weakness and pain. Slowly the outside world faded and the only thing that existed was the bar in her hand and the growing golden ball of ki. Finally the golden orb filled her to bursting. Her hands closed around the bar and she imagined the golden power surging through her arms, lifting the steel beam and freeing her legs. She heaved, and the steel beam moved! The masonry block tilted and tumbled away out of sight. Now the steel was supported only by her arms. Her back and shoulder muscles surged as her legs moved slightly, then stopped. Her right leg was tangled in something deep in the wreckage that she couldn't see. Akane stared into the deepening gloom, at she shadow of the steel guillotine that hung over her lower body. Her arms were trembling uncontrollably now, her body was drenched in sweat as if she'd fallen in a river. Akane knew she was going to die now. Her strength would give out, the beam would crush her, like a tube of toothpaste. Her implants were too exhausted to repair such major damage. The beam sagged a little. In a burst of rage Akane heaved again. She was NOT going to let this stupid, stupid building kill her. That was the last of her strength and she felt her arms collapse like wet cardboard. In dream-like slow motion she watched the steel beam fall, waited for the sudden flare of pain that would signal her last seconds of life. "Dammit, tomboy. I thought I told you to . . ." Akane had time enough to see Ranma's scolding face loom above her before blackness covered her like a blanket. As the concerned senshi crowded around Ranma and the unconscious Akane they did not notice two figures crouched in the ruins only a few score meters way. Chapter 11 "WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOW!!" It wasn't original. And Hibiki Ryouga didn't really expect an answer. Still, it was a great tension reliever. Not as good as beating the stuffing out of Ranma of course. He thought of RAnma, the trouble maker; RANma, the coward; RANMA, the womanizer . . ." He could almost feel his rivals throat in his hands as he squeezed the life out of him. "Excuse me." a soft shy voice said. He would grab Ranma and twist his lying. . .. "Excuse me." "WHAT!!" "May I have my book-bag back please?" Hibiki Ryouga looked down and saw a torn, twisted mass of leather a and paper in his hands. His eyes followed a tattered leather strap that led from the shredded bag to a small, pale hand. From there it was a surprisingly brief trip from hand to arm to head. A raven dark cap of hair topped the head which did not even reach the bottom of his shoulders. His eyes dropped to a painfully delicate, beautiful face dominated by a pair of huge violet eyes. A GIRL! A really, really TINY girl. A really, really tiny BEAUTIFUL . . ." Ryouga's glacially slow but precise thought processes ground to a halt as previously noted details were analyzed and new conclusions drawn. A YOUNG girl. A REALLY, REALLY . . ." "Excuse me." the shy voice came again, like rain whispering on crystal bells. "Excuse me, but you're squeezing my hand." Ryouga looked down at her hand, or rather where her hand should have been. He could feel her soft warm hand trembling inside his fist like a frightened bird. He could see her fragile wrist protruding from his huge hand. He could see how her skin whitened under the pressure . . . "AAAAAAAAA!!!" Ryouga snatched his hand away as if he'd grabbed the hot end of a poker. He dropped on his belly at the girls feet. "I'msorrypleaseforgivemeI'mnotapervert-It'sallRanam'sfa ult!" "Oh, you've hurt yourself." Ryouga flinched in embarrassment as he felt the girl kneel beside him. He felt a delicate fluttering on his scarred knuckles. He opened his eyes to see a small pale hand resting on his large calloused one. A soothing warmth spread through his hand and up his arm. Soon his entire body tingled with energy and a strange peace. Startled, he looked down to see the cuts and bruises that always covered his hands fading like the stars at sunrise. "My name is Tomoe Hotaru. What's yours?" Ryouga looked into eyes that had darkened to purple. Deep mysterious pools . . . "Hibiki. Hibiki Ryouga." ************************************************* * "Would you just get back into bed!" "OH, my son! So manly." "I give my permission. . ." "But father, they're too young. . ." "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!!" Usagi and most of her friends watched in amazement. Forgotten and almost unnoticed the object of the verbal sparring limped slowly down the stairs and crossed to the one person standing alone. . ". . .panda. It's just not possible. I could almost believe a sex change. That's just a chromosome difference. Except for the mass discrepancy. But a panda is a different species. The brains are wired differ. . ." Mercury's muttering trailed off again as she typed furiously, occasionally raising her visored eyes to scan Saotomesan who had forgotten he was once again human and was gesticulating wildly with his signs. "You probably don't want to know about the cat the duck and the Minotaur then." Ami jumped at Akane's teasing whisper. "Oh, I didn't see you." "You wouldn't have noticed Taro Pantyhose coming down the stairs." "WHO!" "Uh, he fell in the spring of Yeti riding a Yak while carrying a crane and an eeeeeeelllll!" Akane yelped as Ranma scooped her off her feet. "Don't forget the octopus." Ranma added, then looked sternly at Akane. "BAKA. You've got to rest if you wanna get better." "I'm fine. My. . .ooooww!" Akane rubbed her side where Ranma had poked her. "Why did you do that?" "Sure you're fine. Just had a building fall on you is all." "My implants are fix. . ." Akane trailed off as she noticed Ami's glazed look. Usagi walked up behind Ami and gently bopped her on the head. "OK, Ami-chan. Time to eat." she pulled the computer out of her hands. "And stop thinking. I can smell brain cells frying from across the room." "B. . .b. . .but he said OCTOPUS!" Ami was almost in tears. "Why did he say octopus, Usagi?" Ami looked desperate. "There's a panda too. Did you see the panda?" "Yes I saw the panda."Usagi said soothingly, "Bad, bad panda for upsetting you. We can have Rei do a Burning Mandella. You'd like that wouldn't you?" "That's it. And then I can dissect it. I can find out how it works." Ami turned pleading eyes to Usagi. "I can find out! I CAN! If I cut it into pieces, into tiny, tiny pieces I can figure it all out." "That's right." Usagi reassured Ami. "Tiny, tiny pieces. But first let's get something to eat." "OK." Ami said in a little girl voice as she meekly let Usagi lead her away. "POP'S!! Get outta there!" Ranma glared at his father who was wrapped tightly around a bush in the garden outside. "That's right Mr. Saotome. Usagi won't really let Ami dissect you." "Yeah, just cut off a few piece. . .owww!" "Quit teasing, Ranma." "Oh, I don't know. I'd like to get video of the dissection." They turned to look at Nabiki. "It'd sell better than that 'Alien Autopsy' I bet." "!!!!!!!!!!" "OK, Nabiki, YOU'RE going to have to get him off the roof this time." Akane groused. "Hey guys!" Makoto burst into the garden. "I think you're gonna want to see this." ". . .ite House has confirmed a nuclear detonation." the young NEK news anchor was visibly shaken. "There are unconfirmed reports from the Peoples Republic of China of three and possibly four detonations of devices in the 20000 kiloton range. A joint communication from . . ." "I'm tapping into the satellite system." Ami worked furiously at her computer. "It looks like the enemy has been making incursions in other countries." she entered a few more commands then turned the screen so the others could see. "These points designate unconfirmed sightings of 'strange lights', 'monsters' and other unusual phenomenon. A lot of these sightings were undoubtedly the 'usual 'UFO' type sightings but many were probably genuine. And there is no way to tell how many actual alien visitations went unnoticed. In fact it appears that there may have been several other visitations in Japan at the same time we were fighting that first group. If we hadn't stumbled on them by accident they probably would have been in and out without anyone knowing." Ami paused to collect her thoughts. "I believe that these were scouting parties, a large number of small lightly armed groups. They were not here to fight, just to gather information, make maps, that sort of thing. I think the second incursions were a reconnaissance-in-force, to refine their data from the first visits." Ami punched a function key and the icons on the world map shifted yet again. "This last visitation was very visible. I have CONFIRMED reports of alien invasions in Europe, North and South America, Russia, the Baltic, China, India and we all know about the one in Japan. It looks like the Americans killed the enemies portal by firing a nuclear tipped cruse missile into the center of it. I suspect that explains the other nuclear detonations we've heard about." "What does it mean?" Usagi asked worriedly. "Invasion. These things have been scouting, now they're trying to establish a beach-head." ************************************************* * At that moment five hundred thousand metric tonnes of vitrified rock and battle-steel passed through the outer fringes of the asteroid belt at 64kps. Navigation thrusters made a minor course correction and then engines went to full power. The huge mass was now headed for a precise point in space that would intersect the earths orbit exactly above the small island nation of Japan. ************************************************* * "Would you like to go to a party?" "P . . .p . . .p. . .arty!" Ryouga was stunned. No girl had ever asked him to a party before. Well there was that one time, but he didn't think his mother counted. And it was his own birthday after all. "I . . .I. . .I.." "Please hold this, I'll be right back." Hotaru suddenly thrust the tattered remains of her book bag into Ryouga's hands and ran off toward the sound of people screaming. Ryouga stood frozen in place then pounded after Hotaru. He could see her round a building in the distance and he sprinted to catch up. ". . .OWER MAKE UP!!" The voice reverberated with power and a brilliant light spilled out into the street. Ryouga came around the corner in time to see Hotaru swirled up in a vortex of energy. As he watched, her street clothes burst apart. Dimly through the pulsing light he could see ribbons of energy run up her legs and become knee- high boots. Involuntarily his eyes were drawn up her long legs to . . . "AAAAAAAA!" Blushing Ryouga spun away, shutting his eyes and pinching his nose shut. By the time he had recovered himself he turned around to see that Sailorsaturn was fully engaged with the Skroach warrior. "SILENCE WALL!" Sailorsaturn staggered as the warp-gun's point-blank fire forced her back a pace. The enemy could not pierce her shield but neither could SHE attack. Even if there were no other enemy soldiers around she would eventually tire. She had to put some distance between her attacker and herself, disengage long enough to counter-attack. Even as she thought this the black armored figure forced her back step by step. He heel caught in some debris and she went down catching herself on one hand.. Out of the corner of her eye she could see another figure approaching. Her only chance was to drop to the ground as she collapsed the 'Silence Wall', hope she would be below the warp-gun's effect, hope she was fast. . ." "SHI SHI HOUKOUDAN!!!!" Muddy green fire vomited down the alley, slamming the armored figure against an overturned truck. Saturn had the opening she needed. "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE" "Are you all right Tomoesan?" Ryouga crunched through still twitching bits as he ran up to the ichor-splattered girl. "I. . .I'm fine Hibikisan. Thank you for. . .for. . ." she waved vaguely at the ground. "You're welcome, Tomoesan. Uh, what. . .?" Ryouga pointed at her fuku and glaive. Sailorsaturn took a deep breath. "I'm Sailorsaturn." "S. . .Sailor. . ." Ryouga stuttered and stepped back. "I understand." Sailorsaturn said sadly. She was all too familiar with rejection. Only Small Lady and Usagi had ever really cared about the "destroyer of worlds". With dragging steps she turned to go. "Uh, does this mean the party is on a boat?" Startled she looked up to see Ryouga walking beside her. "Because, uh, I have this little problem with water and . . ." ************************************************* "Get dressed." Startled Michiru looked up from the book she was reading to see Meiou Setsuna standing at the foot of the couch. "I beg your pardon?" "Get dressed. We're going to a party." Michiru swung her legs down to the floor, jolting Haruka who had been asleep with her head in Michiru's lap. She shook her lover by the shoulder. Haruka grumbled under her breath and snuggled deeper into Michiru's lap. "Anybody we know?" Michiru asked while thinking of ways to wake Haruka before the end of the century. "An old . . .acquaintance." Setsuna replied, dumping a tumbler of ice water on the sleeping senshi. ************************************************* "Usagi, how can you eat at a time like this?" Rei hissed. "BuifgooondIgotakpemystrenfup." "She says 'It's good. And she's got to keep her stren. . ." "I KNOW what she's saying Ami." "I was translating for Akane-chan." Ami replied calmly. "Thank you Ami-chan. But I'm beginning to catch on. It's not too much different from Ranma. Don't do that, Makoto-chan." Akane warned the senshi of thunder. "Wha. . .?" Makoto froze, her hand half way to a bean-jam bun. "I'm sorry." she blushed contritely. "did you want. . ." "No." Akane laughed. "I just didn't want you to get hurt." she jerked her head in the direction of Ranma. Makoto looked at Ranma. He was focused on the bun with the quivering intensity of a shark smelling blood in the water.. A prickling in her spine brought her head slowly up and to the left where she saw Usagi, eying the bun as if it were the last lifeboat leaving the Titanic. As gingerly, as if there were a rabid badger with a bad attitude asleep in her pants, Makoto edged her chair away from the table. The tension in the air was so thick you could bounce a fifty yen coin off it and get change. "They may be a while. Why don't we go sit in the garden and talk?" Akane got up from the table. "That was delicious Kasumi. Thank you." "Yes, it was wonderful Tendousan." Minako added politely. "Would you like some help cleaning up?" "Thank you, but no. Why don't you all go and figure out how to save the world. I'll bring some tea in a minute." Rei stared after the eldest Tendou daughter as she disappeared into her kitchen. "Is your sister always like this?" "Oh no. Normally she's not this agitated" Akane apologized. "But a lot has happened lately." "I don't see the problem." Makoto argued as they seated themselves in the garden. "We just keep on doing what we've been doing." "It's not that simple." Minako replied. "We just barely stopped this last bunch. And the JSDF is still cleaning up stragglers that were trapped when we blew up their portal. What do we do if, or rather when, they open two or three or MORE portals?" "It's worse than that Minako-chan." Ami looked up from her computer. "The government has just officially requested a United States Carrier Task Force armed with nuclear weapons." "What! That's crazy. The people. . ." "It's not crazy Rei-chan." Ami looked grim. "The government doesn't dare let these aliens get a foothold in Japan. It's not just to save Japan either. If the aliens were to establish a beach-head on the home islands. . .we would be a danger to the rest of the world. If the Americans don't send atomic weapons. . .well, I'm sure the Chinese or Russians would be only too happy to send us a few. In fact hey might not wait for a beach-head to be established." "Are you all right, Usagi-chan?" "My head hurts, Akachan. I keep wishing for a normal life, no more monsters, no more fighting, no more end-of- the-world stuff." Usagi closed her eyes and a tear trickled from under the closed lids. "My head hurts." Akane lay her princesses head in her lap and began caressing her temples with gentle fingers. "It's all right princess. I'm with you now. And your senshi are here." Akane bent and brushed the half dozing Usagi's cheek with her lips. "It's going to be all right. . .this time." Ranma watched in amazement as Akane took Usagi in her arms with a gentle tenderness that . . . Ranma shook his head angrily. He was NOT jealous! "Oh, hello Ryoga." Heads turned at the sound of Kasumi's voice. "And you've brought a friend. How nice. Everybody is out in the garden. You missed dinner so I'll just go make some snacks." "I didn't know you knew the Tendou's Hotaruchan." "I don't Ryougachan. My friend Usagi told me to meet her here." Ranma listened to the voices that drifted out into the garden in amazement. It sounded like Ryouga . . .chan? And with a GIRL? Then two figures appeared in the garden and Ranma's jaw dropped. It WAS Ryouga . . .and a girl. A very . . .small. . .girl. A very. . .YOUNG girl. And they were holding hands in a VERY friendly manner. The concept of Ryouga. . .all on his own. . .meeting a girl AND being able to walk hree steps without getting lost. Ryouga with a girl and not blacking out from blood loss . . .Ryouga not becoming overly excited and maiming the girl . . . or all of the above . . . Ranma was frozen in shock Not so Usagi. "Hotaruchan!" Usagi sprang up, the top of her head catching Akane just under her chin and knocking her flat on her back. "Ha, some super-warrior you are." Ranma said sarcastically, helping Akane up. "A real martial artist would never be caught. . ." In horror Ranma watched Usagi throw herself into Tomoe Hotaru's arms, sending the smaller girl staggering backward. Automatically Ryouga's arm shot out to steady the two girls, just as Kasumi stepped through the door; a tray loaded with snacks and a large pitcher of tea . . .ICED tea . . . in her hands. Ranma thrust Akane from his arms and leapt . . . "Bweeeeee!" "A Piiiiig!" Ami wailed. "He's a pig now! I saw it." "Now, now Ami." Makoto scooped the small genius into her lap and rocked her back and forth. "Now, now. It's not that bad." "It's WORSE!! How can he be a pig? He can't be a pig. He just can't!" "Well," Rei looked on as Ranma poured hot tea on the pig. "now he's a boy. A naked boy." "A naked boy with a really . . .nice personality." Minako added grinning.. Centripetal force slung Ami tumbling as Makoto whipped around to the front. "Heh.,heh,heh." Ranma sounded like a starter motor with a bad bushing. "You know, Akane. There's a really funny story behind all this. Isn't there a funny story Ryouga?" "I. . .I'll just get dressed and. . ." "Leave them." It didn't sound like Akane at all. Ranma could see her lips moving . . .but the voice . . .It gave him the same shivery feeling he'd gotten on his second trip into the pit-of-starving-cats for cat-fist training..(He hadn't know what to expect on the first trip, and didn't really remember anything after the third.) Ryouga froze as a very sharp blade inserted itself just under his chin. He slowly straightened up under the gentle urging of the blade. His eyes almost crossed rying to focus on the steel as it disappeared under his chin. He recognized it. Kasumi had baked fresh bread. And of course you needed a sharp knife to slice fresh bread cleanly. A VERY sharp knife. How thoughtful of Kasumi. "What are you doing?" the spine of the knife rapped the knuckles of his cupped hands. "Move them." The point of the knife moved to lightly trace a line from his belly button to his Adam's apple. "Or loose them." The knife retraced it's path downwards. Ryouga took one look at Akane's eyes and let his arms dangle at his sides. "Good boy." Everyone shivered at the venom in her voice. "What a good P-chan you are. Now turn around." "What are you doing!" Ranma put a hand on Akane's shoulder and froze as the knife whipped around like a striking snake to rest just under his heart. "Why I'm peeking Ranma. Just like HE did to me. Just like he watched me undress for bed. Did you two get a good laugh out of that?" "It wasn't like that Akane-ch. . ." Ryouga's head rocked as Akane backhanded him. "Don't you call me that. Only my friends can call me that. You're not my friend. I don't know who you are. I don't know. . ." A shudder wracked her body. "I thought you were my friend." she whispered. "I thought I could trust . . . that I could talk." Akane paled and swayed on her feet. " . . .Talk to you. My god. I talked . . .to P-chan. I told him things. Trusted him. He was my friend. I told him. . . told him." She started to shake violently. "Why. . .what did I ever do to you. . .Why would you hate me that much? I should have known. . .the bandanna. . . but I trusted. . .I trusted. . ."Akane clutched her belly and fell to her knees sobbing. "I trusted you. . . I trusted . . ." Ranma dropped to his knees beside her. "Akane. . .Akane! Please. You're going to make yourself sick. Please don't cry!!" "Akan. . .Tendousama." Ryouga joined Ranma on the ground. "Please. It's my fault. I should have told you. But I was ashamed of my curse. And you were so kind to me. I was afraid. Afraid that if you found out I would be alone again. Please Tendousama. Please don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." "Akane-chan. You have some more guests." It was perhaps not an ideal time for Meiou Setsuna to walk through the door. Ranma and Ryouga were blasted across the garden as Akane surged to her feet. Even with a life dedicated to martial training Ranma was hard put to end up on his feet. Out of the corner of his eye Ranma could see Ryouga down on all fours. Most of his attention was focused on . . . Akane. He'd never been this close to "Weapon 4" when she activated. He watched in disbelief as Akane seemed to burst into flame, her features melting and reforming. He could see her body twisting and rippling like a reflection in a tide pool . He could see every detail of the cannon in her right hand, every aspect. . . CANNON? . . . Uh oh! HATE. Her blood boiled with it. Rage. Her muscles clenched 'till her bones ached. "Full power to graser." she ordered. ##Graser at full power## the Whisper acknowledged. "Target selected." she dropped the targeting pip in the center of Setsuna's chest. ##Invalid target. Identification files list designated target as senshi. Invalid target. Iden. . ## "OVERRIDE!" she snarled. ##Invalid tar. . ## "OVERI. . .:" Weapon 4 screamed and jack-knifed forward as fail-safe protocols activated. ##WARNING. Senshi are not valid targets. WARNING. Sen. . .