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SAYA no Sekai!

Thanks for looking at my webpage, it's not very good yet cuz I just started it, but after awhile it should look AWESOME!!! By the way, ANIME RULES!!! ~Saya

Ah, yes... Saya's website... NYAHA! Hey, hey, this is her chickie friend, webmistress of the (under construction) "Daughter and Sirius... Forever! ^^" web page, dedicated to Sorcerer Hunters... You can just call me Ringo... So yeah. Anyways, she wanted me to come in and update her site cuz she sucks at it and is apparently too lazy to do so herself! *Sticks her tongue out at Saya* Nyah nyah!...But anyway... Enough of my babbling... I guess I'll have some fun with this!! ^_^ (Be afraid, Saya... Be VERY VERY afraid...) --Ringo

Hi, everyone! I finally updated MYSELF!!! Yes, Ringo, I am too lazy. Well, hmmm... you're really nice, Ringo! Well, I think I'm gonna go see if I can find some stuff to put on this site. I'm finally starting to get the hang of HTML (and I spent two weeks in computers learning about it) ~Saya

Wow, she actually did something on her own... rotfl... But in any case... I'm waiting for Saya to tell me to put something up or whatever... *looks at her*...o.o... Saya... you have um... Something on your face...

YOUR NOSE!! XDDDDDD *Falls off her chair laughing*... See ya for now! --Ringo

Hey everyone, it's me again... gosh it's been so long since I have been on this one. I've been so busy I haven't had time to update... but I am updating so I can have al my information for my birthday online and available to those shy people who don't like to ask. Well, guess I better start setting that up. Okay, so the "GUESTBOOK" is where you can RSVP, it's all set up to work that way. Then there will be a link to my other site where you can read about the party if you lost your invitation. Jaa ne


P.S. Ya know what... it took me 10 minutes to figure out why my text wasn't showing up the right color... and it was because on the HTML, I forgot one stupid space... ahh, oh well, I guess that's just me (remember my clumsy-ness the other day, Nara... heh heh heh...)

HEY EVERYONE, IT'S SAYA (Hee-hee, that's me)... okay I'm in a weird mood right now. I HAVE A NEW WEBPAGE... It's "". There's nothing there yet, but once Nara (my new assistant, but don't worry, Ringo's still my friend, but she doesn't work on this anymore)and I get together and talk things over, it'll be looking pretty awesome... well, lots of English HMWK... SEE YA!!!

~Luv: The totally awesome and amazing webmistress, Sayiana~

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Some Places to Check Out... Why? BECAUSE I SAY SO!

*~For ASD students: Check your grades and get your schedule...~*
*~Make your OWN webpage (don't forget to tell me)~*
*~My friend Cassandra's page! (It's really cool)~*
*~My assistant Ringo's, (Under construction) Sorcerer Hunters web page!! It's all dedicated to Daughter and Sirius!~*
*~Nara and Saya's (that's me) webpage... still being created-_-;~*
*~My AOL webpage... not very interesting at the moment, but still... check it out~*

Top Three Anime Series, IMO
