You know you watch to much sailor moon when...

1. You name your computer Ami 2. You go and buy dish soap jst so you can blow bubbles while saying, "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST" 3. You stand out side in the middle of a storm and every time you hear thunder you yell, "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH" 4. You buy a black cat, that you name Luna, and are always are looking for a cresent moon on her forehead. 5. When the teacher in class asks you to name the planets you say, "Ami, Rei, Lita, Mina, Haruka, Michelle, Hataru, and Setsuna. 6. Every time you hear 'Dude looks like a lady' you can't help think about Zoyisite or FishEye. 7. Every time you see a red sports car, you can't help but wonder if Neflite is driving. 8. When ever a new store opens up you wonder if it is another trap by the NegaVerse. 9. You dess up like a Sailor Scout or Villan for Halloween. 10. You spend hours at the mirror trying to put your hair in meatballs. 11. Every time you see a cat clock you open up the back to see if any light will fly out. 12. You buy a poster of the planets just because it has their symbols on it. 13. Everytime you eat you look around to make sure Sernea will not try and steal it from you. 14. You start singing the Sailor Moon theme song in the middle of a crowd just to see if there are any fellow Moonies there. 15. You start a Sailor Moon Fanclub at your school. 16. You try to transform into your favitore Scout. 17. You see same characteristics of the Scouts in your friends. 18. You learn Japanese as your second langage just so you can see Sailor Moon in the original verison and understand it. (I am doing this one) 19. You watch one of the three movies or taped episodes on the weekend so you do not go into withdrawl. 20. You can find all of the bluppers in the episodes or movies. 21. You can name all the differences between the English and Japanese versions. 22. You know what a Moonie is. 23. You have done some of these. 24. You go into the navy just so you can be a Sailor. 25. Too much Sailor Moon? There's no such thing!!