## Weapon 4 ignored the Whisper. She focused through the pain. She'd had good teachers. "Run diagnostics. Initiate secondary sensor suite test protocol." She felt a brief hesitation as the system diagnostics started. There was a faint buzzing as the primary sensor's went off line and the secondary's kicked in. She'd been waiting for that infinitesimal window. "Load digital re-mapping sub-set Initial point set to zero, zero, zero." Digital re-mapping was intended to provide improved long-range scans. To enhance contrast, remove sensors ghosts and defeat enemy stealth systems. By setting the initial point to zero, zero, zero the software increased the resolution to the point that the details obscured the identity. Suddenly the senshi disappeared from the sensors to be replaced by an unrecognizable blur. With a howl of triumph Weapon 4 raised her weapon back into battery and . . . "USAGI! NO!" Rei screamed and lunged for Usagi as she darted to put herself between Akane and the three Outer senshi. "Akachan, Akachan. Please listen to me."There was no sense of recognition in the twisting flowing features. Suddenly a dreamscape seemed to flash before Usagi's eyes. Of a young girl, with grey eyes the color of . . . "Misty? Misty! It's me, Stormy. Please Misty. Don't do this. It's all right. I won't let anyone hurt you. Please . . ." With a tearing shuddering cry the figure in front of Usagi slammed back down into normal space. Usagi reached out and caught Misty in her arms as she fell. Ranma was a fraction of a second behind, steadying Usagi as she staggered under Akane's weight. The three of them sank to the floor, Ranma and Usagi holding the weeping girl protectively between them. "What are you doing here." Makoto snapped, stepping forward aggressively to confront Setsuna and the two figures behind her. "I asked them to come." Usagi said from her place on the floor. "HEY!" Ranma's eye's focused squarely on Setsuna. "That's the woman from the other day, the one that tried to do something to Akane!" He started to his feet, but was tangled up with Usagi and Akane. "What did you do to Ak. . . to Tendou-sama!" Ryouga placed himself in front of the three outer senshi. Heavy ki boiled from him like pus from a old wound. Even if she hated him, if he'd lost even her friendship. . . he would defend Akane to the death. "Please!" Usagi's gentle voice stilled Ryouga's heavy ki, even if it couldn't dissipate it completely. "Please. I invited them here to try to solve our problems, not start a fight." Slowly, grudgingly Ryouga backed away. "I wanna know what SHE was up to!" Ranma looked pointedly at Setsuna. "There is a new enemy." Setsuna began. "You have all seen it. An alien race who wishes to take the Earth, the Solar System and all it's riches. After they have eliminated the human race." She paused and looked down at Akane, Usagi and Ranma. "I am. . .sorry. I acted precipitously. I needed to talk to. . .Akane. We will need her power if we are to win this battle. I needed to talk to her" Setsuna laughed mirthlessly "but I had little reason to believe she had any interest in talking to me. So, in my arrogance, I tried to force her to listen. I have been too much alone, too used to acting without consulting others." She pretended not to see all of the inner senshi nodding their heads. "My need. . .OUR need is great. The enemy is very powerful and I was afraid." This statement got everyone's attention. "I lost my home once before, and people that I loved." There was no doubting the genuine anguish in Setsuna's voice. "I was afraid to take a chance, afraid of losing Akanesan's help, and thereby the lives of billions of people, my home and people I have come to . . .care for. "Setsunasan." Usagi looked up at the older woman, her eyes filled with tears. "How could you doubt that we would help you. We are senshi, we should always fight together." "You have a generous heart princess. Other's are not so generous. And. . .I have no right to ask for generosity or forgiveness in this case." "I will talk to Akane-chan when she is feeling better. I am sure she will help you if she can." "Thank you princess. But please tell her she will be helping her own family, everyone on Earth as well, not just me or the senshi." ************************************************* * "Are you sure it's OK to leave you Akachan?" Usagi stared worriedly at the pale listless girl laying in the bed. "I'm fine Usagi." Akane replied hoarsely. "Just feeling a little tired, and a lot foolish." "Akane, talk to them." Akane's lips tightened mulishly and she tried to turn away from Usagi. "Don't close yourself off from your friends over. . ." "FRIENDS! What kind of friends . . ." "The kind who make mistakes, who do foolish things."Usagi laughed "Believe me I'm an expert when it comes from doing foolish things. But friends are the most important thing in the world. Just as important as someone who loves you. And if you're very, very lucky you can find someone who loves you AND is your friend." "It's just so confusing. I don't know what to think. And there's you and the senshi. I know you and I don't know you. You're the most important person in my life and a total stranger." Akane let her head droop tiredly. "Sometimes I feel like I'm back in the Imperium, sometimes I feel closer to people and places that have been dead for a hundred thousand years and then it all disappears like a puff of smoke." Usagi put a sympathetic hand on Akane's shoulder. "I know. How do you think I felt when a cat told me that I was a sailor-suited soldier for love and justice. I'd just gotten used to that when I found out I was a PRINCESS. And things just got crazier from there." Usagi sighed. "But it was worth it for all the wonderful friends I made, or re-discovered." She grinned at Akane. "Anyway remember what I said about talking to people. Besides, think about how guilty you can make him feel by forgiving him." Akane watched Usagi leave then lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling. She was not really surprised when she heard a tapping at the window. She thought about ignoring him, but remembered what Usagi had said about talking and forgiving. She rolled wearily out of bed and padded across the room to open the window.. "Hey Akanesan. I'm sorry about. . .about everything." "I'm sorry too Ranma. But I need to know. . ." Akanesan? Ranma NEVER called her Akanesan. The incongruity just had time to register as Ranma's features dissolved into a tall figure with short white-blond hair. There was a stinging sensation from behind and she collapsed to the floor like a puppet whose strings were cut. A door that did not existed opened into a place with no name. Akane and a tall figure with long dark hair that gleamed with strange highlights disappeared through the door. Chapter 12 "Who was that Rei?" Makoto asked poking her head out of he kitchen. "That was Saotome Ranmasan." Rei said hanging up the phone. "He wanted to know if Akanechan was with us." "What?" "Akanechan didn't come down for breakfast . . . they don't know where she is." "Oh no! What are we going to tell Usagi?" Rei and Makoto turned at the sound of a door opening to see Usagi still wearing her bunny pajamas and knuckling the sleep out of her eyes. "Tell me what, Makoto-chan?" ************************************************* ************************************************* "I do wish you would be quiet." Sailorpluto looked down at the battered and bound figure making wet bubbling sounds as her head moved weakly back and forth. "I put a charge through your speech centers at the same time I destroyed your motor-control." Sailorpluto looked down at a bank of instruments and made a small satisfied sound at what she saw. "You are entirely too clever at finding ways around your inhibitory and control programming. I would have much preferred killing you but that might have triggered your anti-capture-anti-suicide protocols. And since the 'Facility' no longer exists I have no way to directly override your implants." With two quick slashing motions Sailorpluto made a Y-incision that opened Akane up from neck to crotch. She inserted a short transparent rod into the chest cavity and with a sudden move separated the ribs with an explosive CRACK. She thrust what appeared to be a metallic sea-urchin into the hole and frowned as Akane's body convulsed slightly at this invasion. She looked back down at her monitors. "Director Ras should be here to help me with this. I don't know what's keeping him. And it really should be easier to access the systems for maintenance. I'll just make a note of changes to make in the production models and send it to . . ." Sailorpluto's muttered self-talk trailed off and she stared silently into space for a long moment. There was a loud beeping noise from the monitors and Sailorpluto came to herself with a start. "Ah, that's more like it." She looked up from her instruments and smiled benignly. "It's all your fault you know. If you hadn't been so much trouble. If you'd done what you were told." Sailorpluto took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "But that's all in the past now." she giggled suddenly, like a very small girl who's been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "It's all in the past. I made a funny!" She giggled again. "Would you like to see her? I would. I like to look at her. I look at her all the time." Sailorpluto passed a hand in a quick sharp pattern and a scene formed in the air. "Don't tell any one."she whispered conspiratorially. "I'm not supposed to do this." A small girl, about nine or ten years old could be seen peeping through some bushes. She appeared to be waiting for someone. Suddenly a tall figure, dressed in costly robes and carrying a tall staff appeared on the path. Around the figure scurried men and women in clothing no less costly but diminished by their obvious fright and submissiveness. As the regal figure passed by, the small girl popped out of the bushes and lobbed a large ball. The ball turned out to be a thin water filled bladder which burst on contact. The tiny girl-child fell to the ground laughing at the figure which now closely resembled a drowned peacock. "She wasn't afraid of me." Sailorpluto informed the air."Out of all the thousands of years. The infinite lifetimes. She was the only one who was never afraid." The scene changed, to a sumptuous room, filled with delicate porcelains, silken wall hangings, and finely woven rugs. In the center of the room stood a large canopied bed with a tiny figure lost in it's immensity. Armed guards stood along the walls and in every corner of the room but none of them seemed to notice when a door that could not exist opened from a place with no name and a tall figure stepped into the room. She glided past the strangely blind and deaf guards till she stood looking down at the sleeping child. She watched, seemingly fascinated by the slow even breathing then trailed a hand delicately down a bare flank. The child giggled and opened sleepy eyes to see the hooded figure looming over her. "They forbad me to see her." Sailorpluto spat. "They said I was a bad influence, it was unnatural. . .that I would HURT her." Suppressed fury shuddered the time guardians body. "Hurt her?" she whispered "Hurt Serenity? Can the reflection hurt the body, the slave harm the master. Can you pluck out your own heart and still live?" ************************************************* "Where is she?" Kaiou Michiru looked blankly at the murderously angry young man in the red Chinese style shirt. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." "Akane. Where is Akane." "I have no idea. I haven't seen her since . . ." "Liar." Michiru flushed at the single cold syllable. "I don't have to stand here and listen to a rude unmannered ronnin. I told you I haven't seen her." Michiru slammed and locked the door. "Who was that?" Ten'ou Haruka walked in toweling her hair. Lips pursed angrily Michiru whirled on her lover. "It was . . ." "MOUKO TAKABISHA!!" The door slammed into Michiru like a freight train crushing her against the wall. Haruka picked herself up from where the fringes of the blast had thrown her to see Saotome Ranma step through the ruined wall. ************************************************* ". . .gree we need to look for Akanechan. But we have to stick together. With this new enemy it's too dangerous to. . ." "I'm not going anywhere by myself Minakochan." Ami patiently told her communicator. "But it only makes sense to stop by their apartment on my way to the shrine. It's on the way and . . ." "I don't want you anywhere near them by yourself!" Minako snapped. "I don't believe in coincidence, especially where they're concerned. We need to all be together. . ." "Uh, sorry. . .you're signal's breaking up. I'll see you there." Blushing at her fib, Ami cut off her communicator and hurried on. There wasn't time to wait. She didn't know why, she just knew that something bad was going to happen. ************************************************* * "She wouldn't remove the wards from the Gate." Sailorpluto said conversationally as she worked. "The Imperium was afraid of the Time Gate, afraid of tampering with time. So they warded it, placed restrictions on it's use." She frowned at past remembrances as she absently manipulated a probe inserted into Akane's abdominal cavity. "Manipulating the time stream is subject to the conservation of mass and energy." Sailorpluto pontificated as she inserted a thin silvery needle into a mass of circuitry wrapped around Akane's spine. " Take energy from a typhoon to feed an earthquake. Save a fishing village, kill a mountain village. As long as the equation balances the Universe doesn't ask for individual names. Serenity wouldn't agree. 'I won't bleed my children's children so the Imperium can feast on the corpse of their future.'" Sailorpluto quoted "She was always so passionate about her kingdom and about the Imperium. She was always so concerned about the future and the welfare of her subjects. Just" Sailorpluto said wonderingly "as if the filthy vermin had some value." ************************************************* * "WORLD SHAKING!!" The blast passed harmlessly under Ranma as he soared effortlessly above it to land lightly behind Sailoruranus. "Look. I'm sorry about the door. But after everything Rei and Makoto told me about you after you left last night I figured I needed to get your attention, so you'd take me sreiously. " Sailoruranus growled and charged at Ranma. "And I'm sorry about hitting your friend." Ranma sidestepped the bull like rush and Sailoruranus went sprawling. " It was an accident." Ranma added contritely. " I don't fight girls. I just want to know where Akane is." "DEEP SUB. . ." Sailorneptune's attack halted abruptly as Ranma scooped her up in his arms and flipped over the charging Sailoruranus with negligent grace. "Jeeezz. Would you just SIT down outta the way. You're gonna get hurt." Ranma poked her lightly in the side and Sailorneptune collapsed with a slight gasp as her legs gave way. "OH JEEZ!. Did I hurt you?" Ranma asked worriedly as he caught Sailorneptune and lowered her gently to the ground. "I don't practice pressure points the way I should. It'll wear off in a little bit an you'll be good as new." As he talked Ranma blushingly arranged Sailorneptune's paralyzed legs to preserve her modesty and make her more comfortable. "Now you just sit here outta th' way where it's safe. An don't worry, I ain't gonna hurt your boyfri. . .your girl. . .I ain't gonna hurt Haruka. Well not too bad anyway. I just wanna know where Akane is. That's all." As he finished talking Ranma spun and caught Sailoruranus fist in his cupped hand and slipped behind her locking her arm in the small of her own back. "Now look, this ain't gett'n us nowhere! All I want is Akane back. You shouldna taken her anyway." Ranma oooffed lightly as Sailoruranus elbow hit him in the stomach. He let her go, more to keep her from hurting herself in her struggles to get loose than from any damage resulting from her blow. "SPACE SWO . . ." Ahhh NUTS!!" Ranma muttered disgustedly. "A Kuno wannabe!" He slid forward, under her thrust catching her right wrist in his left hand. He pulled forward while twisting her wrist, overextending and locking the joint. He lightly popped her elbow with his open palm. Sailoruranus arm went numb from shoulder to fingertips and the sword went flying. Sailoruranus glared furiously at Ranma her left arm raised in defense, her right arm dangling uselessly. "Man, this is pathetic." Ranma looked disgusted. "You're strong and fast but you ain't got no discipline. You get mad and loose your center. Kasumi is better'n this. An Akane" Ranma's face took on an ugly cast as he remembered why he was fighting "Akane woulda wiped the floor with ya even without that gun. 'Cept Usagisan stopped her. You were lying 'bout bein' sorry. I knew it then. I just didn't think . . . I didn't think you'd . . ." "You have no idea what's at stake here." Sailoruranus broke her silence. "There are millions, BILLIONS of lives at stake. A single. . ." "Save it!" Ranma snapped. "It sounds real good, real noble. But if you were tellin' the truth why'd ya kidnap Akane? Why'd ya lie to Usagi?" Ranma saw a brief look that might have been pain flash across the blond senshi's face. " No, you're not tellin' the truth 'bout something, but I really don't care what. I don't care about the whole world, an' I don't care about you." Ranma fixed Sailoruranus with a glare. "I only care about one thing. You give me Akane and I'm outta here." "I don't know wh. . ." WHAP! A backhanded slap spu. Sailoruranus around. "Where's Akane?" "I don't kn . . " CRACK! "Where's Akane?" "I don't . . ." A short jab to the solar plexus sent Sailoruranus to her knees. Ranma stepped back and watched Sailoruranus struggle back to her feet. "We could do this all day. But I ain't got time to fool around."Ranma's hand flashed out and closed around Sailoruranus throat. "Tell me where Akane is or I'm gonna turn you over to a Chinese Amazon I know. You won't like what the old mummy does. . . but you will tell me where Akane is." With a sudden surge of strength Sailoruranus broke free . "WORLD." "Ah maaan! Not again." 'SHAAAAKIIING!" Ranma suddenly realized that the still paralyzed Sailorneptune lay directly behind him in the line of fire. "Nooooo!" Ranma leapt towards Sailoruranus, snatching her out of the way of the "World Shaking' attack. 'Ah man!" Ranma panted with stress. "Are you OK? I'm sorry about . . ." Ranma's body folded around the sword as Sailorneptune slammed it home. She twisted the blade and pulled it up and out. With expressionless eyes she watched Ranma fall off the blade with a wet sucking sound. "It took you long enough." "He was so fast." Sailoruranus gasped. "I couldn't get him in position to try and save you any soon. . ." "What have you done!" Sailoruranus whirled to see Ami staring white faced. "This is none of your business." Sailorneptune said sternly. "Go away." Ami brushed past Sailoruranus and went directly to where Ranma lay in a rapidly expanding pool of blood. "Go away or . . ." "Or what!" Ami snapped "You'll stab me in the back?" Sailorneptune flinched at Ami's harsh tone. "You don't understand what has to be done. There are billions of lives at stake. You can't let just one . . ." "Stop." The quiet command froze Sailoruranus as she was reaching for Ami. With dread she looked around and saw Sailormars, Sailorvenus, Sailormoon, and Sailorjupiter. Behind them were Hotaru and a strange boy that Sailoruranus had never seen before. The boy was glaring savagely at her and Hotaru's gentle hand on his arm seemed to be the only thing restraining him. "What have you done?" Sailormoon whispered in horror looking from the Outer senshi to Ranma's body on the ground and back again. "We've done what was necessary. Sometimes sac. . ." "Don't!" Sailormoon thrust her hand out in a warding gesture. "Don't tell me that sacrifices have to be made. Don't tell me that I don't understand. Don't tell me. . . just don't." She looked to Ami who knelt beside Ranma's body, blood soaking her dress up past her knees.. "How. . .how is he?" Ami turned a white tear stained face to Sailormoon and mutely shook her head. ************************************************* Sailorpluto hummed a little tune as she entered commands into a computer. Occasionally she would jot notes onto what looked like a pad made of translucent crystal. "I think I miss the gardens most of all." she said suddenly. "Serenity had the most beautiful gardens. Would you like to see them?" Taking the wet bubbling noise that issued from the ruin of Akane's throat as an assent Sailorpluto scrambled to her feet and moved to sit at Akane's side. "You'll love the gardens. What would you like to see? Oh!" she giggled. "I forgot you can't talk. Especially with that neural inhibitor in your throat." Sailorpluto leaned over to whisper confidentially. "I had to add another inhibitor you know. Your implants were adapting so quickly ,repairing all your damage and trying to throw me out of the system that I was having trouble getting any work done." abruptly she sat back up. "But enough shop talk. We're going to see the gardens." The air shimmered as if someone had thrown a pebble into a pool of water and an image formed. "This is my favorite. See how neat and organized everything is? Serenity made it just for me." The image shifted to an ornamental pond surrounded by a rock-garden with a low wall of geometrically clipped hedges enclosing the whole. "I loved this part. It was so peaceful. And it was always the same, every time I came it was always the same. The water was just water, the roses stayed roses and the stones didn't talk." She leaned over and grasped Akane's chin in her hand pulling their heads together 'till they were nose-to-nose. "That's the most important thing. I don't like it when the stones talk. It always gets so confusing. I can never quite understand what. . ." she broke off as the scene changed. This time it showed a small girl all alone in a vast featureless landscape. "MAMA!" Sailorpluto shuddered at the sound. "MAMA! Where are you? MAMA! MAMA!" the little girl was running now as she called for her mother. But as fast and as far as she ran, she seemed frozen in a vast grey landscape. Exhausted she fell sobbing to her knees. "MAMA! I want to go home. I don't like it here. Please, Please. I want to go home." "Stupid girl." Sailorpluto shot to her feet. "STUPID, STUPID, S T-U-P-I-D girl." Pluto gestured roughly and the scene returned to the gardens. She smiled and leaned back in her chair. " It's very difficult to understand the stones when they speak. They're so slow, you see, that it can take centuries for them to say a single word. But they're all talking at once so it seems very loud and. . . and I don't like it." She pouted a little then brightened. "But none of the rocks in MY garden ever talk, not even the smallest pebble. Serenity said she wouldn't let them and she never did. And it was always bright. Even at night there was always a light burning, lots of lights." She smiled down at Akane, her eyes wide with wonder. "Isn't that amazing! Even at night, there was always light.And Serenity gave me my own room in the Royal Apartments and IT ALWAYS had a light burning. Always!" The image shuddered and changed from the garden to vast grey expanse. The small girl was a little older seeming and she huddled around a small staff topped by a glowing orb. Her entire world consisted of the bare meter of space illuminated by the orb. Beyond it's feeble light lay a terrifying emptiness. "I don't like the dark." Pluto said in a small voice. "I don't LIKE the dark. I don't like THE DARK. I DON"T, I DON'T, I DON'TIDON'TIDON"T!" The image of the small huddled girl vanished and all was silent except for the faint hum of machines and Sailorpluto's short gasping breath counterpointed by Akane's wet frothy attempts to get air into her lungs. ************************************************* "People just don't understand how HARD it is to . . ." Sailorpluto looked at a bank of monitors and made a small satisfied noise."Almost ready now." She turned back to Akane. " They think I just open the time gate, walk down the corridor, and 'POOF!' I change the past, alter the future. No one understands. It takes a lot of power to travel in time, and the further you travel the more power it takes. It's an inverse cube ratio." Pluto added confidentially. "I think it is . . " her brow wrinkled in thought. "I'm almost sure. . . And then there's the mass/energy balance. You can't get something for nothing. Well you can but it costs more that way. And it's not like you can just run down to the corner store and pick up a quart of entropy . . ."she made a small adjustment to the monitors. "So many possibilities. That's what scared the Imperium the most. It's easy to see the possibilities for changes that cover a day or even a week. But if you try to predict what will happen after you introduce a change for one year or ten years or . . . They said it couldn't be done. That I could never control. . .So they warded the Gate. . .to prevent accidents they said. But I could see. . . I could see . . .I knew what to do. . .I told them. . . I TOLD. . .but I wouldn't listen . . . I never. . why. . .why. . ." ************************************************* "USAGI! DON'T" Sailormars made a desperate grab for Sailormoon as she brought her hands up to her chest and the silver-crystal began to glow. "Don't do it Usagi. If you use the silver-crystal you'll die" "I have to Minna-P. I am responsible for the actions of the senshi, ALL the senshi. I have to try . . ." "He's dead, Usagi!" Ami said tearfully. "He's dead. There's nothing you can do." "I have to try." Sailormoon closed her eyes in concentration and the crystal's glow began to increase. "Let me try." Sailormoon's eyes flew open to see Hotaru standing before her. "Let me try." she repeated. "Hotaru, you don't have to do this." "I do have to do this." Hotaru contradicted ."I NEED to do this. I don't want to be just the 'Senshi of Silence'. I don't want to only destroy. Please Usagisan. Let me try." Sailormoon gazed at Hotaru for a long moment, then with a shuddering sigh she gave her assent with a single jerky nod. Hotaru dropped to her knees beside Ranma's body and placed her hands of either side of the ghastly wound the Space Sword had torn in his flesh. Closing her eyes Hotaru drew on her healing power, trying to envision Ranma's body whole and unharmed. It was different this time . . .Something that once had been warm and familiar . . .now was cold and alien like a glass of saliva. Always before when she had healed there had been a sense of creation . The joy of fixing something that was broken. Now Hotaru felt like she was drowning is a sea of old pus . . .ancient and stinking. This was death . . .corruption . . .memories of Mistress 9 and Pharaoh 90 and the "Death Reborn Revolution" washed over her with the stench of old blood. She could feel the body . . .cooling . . .stiffening with rigor . . .could feel the cells dying one by one. Each like a small perfect city falling to an invincible enemy; Death. She couldn't do it . . .she couldn't bring the dead back to life. And almost she pulled back. Almost. Other memories came to her. Of Small Lady . . .visiting her invalid bed. Usagi . . . walking into hell to save her. Grabbing her courage in both hands Hotaru plunged into a black abys, searching for some spark . . . "What's happening ! What's wrong with Hotaruchan?" Ryouga's voice was thick with strain as he watched Hotaru pressed up against Ranma's bloody body . . .both now as still and pale as wax figures. "I'm not sure." Mercury was scanning the two on the ground, trying to make sense of what her computer was telling her. "I'm not sure . . .but . . ." She looked at her computer then at Hotaru. "I think we should separate them. Ranma's dead, and I think Hotaru's killing herself. Her life signs are failing rapidly." Venus was reaching for Hotaru before Mercury finished speaking. There was a crackling arcing sound and Venus was flung away from Hotaru to land in a heap on the ground. "We've got to get them apart, before Hotaru drains herself trying . . ." Sailormoon took a single step toward Hotaru and Ranma. Before she could take another Ryouga was there before her, wrapping Hotaru's frail body in his scarred, calloused arms. A massive surge of energy convulsed his body, but Ryouga was used to pain. Locking his hands together around Hotaru's middle Ryouga surged forward, fighting the eldritch energies that tried to force him away. Clenching his teeth, Ryouga did the only thing he knew how to do . . .the one thing in his life he'd ever been good at. Fight. An icy wind howled and sleeting knives of ice scoured his skin like a wood rasp. Bleeding and gasping Ryouga surged forward fighting death with a stubborn will that would surrender only when he was dead . . .long dead. After a time that could have been seconds or centuries Ryouga could feel a presence that was familiar . . .Hotaruchan. The howling black storm left him blind and deaf . . .but he was sure it was Hotaruchan. With hands he couldn't feel he reached for a girl he couldn't see . . .and . . . "ryougachan?" The voice was faint . . .small and lost in the howling storm. "i can't . . .find . . .him . . .i . . .can't . . .find . . ." Ryouga knew . . .Ranma. It was all Ranma's fault. Hotaruchan was going to die trying to save his worthless . . . Ryouga felt something new . . .a faint . . .familiar . . . It was impossible. His entire world was the black howling wind. Colder, harsher and more oppressive than anything in his life. It was killing him, striping his life and shredding his soul. He had Hotaruchan. With luck he might get the two of them out of . . .where ever they were. He didn't have the strength to look . . . There it was. Like a single firefly in the middle of a moon black night, or a drowning man in a North Atlantic gale. Small and alone in the midst of eternity. Hopeless and helpless; out of reach. It was madness to even try . . .Ryouga could feel the black wind scream in hunger. It wanted him. Wanted his warmth . . .his life. Ryouga bellowed as it sucked the marrow from his bones, tore the light from his eyes and the music from his ears. Bleeding and torn he reached for the spark . . .and missed. Howling with laughter the black wind danced and twirled the spark just out of reach. Taunting. Daring. Waiting for Ryouga's soul to bleed away into the abys. He was beaten, defeated. Again. Always second best. Always the last . . .A fire started in his belly. A rage that fed on his grief and humiliation and sorrow. A fire that burst through his veins and flashed through Ryouga's soul . . .lighting the blackness . . .for an instant. But long enough to drive back the blackness. Long enough for Ryouga to grab the tiny spark and hold it safe between his large, scarred hands. "Ryougachan. Ryougachan. Can you hear me? Please Ryougachan. Please wake up." An angels voice was calling him. He was in heaven. Ryouga never thought he would make it. Finally something had gone right. He would spend eternity in paradise and. . . "Hey . . .porky . . .quit . . .grinnin' . . .an' . . .open . . .your . . .eyes." NO! That voice. That hated, hateful voice. Royuga could have wept. Not heaven after all. But another place. An eternity with . . . "Yo . . .bacon . . .breath . ." "RANNNMMMA. Prepare to . . ." Ryouga snapped awake at the insult, hurling his battle cry. ". . . .die?" He stopped as the world spun dizzily and sagged back against soft warm . . . "Aaaaaak. I'm sorry. Imsorry I didn't mean . . ." A soft tinkling laugh washed across him, warm and soothing. "There's nothing to be sorry about Ryougachan." Hotaru's voice came close by as he lay half sprawled across her lap. "You saved me. And Ranamsan. You were VERY brave. As brave and strong as a senshi." "Yeah . . .not . . .bad . . ." Ryouga looked toward the labored voice. "R . .ranma? What happened to you?" "Oh. My dearest Ranmasama! What dreadful sorcery has done this to you?" A voice that sounded familiar came from somewhere over Ryouga's shoulder. "Quit wasting time apprentice and help me move son-in- law into a tent. The white-hair, wrinkles and the rest are a side effect." There was a cackling laugh. "Did you think being brought back from death had no price. And someone help the lost-boy." Ryouga shuddered as he remembered the wind. The cold, hungry wind. "Are you cold, Ryougachan." Hotaru asked anxiously. "Can I get you something?" "No. No. I'm OK. I'm OK. It was nothing." "OH, but you were very brave."Hotaru corrected. "Ranmasan and I both owe you our lives." "Yeah . . .Ryouga . . .not . . .bad . . ." Ryouga felt a warm glow start to fill him. At last, at last he . . . "Course . . .it . . .was . . .dumb . . .luck . . ." "RAAAAAAANNNNNMMMMMAAAA!!!! Prepare to . . ." ************************************************* "It has started." Sailorpluto whispered. "At last." With the ecstatic look of a true believer seeing the second coming she watched a dirty-white crystal begin to glow. She turned a manic smile on Akane. " They thought they were building a weapon to fight Beryl." She giggled again. "Beryl! Bah. I could have crushed Beryl like a bug if not for these dammed wards on the Gate. Even at the last I could have broken some of the seals, enough at least to. . .But - you - RAN - OFF!" Pluto whirled and backhanded the helpless Akane with a force that lifted her several centimeters off the table. "To try and save that worthless piece of . . ." spittle flew from Sailorpluto's mouth in her fury. "YOU! RAN! OFF! And then . . .then SHE used the crystal . . .she used the crystal. . .to SAVE her 'children'. . .to send them to the future." A shudder ran through Sailorpluto's body. "The crystal . . .that damned crystal. SHE DIED to save filthy crawling. . ." Sailorpluto fell to her knees retching. "I couldn't get to her. I couldn't. I tried. But the crystal sealed the Gate. I couldn't get out. I couldn't get out. I could see her. . .see her. . . die. See her die. . . Over and over. . ." Sailorpluto scrubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and got slowly to her feet.. "NOW you are going to serve your purpose." A bolt of energy leapt from Sailorpluto's hand to Akane's body. The primary weapon activated and Akane's body arched backwards on the table as her body was twisted into zero-space. "The Silver Imperium will live again. SHE will live again. Forever. If I have to loot a million futures . . ." ************************************************* * "Something's wrong! "Sailormercury called to her friend. "You mean besides that?" Sailorvenus jumped down beside her friend and pointed up at a large armored flying vehicle carving up large chunks of the city. In the center of the newly cleared ground a large structure was being erected. "That's what I'm talking about." Sailormercury and Sailorvenus were huddled in a crater in the lee of a bombed out building. "Look here." Mercury brought up a world map on her computer. "These show the last two incursions." A yellow rash spread over the map. " Now the enemy sent in simultaneous mass transits to either take out military command and communication or to divert forces from their second strike." A red rash, smaller but more concentrated centered over six areas of the map. "THIS is what's wrong. . .They managed a text-book feint and attack Every major world power was completely out of position to counter this second attack. They got in almost completely un-opposed." Sailorvenus quirked an interrogative eyebrow. "It doesn't make any sense." Mercury looked at the display in frustration. " They just stopped. They stopped advancing and started building. . .these things." She waved an arm in the direction of the mysterious structure hidden by the lip of the crater." "Well, I'm sure it makes sense to THEM." Sailormercury gave a little mew of frustration. " Not any military sense! They could OWN Europe by now. And most of Africa, and Asia. The United States was only holding on by a thin margin. It doesn't make any sense to let us and the rest of the world to recover and reorganize." She toggled the display and a detailed map of the Japanese home islands appeared. "This is the most senseless of all!" She pressed a key and a red tide crawled over the islands. "Japan is not a world military power. Yet we have more enemy portals and bases. . . more of THESE things." She waved again in the direction of the alien construction. "than all of the rest of the world combined!" Sailorvenus gave a depressed sigh. "Well, it's our own fault I guess." Sailormercury gave her friend a confused look. "Karaoke. I always knew we'd have to pay the price some day." ************************************************* * ". . .can't go in there!" Usagi woke up at the sound of voices outside the tent the JSDF had lent her and her friends. She swung her feet over the edge of the cot, knuckling the sleep out of her eyes. She felt like she'd just dropped off but her watch told her that she'd been asleep for at least ten hours. She wondered how Hotaru was. And Ranma and Ryouga. Almost as soon as Hotaru had started her healing there had been another attack . . .and another. . . .and another. The senshi had linked up with the JSDF and an American contingent who'd seemed less surprised to see sailor senshi than the SDF. Venus knew something . . .Usagi could tell by the way she grinned when she thought no one was looking. After that they'd split up into sections that went off with either SDF or American forces. Venus had gone with the Americans because her English was best and Mercury had gone with her. Jupiter and Mars had stayed behind. As a "reserve" they said, but to guard her, Usagi knew. They had absolutely forbad her to go to the "front" . . .always assuming anyone knew where the "front" was in a war like this. But here she stayed . . .helping as best she could . . .and worrying. And of course there was Uranus and Neptune. A band tightened around Usagi's head as she thought of the two . . .she couldn't believe what they'd done . . .there had to be . . .But try as she might Usagi couldn't find an excuse, even a bad one. The band around her head tightened and her stomach clenched. Finally Usagi had to . . .to ORDER them (again her stomach clenched at the thought) order Uranus and Neptune to go with a SDF unit and help evacuate civilians to a refugee camp. They had gone, with ill grace. Later the small SDF unit came back without them. Usagi hadn't asked . . .she was afraid of the answer. And after all . . .she didn't have to do anything if she didn't KNOW . . .did she? But she did know. A picture came to her suddenly . . .of a small still figure, covered in blood. Ranma. Ryouga. Hotaru. They'd put them on a truck headed toward a relief camp . . .to safe place . . .or as safe as any place could be now. "I SAID you can't . . ." Usagi could smell something burning. "It's OK Rei, I'm awake." There was a momentary silence, then a very miffed voice came back. "Hino Rei went back to the shrine to check on her grandfather. This is Sailormars." Usagi giggled to herself. "It's OK . . . REI" Usagi stressed the name. "I really don't think secret identities matter much anymore." There was a growling sound of frustration, like a wolverine mating with a gas turbine. The tent flap 'slammed' back under the force of her displeasure as Sailormars entered the tent followed by an American Naval officer. "Good morning. . .Ah . . . Sailormoon?" Usagi nodded assent. "I'm Captain Wolfe, United States Navy. I'm sorry to bother you. I know how tired you and your . . .senshi?" Usagi nodded again. "How tired you must be but we. . . Japan and the United States. Well, the entire world that is, have a . . . situation." The band tightened another notch. ************************************************* "Ranchan . . .would you get back into bed." Ukyou had always wanted to say that. "I . . .I . . .gotta go . . .help . . .'kane." "You can't even walk across the tent. Now just lie . . ." "NO . . .no . . .help." Ukyou gently pressed him back down, her heart twisting at how frail he seemed. "Look, sugar. There's no one here to take you. Kunou is guarding the Emperor . .. can you believe it? Kodachi is helping Cu Lon with the wounded . . .those that don't need Hotaru's help. Shan Pu is scouting for the JSDF and Mu Shu is scrounging for food and supplies for the camps. And I . . ." Ukyou hastened when Ranma turned a pleading look to her. ". . . .for my pains, and on the strength that I own . . .owned . . . a restaurant, I 'm supposed to figure out how to feed 250,000 people in this camp and three and a half million in six other camps. Oh, and while you're at it Ms. Kuonji." Ukyou mimicked. "would you mind providing them with shelter, medical care . . .and keep them out of the way while we fight a war?" She snorted in disgust then looked down at Ranma. "Sorry sugar, I'd really like to help . . .but I've got what's left of Tokyo to take care of." "I'm not doing anything." Ukyou's head snapped around. "Ryouga? But . . .what about . . .uh . . .Hotarusan? I thought . . .that is . . ." "She can't go . . .to many sick and injured here. But . . .she's worried about Usagi. And . . .and I'm worried about A . . .Tendousama too." Ryouga bent and scooped Ranma up in his arms, cringing at how frail he felt. "HEY!. What do you . . ." "Faster if I carry you and you navigate." Ryouga started out of the tent at a trot. "HUH! . . .well if you get us lost, porky, I'm . . ." ************************************************* "How big?" Sailormercury asked faintly. "Mmmmm. Captain Wolfe said they estimate it masses between four hundred and six hundred thousand metric tonnes." Sailorjupiter looked down at her notepad. "It's accelerating at . . .here you read it." Jupiter flipped the pad to Sailormercury. "I just took notes, I don't understand it." Sailormercury caught the pad. She glanced at the figures written there and paled. She started tapping commands into her computer. "What is it Ami?" "If these observations are correct, we no longer have to worry about the Skroach." "What do you mean?" The Inner Senshi looked up at the sharp tone to see Sailoruranus and Sailorneptune standing at the entrance to the tent. "Within forty eight hours, perhaps less, the Skroach will no longer exist and neither will we." ************************************************* ". . .oon Circus. And then there was Galaxia. I was sure that she would need you to defeat Galaxia." Sailorpluto made a sound of disgust. "No, I finally had to resort to THEM." she waved a negligent hand toward an image of alien construction in the middle of Tokyo. "THEY were finally enough of a threat to the 'princess'" Pluto spat the title as if it were poison. "that you were 'called' and I could find you. THEY are clairvoyant you know. It's a limited ability but enough to tell them what was going to happen to them once I broke the wards; enough to get them to come here to try and stop me and enough to have the princess call you." she gave a little chuckle. "And the best part is that 'nullifier' they are building. It's really an idea I planted in their minds. Instead of sealing my power it will actually amplify my abilities by several orders of magnitude." So fixated was Sailorpluto on the scene of the alien conquest of Tokyo that she didn't notice Akane's left hand twitch spasmodically. ************************************************* "Where are you going?" "To get Sailorsaturn." "Why?" "WHY!" "Yes, why? HOTARU " Usagi stressed the name. "and Ryouga-chan are busy helping with the injured. She doesn't need to be bothered right now." Sailoruranus lips tightened. "This is no time to be playing games. Japan, the entire Earth, is about to be destroyed by an asteroid. We need Sailorsaturn. . ." "To destroy it with the 'Death Reborn Revolution?'" "That's right." "Which will kill her." Sailoruranus took a step toward Usagi and was immediately blocked by Sailormars and Sailorjupiter. Usagi waved them away and took a step toward Sailoruranus herself. "So you think that we should have Sailorsaturn destroy this asteroid even though the effort will kill her?" "There's no other choice." Sailorneptune interjected. "The fate of the entire world is at stake. Sometimes . . ." "If you say 'sacrifices have to be made' I am going to get very upset." Sailorneptune's mouth shut with a snap. Sailoruranus started to speak but Usagi interrupted. "And what do we do about the next asteroid?" Everyone just stared. Finally Sailoruranus spoke. "What do you mean, 'next asteroid'?" "Well, assuming this asteroid is a weapon, if they can send one, they can send another. Then what do we do? Or" she went on, overriding Sailorneptune. "what if this is just a ploy. . . to get us to USE Sailorsaturn so we won't have her available for their REAL attack." "Usagi, that's amazing." Sailormercury was astounded. The other senshi looked as if their bentou had just jumped up to do a boun-dance. "How on earth did you ever come up with such an insightful tactical analysis." Usagi looked embarrassed. "Ummm. Well, actually I got the idea from Robert Heinlein's 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.'" "This isn't a science fiction novel." Sailoruranus sounded frustrated. "This is real life, with real consequences." "Yes, and Hotaru is a real girl, with a real life." "Which is a fair trade for the entire world." Sailoruranus snapped and turned to go. "Where is Tendou Akane?" Sailoruranus stopped at the question. "Where is Setsuna?" "They are busy. . .fighting the new enemy." "I asked you 'where are they'. I asked that same question earlier. I will ask once more. Where are Tendou Akane and Sailorpluto?" "They are . . .doing their duty. They understand what is involved even if you . . ." The silver crystal blazed and Sailoruranus and Sailorneptune were driven back by the rush of power. When they could see again Usagi was gone and the Eternal Moon Angel stood in her place. "Sailoruranus, Sailorneptune you are deaf to the question of a friend. How will you answer the command of your sovereign?" Neptune and Uranus remained mute. "Where are Tendou Akane and Sailorpluto?" Silence was her only answer. "Ten times ten thousand years before this time you stood before Our mother, Serenity Peace Maker and Sword Breaker. You were condemned for the crimes of treason, murder, kidnaping and torture. Your sentence of death was set aside for the good of the Imperium and in the hope that you would reflect upon your crimes and repent of your actions. Now, in a different time, upon a new world you again stand before your sovereign. Again you are condemned for crimes, not only against your liege but against people that you are sworn to protect." Sailoruranus and Sailorneptune stared, frozen, at the inhumanly beautiful cold face, listened to the ringing iron tones. "Oath breaker and Outlaw We name you. As you have cut yourself off from the community of man, so We cast you out from the family of senshi. As you reject friendship and mercy so do We deny you peace and pardon. As hungry ghosts you are condemned to wander the Earth, pain your drink, anguish your meat. You are dead to Us." Chapter 13 "Usagi, you've got to eat something!" "I'm not hungry Rei." Usagi turned listlessly away. "I've got something you'll like." Minako held out her hands. "ICE CREAM!" Makoto was astounded. "Where on earth did you find ice cream around HERE?" she waved a hand to indicate the bombed out rubble that had once been a suburb of Tokyo. "The Americans! It's amazing what they've got with them. Ice cream, hamburgers, books, tooth paste . . . they've got more stuff than the Ginza. Hey Usagi" she turned to her friend. "why don't we go shopping after we dust this big rock?" Usagi sighed and shaking her head turned her back to her friends. Minako looked worriedly at Usagi for a moment before turning to Ami who was busy at her computer. "Ami, how's it going?" Ami glanced up from her work with a slightly dazed look on her face. "Oh, Hi Minako . . .Where'd you get Ice Cream?" Ami couldn't understand what was so funny. As soon as she could stop laughing Minako again questioned Ami. "So, what's the plan? How are we going to take out this big rock?" "I've been working on a three tiered plan. Most of the com-sat's are down but fortunately the trans-pacific cables are intact." She pointed to a graphic scrolling across the display of her computer. "This is from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in America. It's a firing plan for using nuclear warheads in series to push the 'rock' enough so that it misses the earth." "NUC . . .!!!" Rei jerked up right from her place beside Usagi. "Where are we going to get nuclear warheads!" she hissed at Ami. "From over there." Makoto jerked her thumb in the direction of the barely visible roof of a hastily constructed Quonset hut nestled in a bomb crater. Armored vehicles marked USA and JSDF surrounded the site. "You were sleeping when they brought them in." "THEM!!!" "Ummm. Yes, thirty two warheads from an American ballistic missile submarine. About a megaton yield each." Ami tapped a few keys and turned the display so Rei could see it. "We're going to use the 'Sailor Teleport' to carry the warheads into space and position them to change the 'rock's' trajectory." "Yeah, but it's not just a 'rock' is it?" Minako asked. "No. It's under power and has the ability to maneuver." Ami agreed. " That's why, if the warheads don't work, we use the 'Sailor Planet Attack'. With our Super Sailor forms and Usagi's Eternal Moon I 'think' we have enough power to divert it." "But you're not sure, are you?" "That's why there's a third option." "Hotaruchan." Ami and Minako jumped slightly at Usagi's quiet voice. "You want Hotaruchan to use the 'Silence Glaive'" Ami looked at Minako, at the ground, everywhere but at Usagi. "Yes." she answered quietly. "There's no choice. If the 'Sailor Planet' attack fails . . ." "How bad will it be? If the 'rock' hits, I mean." "It may not hit at all. It's more probable that this is just a ploy to draw us out. To find out what resources we have left; what weapons. After all, why bother to invade at all if you're just going to destroy . . ." "Please Ami. We can't possibly know what or how they think. I need to know how bad it will be if it does hit us." "That . . .that's hard to say."Ami equivocated. "There are a lot of factors . . .unknowns like the exact mass of the object and . . ." Usagi smiled sadly at Ami's stumbling attempt to shield her from the truth. "I need to know Ami. If I'm going to ask Hotaruchan to. . . if I'm going to ask her . . .then I HAVE to know . . .to know she has to do this. So please tell me." "We've lost a lot of our space tracking ability worldwide " Ami began slowly. " either through destruction of facilities or because resources are diverted to fight the enemy. Our best guess at this time is that the 'rock' will hit with an impact of about 30,000 megatons within a degree or two of Tokyo. That's not exact but . . .it really doesn't matter. When it hits atmosphere it will . . .compress . . .the air ahead of it. This will create a ram of white-hot air that will strike well ahead of the solid body of the asteroid itself, killing everyone below it.. If the body of the asteroid itself hits in the ocean, tidal waves several kilometers high will race inland for hundreds of kilometers. If it hits on land a tidal wave of earth and rock will circle the globe at better than eight hundred kilometers per hour. Billions of tons of white hot rock and earth will be thrown into the air. The secondary impacts by these debris will set fire to every thing that will burn world wide."Ami paused then went on as a white faced Usagi nodded for her to continue. "Major fault-lines will fail world wide triggering earth- quakes and volcanic eruption. The sky will be black with smoke and dust for at least a year; all the plants will die. There will be a continuous acid rain followed by a tremendous increase in mean temperature due to the green-house effect from gasses released from volcanos and earth fissures. . The earth will be . . . it will. . . " tears choked off Ami's voice as she tried to describe the end of the world. "Rei" Usagi's voice was low and filled with such despair that Rei wanted to cry. "Please go and tell Hotaruchan that . . . tell her that I want to talk to Sailorsaturn." ************************************************* Kaiou Michiru was a ghost. She had been peeled like an onion, layer after layer of duty, sacrifice, justification and judgment had been stripped away. And just like an onion, after the layers were removed, there was nothing left. No pain, no anger, no joy no . . .nothing at all. She looked at her left arm and followed to where her hand disappeared into the grasp of Ten'ou Haruka. She could see blood ooze from the pressure of Haruka's nails into her skin. But she couldn't FEEL it, couldn't feel anything except an awful gnawing emptiness, as if her insides had been scooped out like a gourd.. Like an amputated limb she could feel the phantom presence of the Inner Senshi, a connection that had always been there, a presence so familiar so natural that she'd paid no attention to it. Until suddenly it was gone. A sudden spasm of nausea twisted her stomach and she clutched her belly with her free arm. She'd never been alone like this . . .not like this. Even when she and Haruka had been . . .apart . . .from the Inner Senshi there had always been that connection. . . that sense of family . . ." ************************************************* ** ". . .family now Sailorneptune. You are senshi. Your life belongs to the Imperium . Your past, your family, even your name are forgotten. You live and die at the pleasure of her Majesty . . ." "Don't forget to mention that I enjoy a light snack of grilled senshi before bedtime ." "Imperitrix!" The black cat whirled around at the unexpected voice. "Kneel girl." the cat hissed at the newest senshi. Sailorneptune stood frozen at the apparition before her. Serenity, Sword Breaker. Taller and more beautiful than any mortal woman. Strong and wise beyond human understanding. She'd heard the stories all her life and they didn't begin to describe the reality. She fell to her knees, trembling before the reality of her sovereign. Over the thundering of her heart she could hear the swish of royal robes over the stones of the courtyard. A shadow blocked out the light and she choked back a sob. "Please get up." A rich contralto voice washed over her like a warm east wind. "It doesn't look at all comfortable and I find it very difficult to talk to the top of your head." A pale slender hand caught her gently under her arm and with surprising strength lifted her to her feet. Against her will Sailorneptune raised her head to see a pair of twinkling sky blue eyes set in a warmly smiling face. "A . . .are you really the Imperatrix?" "Well, yes I'm afraid I am. And what is your name little one?" She was really very young. She had been thrust from her home and family, taken far away among strangers who had treated her with brisk efficiency and benign indifference. The soft touch and kind voice shattered the thin wall of her control. Sobbing she threw herself into the arms of the woman before her. "I want to go Hooommme!" she wailed. "I don't like it here. It smells funny and I don't know anyone and Luna is m m meaaaan to me and . . ." There was a shocked gasp from the black cat. "SAILORNEPTUNE!" She cringed away from the gentle hands at the cats disapproving tone. "I. . I'm sssory. . .I dddidn't. . ." Strong arm tightened pulling her into a warm embrace. "Shhhh. It's all right. You haven't done anything wrong. Luna why don't you go chase a mouse or something?" "IMPERITRIX! Why I would never. . ." "Just go away and do something Imperial and stuffy then. I want to get acquainted with my new senshi." With a huff the black cat stalked off the picture of offended dignity. "She means well." Serenity said as soon as the cat was out of sight. "And she is very kind." Serenity chuckled at the disbelieving snort from the girl curled against her side. "She is kind, but she has an inflated idea of Imperial dignity. She thinks that the Imperitirx is the most important person in the Imperium." "B. ..but isn't she. . .aren't you!" Sailorneptune corrected herself blushing." "Oh, no. The Imperium is just a voluntary confederacy of the twelve kingdoms." She paused frowning. "Thirteen with Beryl And the Imperitirx is just the elected head of that confederacy. Although sometimes I feel more like a kindergarten teacher than anything else. I have much more 'power' as Queen of the Moon Kingdom." Sailorneptune was confused. This didn't sound like anything she'd learned in school or any of the stories her parents had told her. She said as much. 'But the Imperitrix RULES the Imperium. And COMMANDS the senshi and COMPELS the crystal and . . ." She broke off as Serenity began to chuckle. The chuckles turned to laughter and Sailorneptune was amazed to see tears of laughter streaming down Serenity's face. "OH. . .oh . . .oh You sound JUST like LUNA!!" Sailorneptune drew back offended at the comparison and was just about to let her displeasure be know when she suddenly realized just whom she was offended by. Serenity seemed to read her mind and turned a smiling face to Sailorneptune wiping her own face and then her newest senshi's face with a handkerchief she'd pulled from the sleeve of her robe. "I'm sorry. I realize that was a TERRIBLE thing to say. Do please forgive me." "O o of course Impe. . . " "You are my senshi." Serenity said gently. "You may call me Serenity. Or other less flattering names if you think I deserve it." she added with a reminiscent look. Sailorneptune could only nod dumbly, unable to comprehend the thought of addressing this perfect royal creature so familiarly. "Do you like babies?" The seeming non-sequitur caught Sailorneptune by surprise and again she could only nod. "Come on then. Let me introduce you to the REAL ruler of the Imperium, commander of senshi et cetera." She pulled the small girl to her feet and led her briskly down the path. Soon Sailorneptune could hear a high pitched wail that reminded her of the time her obnoxious cousin had tried to push her into the water and slipped and landed on his . . .he had fallen straddling a log and crushed his . . . he had sounded JUST like that 'till they'd packed him in ice. And he'd walked funny for a month too, she thought with satisfaction. But unless he were somehow HERE and had in addition fallen on his . . . Sailorneptune couldn't imagine WHAT could be making that horrible, obnoxious, irritating . . . The harassed nursemaid handed a complaining child to the Queen who folded back the top of her gown. The noise cut off abruptly as the baby's blind nuzzling found it's target and she started to drink greedily. " This is my daughter Serenity Sha'ra ta'a." Sailorneptune stared dumbfounded at the prosaic sight of a mother nursing her child. . .then abruptly realized just WHO she was staring at. . . and immediately followed that with. . ." "PRECIOUS HEART!" she blurted in disbelief as she mentally translated the name from the courtly to the vernacular, then clapped a hand over her mouth. "Yes, it is rather . . .much." The Imperitrix smiled. " I only hope she doesn't hate me for it when she's older." "Oh, no Imp. . .uh. . .Ser . . .OH NO! It's a LOVELY name. A wonderful name." she babbled in embarrassment. " I only wish MY own parents. . ." "Would you like to hold her?" Serenity thrust her now satiated daughter into Sailorneptune's hands. "I . . .I . . .I" Sailorneptune stuttered to a halt as the baby princess stared solemnly up at her with the innocent wisdom of a baby owl. Involuntarily she stroked a gentle finger along the babies cheek, amazed at it's silky softness. Two tiny hands grabbed her finger and began gumming it happily. "You don't have to stay. Being a senshi is entirely voluntary. You may return later or never, just as you wish. If you decide to stay, I could use some help with Sha'ra ta'a. How would you like to be the first of her senshi.?" Sailorneptune looked down at the helpless infant in her arms blowing happy bubbles up at her and was enslaved for life." "I will stay Imp. . .Serenity. I will stay forever." ************************************************* Forever ended six years later. Pluto came for her and she joined the Outer Guard. ************************************************* "Hotar. . .Sail. . ." Usagi stumbled over her words as she rose to face Tomoe Hotaru. Usagi drew a deep shuddering breath and spoke again, slowly and very reluctantly. "Hotarusan, I need to ask you for a favor." "No." The single softly spoken syllable struck the assembled senshi with the force of a thunderbolt and their expressions ranged from disbelief to anger. Except for Usagi who looked at Hotaru with a mixture of regret and relief. Regret that she had asked and relief that she had been turned down. So she was completely stunned when Hotaru dropped to one knee and pressed her lips to Usagi's hand in formal obeisance. "You are my Princess, my liege and my friend. You and Small Lady accepted Tomoe Hotaru when every one else shunned her. When Mistress Nine took me, you braved the maelstrom and saved my life and my soul. And now you have offered me the chance to SAVE the world, not destroy it. As your senshi it is my duty and privilege to serve you, as your friend it is my joy." Hotaru looked into Usagi's eyes her face radiant. "You never have to ask. . . you saved me from becoming the messiah of silence . . ." Hotaru's voice choked with tears. "You saved me from. . you saved me. . ." Usagi wrapped the smaller girl in her arms for a moment, then stepped back. A brilliant light erupted from her body and flashed gold, green, red, blue for each of her senshi. The colors blended into a pure white light that faded to reveal the Eternal Moon Angel emerging from a cloud of butterflies. "We are Serenity" she golden voice washed through those assembled like a warm summer shower. "last and first of that name . . .the end of the Silver Imperium and the beginning of the Crystal Millennium. Tomoe Hotaru, Sailorsaturn, senshi of silence, soldier of destruction, by oaths sworn to Us in Time Was, Time Is and Time Shall be, hear now our commands, heed well the geas We lay upon you." Hotaru knelt, frozen in place by the inhumanly beautiful voice. "Should We fall, and should Our senshi perish with Us, to you falls Our duty of defending the Earth. We command you, therefore, to protect this planet and all that live upon her, to defend the weak, comfort the fearful and champion the lost causes." Hotaru turned her head away, unable to bear the weight of the awful compassion and terrible justice in those eyes. "Sailorsaturn, Tomoe Hotaru this geas we fix upon you, a geas that you may not lay down in this life, or the next so long as your soul exists. This geas . . .to live. . .to live and to be happy." Tender hands, terrible in their power cradled Hotaru's head gently as snow falling on a shadow. An evil aura the color of old blood boiled from Hotaru's body and mixed with the cloud of varicolored butterflied that swarmed about the Eternal Moon Angel. Slowly at first, then faster and faster the butterflies seemed to devour the oily black cloud then descended to surround the kneeling girl. The swarm lifted to reveal Sailorsaturn, now clothed in royal purple and burnished gold, her once jet black hair now of purest silver that matched her new made eyes. " Arise, Tomoe Hotaru, Sailorsaturn ,soldier of life, shield of the Crystal Imperium, senshi, healer . . . and friend." This last was said by Tsukino Usagi who gathered the stunned young girl in a fierce hug. ************************************************* ** "Who did she think she was! Who the HELL did she think she was!" The silent mantra chanted angrily through Ten'ou Haruka's head. She glanced sideways at her companion and her lips thinned in anger as she saw how pale and sick Michiru looked. "Who did she think she was to treat them like that?" *She think's she's the princess* Haruka ignored the sly little voice of her conscience. "Princess! What did she know about the real world? What did she . . ." *Beryl . . .The Black Moon Clan . . .The Doom Tree . . .* Haruka snarled and shook her head angrily to rid herself of the unwelcome images. "Dammit." Haruka muttered angrily under her breath. She doesn't have any right to do this. I'm Sai. . ." the word stuck in her throat She tried again. "I AM S. . .SA . . .S - A - I" Veins bulged in her forehead as she tried to force the word past her lips. She couldn't say it, couldn't even think it. * "We cast you out from the family of senshi." Remember?* her inner voice said sarcastically. *She did leave you the talismans, fuku's and the rest* there was a little sneer in the voice. * It's just a name after all. What do you care?* "It doesn't make any difference." She glanced sideways at Michiru stumbling along beside her. "It's always been just the two of us" she thought. " We don't need anyone else. We've always been alone . . ." *Only because you wanted it that way. * the voice of her conscience skittered through her mind like a centipede . *But you always knew the Inner Senshi were there, even when they didn't know about you. And later, you always thought SHE would forgive you, take you back, no matter what you did. Thought SHE would love . . .* "SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!" ************************************************* "Is everyone ready?" Sailormercury looked at her friends, then at the bundle of ten warheads, the maximum number she had calculated they could safely teleport at one time. The assembled senshi nodded and joining hands they formed a circle that pressed them tightly against their deadly cargo. Using Sailormercury's calculations they would materialize fifty kilometers from their target, accelerate toward it and then launch the bombs, one at a time through their protective bubble. If this was successful they would return for another load of bombs. If the bombs failed they would use the "Sailor Planet Attack". And if that failed, Sailorsaturn remained as Earth's last line of defense. "WHAT do you think you're doing?" The circle of senshi broke apart in surprise at Sailorvenus's voice. As they watched in amazement she reached into the bundled warheads and . . . "ARTEMIS!!" The white cat shrank under the combined glare of the gathered senshi. "Uh. . .Hi there." Artemis feigned a nonchalant air. "Nice weather we're having." "LUUUNA!!" Heads snapped around at Sailormoon's surprised cry. They saw her draw a struggling black cat out of the wrappings surrounding the warheads. "Would you like to explain what you're doing?" "You need us. You don't have the experience, the training. You can't just go off and . . ." "You're not going." Luna stuttered to a halt, stunned by the flat tone of authority in Sailormoon's voice. "But . . ." Sailormoon hardened her heart against the pain she saw in Luna's face.. "No. It's too dangerous for you to go with us." Sailormoon carried Luna over to where Sailorsaturn stood and draped her across the Senshi's shoulder. "Luna's annoying, a nag and she snores. . ." "I do NOT snore!" "Snores!" Sailormoon stated emphatically. "But she's not a bad teacher. See that she gets lots of fresh tuna. And naps in the sun. She's getting old. . ." "Old! OLD! What do you. . ." Luna broke off as she realized what Usagi was trying to do. "Usagi" Luna was pleading now. "Don't go. You're the Princess! Stay here and let . . ." "They're my friends, Luna." "And me?" Luna whispered hoarsely. "What am I?" "Oh Luna." Sailormoon gathered the small black cat into her arms and cradled her against her breast. "You're my friend too. But I have a duty to protect the earth. You taught me that." "And now you're going to die because of what I . . ." "Duty is heavier than a mountain, Death lighter than a feather." Sailormoon quoted. "Come on Luna, you have to set a good example for Hotaru." She draped the black cat over Sailorsaturn's shoulder. "Why did you have to pick NOW to grow up?" Luna sniffled. Minako dangled Artemis in front of Hotaru's face by the scruff of his neck. "You may as well have a matched set. He's not much use, but he'll balance the weight." She looked Artemis sternly in the eye. "You're not going to give me any trouble about staying behind, are you?" "Nope." Artemis said cheerfully. "But I expect you back in time for supper. Otherwise I'm coming after you." Minako gave Artemis a quick squeeze before settling him across Hotaru's shoulder, opposite Luna. As she turned to go a small white paw reached out to stop her. "Watch your back Mina-chan." "Always." Sailor V flashed her trademark sign and blew a kiss. The senshi linked hands again around the deadly bundle. Eyes closed they began to combine their powers. Subtle energies began to stream from their bodies and swirl together to form a shimmering bubble around the senshi. The air crackled and popped as fingers of electricity crawled along the ground like blind snakes. Dust devils danced around the outside of the bubble with a muttered rush of air, while inside the bubble an impossible wind tugged at the senshi lifting and twisting their hair into vari- colored streamers. Luna lifted her head from Hotaru's shoulder and called out a ringing command. 'SAILOR TELE . . . ************************************************* The ground rippled and twisted beneath her feet like a wildcat giving birth to a nest of snakes. Haruka grabbed Michiru up as they fell, twisting to land underneath to cushion Michiru's fall. Dazed she could only cling to the ground as it heaved and bucked like a gut shot dog. The sky blazed with light as invading air- ships of all kinds exploded in a rain of alien metal and blood. "YES!" Haruka shouted in triumph as she staggered to her feet, pulling Michiru with her. "YES! I knew Setsuna could do it!" Haruka watched with hungry eyes each trail of fire and blood that marked the death of another invader. "That will show HER! Now SHE'LL see that we were right. We were right all . . ." "Oh dear." Haruka spun around at the sound of Michiru's small, slight voice. "I don't think Usagi's going to be happy about that at all." Haruka followed Michiru's pointing arm to see a wall of fire stretching from earth to sky screaming across the land with the voice of ten thousand angry gods. As it passed by, less than five hundred meters away Haruka could see buildings and people melt and twist like a photograph tossed into a fire. Then the wall was gone, roaring off into nothingness, and in its wake . . ." ************************************************* Sailormercury saw it first. Her visor showed space begin to crumple and tear like a piece of paper. Trapped like butterfly's in amber by the incomplete Sailor Teleport Sailormercury and the other senshi could only watch helplessly as the battering ram of gravity and twisted space-time smashed into them. ". . .PORT!" The small black cat was scooped into the air like a puff ball in a hurricane to slam into the side of a HMMV. The teleport bubble blew apart scattering the unconscious senshi like the brightly colored corpses of tropic birds. Sailormars clawed through the clinging black mud of unconsciousness to find herself curled protectively around her princess. She pressed two frantic fingers against Sailormoon's throat and was rewarded by a warm steady beat. Her shuddering relief was dashed by a horrified gasp. Sailormars wrenched herself awkwardly around to see Sailorjupiter staring transfixed at the sky. A curtain of fire hung from the clouds to the ground. To Sailormars it looked as if the sky were bleeding the fires of hell onto the earth. The air and ground shuddered from the roaring screaming sound. An impossible, obscene chorus of voices, all the voices that had ever been, all the voices that were and every voice that ever would be, speaking, crying, whispering, shouting at once. She could see Sailorjupiter mouth locked in a bellow of rage firing thunderbolt after thunderbolt at the approaching death. Sailormars drew herself up in a crouch over the unconscious Sailormoon and gathered her fire in a hopeless bid to protect her friend. Sailormars could feel the sky burning as the fire rushed upon them, could feel the sound of a million, million voices that beat at her life and sanity. Her own throat was raw from a defiant blind shriek of rebellion as Mars Fire poured from her like arterial blood to disappear harmlessly into the oncoming firestorm. "PASSIONATE SHIELDING!!!" Sailorsaturn stepped into the path of the conflagration and thrust her hands, palm out toward the fire. A crystal shield blazoned with three silver butterfly's and three crimson hearts formed in the air and grew in size to cover the fallen senshi. The fire struck the shield and Sailorsaturn went to her knees and the shield collapsed slightly in on itself. With a mighty effort Saturn heaved up on one knee and the shield expanded. Somehow Sailormars knew, without knowing how she knew, that if Saturn fell again, the shield would also and they would all die. As she watched Sailorsaturn struggle against the impossible forces Sailormars could see blood burst from Saturn's pores to cover her like a scarlet cloak. Sailormars could hear the hellfire scream like a burning woman as it tried to eat through the shield and watched in horror as Saturn went down. . .watched the shield splinter. . .watched as a an angel with silver hair and ivory wings wrapped gentle hands around Sailorsaturn's waist and lifted her effortlessly to her feet. Sailormars looked down at the still unconscious Sailormoon in her arms then back at Sailorsaturn who was now standing alone as the fire passed over them. ************************************************* "That's Kakizaki." Sailorneptune pointed down the hill toward the knot of people milling around in confusion. "Are you sure?" "That's his uma-jirushi, a golden grasshopper. And the samurai are wearing sashimono charged with a white daikon. That's Kakizaki Kageie all right. Leader of the Uesugi vanguard at the fourth Battle of Kawanakajima. . . in 1561!" "Then the wards are down." "That's what I've been telling you." Sailorneptune said impatiently. "Something's gone wrong. We have to get to Pluto." Neptune grinned, the first real sign of life she'd shown since . . . since . . . "Then it's lucky I have this." she held up a small key between her thumb and forefinger. "And just where did you get a time key?" "Ah. . . I . . .ah . . . found it." "Well, If I'd known you had THAT" Uranus stooped to pull a small object from her boot top. "then I wouldn't have needed to steal THIS." She held up an identical key. The two grinned at each other. Uranus held her key to the sky and shouted. The air rippled and twisted a hole was torn open into a place with no name and the two vanished. ************************************************* Haruka hated the Time Gate. She hated the whispering voices, thousands of murmuring chittering voices like waves crashing against the shore. And the figures in the mist, flickering flitting shadows in the corner of your eye that you could never quite catch no matter how quickly you turned around. Pluto had tried to explain it to her once . . .long ago. It was, Pluto said, because at the GATE, TIME existed out of time. . . there was no separating THEN from NOW . . .what IS from what MIGHT BE. Everything and every time existed at the same moment . . .because in the Time Gate there was no moment. Haruka had made the mistake of asking Pluto how she could stand to live at the Time Gate . . .without going mad. Pluto had answered not a word, but the look . . .the look in her eyes. Haruka always slept with a light on in her room after asking that question. Shuddering at the memory Haruka gripped Michiru's hand tighter and felt a comforting squeeze in return. That was never quite right either, like kissing a picture it was . . .bland. No, it was worse than bland. Haruka shivered in the nonexistent cold. THAT was the problem, the time stream wasn't cold, it wasn't hot . . . it simply was. The key in her hand gave a slight tug and Haruka willed herself to follow it's direction. That was another thing she hated. . . the dammed gate was never in the same place. You always had to chase it down and even with a key there was always the chance you could . . . "There it is." "Where!" Haruka tried to keep the relief out of her voice at Michiru's words. "Above and to the left." Haruka twisted her head to follow Michiru's pointing finger and saw the dully glowing . . .space . . . that indicated the Time Gate. Seconds later they arrived at Sailorpluto's tiny empire within the time stream. "Plutosama!" Michiru's voice dropped into the mist and was lost. There was no echo , no sense of distance or closure. The mist simply swallowed the sound. "SETSUUUUUUNAAAAAAAA!!" "Haruka!" Michiru's scandalized whisper brought Haruka around in a fighting stance. "What! What is it? What's wrong?" "You shouldn't yell like that." "Why not?" "Because. . ." Michiru hesitated, trying to put her feelings into words. "Because it's like a shrine or temple. You should show respect." Haruka bit back an angry retort. Because she felt the same way each time she was at the Time Gate. Awe. Respect. Fear. She hated being afraid too. "Well if it's a temple, where's the miko?" Just as Michiru was about to reply a sound brought them spinning around to see . . . "Sailorpluto!" "Plutosama!" Sailorpluto looked up from the crystal tablet she was looking at as she walked. "Sailoruranus? Sailorneptune? What are you doing here?" she went on without waiting for a reply. "I'm glad you're here. I need to send a message to Director Ras and I'm having trouble getting through to the Facility. Would you mind taking this to him for me?" Sailorpluto held out the recording-tablet to Sailorneptune who drew back from it as if it were a serpent. "Director Ras. . .Plutosama . . .Director Ras is dead!" "Dead?" Sailorpluto looked at Sailorneptune in white faced shock. "Dead? But how. . .he was such a young man. . .not even past his third century." She turned bewildered eyes to Sailoruranus. "How . . .how did it happen? An accident? And his poor wife. Is someone with her? And the children!" Sailorpluto turned as if to go. "Someone should be with them. And maybe I can do something. I can talk to Serenity. She might give me a dispensation to use the Time Gate to . . ." Uranus snagged Sailorpluto's shoulder and turned her back around. "Plutosama! Plutosama! Listen to me. The wards. . .The wards are DOWN! Do you understand me?" "What . . .what! Down? The wards down? That's absurd!" Sailorpluto's eyes lost focus as she gazed off in an impossible direction. "Nooo!" Sailorpluto moaned in agony her eyes still focused on eternity. " Gone. Gone." Her eyes blinked suddenly back into focus and settled on Uranus. "Quickly. Come with me. We must hurry before . . ." The Time Staff snapped into her hand and the three vanished . . .to reappear elsewhere. Uranus blinked in confusion as she looked around at a . . . garden? A frisson of fear danced down her spine like a spider as she half recognized the place. "Wait here." Sailorpluto ordered. "I'm going to see how far the damage has spread. If we're lucky we can still contain . . ." Her words vanished into nothingness with her as Sailorpluto stepped into the time stream. "It's the Royal Gardens." Neptune whispered. Uranus jerked in surprise as recognition flooded her mind at Neptune's words. "Before the fall . . . I recognize this. It's the place Her Majesty had made just for Sailorpluto." Neptune nodded her agreement. "It's . . .it's very. . . lifelike?" Uranus shivered again. It should have been peaceful, in this beautiful garden. Instead she felt as if she'd stepped into a crypt and someone had locked the door behind her. Involuntarily she moved closer to Neptune and was unbelievably grateful when her partner clasped her hand and squeezed it tightly. A sudden sound jerked them both around in combat stances. Uranus, with some effort, shoved a "World Shaking" back down where it lived before she obliterated the odd hectare or two of flowers and shrubs. As she was doing this Neptune took off at a run toward the center of the garden. Uranus wasted a miserable fraction of a second debating her partners sanity then sprinted after her. Moments later they pounded to a stop in the center of the garden. Before them lay a bank of instruments and monitors that appeared to date from the Silver Imperium. In front of that was a low table. And on that table was a multicolored explosion of crystals growing out of a mass of pink and white . . . Uranus moved closer to the table, trying to figure out the purpose of the crystals and the obviously ancient machinery. She could sense Neptune moving up behind her on her left. The closer she moved the less sense she could make of the riotous pile of crystals growing like a multi-colored spray of stars. . .Uranus recognized the crystals as being similar to Silver Imperium technology, even if she didn't understand their purpose. But the base the crystals rested on or rather grew from. . .that she didn't recognize. Slowly she paced around the table, her eyes slowly and methodically scanning up and down . . . noting colors and shapes and . . .her eyes picked out a cap of short, soft black hair and her mind stuttered for a moment. Suddenly a form, hidden by the crystals, snapped into focus and she could see a hand twitching spasmodically, an eye blazing with murderous fury. Behind her Uranus could hear Neptune vomiting on the ground. "Te . . ." She swallowed and tried again. "Tendousan?" A harsh rasping gurgle answered her. From the corner of her eye she could see Neptune drag herself erect, wiping her mouth on the back of her glove. Neptune took an unsteady step toward the table and reached a hand to grasp a feathery cluster of crystals that grew from the center of the crystal mass to connect with the bank of instruments. "What are you doing!" "We can't leave her like this. We've got to . . " "Nothing. We've got to do nothing !" Uranus grasped Neptune's wrist. "We don't know what Pluto's doing. And you might kill her if . . ." "Kill her!" Neptune laughed bitterly and with a note of hysteria in her voice. "Kill her! Well, we're good at that, aren't we. Sacrifices must be made." Neptune jerked free of Uranus's hold. "No more. I don't care anymore. I'm going to. . ." "Would you just wait! Wait for Pluto . . ." "That's good advice." Uranus and Neptune whirled at voice to see Pluto standing at the entrance of the maze. "Sailorplutosama!" Neptune took a step towards Pluto. "The enemy is in disarray. The dimensional pulse you generated has disrupted their ability to create portals. They can no longer reinforce. Conventional forces can defeat them at this point. But the pulse has also affected the wards on the gate. Please release Tendousama. So we may restore the wards. And for her sake." "I still have need for Weapon 4." "The enemy is of little consequence compared to the failure of the wards." Uranus moved to stand beside Neptune. "Neptune is right. We don't need Tendousama any more. Right now the most important thing is the failure of the wards." Uranus's eyes met Pluto's and in that instant she realized the truth. Beside her she felt Neptune stiffen in sudden understanding. "YOU!" Before Uranus could stop her Neptune pointed an accusing finger at Pluto. "It was YOU! It wasn't an accident. You deliberately destroyed the wards . . .Tendousama! You used her to destroy . . .But . . .why? Why would you . . ." Neptune's eyes widened in realization. "Serenity? You're trying to bring her back!" "Clever, clever girl." Pluto purred as she glided forward. "Three things I needed. A way to remove the wards. Power to bend the Gate to my will. And a method to predict outcomes over a hundred thousand years." She smiled slyly at Neptune. "As you say. Weapon 4 has fulfilled it's destiny by removing the wards. The 'enemy' Pluto chuckled as she used the term. "The 'enemy' has unwittingly provided the power I need." "But you can't control the gate. Not over that span of time." Uranus burst out almost desperately. "No one can. Even a small change over that passage of time will destroy us all. That's why they sealed. . ." 'Dead Scream." The swirling blast of energy smashed Uranus in the belly and threw her to the ground. "SUBMARINE REFL . . ." "Dead Scream." A second blast took Neptune in the chest and smashed her against a garden wall. Neptune struggled to regain her feet, a trickle of blood running from her ear and down her cheek. Dead Scream." Pluto stalked behind the blast, closing on the struggling figure. "Dead Scream . . . Dead Scream . . . Dead Scream!" Each blast shook Neptune like a terrier shakes a rat and filled the air with a cloud of splintered rock and burnt sod. 'WORLD SHAKING!" Pluto moved aside just as Uranus's attack was launched. Leisurely, almost contemptuously she turned to face her attacker. "What are you doing!" Uranus had pulled herself up using the low table for leverage. "I'm doing what is necessary. What is right. Serenity must live." "Even if everyone, everything else . . .dies!" Neptune shook her head groggily. "Are you insane! You can't do this." "I am doing it. I have already started the changes necessary to restore the Imperium." "You . . .Can't . . .DO THAT!" Uranus half screamed. "It can't be done. There are too many possibilities. No one can control the changes. You can't . . .NO ONE could tell the outcome of time changes made a hundred thousand years ago. Every thing will be destroyed! No one could ever control . . ." "I can." The simple assurance in Pluto's voice silenced Uranus like an executioners axe. "I learned to listen, you see. To the voices." Pluto helpfully clarified at Uranus's blank look. "I didn't like the voices at first. They were so many and confusing. But then I learned to listen to them. And they told me things." "Things?" "Wonderful things . . .terrible things. And I listened. And I listened . . ." Pluto's voice trailed off. Uranus took advantage of her seeming distraction and sprang at her with drawn sword. The Time Staff suddenly whipped around and intercepted the sword with a ringing clash of steel and crystal. "That wasn't very nice." Pluto remonstrated in the voice of one who has seen the last sweet-jam bun disappear from the dinner table. Pluto began to advance with smashing blows and lightning thrusts that forced Uranus steadily back. Uranus wondered briefly why Pluto didn't finish her with a "Dead Scream" then realized that Akanesan and the bank of instruments were behind her and in the zone of destruction of a "Dead Scream". "WORLD SHAKING!!" Pluto dance aside from the attack, instantly ready for Uranus's follow through. But Uranus wasn't interested in Pluto. At the instant her "World Shaking" left her hands she pivoted and brought her sword scything around to smash the crystal synapse that linked Akanesan with the complex of Imperium instruments. The linkage came apart in an explosion that bled her with thousands of crystal shards even as it threw her against a stone bench. Dazed and half blinded by blood running in her face she sensed rather than saw Pluto loom over her. Frantically she rolled aside as the Time Staff smashed the place where her head had lain in a shower of sparks and stone chips, leaving an crater the size of a dinner plate. "Treacherous!" Uranus scrabbled to one side as the staff whipped over and down, blowing a hole in the ground of a size to bury a small dog. "Traitorous!!." Uranus watched the staff descend with the fury on thunderbolt. She could feel the hot wind of its passage as she wrenched herself aside. Stone and sand exploded from the ground to scour the skin from her face like a steel rasp. Pluto attacked again and again, never giving Uranus time and room to regain her feet. "BITCH!!!" The end of the staff whipped up and around in a butterfly sweep to hammer Uranus hip like the wrath of god. Fire exploded up her body and she heard a screaming wail that she dimly realized was herself. "Slow!" Dazed, she could see Pluto looming over her, Time Staff poised for the final thrust that would crush her throat. "Always too slow!" It was beyond surprising and quickly merging on the miraculous when the tip of another staff caught Pluto just behind and below her left ear with sufficient force to stagger the guardian of time. Rising from the seeming dead Neptune suddenly lashed out with a leg sweep that dropped Pluto to the ground. Neptune quickly followed up with an elbow smash that would have crushed Pluto's chest like a paper bag if Pluto hadn't suddenly vanished into the time stream. "Can you stand!" Neptune didn't wait for an answer but dragged Uranus to her feet cringing slightly at the moan of pain that was forced from her lover's lips. Clasping Uranus firmly about the waist Neptune moved to the table where Akane had collapsed exhausted after her bid to kill Pluto. As they approached the staff Akane had summoned vanished with the last of her strength. "Tendousama. We must leave this place. Pluto will return at any moment and we can not fight her here where her power is greatest. I know you have no reason to trust me. . .to trust us. But please allow me to carry you from here. I swear that I will take you to Tsukinosama." Even as Neptune watched she could see the horrible wounds closing as Weapon 4's implants worked to repair the damage Pluto had inflicted. Brown eyes blazed with hatred and ravaged broken hands quivered with impotent longing to close around Neptune's throat. She expected Tendousama to refuse her help and with that refusal Neptune expected to die. For she had already sworn to herself that she would die before she left Tendousama in Pluto's hands. And she knew that to face Pluto here, in her own place of power meant death and worse than death. Suddenly a shudder ran through the body on the table, like a storm surge against the shore. Neptune feared for a moment that Tendousama was dying. Then the blazing hatred dimmed from the eyes and the ruined throat and smashed mouth formed a single word. "Ranma." "Yes. Yes" Neptune agreed eagerly. She thought it best not to mention how she has last seen Saotome Ranma. It was always possible that Hotaru had . . ." I'll take you to Saotomesama if you wish." The bloody head nodded once and the eyes closed as if exhausted. Scooping Akane up in one arm, she shifted her grip on Uranus as she reached for her time key. Clutching it tightly she closed her eyes and cried. "TIME KEY!!. . ." "GET US THE HELL OUT OF DODGE!!" Uranus finished for her. Neptune's eyes flashed open in startlement to see the time-lost garden to vanish from around her. ************************************************* Neptune staggered and went to one knee under the force of her double burden as she materialized in the ruins of Tokyo. She set Uranus on her feet so she could cradle the injured Akane in both arms and moved back a pace. "'Get us the hell!! . . .You've been watching those gaijin westerns again on the late show." Neptune accused her lover. "It seemed appropriate, somehow." Uranus defended herself. "That is the most ridiculous th . . ." A golden beam of coherent light split the air between them. "Uh oh." Uranus turned to look over her shoulder. "Uh . . . Hi Minako." She wiggled her fingers hello. "I bet you're wondering what we're doing back here. It's really a very interesting . . .Whooooops!" Uranus tried to dodge the incoming "Crescent Beam", forgetting about her injured hip and fell flat on her keester. "Ahhhhh!" Uranus's face twisted in pain as she hit the ground. She looked up through pain teared eyes to see a stone faced Sailorvenus standing over her. "Before you fry Uranus, you might want to get some help for Tendousama." Sailorvenus's head snapped around to Neptune and for the first time saw battered figure in her arms. Her eyes hardened at the sight then she seemed to come to a decision. "Follow me." She raised her wrist to her mouth and spoke into her communicator. "This is Venus. I'm coming in with two . . .with two . . ." Venus paused, unable to think of words to describe the two exiled out-laws. "And some . . .one they claim is Tendou Akane." Clearly form her tone Venus thought this was some further trick of the former-senshi. "Claim !" Neptune looked startled and offended at the same time. She started to reply angrily when she was interrupted as Sailorjupiter's voice burst excitedly from the communicator. "Get back here now. Usagi has collapsed!" ************************************************* "It's the link I tell you. The Blood Guard link." Neptune stood impatiently behind the knot of worried inner Senshi who were gathered worriedly around the body of their friend. " It's been twisted, distorted by the Time Gate. If you would just . . ." she jerked back as Sailormars rounded suddenly on her with a snarl. "Shut up. Just SHUT UP! You have no right to . . ." "She may be correct. Assuming that is indeed Tendou Akane you brought in with you." Sailormercury looked up from her place kneeling beside Sailormoon. "I've run a diagnostic scan. Sailormoon is reacting as if she were in trauma induced shock. She's even showing signs of penetrating wounds, burns . . ." Sailormercury shook her head wearily. "I have no explanation . . .no rational explanation for what's happening to her. And no idea of how to help her. I can provide some support" she pointed to the IV solutions running in both arms "but there's not much I can do for her here. She needs to be in a hospital. If there were any left standing. If we could get her there without killing her I would suggest evacuating her to the aid station that Hotaruchan is working at. I think our best bet is trying to bring Hotaruchan back here for . . ." "What about Tendousama?" Uranus broke in impatiently. She hobbled over using the crutch Neptune had fashioned for her from a broken door frame. "If you'll do something for her . . ." "And how do we know that IS Tendou Akane and not just someone you . . ." The two outer senshi had finally realized that the identity of Tendou Akane that was so clear to them was lost on the inner senshi. All they could see was the battered naked body that was only vaguely humanoid. And the one person who could positively identify Akane ,Usagi. was unconscious perhaps dying. . The Inner Senshi were NOT happy. "And just why would we bring in a stranger just to CLAIM she was Tendou Akane." Uranus shot back angrily. "Who know's WHY you two do anything? This is probably just a trick to keep us from . . ." "Why you little . . ." Uranus lunged for Sailormars and it took the efforts of Sailorjupiter, Sailorvenus and Neptune to keep the two apart. "STOP THIS!" Sailormercury commanded the combatants. "She glared them down, chest heaving from anger and fear for her friends safety. "No matter who that is" she pointed at the warmly wrapped figure, also with a pair of IV solutions running into her arms. "She needs help. More than I can give her. We need to get her to a hospital . . ." "Or a Radio Shack." Sailormercury jerked at the intrusive voice. She turned to see a frail white haired man with sunken cheeks slowly approaching aided by the anxious attentions of Hibiki Ryouga. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't hear you coming. It's very dangerous here. You should be in one of the shelter . . ." "The old man ignored her and shrugging off Ryouga's help, made his painful slow way to the cocooned figure the Outer Senshi claimed was Tendou Akane. "Sir! Sir!" Sailormercury called in a futile effort to stop the old man. "Sir. You can't be here." She reached out to grasp the old man's sleeve , afraid he would fall on the uneven ground, intending only to stop him. She had a brief impression of movement before she found herself sitting on the ground with no idea of how she had come to be there. "Jeeeezz Tomboy. Can't take my eye's off you for a minute, can I." Sailormercury looked up to see the old man ease himself to the ground beside the injured girl and run a tender hand caressingly along her cheek. The body lay limp and unresponsive. "Who . . ." Mercury started to ask, but was preempted by an upraised hand. "Their ki " The old man indicated the newcomer and Usagi with a sweeping hand. "it's all . . ." He fumbled for words to describe the indescribable. "Their ki's all . . .twisted . . .jammed up. An' I ain't got the juice ta . . .unscramble it." "As I tried to tell you." Neptune interjected. "The Time Gate has affected their link. All the things that . . .happened . . . have been magnified . . .amplified . . .and Usagisama is feeling the full brunt now that the Time Gate no longer shields . . ." "Yeah, yeah." The old man put in querulously . "What we gotta do now is fix it. An I ain't got the stuff . . .not now anyway." "I'll do it." Ryouga stepped forward. "I'll do anything for Akanesama." "Yeahbut . .. can you SEE the ki lines porky?" "Ahhh, well no but . . ." "Then you can't help. You got to know where to . . ." "You say . . .she needs . . .ki?" Mars put in. "What about Usagi? Would it help if SHE got . . .more ki?" "Well, yeah. But how . . ." "MERCURY POWER." "JUPITER POWER" "VENUS POWER" Mars knelt by her friend as her sister senshi's sigals appeared and power streamed from their bodies into their princess. She placed her hands on Usagi's chest, feeling her labored breathing . . .seeing the awful, impossible wounds that had so suddenly appeared. As she felt power, cool Mercury, green laughing Jupiter, golden Venus enter Usagi she closed her eyes and opened herself fully to her fire. MARS . . .POWER" Bright fire . . . hot and passionate fire . . .Phoenix fire of rebirth . . the fire of Hino Rei's love rushed into her friends body. "Aaaaaa. Hot, hot , hot, hot. Watch it pyro!!" Tears of laughter . . .and something else streaming from her eyes, Hino Rei, Sailormars . . .whopped her princess over the head. Sagging with exhaustion Mercury tiredly turned to check on the condition of their other . . .patient. To Sailormercury's utter surprise the girl, she had though near death, opened her eyes and smiled faintly at the old man. "Baka." Sailormercury had to strain to hear the faint whisper. "You . . . look . . . terrible. What . . .have . . .you . . .been . . .doing?" Each word was panted on a puff of air. "Nuthin'. Got killed." The old man shrugged dismissively. "But I got better." Sailoruranus looked at the old man . . .looked into his eyes and shivered as she recognized . . .. "Saotomesama." Uranus approached the couple and bowed formally. "Please forgive me . . ." she glanced at Neptune "forgive US. We acted improperly, without thought . . ." 'Ahhh, forget it." Ranma waved a dismissive hand. "That was a pretty good fight . . .you suckered me real good with that double team stuff." He grinned smugly "Enjoy the win, it's the only one you'll ever get." "Thank you Saotomesama. Your forgiveness is very . . ." Ranma stopped her with an upraised hand. "If you ever touch Akane again" he said very quietly "you'll wish your mother had strangled you at birth." Uranus swallowed hard at the flat cold tone. She raised her head, probably the bravest act in her life, to meet Ranma's eyes. "I do not know what oath's we could swear that you would believe. We have been cast out of the only family we have ever had . . .our princess has renounced us and our friend . . . our sister senshi has betrayed us. Everything we fought for is a lie." Uranus stared at Ranma with eyes so full of desolation and despair that he reached out involuntarily to comfort her. "We have nothing left in this world but our honor and our lives. These we pledge to you and to Tendou Akane in this life and the next for as long as you will have us." "Awww Geeezz." Ranma looked helplessly around, then down at Akane who lay with her head in his lap. She grinned faintly at his discomforture. "Pervert." she whispered . "Womanizer. Another . . . fianc‚ . . .see . . .if . . .I . . .care." "No!! nononono!! It's not like that! Why don't you ever belie . . ." Ranma stopped suddenly as he noticed Akane's body trembling faintly with suppressed laughter. "Aaaah Man! I don't understand women!" He turned to glare at the suspiciously stone faced Uranus and Neptune. "An' you two! Just . . . just stay out of trouble. That's all. Just stay out of trouble." Ranma jerked as gentle hands came to rest on either shoulder. "Hold still. I want to try something." A soft white glow surrounded his head and rolled down his body like a mountain mist. A soothing warmth covered him like a blanket and fatigue dragged his eyes closed. Ranma fought sleep and turned a head that suddenly seemed to heavy for his neck to support. Standing behind his left shoulder he could see Usagi, eyes closed , lips pursed in concentration as energy poured from her hands into his body. Suddenly Sailormars appeared at their side. "That's enough Usagi!" Usagi made no sign that she heard the senshi of fire and white light continued to stream from her body. "Usagi!" Sailormars's voice was sharp with worry . "Usagi! Stop it. NOW!" She reached down and wrenched Usagi's hands loose. As their hands met there was a sharp crack and Sailormars was thrown to the ground. "Usagi no BAKA!" Mars rose painfully to her feet, rubbing her wounded dignity. "Just what did you think you were doing?" Usagi looked up woozily from where she sat slumped against Ranma on the ground. "J . . .just . . .try . . .trying to h . . help." she gasped. "N . . .n . . .now for Akachan." "BAKA!" Sailormars stood glaring down at Usagi, hands fisted on her hips. "At least wait until you've rested." "B . . .b . . ." "B . . .b . . .b" Sailormars mimicked nastily. "You sound like frying grease popping. If you kill yourself what good . . ." "You can not help Tendousama, Highness." Everyone turned at the quiet voice. "What do you mean!" Ranma glared suspiciously at Neptune. "Your pretty speech didn't mean much did it. You're not even a senshi anymore. Who do you think you are giving orders . . ." Neptune flushed at the insult but continued. " I wish it were not so, but her Highness's power can not help Tendousama. Tendousama is shielded against that power and all like it." Neptune smiled sadly at the trio around Akane. "As a precaution, since Beryl understood the Imperium so well, Tendousama was created with blocks against the power of the crystal. This was done to insure that an attack with our own power or one similar would not affect Wea . . .would not affect Tendousama. If Tendousama were . . .uninjured . . .she could suppress those blocks to a degree. Depleted as she is, the attempt would kill her." "Well, that's OK. I mean Akane's tough. She doesn't NEED Usagisan's help. She's built like a gorilla . . . brute strength." Ranma speared Sailormercury with a pleading glance. "Right! Akane's just tired. Right! She's going to be OK!" Ranma was commanding now, not asking. Sailormercury looked as if she wanted to be somewhere else . . .anywhere else. "I . . .I'm not sure. Uh . . .I mean I've been having some problems with my computer. At first I thought it was from all the energy discharges. Then I thought the enemy was trying to hack into . . ." "it's . . .ok . . .ami . . .ch . . .an." The whisper came to them, faint as a summer breeze. She looked up at Ranma, a faint smile on her face. "d . . .don' w'rry.'bout . . .me. 'm mar . . .sh . . .ll artist . . .t . . .too.' A single tear fell to splash warmly on Akane's cheek. Then another and another. "STUPID tomboy!" He held her in her arms and rocked back and forth. "STUPID! SLOW!" Ranma's voice was savage now, cutting like a whip. "Can't kick. Built like a gorilla. What in the HELL did you think you were . . ." Jupiter started forward, her face twisted in anger only to be stopped by Venus's out stretched hand. "Don't. They need to be alone." "What! But he's . . ." "He's hurting." Jupiter turned to stare at Venus then back at Ranma and Akane. She watched in amazement as a frail hand reached up to lightly box Ranma's ears. "P . . .pervert. W . . .w . . .omanizer." The whispered accusations were a caress. "B . .bet you'll be chasing senshi next." "NEVER! I'll never even look . . ." A finger pressed to his lips silenced him. "D . . .on't say that. S . . .shan Pu" She was laboring now, each word an effort. "Or Ukyou. Nice . . .girls." She grinned . "M . . .maybe better go with Shan Pu . . .Cu Lon . . . Y . . .you need someone . . .to keep. . .you in . . .line." "Is she really that bad off?" Mercury looked up from her computer. Sailormars was shocked to see tears in her eyes. "She's been all torn up inside. Her implants . . .they . . .they've almost all been ripped out. She's only got a few nano- mecha left working. They're dying and not being replaced. If we had more time . . .maybe I could . . . I could . . ." She turned bewildered eyes to her friend. "I . . .I don't know what to do. I don't . . ." "It's OK, Ami, It's OK." "NO! It's not!" Sailormercury jerked savagely away. "I CAN do something . . .I CAN. I just have to think . ." Her fingers flew over the keyboard. "There's always an answer . ..There's . . ." "Ami." Sailormars was worried at Ami's tone. "Ami, listen to me. Sometimes there's nothing. . ." "DAMMIT!" Everyone jerked around to stare at Sailormercury. "STUPID COMPUTER!!" In a frenzy Mercury raised the computer above her head to dash it against the rocks. Sailormars snatched it from her hands and clasped it protectively against her chest. "AMI! What on earth is the matter with you?" "STUPID, STUPID Computer. It's no good. That system bug is back. I can't get rid of it . . .I can't help Akanesan . . .I can't . . . I can't. . . I . . ." Usagi wrapped her arms around Ami. "Amichan. Take a deep breath. Come on now. Big slow breath. INNN. And OUUUUT." Usagi held Sailormercury calming her. "Better now?" "Uh huh." Sailormercury murmured in a low voice. "I'm so sorry. I let you all down. I don't know what happened to me." "It's OK." Usagi smiled at her friend. "You just always try to be the adult for all us kids. Especially me." Ami was amazed at Usagi's insight. And slightly ashamed of how she'd always thought of her friends as irresponsible children. Usagi seemed to read her mind. "It's all right. You are the smartest one of us and the most mature. I know we drive you crazy . . .I drive you crazy. I'm sorry that I've dumped so much on you. Please forgive me." Ami looked into Usagi's eyes and was shocked at the pain and contrition she saw there. "U . . .usagi. Please, I love . . . helping you, helping the senshi. It is an honor . . ." Usagi patted Sailormercury on the arm. "Tell me, what's wrong with your computer." she grimaced. "I won't understand of course."She flashed a gamine grin. "But I can stand here looking all princess like and nod wisely while you talk." Usagi struck an exaggerated pose that she imagined was regal but resembled acute indigestion. Sailormercury stifled a laugh. "It's silly, really. I've just been so frustrated by an intermittent fault in the operating system." At Usagi's blank look she elaborated. "I've been getting something like a burst of static when using the sensor suite." Sailormercury took her computer back from Sailormars. "Look." she turned the screen so that Usagi could see it. "Here it is again." "Ohhhh. Kawaiiii! It looks just like a spider spinning a web out of rainbows." "What!" Sailormercury turned at the faint cry to see Ranma trying to support a feebly struggling Akane. "Let me see that." Sailormercury rushed forward, alarmed by Akane's pallor as she exhausted her strength with her efforts. "Please, Akanesan. Lie still. You must . . ." Akane waved away Mercury's protest, showing more energy than she had since returning from the Time Gate. "Let . . .me . . .see . . ." she panted, pointing to Mercury's computer. Doubtfully she handed the computer to Akane and was amazed when a broad smile spread over her face. "W . . .w . . .hat . . .do . . .you . . .know?" Struggling she began to input commands and to Sailormercury's amazement the swirling pattern faded to be replaced with what looked like an alpha-numeric pattern in some unknown language. "H . . .ha. I knew it. Imperial . . .encryption . . .." Akane pressed a function key and a voice began to issue from the computer. @@ . . .tash Rstn'kkl invectr. Nass Rs'pnd. Nass Rs'pnd. Tishlaq na sett . . .@@ Akane grimaced and hit another series of keys. "Sorry." she wheezed. "Forgot to initiate a transla . . ." With an electronic squeal the alien tongue twisted into Japanese. @@. . .nal approach. Please transmit SitRep and coordinates for insertion. Combat Support Unit ONE on final approach. Please transmit Situation Report. Please transmit location coordinates. Combat Support Unit ONE calling Weapon 4. Please respond. CSU1 calling. CSU1 on final app . . .@@ "My transmitter's . . .not working." Akane grinned at her understatement. "I need your computer." Dumbly, Sailormercury nodded her acquiescence to whatever Akane needed. She watched astonished as a burst of filaments erupted from Akane's wrist and buried themselves in the computer. The harsh electronic screech of a burst transmission assaulted their ears. @@ Acknowledged. Targeting upload accepted. Initiating remote emergency repair.@@ "AKANE!" Ranma screamed, clutching Akane's body to him as it suddenly collapsed in on itself like an empty paper bag. Almost instantly the process reversed itself and Ranma could feel . . .things . . suddenly growing and moving under her skin. The shifting and crawling of new implants being "ported" into her body from deep space stopped and Akane jack knifed out of Ranma's lap like a spring loaded toy. "Ahhhhhhh!" Akane clutched her belly gasping. "That TICKLES!!" She glared at the sky. "You did that on purpose." She screamed at the empty sky, shaking her fist. "Ummm. Who are you talking to Akanechan." Usagi asked timidly. "Oneesama!." Akane stood glaring at the empty sky, hands on hips. "She think's she's soooo funny." "O . . .oneesama? Who . . ." Sailormercury was interrupted by the sound of a train rumbling in the distance. She did a double take as she realized that; one: the nearest track was twenty kilometers away and two: there hadn't been a train running in days. She looked around in confusion and saw her sister senshi twisting around in confusion. The rumbling grew louder shaking the ground. "Actually it's 'Rnl'ta sa vree na te lassnz'n'k" Akane suddenly interjected. "It literally translates to 'Elder Sister who watches over me from the clouds'. But Oneesama is close. She's my Combat Support Unit. " Sailormercury suddenly realized Akane was answering her earlier question. Then it was too late for conversation as a ball of fire rumbled across the sky with a thunder that sent the senshi staggering like one legged drunks on ice. "WHAT'S . . .HAPPENING!" Jupiter screamed over the roar, trying to keep Usagi on her feet. "ONEESAMA!" Akane shouted back, standing erect on the rolling ground with the ease of a life time of martial arts. "SHE'S ABOUT FIFTY KILOMETERS OUT ON HER FIRST BRAKING PASS." "WHAAAAT!" Suddenly light streaked from the fireball toward the ground. "WHOOOOOPS!" Akane screamed gleefully. "EVERYBODY DOWN!" "WHAAAAT!" Akane abandoned the futile attempt to scream over the thunder of the passing fireball and instead grabbed Jupiter/Usagi under one arm, Mercury under the other and dove into a ditch. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Ranma, who had been even less disconcerted by the shaking ground snatch up Mars and Venus and follow her into cover. Neptune covered Akane with her own body while Uranus did the same for Ranma. Fire fountained from the earth as alien structures vanished in balls of plasma. Shockwaves from kiloton explosions tumbled JSD armored vehicles across the ruined landscape like autumn leaves. Akane started to dig herself out of the rubble that had landed on her when a hand appeared in front of her face. She looked up to see Neptune bending over her in concern. At Akane's hesitation she started to withdraw her hand. Akane gave a sigh. "We've got to quit meeting like this." Neptune looked startled then chuckled. Suddenly she stiffened. "The Princess! How is . . ." "She's fine." Akane reassured Neptune. "I can feel her through my link. And through my sensors." "I'm fine too, thank's for asking." Jupiter groaned as she erupted from the rubble like a broaching whale pulling a coughing spitting Usagi with her. Akane patted Jupiter on the back consolingly. " Hey, I didn't need sensors to tell you were all right. I could . . .er . . .feel. . .that you were . . .uh. . . in good shape." She grinned wickedly and Jupiter suddenly blushed as she recalled how tightly she had been sandwiched between Akane and Usagi. "Makoto, you need to loose some weight. You too Akane. You guys nearly squished me to death." "What!"Jupiter sputtered "Are you calling me fat? I'll have you know . . ." "Ryouga! Where are you man?" Akane spun sharply at Ranma's call. Ryouga! She'd forgotten all about him. She started to do a sensor sweep when the earth burst open in a spray of dirt and rock as the eternal-lost-boy blasted his way from under a collapsed building. "WHERE IN THE WORLD AM. . ." "It's OK Porky." Ranma put a calming hand on Ryouga's shoulder. "You're still where you started from." "HUH! WHAT DID YOU SAY!" Ryouga's face screwed up in fear. "AHHHHHHH! I CAN"T HEAR. I'M DEAF! RANMA! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAUL . . ." "Ahhh man!" Ranma twisted Ryouga's head sharply down and to the left, rapping him sharply just above his ear with the heel of his hand. A plug of dirt fell from Ryouga's ear. Ranma repeated his actions for the other ear. "OK Bacon Breath. Can you hear now?" "I'm cured! It's a miracle." Ranma rolled his eyes heaven ward. "Yeah, Yeah. Whatever. Yo, Akane. You all right?" "Fine Ranma." "What was all that?" "Kinetic weapon strike. Super-dense slugs at about sixty KPS. Took out all of the big alien emplacements. Oneesama's going to hit as many of them as she can in a single pass before she orbits back over Japan." "Uh . . .yeah." Ranma had no idea what Akane was talking about but it sounded really neat. "Guys! Hey! YOU GUYS!!" "WHAT!" Ranma and Akane turned as one to look at Ryouga. "I think we may have a problem." He pointed into the sky which was black with alien craft. Ranma gave Akane a sour look. "I think 'Oneesama' may have missed a few." Sailorvenus looked at the oncoming horde in disgust. "Ok, Jupiter, Mars . . .you take the left flank. Neptune . . ." "I'll take it." Venus looked at Akane in surprise. "I appreciate the offer but . . ." "Just watch me." Akane stepped several paces away from the others. Before she could do more Ranma grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around. "Are you crazy! What do you . . ." Soft warm lips pressed against his and a tiny feminine tongue darted playfully in and out. Ranma froze as his mind went into emergency shutdown under the sensory overload. "He's soooo Kawaiii when he does that." Akane grinned fondly at her shell shocked iinazuke. Akane walked away from the senshi toward the oncoming war-craft. A hissing tinny voice erupted from Mercury's computer and she suddenly realized that it was still, somehow, connected to Akane.( Or was this Weapon 4?) @@Initiating power transfer. @@ ##Configuring for Power Tap.## The small group watched in amazement as a golden nimbus appeared around Akane's body. "##Accumulators at 100%. Primary Weapon at 100%, phase generator spooling up. Full power to all systems. Containment shield nominal. Initiating transfer to zero-space.## With a triumphant roar Akane/Weapon 4 burst into zero-space at full power for the first time in over a hundred thousand years. ##Threat priorities assigned. Locking Energy weapon on first target.## "Forget that!" **What are you talking about? We've got to kill those things!** The senshi looked at each other then back at Mercury's computer. "Who IS that!" Jupiter asked Mercury " It sounds like. . ." "There's someone else . . .uh . . .IN there with Akanesan." Venus finished. Mercury ignored the babble around her and hastily input commands into her computer. "There's a definite change in theta rhythms. And the voice patterns are different. It IS just as if there were two . . ." "& i don't like it here. it's scary. & "Three." Mercury added weakly as the little girl voice came from her computer. "It's as if there were three people . . .three DIFFERENT people inside of Akanesan." "But WHO are they?" Mars wailed. "It's ok sweetie." "THAT'S Akane!" Ryouga shouted excitedly. "We know who Akane is." Ranma growled, worry overlaying his exasperation. "It's the OTHER two we need to know about." "Oh." Ryouga blushed and shuffled his feet embarrassedly. "Uh . . .sorry 'bout that." "It's ok sweetie."Akane repeated. "Why don't you and Auntie Misty play quietly while I make these mean old things be quiet." & 'kay & lisped the small voice. ** What are you doing! Let's just kill every . . .** "I"M a MARTIAL ARTIST TOO!!" Ranma groaned "Akane you DUMMY!" **Are you INSANE! This is a war. NOT a . . .** "I can take these guys. A REAL martial artist doesn't need a cannon or . ." **OK, OK. The two of us will play quietly while you . . .do whatever it is you do. Come on little one, let's let Grannie Akane alone.** The voice faded to static. "Do you have any idea what that was all about?" Mercury shrugged helplessly at Neptune's inquiry. "That's Misty." Usagi said positively. "I recognize the voice." "But . . .isn't Akanesan . . .I mean . . .I thought Misty was . . ." Jupiter broke off in confusion. "I don't understand." "INNNNNNCOMMMMING!" The senshi scattered at Venus's cry. Looking up from where they'd taken cover they saw what looked like thousands of black armored figures, squat beetle-like flyers bristling with guns and swarms of sleek needle nosed craft descend like a school of barracuda who smelled blood in the water. "MARS FLAME . . ." "LOVE AND BEAUTY . . ." "DEEEP SUUBMERG . . ." "OAK EVO . . . oh darn." Jupiter sounded so disgusted that Mercury laughed involuntarily even as she watched Weapon 4 (or was it Akane?) render the senshi completely superfluous. With a burst of light she appeared directly in front of the on-coming Skroach . . .demonstrating that SHE could still travel dimensionally and was therefore a primary target. The Skroach warriors and vehicles instantly focused their attention, and weapons on the lone figure standing nonchalantly in the air before them. A staff snapped into existence in her left hand quickly forming itself into a naginata. Supported by her contra-grav system, Akane placed herself in a classic "chudan-no-kanae" positioned directly in front of the invaders. "Akane you dummy."Ranma hissed "This isn't 'engi'! Don't show off how good you are at forms, just finish them." Oblivious to her iinazuke's concern Akane awaited the first armored strike. Two massive flyers fired blast cannon in one synchronized barrage. Akane caught the blasts on her sori, sweeping the bolts down and away from her. The blade of her naginata flashed white hot under the strain of diverting several megaton-seconds of energy then went up and over in a savage "men-uchi". The over hand strike split the first attacker down the middle spilling fire, metal and unsavory bits of chopped alien over the landscape. She immediately followed with a "ishizuki-tsuki to the second flier. The butt end of the naginati burst the armored vehicle like a rotting corpse. Akane's "spirit shout" rocked the heavens as she joyfully charged into battle. "Ah man. No, no. Nuki-waza, NUKI . . .you dummy." Mars moved over to Ranma who was muttering under his breath as he watched the fight far overhead. "NO, NO! You idiot. Distance, distance. "Jodan-no-kamae not . . ." he groaned like a man in severe pain as he watched Akane charge a cluster of the needle-nosed flyers with a wildly offensive "waki-gamae" furious horizontal strikes slicing through the formation with brutal efficiency. "Ummm, what's the matter? I mean other than your iinazuke is fighting alien monsters, and is a reincarnated super-weapon and . . ." Mars mouth snapped shut as she realized what she was saying. "Never mind. What I meant was, what are you muttering about?" "Dammit." Ranma's eyes never left the battle. "She's fighting stupid. She's showing off the 'Tendou Ryu' the dummy! DUMMY! Did you hear me!" Ranma screamed to the sky. "DUMM. . ." 'Excuse me, but what . . ." "IDIOT! . . . Not you" he hastily apologized to Mars. "Akane. Tendo Ryu 's one of the most ancient jutsu forms of naginata. And HER family's branch of the school is known for being the most AGGRESSIVE. And NOBODY CARES!!" he screamed again. "Ya hear me. NO ONE CARES, so CUT IT OUUUUT!" "Ummm. Excuse me, what . . ." "Ohhhh. When you get back down here I'm gonna . . ." Sailormars could hear Ranma's teeth grinding. "'I'm a martial artist too'" he mimicked nastily. "That's no excuse for . . .Ahhhh. Nononono you dummy. Nuki . . .nuki . . . avoid the . . ." he groaned again. "Well miss 'Martial Artist' after I get through with you you'll have to eat standing up for a month . . Then .I'm gonna' break your arms . . .no first I'll boil you in . . ." "Heh heh heh." Mars chuckled nervously as Ranma continued his blood thirsty catalogue. "I have to begoingnowseeyou." "He really loves her." Venus sighed as Mars zoomed in behind her. "It's soooo romantic." Mars stared at her friend as if she were a lunatic. "Are you crazy! He talks like . ." "Like he's afraid for her." Venus continued. "I hope I can find someone who cares about me that much." "I hope he gets medicated . . .real soon." Mars muttered sheltering behind Venus. The attackers were completely outclassed. Their seemingly overwhelming numerical advantaged melted like snow in a furnace as Akane attacked at will, phasing out of zero-space to launch an attack then vanishing again. Then she got careless. As she phased into normal-space to attack one of the largest of the armored fliers six of the "barracuda" fliers fired their warp-cannon at a single point in the center of her body. Akane screamed as her containment shield shredded under the assault. She could feel her flesh rip and bones crack as space was twisted and warped inside her body. ##Warning! Shield failure in 5.00 seconds.## **Lock energy weapon on nearest target** "Misty" suddenly thrust herself into Akane's consciousness. ##Negative function. Weapon power diverted to maintain Shield. Shield failure in 4.32 seconds.## One second Akane was writhing in flames as dimensional stress stripped the flesh form her bones , the next she floated in a sea of relative calm. Distantly she could feel "Misty" standing between her and the soul ripping pain. **OK hot shot. ** "Misty" panted with strain. **What do we do now?** & i don' ike it here. bad place. i want to go. & "I'm sorry honey." Akane said sadly. "We can't . . ." & now. go now & the child ish voice insisted. ##Shield failure in 0.22 seconds.## &now. go now. gogogo . . .& Suddenly Akane realized . . . **CUT POWER. . .** "Misty" shrieked. "TO CONTRA- GRAV" Akane finished the command Suddenly bereft of lift "Weapon 4" dropped like a stone . . .out of the field of fire. &go now& the child's voice said in satisfaction. Weapon4/Akane flashed into zero-space and reappeared behind and above her attackers. Riding the cusp of dimensional coherence she reached THROUGH armored walls to rip the guts out of alien craft. Ghostly hands pinched out nuclear fires like candle flames and suddenly powerless armor spiraled to earth like dead leaves. The sky was filled with explosions and fire and an expanding yellowish grey mist of alien blood and bone. ************************************************* "Look out!" Sailormars snatched her friend by one arm and heaved her from the path of the deadly beam. She was just that least millisecond slow getting out of the way herself. Between one heartbeat and another her right arm vanished at the shoulder as the warp field ripped flesh and bone into another dimension. "REICHAN!" Sailormoon screamed her friends name and sprinted toward her. The rest of the small party also dashed toward Sailormars, except for Sailorjupiter who lay half stunned where Sailormars had thrown her. "Reichan, Reichan!" Usagi grabbed at her friend but was roughly thrust aside as Sailormercury dropped to her knees beside Sailormars. Mercury made a thick pad of cloth from the bow she ripped off her fuku and jammed it against the ghastly wound. Usagi watched in horror as Rei's life dribbled from the saturated cloth and puddled on the ground. "Ami, do something!" "I'm trying, I'm trying!" Her breath came in short choppy gasps as she struggled to stop the warm sticky flood. Strong hands came down over hers and pressed into pressure points. The awful torrent slowed but didn't stop. Ami jerked in surprise and looked over her shoulder to see Saotome Ranma. "Just relax. Breath naturally." Ami clamped a firm hand on her emotions as she realized she was hyperventilating. "I can't stop the bleeding. I can't . . .she needs a hospital . . .Minako!" The golden senshi looked up from her communicator. "No good. There's not much traffic on the JSDF or emergency frequencies. The few stations that I can get say that there's nothing flying within three hundred kilometers of here." Her jaw muscles bunched in frustration. "There's no way we can get a helicopter, not even a light plane." She waved a hand at the surrounding rubble. "Even if we could clear a place for it to land. And the roads are even worse. No ground traffic at all is moving." "There's got to be something we can do!" Usagi pressed both hands to her breast and the Crystal began to glow. "Stop it Usagi!" Minako ordered sharply. "You can't grow Rei a new arm, and you'll just hurt yourself trying." She looked around . "Michiru you and Haruka take position on that rise over there. We screwed up by the numbers, watching Akanechan and letting our guard down. It's not going to happen again." Michiru and Haruka shared a look then Haruka limped off toward the hill. "Akanechan, can you or your Oneesama do anything?" @@I'm sorry Minakosan.@@ Oneesama's voice came from Mercury's computer. @@ I am not configured to carry passengers. Or for atmospheric flight And my repair and medical facilities are specific for dealing with battle damage to Weapon 4. It will take some time to convert them to heal another entity.@@ Minako's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Alright. Now try that cold thingy you do." Minako swung around to stare at Ranma and Ami who were both hunched over Rei's body. "Cold . . . OH!" Ami's brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to force her power in channels she'd never thought of before. Slowly a rime of frost formed over the gash in Rei's side and thickened into a bandage of ice. "I've lowered her core temperature." Ami whispered staring in disbelief at what she'd done. "That will extend the time she has . . .but we HAVE to get her to a hospital." "What hospital?" Minako asked wearily. "There's nothing standing . . .no electricity . . .no roads . . .I don't even know if the aid station is still intact." "It's still there." Usagi said confidently. "Hotaruchan wouldn't let anything happen to it." "Even if it is still there" Ami interjected. "Rei needs a hospital . . .surgeons . . .blood . . ." "Hotaruchan can help her." "I know she would try but . . ." "I can get her to the aid station, your Highness." Usagi spun around at the unexpected voice, hope blossoming in her face. "And how would you do that?" Makoto said sarcastically. An edge of something fierce and ugly simmered beneath the surface. Something that had been there ever since Rei had sacrificed her arm, and perhaps her life to save Makoto. "I'm fast, Highness." Neptune said, ignoring Makoto's tone. "With Haruka injured, I'm the fastest here. I can carry Reisan." "Carry her? Over a hundred kilometers?" Makoto laughed harshly. "Rei needs help today not next week." "I can do this, Highness." Neptune's voice was low and urgent. "Please, let me do this thing." Usagi looked into Neptune's eyes and whatever she saw there decided her. She gave a choppy nod of agreement and something very like hope lit the former senshi's face. ************************************************* "This should keep you on course." Sailormercury strapped a small flat case, about twice the size of a wrist watch on Neptune's right wrist. "It's an inertial navigation unit. Not as accurate as GPS but most of the satellites are down." She pressed a small earbug into Neptune's ear. "I've programmed it with a map and the last known location of the aid station. It will give you verbal directions as you go. It's also programmed to pick up signals from Hotaruchan's communicator. If. . .when you get close enough to break through all this interference the unit will automatically call for help and guide Hotaruchan to you." "Thank you, this is . . ." Ami waved off her thanks. "Oneesama did most of the fabrication. I just helped with the design. It's my duty to make sure the Sailorsenshi are properly equipped." "Hey, she can't run on an empty stomach." Neptune looked up to see Sailorjupiter approaching with what looked like a small backpack dangling from her hand. "This is a water carrier. I salvaged it from all that JSDF stuff that's laying around." She swept the area with her hand to indicate the mass of broken and scattered material that had once been a small military outpost. Makoto fastened the harness across Neptune's chest and adjusted it until it hung comfortably. "You drink from this." Makoto indicated a small black tube. "And here's some trail mix, for energy." She fastened a small pouch to the top of the harness. "What's in it?" Ami asked curiously. "Oh . . .ah . . .just some stuff . . .I found." "What sort of stuff." Ami reached for the pouch, her curiosity fully aroused. "Nothing much . . .really. Just chocolate, raisins, malt, dextrose . . ." Ami dug out a pinch of the mixture and brought it to her lips. "Aaaaccc . . .phhhhht." Ami spit reflexively as a small thunderbolt exploded in her mouth. ". . .and a little Dexedrine for flavor." Makoto finished in a small voice. Mercury and Neptune stared at her in amazement. "Well, she might need a little edge!" Makoto put in defensively. "Thank you Makotosan." Neptune said with the suspicion of laughter in her voice. "That . . .that was very thoughtful of you." She took the pouch from Ami's hands and refastened it to her harness. "How does that feel? Can you move all right?" Neptune twisted at the waist and shrugged her shoulders. "Ahh . . .it's a little tight around here." She indicated a spot below her left arm. Sailorvenus passed her hands over the golden web that held the unconscious Sailormars against Neptune's back. The mass of eldritch energy subtly shifted at her mental commands and Neptune's face lightened in relief. "Thank you. That is much better." Sailorvenus remained cold and unresponsive. Neptune wondered if Venus was sorry she had missed with her Crescent Beam when they's met earlier. The thought hurt . . .it hurt more than she believed possible. As she turned to go Sailorvenus stepped in her path. "You took Usagi's heart crystal." Neptune's heart withered at cold flat statement. "Usagi forgave you." There was no forgiveness in Venus eyes that Neptune could see. "You betrayed us to Galaxia. And Usagi forgave you." Neptune was frozen in place. There was nowhere to hide. "And then . . .you finally pushed Usagi too far. She banished you. Wiped you from her life like dust from her shoes. And it hurt you . . .like you'd hurt so many other's . . .I could see it in your eyes. I could see . . ." Neptune closed her eyes as the pain threatened to overwhelm her. Tears leaked from her eyes and she shuddered from the effort of holding them back. Strong hands grabbed her by the shoulders and her eyes flew open in surprise. "I could see you were hurting. And I didn't like it. So don't screw it up again. It's not like we've got senshi dropping out of the trees like cherry blossoms." Neptune blinked in amazement as Venus winked at her and turned away in a swirl of golden hair. "Wait." A soft voice stopped her as she took the first step on her journey. "I have something for you." Neptune looked down as Usagi pressed a tiny hand to her breast. A warm silver light pulsed and began to flow from Usagi into Neptune. All doubts, fears and pain washed away in the silver flood and Neptune felt a rush of power almost lift her from the ground "Highness, I swear to you, on my life, that I will . . ." A gentle finger pressed to her lips silenced her. "I know that you will do your best." Usagi smiled sadly. " I hope . . .I . . ."She looked down at the ground then back up at Neptune who sucked in an involuntary gasp at the pain she saw there. "If anything happens . . .if Reichan doesn't . . .if Reichan . . . I won't blame you. I want you to come back to me. No matter what . . .I . . .Just don't do anything stupid." Neptune could feel those innocent, infinitely wise eyes strip away her years of armor to look directly at her soul. To see that she had planed to pay with her own life if Hino Rei died. She had seen that as atonement, as noble. But under Usagi's gaze it seemed foolish and cowardly. "I . . I promise, Highness. I promise . ." "Usagi. My senshi should call me by name." Joy burst in her heart . . . a flush of power that dwarfed the silver energy. Sailorneptune bowed once to her liege then sped off toward the distant aid station with a speed that a cheetah would have envied. The small group watched as Sailorneptune quickly vanished into the distance. "Well, now what do we do about the rest of the enemy." Venus jerked a thumb at a few black specks that could be seen in the distant sky. "Should we go after them, or let the SDF take care of them?" "We've got bigger problems than that." Mercury put in before anyone else could speak. "These . .time storms, for lack of a better term are getting worse. And more frequent." "What do you mean?" Jupiter asked. "The Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific cables are still functioning . . .at least a little bit. And I've still got at least a partial link with the Americans." She looked down at her computer display. "The Titanic has docked in New York, the Persian army is advancing on Athens, half of Paris has been replaced with what looks like a city from a thousand years in the future. And that's the good news. Most of these storms leave dead areas behind, molten rock, methane and hydrogen gas." "It's Pluto. She's broken the wards on the Time Gate." Sailoruranus limped over, leaning heavily on her crutch. Sailorvenus started to say something, then noticed Hibikisan on sentry duty in Haruka's place. "She's making changes in the past, trying to bring back the Silver Millennium. But she can't do it. All she'll get is chaos and death. That's why the gate was warded. The time stream is so complicated, there are so many ways the time stream can diverge with even a small change." Sailoruranus looked at the assembled senshi and shook her head in disbelief. "Pluto knows this better than anyone. It's simply not possible that Pluto could restore the Moon Kingdom . . .bring back Queen Serenity. It would be easier to roll dice and get seven a million times in a row." "Pluto must be using her own dice then." Sailoruranus spun awkwardly at Minako's voice and followed her gaze to the moon hanging low on the horizon. Enormous cloud formations could be seen swirling in what looked like a tropical storm over an amazingly azure ocean. And in the shadows that formed the interior of the crescent moon, the lights of a enormous city blazed. ************************************************* "SERENITY!" Pluto's eyes flamed with an unholy light as she gazed through the portal at the Imperial City . . .a city that had died two hundred thousand years before in black fire and blood and pain. Feverishly she spun the portal through space until she found the Royal Gardens, the wild areas that Serenity loved so well. "There!" Through the tangle of bushes, vines and wild flowers Pluto could see the flash of silver and purple, the colors of the Moon Kingdom, Serenity's colors. She stepped through the portal and pushed madly through the wild tangle of brush. Vines snatched at her clothes, branches caught at her hair and scratched her face as she forced her way through. "Serenity . . .Serenity . . .ah Goddess I've missed you . . ." Pluto reached out to pull the slender figure to her. Hissing with alarm, the robed figure drew back in fright. Even in the gathering twilight Pluto could make out the golden cat slitted eyes and the bifurcated tongue nervously tasting the air. ************************************************* "Dammit tomboy! Why'dya have to be th' one ta go? If these senshi 're so good . . .let them go . .not you." Ranma was being unfair and he knew it. But he didn't care. He only cared about Akane. "Because I'm the only one that can get to the Time Gate." "What about that 'Key" thing . . .why don't they use that?" "Because Saotomesama . . ." Sailoruranus started, then flinched back as Ranma rounded on her with a snarl. "Listen you . . .this is all your fault. If you hadn't helped that bitch . . ." Akane placed a calming hand on Ranma's shoulder. "Not now. We don't have time. The key's don't work anymore. We already thought of that. But I can . . .make my own door. I go in, smash Pluto's machine, get out. Fast. I'm not going to fight her. We can deal with her later." Ranma looked at Akane as if she were an especially stupid person who would have to work hard just to be an idiot. "And you think she's just going to let you walk in and break her Time Gate . . .after all she's done already? After all she's done to YOU! She's gonna be all over you . . .and on her own turf." Ranma grabbed Akane and shook her. "STUPID! At least take me with you . . .take one of the 'senshi'. . . hell . . .take Ryouga. Someone to watch your back." "I'm not equipped to carry passengers. And while, theoretically, I could extend the containment shield to carry someone . . .the stress of crossing dimensions would probably kill them. Why do you think I didn't carry Reichan to a hospital? Now let me go." She brushed her lips briefly across Ranma's and turned to leave. He surprised her by reaching out and pulling her to him. "Not this time!" Before Akane could move he covered her lips with his own and she was drowning in a warm sea that tasted of spice and musk and . . .Ranma. He released her abruptly and she stared at him stupidly as her scattered wits flew around like a swarm of bees. "Don't fool around playing 'Best Warrior'. Just do what ya gotta do and get the hell out. An' if ya see that Pluto bitch. Shoot her. In the back if you can. An' if you get your stupid self killed I'm gonna' . . .I'm gonna . . .I just am, that's all." Ranma stomped off a few paces, then turned to glare at her. "WELL! Get goin'. An' come right back." Akane stared at Ranma for a moment, then with a grin she vanished in a flare of light and a sound like a distant rumble of thunder. ************************************************* Akane staggered and almost went down as she breached the barrier to the Time Stream. &don' like it here. go home. go home . . .now& "You and me both sweetie." Akane whispered peering nervously through the pervasive mists. "But first we have to do this one little thing. Then we'll go home. OK?" &i'cream?& "You can have some ice cream when we get home, OK?" & kay' & ##Accumulators at 42%. Communications . . .null function. Power tap . . null function. Active sensors . . .degraded. Function at 0.53. Passive sensors . . .degraded. Activating fractal filter program.## "What's going on?" **The Time Gate. It's affecting our sensor capability. And we're cut off from Oneesama. No more power tap. We're on our own.## "Primary Weapon to standby." **WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!&** Misty screamed as Akane's body twisted down through dimensions to normal space. "You just said that the power tap was gone and I don't see anyplace to recharge our batteries. We ought to save our power until we need it." ** You do remember Pluto? You know . . .Tall, dark, homicidal?** "Ha. I can take care of her." The air shimmered and a staff appeared in Akane's hands. Akane's eyes narrowed in concentration and the staff shifted and flowed, forming a heavy war- hammer topped with a wicked triangular spike. "This should take care of things." Akane said, hefting the heavy hammer with satisfaction. **You do realize that the staff isn't a weapon, don't you?** "Then what is it?" Akane asked absently, swinging the hammer through the air, thoughts of smashing and bashing dancing in her head. **It's a multi-phasic, thought responsive force application device.** "HUH?" **It's a tool kit.** "Uhhhhh. Well, any way. Where should we go now?" **Just a guess, but why not in the direction of that tremendous glowing shape?** "What glowing . . .Oh." **Some Martial Artist!** Misty chuckled. ** No wonder your boyfriend worries about you.** " HE'S NOT my BOYFRIEND!" **Then can I have him?** "!!!!!!!!" &i think he's nice. i wish i had a friend like him& **See, even the squirt likes him.** "Well, I guess he's not ALWAYS so bad." Akane reluctantly admitted. "But he's such a pervert. Always sticking his big nose where it's not wanted." ** Well if you asked nice, maybe he'd stick . . .** "Ahhhhhhh. Nonononono" Akane sputtered frantically as she tried to hush Misty. & why's akanechan so red? & Akane fumed as she stomped toward the fiery glow and tried to ignore Misty's smug laughter. . Suddenly the mists parted to reveal stone walls, benches and . . . ** I recognize this! It's . . .** ". . .the garden!" Akane snarled. Knuckles whitened on the hammers grip as Akane charged howling through the maze. "PLUTOOOOOO!" Akane battered her way through ornamental hedges and stone walls that had been old before the pyramids had been built. Gasping from her effort Akane found herself in the center of the maze. Before her she could see the table where Pluto had used her to smash the wards. And behind that and to one side she could see an open portal. Moving closer she looked through it, and from it's perspective down into a large garden complex filled with noise and rushing, searching . . . figures "Well, Pluto was . . .close." **Yeah.** Misty agreed, looking with enhanced vision at the scene. **It IS the Moon Kingdom. Well . . . A . . . Moon Kingdom.** Akane spun suddenly at a noise and Misty was momentarily disoriented at the sudden movement.When the scene stabilized she could see, huddled in a corner . . . ##Kinetic weapon active. Energy weapon active. Target selected.## Misty wasn't even aware she'd summoned her weapons. **KILL THE . . .** "Check Fire. Abort . . .Abort . . ." **NOOO! KILL . . .** ##Command conflict. Please . . .** **WHAT ARE YOU DOING. LET ME GOOO . . ." "NO! You can't kill a helpless person." Akane panted with the effort to keep control of her body and the weapons systems. **JUST WATCH ME** Misty's mental scream almost shook Akane's control . . .almost. But a life time of martial arts had given her a tremendous mental toughness. &hello. my name is lash'ra. do you want to be friends?& Akane and Misty stopped their mental struggle to find themselves kneeling beside the huddled figure of Pluto. A gentle hand reached out to brush aside tangled matted hair to show a dirty face, etched with the tracks of tears. &don't cry. we're goin, for i'cream. you can come too.& "I tried so hard." The raspy whisper was old and tired. "I tried . . .so hard." Pluto looked up and Akane/Misty flinched at the shattered emptiness they saw there. "Go ahead. . .kill me. I don't care. I've never been able to die before. Maybe this time. ..maybe . . .I just wish I could see her. . .say goodby . . ." Pluto wrapped her arms around her middle and rocked back and forth. "Serenity! I'm sorry . . .I'm sorry . . .don't leave me. Don't leave me. . .alone. Please . . .please." **Now what?** Misty sounded genuinely bewildered. A powerful, confident, cruel Pluto she could deal with. This lonely broken woman made her uncomfortable. "Pluto. Pluto." Akane shook Pluto by the shoulder. "Pluto. How do we fix the wards? Pluto! Listen to me!" Pluto continued to rock back and forth. Now carrying on conversations with people long dead, now humming a happy tune as she looked at long vanished vistas. "DAMMIT." Akane's hand cracked across Pluto's face, rocking her back. Pluto looked at Akane with bewildered eyes. "Why did you do that?" "The wards. We have to fix the wards." **Why not just blast the machine, like we planned?** "Because the machine's already smashed. Something else is causing the problem." Misty shifted her perception and saw what she'd missed the first time because of her anger. The machine was indeed smashed and blackened. Misty thought she recognized the signature of a "Dead Scream" attack. Probably Pluto, after she found out the Moon Kingdom wasn't exactly as she'd remembered it. "What do the wards matter." Pluto rasped bitterly. "What does anything matter. Let it go.Let it all go. Maybe I can find peace . . ." "What about Serenity?" "She's dead. That's the problem. She's dead and nothing . . ." "She's NOT DEAD." Akane screamed. "Not unless you kill her. She gave her life to save her people, to send them to a better life in the future.. Serenity gave her life to build a future. Are you so selfish you'll let it all be for nothing? And her daughter! A piece of Serenity still lives in her. Are you going to let her die?" Pluto looked at Akane with dazed eyes. Then, slowly, painfully she started to her feet. "You really are annoying." The time staff appeared at Pluto's command and she used it to pull herself erect. " I understand why Ranma runs off all the time. Nag, Nag, Nag." "What! What did you say! I do not . . ." Akane broke off blushing at Pluto's rough chuckle. "Let's try to put things back . . .while I'm still . . .able." Akane looked at Pluto suspiciously. "Right now . . .everything you just said . . .makes sense. So much sense that I don't know why I didn't see it myself. But soon I'll start listening to the voices again . . .I can't help it. Serenity . . .I couldn't hear the voices when I was with Serenity . . .I could hear myself when I was with her . . ."Pluto shook herself, like a dog shaking off water and straightened to her full height. Raising the time staff before her she began to spin it in a complicated pattern. Lightning flashed in the mist and thunder rolled. Akane could see sweat beading on Pluto's brow as she exerted her will on the time stream. "X'han NA'TAR SHAAA." Pluto's voice intoned commands in a language that had been dead half a million years before the birth of the Imperium. "X'HAN . . .NA'TAR . . .SHAAA." Akane could see muscles bunch and cord in Pluto's arms as she took one step . . .then another and another . . .forcing back the mist. The Time Staff was glowing now, and evil hellish red. It screamed, like a dying woman, as it cut through the mist's of time . . .forcing "Time Was","Time Is" and"Time Will BE" to Pluto's will. Akane thought Pluto was going to succeed. Right up to the point when a wall of fire and thunder smashed into Pluto like the fist of God. **Primary Weapon Active.** Akane felt her body warp and twist as the containment shield firmed up. A life time of training launched Akane into the inferno that claimed Pluto. Even as the raging chaos storm stripped away her flesh and sanity like acid she grasped the twisting, burning figure of Pluto and pulled her into the dubious safety of the containment shield. **This is stupid.** "I know." **We don't have enough power for a passenger.** "Almost." **The shock of transition will kill her.** Misty said with a mixture of hopeful doubt. "I can't leave her to burn." **Do you think she . . .** & i'cream! i'cream! go now!!" Misty turned her attention from her argument to see another , larger chaos storm rushing toward them. **OHHHH FUUUU . . ." ************************************************* " . . .KKKKKKK." Akane finished as she stumbled and fell on the uneven ground. Instinctively she twisted to cushion the unconscious Pluto with her own body. & bad bad word. wash you mouf out wiff soap.& the small girl voice said with gleeful anticipation. Akane groaned and struggled to drag her bruised and abused body from under Pluto's dead weight when it suddenly vanished. Strong hands jerked her into a rough embrace. "Are you OK. Is any thing broken?" Ranma ran his hands frantically over his iinazuke, searching for blood and broken bones. "Well, what's wrong?" "C . . .can't b . .reath." Akane gasped. "Ooops." Ranma released his grip and Akane sucked in oxygen like a "Richard Simmons" escapee sucking down twinkies. "What's she doing here?" Jupiter pointed coldly at the unconscious Pluto. "She tried to put back the wards." Akane panted, sinking to the ground as reaction set in. Ranma went to the ground with her, and for once Akane didn't resent his strong comforting presence. "Couldn't do it. A . . .almost kill . . .killed her . . .us too. Brought her . . .couldn't . . .let her die." "We have to do something." Sailormercury looked at the small group. "The time storms are getting worse. And there's something funny about the power emissions from what's left of those alien structures." "Funny. How so?" Sailoruranus asked. "Just . . funny. They shouldn't be active at all . . . not after what Oneesama did to them. But . . ." "Hilbert-Space." Sailormercury looked down at where Pluto lay sprawled on the ground. "What did you say?" "Hilbert-Space. They're Hilbert-Space shunts." Sailormercury went white and swayed on her feet. Sailoruranus shot out a hand to steady, overbalanced on her crutch and would have gone over with Mercury if Ryouga hadn't been there to catch them. "What is it! What's wrong Amichan!" Usagi's worried voice came dimly to Sailormercury as if from a distance. "Oh, God. Why did you do it?" She stared down at Pluto. "You've killed us. You've killed us all." ************************************************* Leap, turn, leap, leap. Sailorneptune's entire world was focused on the ground beneath her feet, and the voice whispering through her ear-bug. In Amisan's voice. She wondered briefly at that. But only briefly. She didn't have energy for anything but running. ^Eighty seven kilometers to aid station. Bear to the right. Present velocity is seventy three KPH. Pulse 195. ETA to aid station 1 hour 54 minutes.^ Not good enough. Faster. She had to go faster. Without breaking stride Sailorneptune took a sip of water from her chest pack and dug in. Stretching each leaping stride to thirty meters, increasing her already impossible speed . . . ^Velocity 108 KPH. Pulse 223. Continue straight. ETA to aid station is 47 minutes. ^ ************************************************* "What is it Amichan." Usagi's pleading voice went unheaded as Sailormercury entered commands into her computer. And the answer was the same as it had been moments before . . .Gotterdammerung . . .Ragnarok . . .death. "Why . . .why did you do it?" She asked, not expecting an answer. "I needed the power . . .power to change . . .time . . .to cheat . . .death." "Would someone please tell me what's going on?" Sailormercury turned at Jupiter's pleading voice. "Hilbert-space is a theoretical concept . . .the source of creation. Only it's not theoretical. Pluto figured out how to access it ; to get power from it." "Uhhh. And that's bad?" "Only if you think plugging an extension cord into God is bad." Sailormercury snapped shut the cover on her computer and shoved it away with an awful finality. "Pluto's torn open a hole into the very source of creation . . .it's an INFINITE source of power. The time storms are nothing, just a side effect at this point. The tear is just going to get wider and wider . . .until the surface of the earth boils away. Until it consumes the earth, the moon, the inner planets . . .the sun." "It . . .it can't just go on forever . . .can it?" Usagi asked in a small voice. "No . . .eventually the hole will collapse in on itself . . .in about a million years or so. I doubt it will destroy more than a third of our galaxy before then." "OK, so how do we stop it." Sailormercury rounded on Ranma with a fierceness born of terror and helplessness. "Stop it? You can't stop i!" Mercury laugher harshly. "You cretin. This isn't some street fight . . . some little . . ." "That's enough Ami" Usagi's voice stopped Mercury's diatribe. "Ranmachan is right. We need you to tell us what to do . .. How to stop it." "I don't know HOW to stop it." "Well, can't we plug the hole?" Mercury's shoulders slumped in despair at Jupiter's naive question. How did she explain . . . "We have to disrupt the flow . . .before it stabilizes at this level." Mercury looked down in surprise at the weak voice to see Pluto trying to sit up. She dropped to her knees beside the guardian of time. "What do you mean?" "You had the answer yourself. Remember? You said that it would collapse in on itself." "Well, yes in about a million years." "Why?" "It creates mass and energy. The mass is slightly ahead of the energy output . . .eventually gravity will collapse the opening. Eventually. But that doesn't help us . . ." "Yes it does. The opening is unstable. It want's to close. Only the flow of energy is keeping it open. If we input enough energy . . .too much energy . . .too fast for space to tear . . .the flow will be dispersed. Just a little, but enough to collapse the hole." Mercury's face lit momentarily . . .then fell. "Even accepting what you say , we don't have that kind of energy. Not even H-bombs would be enough to affect the energy that's pouring out of that thing.' "I can . . ." "NO!" "NO way Usagi!" "I can not let your Highness do such . . ." "That will not work Princess. The energy must be released directly in the heart of the confluence of time, space and energy. You would never survive the journey." Pluto struggled to her feet. I . . .on the other hand can easily enter the time stream and . . ." "You don't have enough energy to blow out candles on a birthday cake, let alone snuff out the fires of creation." Akane rose from the ground with a joint popping stretch. Ranma looked on in helpless horror as his iinazuke twisted at the waist in a limbering exercise, and spoke calmly to her princess and the senshi. "I, on the other hand, have LOTS of energy." ************************************************* "I've checked the calculations, again." "And?" "You are correct." Ami answered Akane reluctantly. "If you were to . . .translate up several dimensional levels . . .then drop back to n-space and breach the containment shield . . .the sudden . . .release of energy should be enough to destabilize the Hilbert-space breach." "That settles it then." "Like hell." Ranma spun Akane to face him. "That's it? You're just gonna go and . . ." "You'd go. If you could. You'd go. Because it's the right thing to do. The only thing." Akane stopped Ranma as he started to protest. "You know you would. You're always rushing off to save the world . . .to save me. Now it's my turn." She brushed the hair out of his eyes and tucked her arm in his. "Let's walk a little." She led him away from the group, talking as they went. "I haven't always treated you very well." She started. "That's not true. You've been swell. I'm the jerk . .I'm the pervert . . I'm . .." "Yes."Akane laughed a little. "You are. But I'm just as bad. But you scared me. I mean . . .first I thought you were a girl. Then you were a boy. And I hated boys." She wrinkled her nose in memory of those day. "They were always . . .looking . . .and whispering and . . .and trying to grope. I hated it. And suddenly there you were. A strange boy. And I was supposed to MARRY you. Give up my life. . .my plans for you." Ranma looked uncomfortable at these revelations and started to speak. Again Akane stopped him. "You're a jerk, and a pervert. Arrogant, egotistical, stubborn. Won't listen." Akane stopped her litany suddenly and punched Ranma lightly on the shoulder. "But you're MY jerk. And I guess I like stubborn, egotistical perverts. Our marriage would never have been dull, that's for sure." "Please, Akane. Don't do this. I . . .I . . .please don't . . .I can't . . ." Akane pulled Ranma into her shoulder. She could feel warm tears soaking her blouse. "Dummy." She whispered into his ear. "Dummy. I'm a martial artist too." Akane pressed her face into Ranma's hair and breathed deeply, trying to memorize his feel and scent. " Take care of Usagi and the rest for me. I'll wait for you by Hachiko.." She whirled away from him and quickly mounted the air on her contra-grav. Seconds later she vanished in a flash of fire and a crack of imploding air. ************************************************* ^Velocity 106KPH. Pulse 275. ETA aid station 12 minutes.^ A giant hand squeezed her chest and her legs felt like wooden stumps from the knees down. Neptune no longer knew why or where she was running. Blackness narrowed her vision to pinpoints and blood thundering through her veins made her deaf to everything except the small voice in her ear. ^Velocity 103KPH. Pulse 283. Bear left. Bear Left. Bear . . ." ETA aid station . . .^ Blind, deaf and dying Sailorneptune forced her failing body through the ruined city, desperate to win a race she no longer knew she was running. ************************************************* "I think we can manage a 'Sailor Teleport', for one person." "What good will that do?" Venus stood looking over Mercury's shoulder while she worked. The other senshi and Ryouga sat in a huddle, talking quietly. Ranma just stood, silently staring at the spot where Akane had vanished. "We need to get Usagi out of here. I think we can send her as far as Australia. That should be safe." "Safe? From what?" Mercury looked at her friend then dropped her eyes. "When Akanechan disrupts the . . .ah . . .'tear' in space, there's going to be an . . .event. That is . ." She paused for a moment, then pointed to the alien ruins, just visible in the distance. "That's what's left of one of the Hilbert-space shunts the aliens built. They used them to make a 'tear' in space. They thought they were stopping Pluto from . . .well, it doesn't matter what they thought. The point is, they tore a hole, or holes. And the weakest spot is in Japan . . .right over there in fact. And when Akanechan . . .well there's going to be a . . .leak . . . a BIG leakage of energy." Mercury laughed softly. It was not a happy sound. "Listen to me. A leakage. It's going to make the surface of the sun feel like D-point. There won't be enough left of the Home Islands to put in a shoe box." Venus stared at her Mercury, stunned. "Don't you think you could have mentioned this earlier? I mean . . ." "There was no point. The longer we waited the worse it would be in the end. And I wasn't sure . . .really sure how bad it would be. And at least now, most of the world will survive. Japan, Taiwan, the Chinese coast . . .they're all gone. But not Australia, I think. And we can send Usagi. If we combine our powers I'm almost sure . . ." "I'm not going anywhere." They hadn't heard Usagi approach. "Usagi! You have to go. You're the . . ." "I'm not going. I love you guys too much . . ." "HEY!" They all spun at Makoto's shout. "HEY!" She repeated. "LOOK! Something's happening!" "Too late. We're too late." Mercury whispered as she watched the sky over Tokyo burst open like a rotten corpse and vomit fire and chaos. Automatically she keyed her visor into existence and began feeding data into her computer. The familiar, futile activity helped keep the fear at bay. She despised her self for her fear, never realizing that she had atomically stepped in front of Usagi at Makoto's shout. The other senshi gathered, placing their bodies between their princess and death. Off to the side Ryouga moved to shield the still unresponsive Ranma. Heavy chi boiled from the infinite well of Ryouga's sorrow and despair like puss from a rotting limb. "CRISIS . . . MAKE UP!" "Usagaiiii . . .NO!" Hands snatched impotently at her garments as the radiant winged figure stepped past the gathered senshi. From her breast she took a blazing crystal and held it in front of her. "IMPERIAL . . . SILVER . . . EMBRACE!" ************************************************* ##Warning! Containment shield at 30% overload. Warning! Entropic sump at saturation point. Warning! Catastrophic . . .## **This is promising.** Misty chuckled. **All these warnings . . .I think we should have a big boom.** "Master Happosai would approve." **Who's . . .oh the little pervert.** "He liked explosions. Maybe this would classify as a masters technique." **Let's do it. We're not likely to be able to translate any higher.** Akane agreed with her ghostly sister-self. Already she felt a burning twisting in her gut as dimensional shear threatened to tear her apart. The containment shield flickered and flared under the stress of nearly sixty more up gradient dimensional transfers than ever it's designers had anticipated. After all, Weapon 4 had been intended to stay BETWEEN dimensions in zero-space, not travel upward to higher planes. But the higher she went, the greater the potential energy difference between her new state and her native n-space. And soon, all that potential energy would be actualized in a release rivaling the Big-Bang. "Disengage safety interlocks." Akane commanded the computer implant. ##Negative. Anti-suicide protocols forbid . . .## **IMPERIAL OVERRIDE!!! . . .you stupid fu . . .** ##Override accepted.## Came the calm, prim voice of the computer. "Getting a little testy, are we?" **It's not fair! Every time I start to be happy . . .I can't . . .Usagi . . .and now. . . I'm going to . . .Dammit!! Why aren't you angry! What about Ranma! What about . . .** "I'm a martial art . . ." **DON'T GIVE ME THAT . . .** "That's what I believe. How I was raised. 'Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.'. And you believe it too, . . . .'Blood Guard!'." Misty was silent a moment. Then sighed. **Program crash translation. Set containment field to rupture with maximum energy release.** ##Working## **I guess we'd better pick our spot.** They dropped down through dimensions like a hawk stooping on it's prey. Faster and faster skipping inand out of realities like a stone across water. ##Energy difference at 5546. Increasing exponentially.## "Translate into Time-Stream." With a no more effort than body surfing in boiling acid Weapon 4 punched through the barrier into the one dimension that was common to all the others . . .Time. Down . . .and down. Gathering speed and power they raced through time. Through the twisted geodetic's they could see the earth above them . . .could see continents melt like snow on a summer day and grow like shadows in the twilight. Volcanoes blossomed and sparkled like fireflies." &pretty& Turning lazily they could see the Milky Way galaxy spread out below them like a carpet of diamonds. As they watched new born stars spun off into space and nebula danced and played like frisking colts. &pretty& **Yeah, it is pretty.** ##Target in sight.## Turning, they could see it now. A raw wound in the side of eternity that bled the fires of creation. ##Time until impact is . . .## "Stop! Cancel time to impact update." **I agree. Let it be a surprise.** Rotating slightly Weapon 4 turned away from inferno ahead and instead watched the stately dance of renewal as galaxy's birthed new stars, fresh worlds, teeming with life. & i know a song.& The small voice announced. "A song?" & i see the moon. the moon sees me . . .& ************************************************* The fire hit the silvery shield with a shock that drove Sailormoon to her knees. She cried out in pain as fire leaked through her shield scorching her hands and igniting her long blond hair. "NOO!" Makoto bellowed. "JUPITER POWER!" "VENUS POWER!" "URANUS POWER!" "MERCURY POWER!" Jeweled bands of power streamed from the senshi to support their princess. All that they were, all that they would ever be. All of their love, and pride and duty. And it wasn't enough. ************************************************* *take care* He could hear her voice like she was standing right next to him. *take care of usagi* That was the last thing she asked of him *take care of usagi and the rest for me.* Saotome Ranma rose to his feet. Ryouga looked back startled, as Ranma began a slow spiral dance. *dummy . . . dummy* She'd never call him that again. Never hit him, never cook for him, never love . . . He was so cold . . .so cold . . Cold enough to steal fire . . . He remembered that lesson. Remembered Akane sticking her arms in the fire to try and help him train. Remembered . . . He was cold . . .cold as ice . . .as death. *i,ll wait for you at hachiko* ************************************************* ^Aid station 100 meters ahead. Aid station . . .^ Where . . .was. . .it? Neptune couldn't see . . .maybe they'd moved . . .maybe the enemy . . .Neptune couldn't think. Her dazed mind couldn't comprehend the missing aid station. They must have moved. She had to keep going. She'd promised the princess . . .she'd promised . . .Even a Sailorsenshi had her limits . . .heart and courage could only push flesh and blood so far . . .and no further. Between one soaring stride and the next her body collapsed like a broken doll sliding along the rubble strewn ground. "Michiru-mama! Michiru-mama!" The golden webbing dissolved and gentle hands removed her precious burden. Tenderly other hands turned her face to the sky and began to tend her exhausted and battered body. "r. . .reisan." Hotaru had to lean close to hear the faint whisper. "It's OK, Michiru-mama. We have Reichan. She's safe. I'll take care of her." "good." Neptune breathed the word and closed her eyes. As darkness claimed her a pillar of fire ripped the sky apart . " . . .haruka . . .." ************************************************* "HIRYUU!!" Ranma stepped outside the silver shield turning the ancient spiral dance directly into the hell fire. ************************************************* **I once had a heart Called mine you see But now it has gone From me to you** Misty's husky contralto joined the little girl in song. ************************************************* "SHOUTEN!" Ranma should have died instantly. Burned to ash and less than ash by the fires that God had used to forge eternity. Impossibly he caught the fires . . . Caught them in the last promise he'd made to Akane. ************************************************* "So take good care As I have done For you have two And I have none" Akane's sweet alto swept into the chorus as they dove into the fire. ************************************************* "HAAAAAA!!!" Ranma screamed his loss as he stabbed his fist toward the sky, blasting the torch of fire harmlessly toward heaven and away from those he'd sworn to protect. ************************************************* & i see the moon and the moon sees . . . & ************************************************* Ranma fell, even as he succeeded in pushing aside the fire, overcome by the forces of eternity. He could feel his body shred, bone and muscle unravel, as the merest fraction of that unimaginable power seeped past his guard to rip him apart like wet rice paper. For the first time in his life he gave up. He didn't fight death . . .he welcomed it. Akane had promised to wait . . .by Hachiko. That was a promise for lovers . . .to be faithful forever . . .He could almost see the bronze statue of the loyal akita, still waiting for his person at the train station . . .Could almost see the yellow sun-dress . . .when a silver power rushed through the darkness and swept him back into the light. "Over here. HERE! I found him . . .uh HER!" Sailoruranus looked dazedly down at the petite red-head. "MERCURY!" Uranus screamed again. "I FOUND RANMA!" Stumbling and lurching over the rubble Sailormercury scrambled to Sailoruranus side and dropped gasping beside the unconscious red-headed girl. Hastily she pulled out her computer and began scanning for injuries. "How is he ?" Venus gasped, scrambling up the other side of the rubble mound. "Uh . . .she . ..whatever. How is . . .?" "Extensive bruising. Some burns. Fractured . . ." Mercury trailed off, mumbling to her self as she use her visor to search for hidden injuries. Gasping for breath Sailorjupiter pulled herself up the rubble, dragging Sailormoon behind her. "Y . . .you . . .n . . need to . . .cut . . .out the bean-jam . . .buns . . .Usagi . . ." "B . . .ut . . .they . . .they're . . .so . . .goooood!" The stealthed attack unit had been waiting for this moment. It's targets were exhausted . . .in disarray. Alone of it's fellows it survived to fulfill it's function. Powering it's weapons it burst from the rubble like a monstrous cybernetic scorpion. Enhanced vision could see it's foes turning slowly . . .slowly. Targeting systems locked on the two nearest . . .the one that used lightning and the small one next to it. Those two first. Then the cripple and then . . . Sailoruranus cursed as she swung around clumsily on her crutch. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Hibikisan leap desperately forward . . .see Jupiter's face twist with rage and dawning horror as she realized Usagi's danger . . . Mercury starting to turn away from her patient . . . She could see . . .the black segmented torso explode under a storm of . . .ROSES!!!. "Mamo-chan!!" Sailoruranus followed Usagi's gaze to see a tall young man in top-hat and tails just flaring out his para- sail for a landing. Overhead, invisible in the smoke filled gloom ,she could hear the drone of a plane. "Mamo-chan . . .Mamo-chan." Usagi leapt into her beloved's arms just as he stepped from the parachute harness. He gathered her to him as she lifted her sweet face to his. "Mamo-chan . . .what did you bring me from America!" "Aaaahhhhhh!" Mamoru, Usagi and the rest turned at Sailormercury's cry. "What . . What is it!" Venus dropped to her knees beside her friend. Mercury looked at her computer . . .looked at Venus . . .looked at Ranma . . .then back at her computer. "He . . .he . . . He's PREGNANT!!!" EPILOGUE "Do I look fat?" "Fat?" Chiba Mamoru thought. "Fat. . .my god woman . . .you're HUGE . . .COLOSSAL . . .Imperialist nations are going to colonize you . . .you should be orbiting a distant star . . .you could BE a distant star." Millions of years of evolution . . .survival instinct stored in the reptilian brain leapt to the defense. "Fat . . .no,no,no. Of course not. YOU'RE not fat. The BABY is fat. You . . .you're just skin and bone. Here , have another bean-jam bun." Haruka's lower lip trembled. "I . . .I . . ." she burst into tears. Mamoru cravenly looked for the door. "I wanted . . .ice creammmm!" "Uh . .uh . .uh. . ." "Cravings. They'll get you every time." Mamoru turned at Nabiki's voice. She noted the desperate look in his eye and made some swift upward calculations. "I can help . . .for a small . . .fee." Mamoaru's hand dove for his wallet just as the front door opened. "WE'RE BAAAACK!" Nabiki grimaced at Usagi's cheerful voice and consigned another profit to oblivion. Her fears were confirmed as Usagi, Michiru and Setsuna entered laden with bags of groceries. Setsuna held out an ice-cream cone to Haruka. "Here Harukachan. Just what you asked for. Chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. I kept it cold for you." Haruka looked at the proffered treat and burst into tears. "What . . .what is it?" Setsuna looked desperately unhappy at Haruka's tears. "It . . .it's supposed to be strawberry, VANILLA, chocolate." "Don't's worry, Harukachan." Came Makoto's cheery voice. "I can fix it." "You can?"Haruka sniffled. "Sure. EVERYONE knows you have to put the chocolate last. And the Vanilla in the middle to take away the taste of the strawberry. Come on into the kitchen." Delighted to find someone who understood the importance of ice cream Haruka happily followed Makoto into the kitchen. Michiru rolled her eyes to heaven, shifted her grip on the groceries and trooped into the kitchen followed by Usagi and Setsuna. Usagi reappeared moments latter. "Where's Reichan?" "Where she's been all day." Nabiki replied. "Lying on the couch." Usagi frowned on hearing that and turned to head for her friend. "You didn't tell me about THIS part of it!" Mamoru frowned at the husky , complaining voice. It sounded familiar . . .yet not. He followed Usagi and Nabiki into the next room to see three women standing in a knot. A small, silver haired girl that he recognized as Hotaru was standing nose . . .er . . .to nose with a taller girl. The sailor-fuku worn by the newcomer was gold and scarlet that showed off her impressive muscles to advantage. Long golden Shirley Temple ringlets framed a delicate face and brilliant jade green eyes. "You NEVER , NEVER, EVER told me about . . .this!" The girl jerked the edge of her skirt angrily. "But you said you wanted to be a senshi . . ." Hotaru started to say. "Yeah. And that color looks really good on you!" "Here it comes." Nabiki thought gleefully at Ranma's remark. Surreptitiously she slipped the small camera out of her pocket. Senshi cat-fight pictures should be worth a bundle. "You think?" "Yeah, Ryouga. It brings out the color of your eyes. You're lucky. With this hair." Ranma fingered her red pig-tail. "I can't wear stuff like that. Makes me look all orange." "Well I think you could. . ."Ryouga suddenly seemed to remember his previous grievance and rounded on Hotaru. "You never told me that I was going to turn into a GIRL . . .PERMANENTLY!" "And just what's WRONG with girls?" Hotaru asked dangerously. "I told you that becoming a senshi was like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly." "Uh . . .well . . .uh it's just that . . ." "It's just that you didn't want to get lost any more . . .and you don't. It's just that you wanted your . . . problem . . . with water solved . . .it's solved. It's just that you wanted to belong somewhere . . .and you do." Hotaru stuck her finger in Ryouga's . . .direction. "Now come on. It's time for more training." She turned and stalked out of the room. "Uh . . .training?" Mamoru asked. "Yes. Hotaruchan says it's very important to keep in training for any situation. Right now she's training me to get away from kidnappers." "RYOGAAAA!" "Oooops. Coming Sensei." Ryouga turned to them briefly. "She's VERY strict about training. She says she's going to keep training me until she's satisfied . . .." "RYOOOOOOOGA!!" Nabiki briefly contemplated Ryouga's vanishing form and wondered if she should try to place another camera in the dojo. Before she could come to a decision Shan Pu came into the room, holding a baby in her arms. "Aka-chan fussing. I change diaper. But she still cry." Nabiki winced at the nickname and started to correct the big Amazon's Japanese.. Then she looked again at the infants unhappy expression and closed it again. Aka-chan indeed. "Of course she's crying."Ukyou smiled down at the infant and made silly faces. "Who wouldn't cry . . .with your ugly face staring . ." "UGLY! Spatula girl got some nerve." San Pu fingered the puckered scar than ran across her face with the steel hook that replaced her left hand. "This Amazon beauty mark. From single combat with enemy. Give Akachan GOOD example to live up too. She grow . . ." "She'll grow up with a complex is what." Ukyou countered as Ranma deftly lifted the suddenly cooing infant from Shan Pu's arms. "She's just hungry. That's all." Nabiki was distracted from this domestic scene by a low humming sound. She turned around to see Kasumi appear in the garden in a ball of sparking light. She was wearing a forest green robe and carried a potted plant under one arm. "I'm not late am I?" "No, they haven't shown up . . ." Makoto stuck her head out of the kitchen. "Anybody seen Ami. She was supposed to . . ." "This won't hurt a bit. Please Saotomesan. You promised." The elder Saotome rounded the corner of the garden at flank speed followed closely by Sailormercury who was clutching a fist-full of interestingly sharp steel instruments. "Now Saotomesan . . .we had a deal." "Son . . ."Saotome the elder darted behind his less-than-masculine progeny. "Son, you've got to help your father. That madwoman wants to vivisect me. " "Please don't exaggerate Saotomesan." Mercury appeared suddenly behind the elder Saotome. "I only want a little brain tissue." She held up a cranial burr. "Just a teeny . . .tiny . . .piece. Why you'll hardly miss it." She pressed a button and the saw whined into life. Saotome turned white and dashed off, Mercury in hot pursuit. "Well, she did give him that fish." Nabiki opined. "With rice and THREE pickles." Ranma added. Sailorvenus suddenly stepped through a door that didn't exist from a place with no name with a cat draped over both shoulders. "OH!" Kasumi exclaimed when she saw Venus. "I'm so sorry I'm late. The queen kept me for such a long time over tea. And she gave me this." Smiling brightly Kasumi held out the potted plant, which hissed and drew back in alarm. "It's all right." Kasumi cooed. "These are friends. Let me get you settled." She hurried into the kitchen and Nabiki could hear her talking with Makoto. "Reichan. You've go to do your exercises if you're going to get better." Distracted, Nabiki turned from the kitchen to see Usagi kneeling by the couch where Hino Rei lay with her face to the wall. "Come on Rei. Laying around all day isn't good for you." "You don't understand. None of you do." "I know you've got some silly Shinto thing about being unclean or unholy or un-something if you die without all your parts or something like that." "Silly!" Rei rolled over, clumsy with only one arm, and faced Usagi. Her eyes were puffy from crying and her unwashed hair lay lank and greasy across her face. "It's not silly. Just because YOU are too stupid to . . .why didn't you just let me die?" Rei's voice was filled with self-loathing and despair as she fingered the empty sleeve pinned across her chest. Usagi looked at her friend for a moment, then her lips thinned as her face took on a hard, set look. "OK, HINO-san. I didn't want to do this. But you leave me no choice." Rei looked up, shocked by the cold tone and was doubly shocked when two strong arms grabbed her. With only one arm, and weakened by weeks of inactivity, she was no match as Usagi thrust her against the back of the couch, ruthlessly kissing her, 'till she was cross-eyed and breathless. "Now then" Usagi continued in the same cold tone. "You ARE going to do your exercises." Numbly, Rei nodded her assent. "And you ARE going take your medicine." Rei nodded. "AND" Usagi continued awfully ." You ARE going to let me read your new manga." Usagi snatched the unread bundle of magazines that were laying beside the couch. Rei nodded automatically, then stopped. "HEY! I haven't read those yet." She glared after her retreating friend. "Usagiiiiii!" She scrambled clumsily off the couch and lurched after her friend. "Well, that's one way to motivate . . ." Nabiki stopped in mid thought as Kasumi called to her. "Yes Oneesama? "Nabiki, if the Moon Queen calls . .. " Nabiki stepped quickly into the kitchen. "Oneesama" She said with exaggerated patience. "You are the ONLY person in the entire world who understand those . . .lizards. . ." Kasumi interrupted. "Oh, no. They're not at all like lizards. They're actually more like . . ." "I don't care if they're related to . . .I don't care if they . . .. It's just that NO ONE but YOU can understand them. So if the 'MOON QUEEN' does call, just how am I supposed to UNDERSTAND . . ." "She's really very nice. It's just that I promised her some plum preserves and I forgot. So if she calls about them, I put them on the third shelf, on the left. Next to the spices." Nabiki put her head in her hands It was useless. Useless. She didn't understand the world anymore. Ryouga was a sailorsenshi. Her sister flitted back and forth visiting the moon like she was going next door to borrow a cup of sugar. ". . .won't hurt much." Nabiki turned toward the sound to see Sail . . .no it was Haruka . . .Ten'ou Haruka in this . . .form. Looking like a beached whale . . .a pregnant beached whale, Haruka reclined, not to say lounged in a newly bought, over stuffed chair . . .her face buried in her ice-cream like a tick on a hound-dog. Curled on the floor beside her was Pluto . . . Nabiki shook her head again trying to keep all the new names and face's straight. Not Pluto . . .Setsuna, . . .Meiou Setsuna. "It's very nice here. Everybody is excited about you coming. And I don't have to stay at . . ." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I don't have to stay THERE anymore. Usagisama says that nobody has to stay there forever anymore. I'm just an . . .advisor. And I have my own room here with the rest of the senshi and . . ." Nakiki shuddered. Sai . . .Setsuna followed Haruka around like a shadow . . .talking to the extraordinarily pregnant Haruka's belly and LISTENING as if . . . "Of course I'll be there to catch you. . .I'll never leave you again." "Have you seen my Time Staff." Nabiki heard her sister rummaging through a closet and thankfully turned away from the unnerving scene. "I think you were using it to prop open . . ." "Oh, here it is. Thank you Makoto." Kasumi popped her head out of the kitchen and waggled her fingers at Minako. "I'll be with you in a minute. Just let me make some sandwiches to take with me. And has anyone seen my book?" "What's it look like, Kasumisan." Usagi asked breathlessly as she darted into the room. "It's a big paperback . . ." "Has it got this big hunk on the front with no shirt and this woman with a tremendous . . .attitude . . .falling out of her clothes?" "That's it!" Kasumi exclaimed happily. "I think Haruka's reading it." Makoto said. "Oh! Well, that's alright. There are always plenty of people to talk to." Nabiki shivered at her sisters cheerful tone. Usagi and the senshi had decided that the guardian of the Time Gate should be rotated on a regular basis. Right now, eligible guardians were limited to the senshi Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, Sailormoon . . . and her sister Kasumi. Kasumi actually seemed to LIKE the gate. Nabiki had screaming nightmares for weeks after her one brief visit. Sailorpluto was exempt from duty on the gate. Privately Nabiki thought the former guardian belonged in a padded room, with lots and lots and LOTS of good drugs. But she hadn't been consulted. And so far the former senshi seemed content to follow the very pregnant Haruka around and use her time powers for things like keeping ice-cream cold. "Usagiii!" Nabiki watched as Usagi dashed behind Mamoru. "You'll protect me, won't you Mamo-chan?" Chiba Mamoru looked down at his beloved princess, then up at the senshi of fire, bearing down on them like a lava flow. "Ummm. Will you look at the time. I'm late for a meeting with the reconstruction board." He dropped a brief kiss on Usagi's lips. "I'll see you later." "Cowarrrrrrrd" Usagi called after her craven prince. Then she turned to face Rei. "Heh, heh, heh. Uh, HI, Reichan. Eeeeeeep!" Usagi squealed as Rei lunged for her and Usagi twisted aside only because Hino Rei lacked two good arms. Usagi dashed for the outside, with Rei close behind. There was a sudden ,loud splash and Rei reentered the room in triumph with a soaked Usagi squishing in behind her. "NO fairrrrr Reichan. You cheated!" Nabiki shook her head, then turned to Shan Pu and Ukyou who were cooing over the infant contentedly nursing at Ranma's breast. Nabiki closed her eyes against a sudden stabbing pain. This was worst of all. A domestic, MATERNAL Ranma. Nabiki shuddered. "Come on Akanechan. Eat it all up. So you'll grow up big and strong." Nabiki couldn't stand it anymore. "How do you KNOW that's really Akane. OUR Akane." Even having seen the Silver Crystal . . .and Eternal Moon and . . .everything. Knowing that both Ranma and Haruka had been made pregnant by the crystal. Seeing the preternatural growth of the infant 'Akane'. Even when . . .Princess . . .no Usagi. When Usagi had assured them that the baby was Akane . . .and Misty and . . .another. But when Nabiki had pressed her for an answer on HOW she knew . . . Usagi had just grinned while Makoto muttered something about "old habits" and "showoff". Ranma seemed absolutely confident that the infant was Akane . . .and the baby did seem to recognize him . . .her . . .him . . .whatever sex Ranma chose. "How do you KNOW?" Nabiki repeated. "Well, she eats like the original. Pretty soon she'll be as fat as the original." Ranma grinned up at Nabiki then yowled and yanked the infant loose from her breast. There was a popping sound as the baby broke suction. "She BIT me." Ranma accused, dangling the baby in front of her. "Well, you deserve it, telling her she's going to get fat." Ukyou scolded. "Spatula girl right. Should never say things like that. Could give helpless child complex." Shan Pu shoved a velvet hammer-shaped plush toy into the happily squealing infants hands. "Here. Bash stupid Ranma for saying bad things." The baby grabbed the toy delightedly and began flailing away at Ranma's head. "'anma, 'anam,'anma." The baby burbled happily. "'anma, 'anma,'anma!" "Hey, she said my name." Nabiki's jaw dropped. "'anma no BAKA. Baka,baka,baka!" "That's my Akane!" Ranma beamed proudly as the infant girl happily whapped him over the head. There was a knock at the door and Nabiki thankfully used the distraction to escape. This was all too much. Her big sister was best friends with an alien queen living on the moon, and one of the guardians of the time gate. Her baby sister really was a baby and the reincarnation of a hundred thousand year old super weapon.. Nabiki rubbed her temples. She was getting another of her headaches. She trudged to answer the door before Setsuna could pull some "magic" elixir from thin air or Usagi sprouted wings and blasted her with healing light or . . . .Kamisama deliver her from Minako!! And the time storms! Nabiki hurried on to the front door. They'd left behind so much chaos. Viking long boats off the coast of Europe, dinosaurs roaming middle Asia. It was all too much for her. A gentle rapping came again just as she slid open the door. A slender woman with soft brown eyes stood in the entrance. "M . . .mama?" END Furies Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. ^_^ End notes: 1) Japanese terms: nanpa: flirt (actually somewhat stronger depending on context. Indicates a girl of "easy virtue") 2) naginata fighting End Furies Chapters 1-13 578 KB